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Thread: [Closed to JDD] The building in Serenti and it's secrets.

  1. #11
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    Sabatykos listened very carefully to everything that his new business associate, or client, was saying.

    The inventor rubbed his chin thoughtfully and considered everything that Cain said.

    Sabatykos came to a quick decision and took a look around the streets outside of the house in Serenti. Fargon's Shop was located on a particularly busy Serenti street. People were walking to and from their various business ventures, and other dealings, making their way towards even more dealings. Some personal matters and others were not. People were dressed in the populare attire of the time period, reminiscent of an age. It was the end era of the long fought Civil War in Corone. The survivors of the war, and its ill proceedings, merely were attempting to make ends meet. On a day to day basis. Sabatykos was one of those folks who were simply trying to rebuild the very heart and soul of a nation torn asunder by war.

    Sabatykos thought about that for a long moment and wondered about his place in the larger scheme of things.

    He then took a moment to look at the man before him.

    A full five minutes passed and then that was when the middle aged inventor gathered himself. He nodded towards the fellow, Cain, and agreed. The nod was an accepting one. All though, truth be told, Sabatykos was quite hungry and would have preferred to wait to see the client's present challenge. At that point, he decided to walk towards the dock area of Serenti knowing that Cain would be close by. Always a serious man, Sabatykos spoke very little and only attempted to say what mattered. This was a personal business dealing. His crew would also likely be affected in accordance to the scale of the job.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: He carefully looked at his client as they walked down towards the peer. "How far have you made it in your adventures out on the oceans? Folks here sometimes speak of an ancient land called Kebiras. I wonder if you've ever been there yourself? I was raised in Corone." Sabatykos had a love of adventure, and he wanted to know more about the captain before him. He hoped the fellow would indulge his questions as well.

  2. #12
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    Cain lead the way down to the Peregrine donning his tricorn hat on the way out of the door. The way was down hill in an easy slope. "You're going to see what you're in for."

    As the Peregrine came into a clean view the fact that she was in the dock yard would probably be the only indication that she was the winner of a huge battle. Entire masts were missing let alone sails which were jury rigged to make her voyage to this particular port there was also the fact that a large part of the ships starboard bow looked like something even bigger sat on it. There were also several other hulls both above and below the water line or would be except for the fact that she was tipped nearly forty five degrees.

    Presently the ship would remind a person of a giant ant hill with the Peregrines crew, the dock workers and what seemed to be a small army of landsmen crawling all over the ship. Carpenters mates were working steadily at repairing the holes below the water line and the chug chug sound of chain pumps were gushing water out from her scuppers someone with in the bowels of the ship shouting depths every few minutes happily the depths were getting shallower.

    On the dock there were several groups of boatswain mates and able seamen working near miles of cordage of every size and classification. Shrouds, stays and ratlines all being coordinated by the Boatswain. A bigger man that seemed to have some orc lineage down the line past around his grand parents or farther. On the opposite side of the ship being pulled by jolly boats was the main mast fit for a ship with twice the guns of the Peregrine and followed by the main top and royal all ready to be sat as soon as the Peregrine was upright again.

    Nodding toward the incoming spar's Cain stated "It'll be early tomorrow before the main mast is set and our crews could start working in earnest."

    Also on the dock was something that could either elate or bother Saba the cook an elf with a strange accent. He had a quarter of beef that had been smoked and spit roasted and he was cutting thin slices from it. Cain offered "you look a little peckish. Might I offer a snack?" And what Cain thought of a snack was more or less a two course meal with bread, meat and cheese being the first and the second was bowls of a thick pudding made of hard tack, rum, various fruits and more rum. and of course it was topped off with a mug of grog which was one quarter quart of rum, fresh water and lime juice.

    Finally Cain turned his attention to the question asked "before I purchased the Peregrine I was a harpooner on a whaling boat. A Balener it was a middle sized whaling ship it could hold nearly a thousand barrels of oil in her hold. But to get the oil we had to hunt whales and that took us deep into the Raiaeran Sea and skirting along the migration paths of the whales in the Kebiras ocean." Cain showed off three long off white pins on his waist coat. "But I've never been as far as Kebiras itself.

    (OOC: not sure what the ocean between Kebiras and Raiaera is called.)
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  3. #13
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    5'11"/200 lbs

    Saba immediately spotted the seemingly lone Elf amidst the various crew members working on the Peregrine.

    He noticed the features were actually more from the Raiaeran variety of Elves, and not from the other portions of the world where Elves resided. The features of the man's face were even more slender and beautiful than what he'd seen from his Mother's side of the family. As a hybrid, Saba had the blood of two parent races. The Prime as they affectionately called themselves, and the Elves of Ruild. One of many scattered tribes of Ruild. Saba's eyes immediately lit up as he saw the Elven man, and nodded carefully to both Cain and the Elf. Saba bowed his head gently towards the Elf as a sign of respect to the gentle being.

    Saba then looked towards Cain and responded to both of the present.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "The Peregine is an amazing vessel. The fact that you've made it so close to Kebiras itself, is quite an adventure in itself." Saba rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He looked at Cain and then the Elf for a long moment. "Yes I can have my crew out here on the morrow as well working alongside your crafters." Sabatykos leaned forward towards the Elf for a long moment, he was a creature that radiated true beauty. Saba's eyes were sincerely kind, since his own Mother was an Elf as well. Which meant that Saba himself was half-Elf. Saba's ears were partially pointy in the mannerisms of most Elves. As he reached forward for a bit of the Raiaeran cheeses, he was offered. He grabbed a plate from the simple stand that was set up for serving the various crew workers.

    Saba immediately noticed that the Peregrine's crew mates were a skilled lot.

    That pleased the young Inventor.

    He was someone who favored ingenuity and proficiency of skill.

    Saba gathered his plate of food and hungrily tasted the various cheeses and other snacks that the good Elven chef was providing for the crew. As expected, the Raiaeran delicacies were a treat to his already starving stomach. He ate two plate fulls of food as him and Cain spoke. Finally, as he finished eating he looked at Cain once again, and then the Elf.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "I thank you both for your good hospitality. You are very kind. From the various measurements and studies I've mentally done of the Peregrine so far from the initial moments of inspection, I suggest an overhaul of the hull is in order on top of the various other fixes my team can provide." He was chewing on a large piece of Raiaeran fine cheddar. As he spoke to Cain. "The current hull is insufficient for battle against more modern sea craft of military caliber." Saba was saying and stepped down the dock towards the mighty and proud vessel itself. "I suggest going back over the hull's many surface imperfections from the recent battle the ship underwent." Saba found himself saying. He was rubbing his chin the entire time thoughtfully, his mind carefully coming with various ideas and schematics he would draw up himself.

  4. #14
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    The Elf cook Mr. Aravi nodded and cut out the top of a small loaf of bread a little bigger than a roll making a bowl and in it he placed a large chunk of tender beef and a hard yellow piece of cheese inside it. The drippings from the beefs fat soaked into the bread and the cheese melted into both the beef and bread. Taking a bite and swallowing Cain started his reply "Be very careful my friend, to speak ill of a sailors boat is tantamount to speaking ill of his mother or wife and my crew is quite proud of her and her performance. Not that you were but it could be an easy misunderstanding."

    Cain smiled to alleviate any of his companions worry "As to an over hall of the hull I might give the go ahead on that depending on what you are planning exactly. If you are planning on reshaping the hull at all beyond what a draw knife and holy stone can do than that would be a bad idea as then you would have to start gutting the ship inside and but changing the knees. If you get my meaning. But as to the other repairs your crew can assist we don't mind the extra hands and like I said a more efficient sail plan is what we're really looking for."

    A quick thought passed through Cains head and he smiled before speaking "While we are on the subject of ship repair and building." He paused and in a voice loud enough to carry over an entire broadside of cannons going off "Mr. Agon! Will you please fetch me my red map case!"

    As the young midshipman fetched the mystery case Cain turned back to Sabatykos and said "by the way should you like a tour of the ships innards we can manage one directly." Several moments later a short tifling popped up and in a cockney accent spouted "Your map case sir! Should the Captain have any further need for me?" Cain looked at the crafty, sly, underhanded midshipman and shook his head "That'll be all Mr. Agon return to your station."

    Cain returned to his original thought "I have over the last few years been working on ideas of a another ship. Something bigger and quicker than this one." He tapped on his map case and smiled.

    The present situation within the Peregrine and outside was still of constant activity with the carpenters already taking measurements of the main mast and began cutting through the deck where the giant piece of fir would find its final resting place and the ship it self was starting to creek and groan as she began to right her self. Cain looked over to Sabatykos and stated "in another hour the starboard watch will be replacing the port watch with a few exceptions so there will be no delay in the progress. I'll be sending Mr. Grimand and Mr. Agon as part of the work party when you need them."
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  5. #15
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    5'11"/200 lbs

    Sabatykos carefully absorbed everything that Cain said to him.

    As he was lead around, the prospect of a tour of the ship seemed imminent. Sabatykos thanked the Elf chef, and nodded towards him before they began to walk away. Towards the ship herself. In his mind, Saba noted the reaction that Cain had towards his initial thoughts on the project at hand. Saba raised an eyebrow, but there were no more reactions in regards to Cain's words. He merely took a mental note of it. These sea faring folks seem like a sensitive lot. I''ll be more careful from here on in. Saba did not encroach on the matter any further.

    As Saba walked, he listened intently to everything that Cain said.

    He learned the names of Cain's crew members as they came up, making mental notes of the various faces and what appeared to be different duties each one held.

    Saba saw the case that was handed to Cain, and the individual that did the transaction. Saba's eyes remained studious and had a bit of a serious flare to them. But they were not unfriendly. The food helped him recover his lost Chi energy rather quickly, and he was still munching on some of the bread and cheese. A man did his best thinking on a full stomach... Saba thought to himself.

    As Cain brought up the idea of touring the Peregrine directly, Saba nodded casually.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "A tour would be a fine idea. I don't sleep most nights anyway." Saba said calmly. He wanted to make the Captain of the Peregrine feel as welcome as possible. Saba's sharp eyes turned back towards the ship before them. His eyes narrowed as they took on an even more intense physical composure. He was studying the overall shape, and structing of the ship. He was also studying the basic materials used in engineering the vessel herself. As Saba walked he noticed the intense sea-salt smell as they walked closer towards the ocean. He always admired nature. Part of his heritage included the Elven bloodline in his body. He had a unique understanding and perspective of Nature. The sea salt smell, particularly intense this far into the dock itself, calmed Saba almost immediately. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the ship, The Peregrine, and then softened visibly. His expression also softened as he listened to the waves lapping against the dock beneath them. It was almost surreal for the engineer. Saba turned his attention back towards Cain. "The Peregrine is in good hands." Saba meant that. "I will insure my team does the job in it's entirety." Saba was thinking at that moment. Not of measurements, or mathematical forumlaes involved with the measurements, but of actually having a good time.

    Saba had always been the type of man that was ready to roll up his sleeves and do the hard work others could or would not do.

  6. #16
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    "Than let us begin." Cain mentioned pointing towards a gangway "From stem to stern the Peregrine is eighty feet long not including the bowsprit." The gangway was somewhere near the main mast and more or less equidistant from bow to stern. The Peregrine was still tilted at an odd angel but not so extreme that it made walking along her deck too uncomfortable to walk on. "Our bowsprit adds an extra forty two feet to her length. Her gammoning, that is to say the large ropes tying the mast to the ship, are currently being re-wrapped and securing the bowsprit to the ship."

    Cain guided the tour around the gun deck heading forward he explained "the mast directly behind the bowsprit is the foremast. The bottom is called the lower foremast or just the foremast and that is forty nine feet tall, it is stepped on the kelson and is supported on either side by shrouds on either side three pair on a side and it is stayed forward by the forestay running down to the bowsprit, and the other rope running parallel with the forestay is the preventer stay in-case the forestay breaks. Then about a third of the way up you see a collar of the mainstay which goes from just under the lubbers hole. The stays keep the masts from moving forward or backwards while the shrouds keep the masts from moving from side to side." The ropes Cain was mentioning were ten inches thick and taut as a bow string.

    Cain went on and on giving precise measurements of ever yard arm, mast, stay, shroud and sail. Rounding the quarterdeck he continued "A little history lesson, this ship was built in the Alerar ship yards fifteen years ago. You can tell it's elvish by her architecture and by her speed compared to ships of similar size."

    Cain continued the tour taking Saba down into the gun deck "This is as far deep as I'd like to take you currently so we don't get in the way of the crew repairing the ship." He said as he eased through the next deck down "This is where the vast majority of the crew sleeps in hammocks hung from the rafters here..." Cain pointed to a few sets of eye bolts drilled into the rafters "when we get ready for a battle the hammocks are taken down folded up and placed in nets on the outside of the ship so they're out of the way of the guns and the men and the also slow down enemy shot." Finally Cain stopped at what seemed to be an enormous cannon with the name "Hammer" lovingly etched in her truck "This is a four pounder, she weighs eleven hundred weight and fires a four pound ball of cast iron a half a mile at a thousand feet per second."

    Cain handed a round of shot to Saba "there's twelve four pounders six to a side on the Peregrine so her proper name would be the Peregrine twelve. I would like to add a pair of long sixes on the quarterdeck should I ever get the chance. I might even have my carpenters make the frame work and eye bolts for a pair. It's a thought at-least."

    Of course there was plenty of damage to be seen and all the rhythms as heard before from the chain pumps to the hammers working on repairs. By the end of it Cain finally said "Well if you don't mind I am feeling a touch peckish shall we be off to eat?"
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  7. #17
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    Saba kept a very close distance behind Cain as they maneuvered through The Peregrine. She was a fine ship, build sturdy and strong. The one comment bothered Sabatykos, about the brief history lesson behind the ship. He did notice a bit of Elven architectural motif but it was not Raiaeran in nature. The motif was definitely a bit more like Drow design. The ship had it's origins in Alerar and it was likely built by Drow dockhands. The reality bothered Saba instinctively, but he did not voice his concern. He was a businessman through and through. I can push aside my differences with the Drow here for now. As long as it does not come back to harm me down the road.

    Sabatykos frowned a moment once he realized that the ship came from Alerar.

    There was an age-old rivalry between his people, The Elves, and the Dark Elves of Alerar. Though it was true that Saba was only half-Elf, he was still an Elf of some sort. He sighed for a moment but kept his displeasure to himself. At that juncture of history the Drow were still hated enemies of the Elven kind, especially those from Raiaera who have suffered so much. Saba thought about a lot of matters at that moment. He wondered if Cain had any allegiance at all to the Alerar flag, and that begged to question the man's origin. However, Saba was not the type to ask questions or delve too much into a man's past. The fact of the matter was; Cain seemed like a good lad. I'll keep my opinions about Alerar in check for now. I'll be diplomatic and hold my tongue for the sakes of the shop I work for. Coin is more important than political standing... Saba thought to himself as he stood there.

    The ship was an interesting vessel.

    Saba noticed that Cain intended not to allow him past a certain point. Why does he hesitate...? Saba wondered but kept that to himself. He already did not feel comfortable being inside of a ship from Alerar. Saba considered the position he was in at that moment. Then, Cain asked about food at that point. Saba was only partially sated from the food that the kind Elf they met earlier prepared. I wonder what he must think about being in a ship from Alerar. It cannot sit well with him either on some level. Unless...they don't know. However, the ship's architecture is clearly Alerar in nature...this deserves further investigation. Saba thought to himself as he absorbed every word that Cain spoke. Saba noticed that Cain was also a fiercely intellectual person, and well learned. He knows his trade well. He will be a good partner. Saba listened when Cain spoke about the material composition of the hull and the masts themselves.

    Hemp is quite popular these days for many things, not just ropes... Saba thought to himself. Then he looked at Cain, he studied the man's mannerisms and posture quite intensely for a long moment. He let Cain's request hand in the air ever so briefly. Perhaps a minute or two passed as Saba pondered everything he'd learned thus. Deciding to take the man's invitation...Saba made a mental catalog of the information he'd just acquired. would be useful in his dealings with the man named Cain. For the present moment, however, he needed to think and spend some time forging his own opinions. I wonder where this all will lead... Saba thought to himself.

    Then he nodded at last.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "I know a lively place to eat near here. Lot's of good food and drink. And the locales are not terribly jumpy you know? Friendly crowd." Saba and the fellow had a lot to talk about. "We should head there now along with which ever of your 'mates are ready for their dinners as well. Should be a good time." Saba said and meant that. He was speaking from the heart. He studied each of the crew members that were present the moments that he and Cain encountered them. They were a diverse crowd. Saba kept a standard poker face after he considered his initial thoughts. "My team comes back into the shop tomorrow early. We can definitely start up the preparations then." Saba said calmly. The feeling of discomfort settled in Saba's chest and he couldn't shake it. A part of him wanted to leave this weapon of the enemy behind. Cain is the ship's owner. I must trust that he is going to do some good with The Peregrine. Saba thought to himself.

    With that, Saba took point and lead Cain out of the Peregrine.

    They went to the particular eatery in question.

    Saba was deep in thought...

  8. #18
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    Cain called for Mr. Agon once again "Mr. Agon, as soon as as starboard watch comes to relieve you, you and Mr. Grimand are to join us for dinner." MR. Agon a grey skinned tifling grinned and nodded "Aye sir, we'll be there in brushed waste coats and out finest tricorns."

    Cain nodded "Very well Mr. Agon, I'll send a boy to show you the way."

    Turning to his host/ guest Cain replied "Excellent my crew will have the Peregrine in really good shape for you to help us begin to set the rigging and working on the sail plan. You'll won't have walk on a sideways deck if nothing else." It shouldn't take Cains crew more than another twelve hours to sway up the new masts and with any luck the engineering crew can help the Peregrines and really hopefully the two crews didn't bicker with one another at least too much.

    As the pair walked Cain began talking about the ideas he had "So the Peregrine is a beautiful ship and a for her size is both fast and surprisingly powerful. But she's more suited for being a consort or sticking close to the coast... and the occasional blockade run." Cain gave a bit of a shifty but good nurtured grin. "Not to mention the fact that I am getting a little tired of being tired constantly out gunned..." Being out gunned against pirates, Imperial frigates and most every other opportunist out there on a constant basis does get tiresome but it had made him that good of tactician.

    Cain continued with his thought "So, I am working my way through a ship of my own design." Cain tapped on his map case and smiled.

    Once they showed up to where ever they were going to eat Cain grinned he could always eat again and this time it was on his new found friend. Cain would start off with toasted cheese a nice Stilton, he followed this up by ordering a ~witch it's soused hogs face~, followed by a saddle of venison, figgy doudy, and then to keep things on the lighter side a nice floating island for desert. All topped off with a bottle or three of a red wine a sweet red wine. Working on a ship was hard work and it worked up a powerful appetite. Not to mention the fact he was a robust man.

    At his seat he said to his friend as they waited for the meal "My crew will come along shortly. Would you mind taking a look at some ideas I have had?" Cain knew he had asked for a sail plan but it shouldn't be much more than a math problem. Cain had plenty of ideas he just did not have the skill to put them to paper in any cogent manner. Cain reached into his map case and presented on of what seamed to be several pieces of paper, some white, some yellow and were annotated with red, blue, and black ink, charcoal, pencil and what ever he could get his hands on. "It would be a twenty four. She'd be heavy but I think I've got it figured to where she might make two hundred forty miles from noon to noon."
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  9. #19
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    5'11"/200 lbs

    The pub's night crowd was a rowdy, but, civilized bunch.

    Saba saw some of the regulars there and greeted them as he entered the establishment. Out the corner of his eyes, he noticed a couple of his mates from the engineer crew that worked under him. I gave them the night off, so it's probably okay that they are here. He waved towards them and they respectfully waved back. Jillian Cruz was not present. I wonder if she is feeling better from the earlier incident. The pub was a typical sea-side restaurant. The specialty was imported goods and sea foods from all around Althanas herself. Saba decided to order his regular dish, along with regular drink. He'd never been a heavy drinker. So he would keep the ale drinking to Cain and his crew.

    Saba considered the situation at hand.

    The Peregrine had Alerar origins. That in itself, did not sit well with Saba. Despite his initial hesitation, he decided that Cain was a good man, and would at least pay an honest gold coin for the services that were going to be provided. As soon as they sat down, Saba was deep in thought and considering the situation very, very carefully. The Peregrine has a diversified crew. I'm amazed he's managed to keep the peace within his crew as he apparently has. There are people from all walks of life working in the ship, that in itself is a positive thing to work towards. Though Saba was no fool.

    He knew oft times, things in the port town of Serenti got hostile when people of opposing races came across one another. It was inevitable that violence oft resulted as a result of age-old hatreds and rivalries. Some racially motivated, others were politically motivated. Regardless, Saba was somewhere in the middle. Though he was not a true Elf by any means, he was still a hybrid of sorts. His Mother, a member of the Elven race, did have those notable racial tendencies against The Drow. Saba didn't agree with it all, but he would rather play it safe than sorry. He knew members and factions within Alerar's society would see the genocide of all non-Drow Elves.

    The thought made Saba shiver.

    He ate calmly as he considered the situation at hand, and then Cain spoke of his ideas. That, got Saba's attention in more positive light. Then, Cain's crew showed up and two were Drow. For a moment, Saba's eyes twitched. He knew that there were Drow present in the pub besides Cain's crew, but their very presence made the young inventor uncomfortable. Saba avoided engaging direct eye contact with the Drow and only looked at Cain. He had some familiarity with Cain, and considered that he could trust the man should violence occur. Worse comes to worse, I'm leaving. Saba thought to himself as the fellows in Cain's crew sat down at the large table.

    Saba's left eye twitched ever so subtly but he showed remarkable restraint.

    Gotta keep the peace despite what I might feel would be the best course of action here. Then, someone patted Saba on the shoulder, one of the many waitresses of the establishment. Saba nodded and turned towards her, momentarily ignoring Cain's words and missing a few of the man's spoken words.

    Waitress: "The gentlemen at the other table requests your presence for a moment a three, monsieur Sabatykos." She said calmly and moved to attend Cain and his associates, with whatever other orders they might require.

    The crowd was lively.

    Saba could hear the noise of lively conversation and it helped to calm his nerves. He looked towards Cain for a moment after receiving the message.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Cain, hold that thought. I shall return shortly, I am being requested elsewhere." Saba said truthfully and moved his chair subtly so he could stand and walk towards the other table.

    Saba noticed three of his crew mates were present at the table that requested him.

    Alongside several other folks he'd never seen before.

    Engineer: "This is the lad, I was telling you about." One of the senior engineers was telling the rest of the folks seated at the table. "Hey Saba,how's that work order coming so far? We got a contract yet?" The Engineer asked.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Yes. The work order he requested starts for tomorrow and will likely take at least a week or two to fully complete. He's asked for quite a large work order and we're going to assemble a huge team of engineers and workers for the order at hand." Saba said truthfully. "Should be one of our team's finest hours."

    One of the fellows at the table observed Saba very carefully.

    Stranger: "Your crew does ship repairs yes?" A thick, and heavy accent from Fallien asked.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Among other jobs, yes. No job is too big, or, small." Saba said carefully. "If you've got a job to offer see me after this current job is completed. Depending on the size of it, I can allocate crew to your ship and get repairs done." Saba explained very carefully.

    He knew the docks often had many ships constantly in need of repairs, there were several shops capable of repairing the varying sized vessels that inhabited the docks.

    Sabatykos looked at his present crew.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "I expect you all at the shop bright and early tomorrow. We got a massive order to fill." Saba had a serious expression on his face, but that was normal when he had to get his game-face on. "We'll have to put our other project on hold for now." Saba explained.

    The engineers nodded casually.

    The stranger had an amused expression on his face.

    Stranger: "That's Cain Jodin over there, is it not?" The stranger suddenly asked.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Depends on who is asking." Saba said calmly, a slight edge on his face.

    Stranger: "What the hell would an engineer know about this shit anyway?" The stranger said suddenly. He stood up. "Lad's our ol' pal, Cain is right there." The Stranger got up, and his crew mates that sat with Saba's engineers also got up.

    Saba sighed, that was his cue to leave. He looked at the Stranger and his companions.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "This town hosts Serenti. It has a fully armed military host here. Starting trouble out in the open, especially with so many military guards present...would not be wise." Saba suddenly said. It is not that he held any particular loyalty to was that he really wanted the night to go off without a hitch.

    And suddenly...

    Engineer: "Saba!" There were several folks gathered around Sabatykos's fallen body.

    The stranger had stabbed him in the stomach with a sharp dagger...he meant business.

  10. #20
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next level: 3,656
    Level completed: 40%,
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    The two dark elves were some of Cains best topmast men they could reef a sail and set stunsails faster than any body but Cain himself and maybe Mr. Agon and that when his men would be showing up to his shop to hold up Cains end of the bargain they would be part of the work crew. Cain would have explained all of this except his present companion had found it sensible at this very moment to have himself stabbed.

    A quick look between the four crew members and they set to action. Mr. Agon picked up Cains plans and tucked them into his jacket immediately after Cain and MR. Grimand rolled the table over with both lamenting about the drinks and food that was now scattered on the floor and running the table in-between the assailants and Sabatykos while at the same time the two dark elves moved to the sides drawing parrying knives engaging the other table.

    "Move!" Said one dark elf, "Get out of the way!" shouted the other pushing the engineers out of the way as they pushed farther into the melee. Soon as the Tifling had the chance he vaulted over the table a short cutlass and main gauche dividing the opposing group with Cain and Mr. Grimand following suit.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

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