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Thread: Aephyr Lucius Valentinius

  1. #1

    Aephyr Lucius Valentinianus
    Hair Color
    Golden Blonde
    Eye Color
    Dark Blue
    5'5" / 121 lbs

    View Profile

    Aephyr Lucius Valentinius

    Name: Aephyr Lucius Valentinius
    Age: 19
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: Low for his age and Height
    Occupation: N/A
    Personality: Overly Serious and incredibly focused,

    A High born boy from somewhere (He refuses to let any of this information be released) whom, due to being weaker than most, spent most of his life studying. The boy learned everything from mathematics to the deepest darkest secrets of history. One day his great thirst for Knowledge brought him upon a very old book that a merchant from Fallien was trading. The Merchant claimed the book had been found in some lost Ruins and was now sold to Aephyr. When Aephyr opened the book, he realized that every 3 pages or so, the language changed, sometimes in mid sentence. To counter this, Aephyr spent much of his youth learning that ancient and modern languages of the world, decoding the book. Valentinius did this until he understood enough: Which was to focus his body's resources of Energy, Stamina, and Strength in order to use his mind as a weapon of destruction. Of course, throughout his life the boy was eternally burdened with being forced to learn many of the other things the noble boy's and girl's of the land (including his siblings) were forced to learn. At intervals of times, The boy would have to put the books and quills down to learn things to like of Riding Horses, Fighting with a sword, Dancing, writing music, Shooting with both bow and crossbow, and the many other "Lordly" Chores that the parents forced the young scholar to do. He was never very good at many of them. There were a few where in a contest he might win with enough effort, but only because of great practice. Other then that, In the more strength based ones, Aephyr always finished last or did horrible at the training of them. After his father had learn this, He left the youngest of his 14 Children, Aephyr, to his own devices for most of the time, with the exception of a few days a week to practice those skills once more, just so that in the event Aephyr was challenged, he wouldn't disgrace the surname Valentinius.

    Throughout his life, the boy began to pick up an aura of magic that was so scarce in the world, Aephyr himself hadn't realized he had possessed it until he tested it several times a day. That was the power of mesmerization. The boy was able to use a sort of voice magic that could take hold of the desires of those he spoke to, and if he wanted, twist them to serve his own medicore ends. It never went greater than mundane things like "Tell me about ______" Or "Bring me that item". Nonetheless, it was useful to Aephyr when he was deep in study and had no time to get up and do such paltry things.

    Of course, His father being polygamous led to Aephyr's own liking of women and in his teens, the constant lust for them. eventually he had honed his Voice skill enough to lure such femlaes into doing tasks for him, but nothing overly serious, for the magic was not that powerful, he never got any further than medicore signs of false affection. Nonetheless, it was better than nothing.

    Appearance: Deathly pale, And Tall, but not very healthy looking in the means of wight, Aephyr stands almost looking like a man who's dead already.


    Language Scholar and Linguist: Throughout his life, Aephyr's studies have given him the tools he needs to be greatly fluent in many languages, and the Building Blocks in order to be Fluent in more. He is more the able to break down phrases (Such as poems or Haiku) in order to get their real meanings, same can go for the etymology of words.

    Silver Tongue: Through much of his life, Aephyr was put in one stick situation after another. Of course, being Physically lacking as he was, the boy needed another way out of most if not all those situations, His voice.

    Focus - With great time alone and in silence, Even in noise Aephyr is mostly able to block out most if not all distractions around him in order to focus on a single objective, item, or person, if the situation so calls for it.


    Mind Over Matter - With a current four uses, that may be used for any of the other abilities in Aephyr's possession, every Sun rise, The boy consumes portions the resources of his body, Such as Strength, Waking Energy, Stamina and of the like in order to perform his other abilities. Over use of any skill can be fatal.

    Mind preview - If the boy is within Fifteen meters of someone and has direct eye contact, He can then use Mind Over Matter to convert a portion of his body's resources in order to see into that person's thought for a few moments (Roughly five seconds) This can occur for as long as he has Mind Over Matter Resources (IE, If I use this twice, It takes two uses from Mind over Matter)

    Mesmerizing Speech: Aephyr, upon using Mind Over Matter Resources, consumes portions of his body's resources in order to cloud his voice in a thought changing and desire invoking voice for a total of five seconds. This can be used to get individuals to do minor or mediocre tasks.

    (I plan for both these abilities' uses to be determined by how many Mind Over Matter Uses I have left. Example: If I use Mind Preview 3 times in one day, I have one more use that I can then use to do Mesmerizing Speech, or any combination of the 4 uses I so desire. Once out of Mind Over Matter Uses, I cannot perform any of the above abilities)

    Forced to carry an iron gladius around by Lord Valentinius and Lady Valentinius
    Last edited by Aephyr; 05-26-15 at 07:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Level completed: 46%,
    EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Hysteria's Avatar

    Remedy Blue

    Howdy, can you add in something in Mind Over Matter about the four uses?

    Also, can you specify that the gladius is made of iron?

  3. #3

    Aephyr Lucius Valentinianus
    Hair Color
    Golden Blonde
    Eye Color
    Dark Blue
    5'5" / 121 lbs

    View Profile
    Fixes have been attempted. However, as for your first comment, If I have not fixed the issue, I have no idea what you mean xD

  4. #4
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Level completed: 46%,
    EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Hysteria's Avatar

    Remedy Blue

    Sorry for the delay, I wasn't able to get on yesterday.

    This looks good, I thought it was worth specifying in Mind over Matter that he can absorb and use his abilities four times.

    You're good to go!


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