The callous attitude young Jack Frost had for the illusions of the arena made Zack smile. Someone with such apathy would fit right along in the street fighters army of obedient, sentient muscle heads. Many more villagers huddled around the elderly gentleman that now smelled of burned hair and flesh while some good samaritans even tried to make an effort to put out the last flame remnants with blankets. As the commoners tended to the increasing number of fatalities, Jack dashed forward with an azure blade.

The ice was exactly the reason why Blaze chose the cold blooded hot head into his fold. With the control over water, and more importantly moisture, the brawler had someone who could one day be on par with Ashla Icebreaker. The mere thought of the Eiskalt princess made goosebumps rise upon the skin of the master manipulator. One day, he would smash the heir's head in with his own fists, and prove once and for all he was a better fighter than she could ever hope to be. That would be a long time from now, however, and Zack knew he needed to focus on his current opponent.

The dual blades tried to strike at two different areas; the mercenary wanted to end the battle quickly with a fatal blow from the outset. He jumped backwards as the first slash with the ice sword flew by and met with air, he ducked during the second slash and the attempt to run his neck through with the dagger. He smiled as he reared a fist behind him from his crouched position. Close combat was exactly what Zack Blaze needed to win the match quickly. As Jack tried to recover from his three hit strike, the brawler jettisoned up with his fist. The warriors patented Scene Stealing Uppercut would most likely launch the frosty foe into a nearby disease ridden hut if it connected.

"Stupidity and idiocy are two different things, frosty balls. Stupidity can not be fixed, but I hope to cure you of your being an idiot!"