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Thread: Thrills and some Excitement and Adventure. [Closed]

  1. #1
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    Thrills and some Excitement and Adventure. [Closed]

    (Moderator note: continued after these events: Shrills and takes place approximately two-three months after those events. Closed to Kayla.)

    The campfire was burned logs quietly as it lit up the air around it.

    It was night time at that point, and Creno Valour had made a friend. As a member of The Tarot, he'd still needed to earn his stripes and become a "major arcana". For the time being though, Creno was focused on training his newly found friend. The clearing they camped in seemed relatively less dangerous than most of the Red Forest itself was. Which was quite a welcome change of pace, Creno oft ran packages from town to town for weeks on end. It was very unlikely he would ever stop his chosen duties. The mail had to be delivered. Regardless of what disasters struck the land.

    Creno was cooking his and the girl's meal very carefully over the campfire. It was glowing with contained ferocity and painted a beautiful colour in the night time air. Creno was a big man, further, though he appeared as a Hume...he was not one of them. He was known as an Off-Worlder. His origins lay in the distant stars of the known universe. Creno often looked up at the night sky and wondered how his people fared. He knew as was Saenorakym Prime tendencies, some opted to stay on Althanas and forge relations with the natives. Creno was amongst those that stayed. Creno's people were a star faring lot. They travelled in massive star chariots, capable of faster than light speed. This allowed them to travel to many planets across the ages of time, and learn from everything they found.

    Creno's parents oft told him about the well of genes on their star ship.

    Creno was too young at that time to remember those events of his past.

    But he was pure-bred Saenorakym Prime. Creno had been bathed with the light of the well of genes. The prime technological wonder of The Prime. The Prime used their glowing gene pools to take out unwanted, or undesirable traits of their offspring. They were gene manipulators...and damned good ones at that. Each generation was born with enhanced characteristics, and cleansed so that they would be ever beneficial to The Prime. It was their way. Science was the answer, not ancient gods or trickery of the mind. Through science perfect unity with the genetic sample of The Prime could be achieved. And in such a way, Creno's culture thrived. Creno fell in love with Althanas and opted to leave his people behind to usher Althanas a new age of prosperity and glory.

    Those thoughts, thoughts of home were on Creno's mind.

    To The Saenorakym Prime, home was the very star ocean itself. They would travel it's reaches on a massive exodus until one day...they would return to where it all began. The Prime's home-world. It was located somewhere in a distant quadrant of space itself. Althanas was one spec of a world in the massive ocean of stars. It was all connected to the gene pool of the Seanorakym Prime, one of the oldest known races. One of the first of the star travelers.

    Creno's eyes were twinkling as he cooked the meal for himself and his companion.

    She was the quiet sort, but he liked that about her. He already viewed the redhead girl as a friend and an ally. Creno would gladly walk by her side. His eyes were narrowed as he looked ahead, thinking of the next move. There was a parcel he needed to deliver but that could wait. Over time, he'd agreed to train the red-head girl in survival and combat. He would teach her everything that he possibly could to make his job of protecting her go much easier.

    Creno was cooking their recent kill over the campfire.

    It was a massive boar like creature and it had a thick hide about it, which meant succulent meat. Creno had picked up the skill necessary to cook various styles of meals on his adventures. He was teaching those skills to the girl as well.

    "Now the trick is not to burn the meat, but a proper mixture of cooking and tenderness to the meat is what is desired. You want to remove any pink from the meat as it cooks. Meat has a lot of protein and other valuable minerals that are healthy for the body to consume." Creno explained, he was speaking just to keep the girl entertained.

    That was part of where he sometimes missed having John present. The other warrior had to attend other business for a time, so they were currently in the Red Forest alone. Creno would protect the girl with his very life if need be. He was thinking about many things that needed to get done. For the time being, cooking dinner was the primary concern.

    "The forest is alive with resources and provides us with everything we need to survive. As long as you know how to find and harvest the resources, you will be adequate to survive." Creno said casually he was thinking back to his time spent in Scara Brae and everything he had learned there. He was also thinking back to basic Prime training.

  2. #2
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    loves.blessing.'s Avatar

    McKinley JoAnne Parish
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    McKinley had met two of the strangest begins in Althanas but they were her newly found friends maybe, she pondered the thought of actually having people that cared for her. For crying out loud the girl had never even been kissed because of how terrified of being around people and being social she was, most called it a disorder but she was all but happy not to address that there was something wrong with her finding comfort in the solitude of being by herself. Letting her mind wonder off into space as she day dreamt of being kissed what it felt like to have another persons lips on her own. Absent mindedly she touched her plush pink lips ever so lightly as a small rare smile danced across her lips.

    Her dark crystal blue hues watched as the fire danced excitedly and lapped at the flesh of the animal, the smell was intoxicating as she snapped out of the day dream looking at her newly found ally, friend however you would define this strange relationship. She wasn't at all sure why the male had all but told her that he was going to teach her how to defend herself and teach her about living off the land around them but she wasn't going to argue. She could still remember how the gentleman had killed the boar like animal and its screams had filled the air around them before the male had finished it off and silenced it. Her heart had started thumping with fear and excitement at the death of the beast. She had things die before but never honestly for a meaning like to eat it. She was awed with the entire process but her stomach turned at the thought of her ever ending something's life like her companion did. The night time along with the fire made her red locks come to life with color, the shadows and lights casted off their surroundings danced along her hair.

    Having been transfixed on the flames she snapped to attention when the man spoke to her about preparing the meat of the hog. Nodding as if to say she understood his directions. A sigh parted her lips as she drummed her fingers on her thighs that were incased in a tight leather black pants that went with the rest of her attire a white tank top and black heeled boots and a black leather jacket that hugged her frame. The sleeves pushed a quarter of the way up exposing her freckled ivory skin. Her long red locks cascaded down in waves just past her shoulder blades as she hummed gently to herself trying to show that she wasn't bored with the cooking lesson. It wasn't that she was bored more or less just that she wasn't sure how to still be around other people even though she has been around this man for three months or so she still felt as if she wasn't sure how to act. She knew that she could trust this man with her life since he had protected her before and she had just been a complete stranger than.

    The they were missing part of their gang the overly large man named John she looked at the empty spot where he would have been seated around the fire with them before looking back at Creno as he spoke to her. Catching her bottom lip in between her teeth she knew that the entire point of this training was that eventually she would have to kill something to survive if she ever had to but still thinking about her ending a creatures life made her stomach turn dangerously. Her hands started to shake involuntarily as she squeezed them shut, "Renren what if...what if I can't kill something to survive..." Her voice was silky and soft as she spoke the words at a fast pace almost if she was just trying to spit them out before she lost her nerve to speak. Casting her dark crystal blue gaze from the male's face to the ground now almost if she were ashamed of what she had just said.

  3. #3
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    The question lingered in the air for a long moment.

    Creno was thinking of an adequate answer, one that might better suit a person of his friend's current stature.

    She still is young yet and has not had to fight like I have...perhaps she is not suitable for the front-lines? Creno thought about that very real possibility for a long moment. Creno frowned but not because of what the innocent girl had said, but because of his own bloodied existence. He considered the constant battles he was thrust in. Am I not that different from one of those savage monsters? The thought did occur to him that there was very few differences from his own star bound race than the native monsters of Althanas. The thought disturbed Creno for a moment and made his spine grow cold.

    He shook his head a few minutes later, deep in thought.

    "McKinley." Creno spoke her name with a soft and endearing respect. "You don't have to ever do something you don't want to do. I will protect you. With my very life if the hour ever fell upon us." Creno said truthfully.

    When it came to protecting those sentient races of the worlds they stumbled upon, Prime folks oft developed protector stances when it came to the native species of other worlds.

    Creno thought about what it meant to be a Prime.

    He sometimes wondered why it was that the girl, now his charge, always followed him everywhere. At first it made him just a little uncomfortable, but the natural way that he'd saved her alongside John just felt like the right thing to do. Creno watched the meat they were eating slow cook for a long time to a moderate roast. It smelled delicious, and Creno was very hungry. He had long since explained to her that the meats they cooked oft came from animals and beasts of the wild land. His people, that is the Prime, trained at an early age to survive off the wild lands.

    Creno was eating some of the flank of the boar-like monster he'd killed earlier with his bare hands.

    The thought dawned on him again.

    Am I no different from the Monsters...? He wondered that to himself but did not voice his concerns. He merely ate along side his friend as they shared a quiet moment out in the wilderness. Creno had set up some dishes, he'd always traveled across the land in a prepared sort of way. His job as a wandering courier oft lead him to distant parts of the nation.

    Creno considered the proposition at hand.

    "My job is a risky one, but not as bad as the soldiering business." Creno explained. "I'm hoping I can show you the ropes and teach you how to better defend yourself. But if you are unable to learn how to fight, there are other jobs you can pursue that require less violence." Creno saw her being the scholarly magician type; oft researching her spells arcana. He liked the idea of that, picturing her in her Magus robes and pointy hat. The thought amused Creno and made him laugh.

    Then he suddenly became very serious. His face shifted from his usually jovial state, to a more complex emotion. His eyes narrowed and he looked in the general direction of the girl. "I wish I could actually teach you the Arcane arts myself. But alas, I've never been the bookish type. I have a few contacts with a Mage Guild in one of the nearby settlements. Perhaps they may be able to help you more than I could?" Creno considered that possibility as he spoke to her. He saw it in the girl's eyes...she had power lurking somewhere within that frail shell. A power that could someday change Althanas for the better.

    Creno would be the first to hide his growing emotions and feelings towards the girl.

    He knew she also favoured John.

    Either way though, as long as he would walk alongside her person...he would protect her.

    Some oaths could never be broken.

  4. #4
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    As the male spoke to her about protecting her she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in her chest as she had already stuck to him and the other male known as John as if she were their own shadow. When they walked the paths and streets looks of pity and sadness followed her by passing people. She knew that he was genuine to his word and that he would keep it even if it meant losing his life but for the most part the relationship they shared was an unorthodox one that teetered between just companionship to boarder line feelings of some type. Being socially awkward McKinley could never tell what their relationship and for some weird reason she took comfort and not knowing their label but other times it hit her in the gut with an uneasy feeling. Why would a person or in her case two people risk their lives over and over again for a person that they didn't even know from Adam or Eve.

    Drawn away from her thoughts she looked back at the male examining his face, "I don't wish for you to protect me for that is too much of a burden to watch someone that they barely even know..." Her words faded away as she looked back at the fire watching the yellow, blue, orange and white flames dance around. You can't simply protect someone that is already greatly damaged like myself. Her thoughts were harsh but true to herself was greatly damaged and though this male had done nothing but protected her sometimes she would think of Joel her blood ran cold at the thought of that monster. Having saved her from one Master that was a cruel monster to find out he was one himself. Joel had started off kind and caring like Renren and had turned into a monster, a cruel blood thirsty beast that thrived off the screams of her pain.

    A shiver was ran down her body as she felt a few tears slip down her cheeks quickly wiping them away hoping that the male wouldn't see. As he spoke of the things she could do, what jobs may fit her better than others Kinley simply pushed around the meat on her dish as she had lost her appetite, her already small frail frame was sunken in places that it shouldn't be was only getting skinner with the pacing days that she didn't even eat enough to keep a bird alive. Setting her plate down next to her she stared at the fire once more feeling how tired her body was from lack of sleep and nutrition.

    The sound of laughter brought her piercing blue eyes back to the male known as Creno, arching a slender eyebrow at the male as he switched the bright laughing face to a more hard serious one. After speaking of the Mage people she shrugged slightly as their eyes met for a brief moment before she looked down at her black leather boots. "I know how to do a few things but I don't know if I would want to dedicate my life to that.." As if on que she could feel herself disappear into the shadows that surrounded her. Kinley disappeared for a moment before she returned to the male's eye sight a few moments later, her skin more pale than before and her cheeks sunken in a little further.

    Practicing her abilities took much out of her and with the shape she was in she was unsure whether or not she could even live through dedicating herself to studies that seemed to drain her just by using it for a brief moment. Plus she was unsure if she wanted or could leave Creno it had been hard when John had said they had to part ways for now because he had business to attend that wouldn't be safe for her to come along with. She could only imagine if Creno than left her with strangers that she had never met before, the thought brought fear to her angelic features.

  5. #5
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    Creno Valour
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    Creno still couldn't get used to her ability to fade in and out.

    He wasn't certain, by his scientifically oriented mind, where she was actually vanishing off to. The thought disturbed him quite a bit. However, he was certain his own ability of flight often disturbed some of the folks that witnessed it. He knew where his abilities and gifts came from...she didn't know where hers came from. I think there is a mystery here of where her powers come from. Perhaps we can discover the nature of her ability together. Creno thought to himself as she reappeared before him. She looked tired, perhaps a side effect of her unique power. Creno wanted to learn more about her so that he could help her better, and understand the nature of her power better.

    It's almost like the old one's capacity to Teleport and freely move through the aether. Creno rubbed his chin as he thought to himself. Perhaps her ability is similar to that... The distinct desire to know the truth burned in Creno's heart. All Prime were explorers and scientists by nature. They overcame problems and other circumstances with a scientific oriented mind. Creno considered the girl's words very carefully. I don't know how to explain to her the ways of my people...perhaps that sort of a conversation might lighten the mood a bit?

    Creno spoke. "You will find your own way in due time. I can promise you that much." Creno said. And he meant that, he was always as truthful as he could be. Creno poked the cooking boar with a fork and checked the meat. The pink was gone and the meat was ready to be readily consumed. Though Creno had been pretty hungry from an earlier adventure, he'd eaten the meat before it was well done. He cut some of the meat for his companion, and placed it on a plate for her, concentration was just then on his face. Creno thought better when he was solving a problem, or using his vast intellect for this or that purpose.

    As he prepared the meal for his friend, he handed her the simple plate. It had meats on it, and it was a simple dinner, he wish he'd had more to give her. His eyes narrowed a bit as he handed her the meal, then he went back into serious contemplation as to their next move.

    "Do you think your ability might have come from your parents?" Creno asked.

    He wondered if her parents were also genetically gifted like much of Althanas was.

    Judging by his findings, Creno had discovered that about 85% of the population of Althanas had accelerated abilities of this or that nature. And certain of them had the capacity to grow in power, and actively pursued that. He knew that as an adventurer, Creno himself was no different. Someday, the girl he traveled with would awaken to her own capacity as well. Creno sat back on the rock he'd been sitting on most of the night. There were many matters to contemplate and that night was still young.

    He looked at his companion as she ate. "You must be hungry after using your ability just now. Feel free to have your fill of food." Creno said. He was trying to keep the conversation as light hearted as possible.

    It was during these social situations that Creno oft realized how awkward and unprepared he must seem to someone like the girl before him. He was attempting to analyze the situation in a viable sort of way, but his mind kept drawing blanks that aggravated him ever so subtly. He thought about things a bit further, attempting to focus on the equations at hand. Science was much simpler to his mind than was most other matters. In many ways, the complex equations and formulae his people constructed in their culture was like the arcane arts. There were very many similar properties in even the most basic equation of the Prime's scientific formulae. Thoughts of home...home was a starship...passed through Creno's mind. He felt a pang of loneliness despite having quite interesting company right there.

    His people, long since explorers of the star ocean, were searching for something.

    Creno never actually understood the true nature of their search...only that they searched.

    Perhaps, that in and of itself was enough for Prime to be some of the first to develop faster-than-light speed. And warp engine travels, and other miracles of high technology. Miracles that were yet beyond the capacity of even Alerar. Creno considered home for a long moment, and pictured the starship he grew up on. Like most pure Saenorakym Prime, he was developed through the miraculous Gene Pool of his people. His parents had their genetic information screened and optimized and Creno was conceived through natural birth. Creno knew someday he would master the Gene Pool of his people. Until that time came, he worked to train the natural gifts of his people.

    Creno listened to the sounds of nature, despite the fact that The Red Forest was still under Pode's influence, it was actually quite pretty in certain places.

    Creno felt that the rock 'neath him was actually quite comfortable. He could stay up for days and weeks without ever getting any sleep. He knew, however, his companion was likely very tired.

    "I'll take first watch when you got to bed tonight." Creno said casually. "I don't need sleep anyway for quite some time. I am not tired." Creno was just trying to make small talk. If I were better learned in the arcane arts, I could perhaps be moire useful to her... He thought to himself. However, there were some members of The Tarot guild that were skilled sorcerers and such. Perhaps, they would be better able to train her than he could.

    Creno's sharp ears listened to the sounds of the surrounding wilderness. He knew there was danger all around the two friends, but for the time being...he felt safe.

    There were no reports of the Walking Dead in their area for many months...that strangely comforted the lancer.

  6. #6
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    The few brief moments that she had used her ability to blend in with the shadows around her she wasn't completely gone, she was hazily between times. She could see a fuzzy out line of the male known as Creno but also see other being as if she was in between dimensions the present one and some other worldly one. She could see shadows moving in the night of the forest around them but knew they weren't there if and when she returned to the present. As the shadows moved closer around her a soft and eerie whispers came from the shadows, unable to understand what they were saying but felt a dark creeping and hollow feeling as they neared her. A piercing, searing and freezing pain shot through her body as the shadow caressed her a small yelp left her lips as she closed her eyes shut tightly and in the next thing she knew when her eyes opened once more she was back in the present.

    The searing pain was still there but had dulled and was bearable it took a moment to get her bearings in place just in time for her to catch his comment of her finding own way. Simply just nodding to acknowledge she had heard him but unable to find the words to say to him. What if I never find my way, what if I simply just can't do anything but cower in fear and drowned in my misery? The questions that were laced with self doubt rushed around in her mind as her piercing blue hued eyes started deeply into the flames as the lapped at the boar meat that hung over it. Her stomach was uneasy after the encounter with whatever that shadow was, when he spoke of her parents she froze. Her body stiff to any seeing eyes as the threat of bile rose in her throat. It happened every time someone spoke or asked of the family she that gave her up and she never knew. Tears stung her eyes as she wiped and blinked at them furiously, clearing her throat she looked at the male with now puffy, red eyes before answering him.

    "I don't know who my parents are, I have never met them and don't know anything about them."

    Her words were soft as she let her gaze slip from the male to the plate that he had handed her, the encounter with the shadow figure and now with her parents having been brought up her appetite was as foul as her mood. Playing with the meat before she simply set it to the side of her and looking back at the fire. Though the meat smelled delectably delicious and filled the air around her with it's enticing smell she couldn't force herself to stomach the meat. When he told her to eat she just shook her head mumbling a response of not being hungry and went back to staring at the fire. Shortly after though her eyes grew heavier and heavier, knowing that she wouldn't be able to fight sleep for much longer. Stifling a yawn as she covered her mouth trying to hide the yawn but failed horribly. When he finally offered to take watch she wanted to oppose him but her body begged her for rest. A small shiver ran up her spine as she curled up on the cold bolder before sleep claimed her and the nightmares of her past haunted her.

  7. #7
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    Several hours passed.

    Creno would of course allow her to sleep as much as she needed to, he would protect her with his very life.

    It is simply the correct thing to do. He thought to himself.

    He decided that he wound engage in his rigorous training regiment. He grabbed his battle spear and and had learned to favour it above all other weapons skills at his disposal. He grabbed his spear and began to air box with the spear a safe distance away from his friend. He was well within ear shot and striking a nearby tree with the long-hafted spear. As he struck, he could feel his muscles bulging, sweat pouring down across his body. His eyes were narrowed and many thoughts passed through his mind.

    Mostly, it was concern for his friend.

    She doesn't know who her parents are...that warrants some investigation someday. But for now, I simply will be there for her as much as I can much as she will allow me to.

    By nature, Prime were very loyal to their allies.

    They were known to defend their friends and family to the bitter end, even at the cost of their own lives.

    Creno's spear thrust was skilled and true.

    The impact and sound of the spear jabs were loud and familiar to the spearman. His mind was quieted as he attacked the tree. He searched for the various technical aspects of his thrusts and jabs. He concentrated on the task at hand, which was his training. He could feel his whole body tensed as the heat motivated him to go harder and harder. Creno wasn't attempting to break the tree in it's entirely. The purpose of the traiing was simply to work on basic jabs and thrusts with the spear.

    Over time, he'd grown a deep favour towards his chosen weapon.

    He'd abandoned all his other weapons in favour of training his spear-hand.

    The haft of the spear felt good and comfortable in his big hands. He kept his spear in completely serviceable condition at all times. The fellow was a dedicated warrior. As he felt sweat dripping down the side of his face, he paused to take a breather and wipe his brow. Sweat covered most of his body after the intense training session. He'd learned to manage his spear usage with a growing degree of skill. Creno considered his training very carefully. His mind was already calculating his level of performance, and matters of that nature. He considered that he really liked using the spear, it kept him at a safer distance from potential opponents than a standard sword could.

    Plus, it utilized Creno's full body with each powerful thrust of the weapon.

    As Creno stood there breathing heavily...he stole a glance upward. The first twinkling of the Althanas sun was already piercing the morning sky. It was early. Creno knew that the nearest town wasn't terribly far off. He could hear the morning birds call out to their kind. The songs were quite relaxing.

    He held his spear with both hands quite tightly, breathing heavily and attempting to calm himself down.

    The swear glistened from every visible portion of his body.

    He was attempting to cool himself down with basic breathing techniques, focusing on the wind.

    Creno rarely slept...they would head back to town the moment that his companion was ready.

    He relaxed his stance from an aggressive one to a more relaxed position. He placed the butt end of the spear against the ground beneath, spear tip facing skyward. Creno balanced himself against the spear, attempting to get control of his heavy breathing. He was not tired. He could go for hours, but he wanted to use his training sessions as effectively as possible. He then considered the situation at hand. The parcel that had initially caused him to invite the girl with him. He wanted to show her the world through his eyes. As he stood there he mentally prepared himself to get back on mission, the Red Forest was a dangerous place and he needed to be ready to move on from the camp. As he caught his breath, he walked back towards the camp's general area and sat down. There, he took a leather skin filled with water and began to drink heavily.

    When the hour was ready, it would be time to get back on mission.

    In the meantime, Creno began to carve up portions of the fallen boar that would likely feed them for most of the trip. His eyes noticed the place with Mckinley's food remained untouched, that saddened the spearman. However, he had to prepare the rations of their food for the remainder of the trip so that they could be at full strength.

    The Red Forest and it's many dangers surrounded them in all directions...

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