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Thread: Leon Adalbert

  1. #1
    EXP: 1,862, Level: 1
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next level: 138
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next level: 138
    Leon Adalbert's Avatar

    Leon Adalbert
    Hair Color
    Dirty Blonde
    Eye Color
    6'0" / 149 lb.
    Swashbuckling Merchant

    View Profile

    Leon Adalbert

    Out of Character:
    This is a mid-level update, following activity in the FQ To Rule All Flesh, seven years of inactivity on this account, and a change in the rules for the site. Equipment updates are noted in red, and as the delineation between skills and abilities did not exist at this character's original registration, all abilities are NEW.

    Name: Leon Adalbert
    Age: 27
    Race: Human
    Ethnicity: Alerian
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 149 lb.
    Hair: Dirty Blonde
    Eye: Blue

    Appearance: Leon Adalbert is a handsome man, with dirty-blonde hair well coifed, and eyes of blue. He often wears a white button shirt under his green tunic, with black pants cleaving at the bottom-front of each leg for maneuverability as well as style. His boots are a similar color to his pants, though they are made of a dark leather. He wears a leather coat with small studs of brass on the shoulders. The sleeves are unbuttoned from the elbow to the wrist, letting the cloth hang loosely and flow behind him as he moves. To protect his hands, he wears gloves of a dark leather, similar to his boots but softer and more pliable for full use of his fingers.

    Personality: Leon is a charming and witty man, preferring to defuse any tension with a bit of humor, but not hesitating to draw his blade when challenged. He loves the opportunity to impress, and will do most anything with a bit of a flourish. He has a soft spot in his heart for women, especially the graceful dark elves. He cannot seem to stop moving, often flipping a dagger in his hand when excited, or fingering the pommel of his rapier when agitated or nervous.

    History: Leon Adalbert was born to a wealthy merchant family in Alerar. His father was known for the dwarven wares he stocked, having a deal with a group of dwarves in the Kachuk mountains. As such, Leon grew up in the lap of luxury, never really having to do much work of his own and relying on his charm and wit to get what he was after. Like many of the dark elven nobility and human wealthy, he was trained in swordplay and how to weild a pistol. His life has been fairly easy until now, though of late he has been experiencing a sort of "itch" for risk and intrigue.

    Fighting Style
    Light Sword Proficiency
    Leon is trained and highly skilled in the use of rapiers, cutlasses, dirks, knives, and other light blades.
    Firearm Proficiency
    Leon has learned the usefulness of a firearm in combat, and is highly skilled with such weapons.

    Leon is twice as agile as the average human.
    Inspired Haggler
    Leon is his father's son, and as such has learned the tricks of trade. Through a combination of mercantile connections and crafty consumerism, Leon is able to procure a 5% discount on unenchanted items and equipment. If he buys an enchanted item, the non-magical component is discounted by 5%.
    My Bullets Runneth Over
    Leon's connections amongst the merchants of Alerar, and his status as heir to the Adalbert family, allow him access to supply chains unavailable to most. He begins every thread with ten lead bullets, and never worries over his remaining gunpowder stores.

    Leon owns a rapier of steel, given to him by his father when he had shown particular aptitude for swordplay. The pommel features a leather wrapped grip and a golden-colored steel handguard, as well as a single blue sapphire set in the base. He carries this blade strapped to his left hip.
    Leon knows the usefulness of a smaller blade in day-to-day affairs, as well as in a brawl, where a rapier's movement is limited. Therefore, he carries a small steel-bladed dirk with a leather grip strapped to his right thigh.
    A flintlock pistol named for its wielder's favorite bloom. The functional portions are made of steel, though it is decoratively encased in wood. The base of the handle is a knob, preventing it from falling easily from a loose grasp, and there is a filigreed plate of iron stamped on either side of the barrel, where the hammer access sits. Any time that Lily is fired without a bullet, but with powder in the gun, it instead shoots a blast of air that can throw an opponent back a couple of feet. (Earned here. Enchanted here.)

    Lead Bullets
    Leon has a collection of ten lead bullets for his pistol. See 'My Bullets Runneth Over.'
    Leon has a pouch filled with gunpowder. See 'My Bullets Runneth Over.'

    Signet Ring
    Leon wears a small ring on his right ring finger featuring a single blue sapphire, matching the gem on his rapier, as a symbol of his status as a member of a merchant family.
    Last edited by Leon Adalbert; 03-22-15 at 05:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Level completed: 46%,
    EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Hysteria's Avatar

    Remedy Blue

    We've had some changes to the discount abilities, are you able to bring it down to 5% rather than 10?

  3. #3
    EXP: 1,862, Level: 1
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next level: 138
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next level: 138
    Leon Adalbert's Avatar

    Leon Adalbert
    Hair Color
    Dirty Blonde
    Eye Color
    6'0" / 149 lb.
    Swashbuckling Merchant

    View Profile
    Yes sir! Done.

  4. #4
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Level completed: 46%,
    EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Hysteria's Avatar

    Remedy Blue

    Ok, you're approved.

    The two abilities, the discount and starting with bullets are quite unique, things might change in the future, but for now I'll put it through.

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