The tall, bronze, Hierophant appeared seemingly out of nowhere carrying several rolls of paper and books. The scholar grinned as his assistant set them down on the table before the two before vanishing once more.

“Where did he?” Ray paused. “Do you do the questions thing like Leona?” Vincent laughed and ran a free hand through his long hair, pushing it out of his face.

“No, I hate that rule actually.” The scholar replied as he grabbed a scroll with his free hand and brought his other hand back to the table to smooth out the rolled out piece of parchment. On it was an incredibly detailed map of what Rayleigh assumed to be the island they were sitting on.

“This,” Vincent exclaimed with a grin, “Is the island of Vostr.” Whilst holding one hand on the paper the scholar reached into his pocket and produced several small stones to set on each corner of the map. “Every time I've read of this island in ancient texts, it’s referred to as the island of the immortals.”

“The island of immortals?” Rayleigh asked leaning forward. This very conversation reminded her of the first time she encountered the scholar. Buried in books with maps scattered about. “Why is it called that?”

“Because as far as my excavations and explorations have shown this island is devoid of burial grounds. Not a crypt or corpse to be seen anywhere. Hell there aren’t even animal bones on this island save the livestock we’ve slaughtered.” The scholar replied. His hand danced over the lines of the map as his sapphire eyes scanned for what he was looking for. After a moment and snapped his fingers and pointed to a symbol on the center of the island.

“This,” he muttered excitedly, “Is a very peculiar symbol. All of my studies seem to point to it meaning ‘Paradise’ or ‘the afterlife.”

“Ok so why haven’t you explored there yet?” the mechanic inquired as she followed his finger.

“Because it’s locked with…can you guess what I’m going to say?”

“It’s got a machine blocking your path.” Ray responded sinking into her chair slightly. “You need me to use my vision powers to open it don’t you?”

The scholar nodded as he folded his arms over her chest. “Yes, yes we do. However you’re more than just a key to the gate Ray. Once inside who knows what sort of ancient machines we’ll find for you to study.”

Ray perked up slightly as he mentioned machinery. “What makes you think there will be anything of value inside of it?” she asked cocking her head to the side.

“Because why would you go to all of the trouble to lock the damn thing up if you didn't have anything to protect?”