"Polio," the Alerian physician said matter-of-factly.

"What the hell is polio," Logan responded.

The doctor moved over to a large book, opened it and then blew away the dust. His fingers slid along the pages until he found the one he was looking for labeled 'polio'. The psion scooted closer and peered down at the text.

"A small portion of the population experience headaches, fevers, neck stiffness, vomiting, diarrhea, and pain in the arms and legs," Logan read aloud from the page.

"No known treatment," the doctor responded as he closed his book with a thud.

The psion took a deep breath, "How long does he have, doc?"

The lab coat wearing physician gave him a look of confusion.

"Oh, my dear sir, polio isn't fatal. It is just a nuisance."

Logan breathed a sigh of relief as he chuckled, "Thank goodness! If you heard his screams of agony the other day you'd swear he was going to die."

The doctor smiled and nodded, "Very common, indeed. It can make walking or moving rather troublesome, but so long as they take the prescription I've provided they will be good as new within the next couple of weeks."

At least Logan knew Vince would be okay now. Still, he had to make sure the Emperor of the Tarot Hierarchy took his medicine, otherwise another episode could easily spell his death.