The lands across the sea were much different than he could have expected. Fallien was mostly desert and ruins, and you could stand at the edge of town and look out.. only seeing the rolling sand dunes. Maybe you would see the remains of some old settlement or some traders moving from town to town, but for the most part, it was pretty damn barren. The man had traveled across most of Corone, taking up odd jobs and even tracking down some bounties along the way to make him an extra buck. During his trip, he was honestly overwhelmed by the built up cities and amount of green on the ground.

Ettermire, the capital of Alerar. This was where Caleb was headed for his next job. According to his contract, he was to track down a man named Isiah B. Coen, or 'Izzy' as he liked to call himself. Apparently, Izzy was once a scientist, or an inventor.. His employer had no idea even. He made things, that's for sure, sometimes with chemicals, sometimes with gears and screws. The stuff he made he usually sold to make a pretty penny, nothing too major, just enough to get by. But according to his contractor, there was more to it than just that.

On the side, hidden away behind locked doors, Izzy manufactured illegal weapons. Nothing that would cause destruction on a mass scale, but his supply was putting some of the name brands out of business, and also worried some of the locals. The slum-bag ended up selling most of his junk in the black market, so the unlicensed weapons wouldn't usually see the light of day until it was too late. Usually his buyers were people that could not afford buying weapons from the shops, or criminals who didn't want any way to trace the bullets back to them. Either way, Caleb was being paid to put a stop to this man, whether his target ended up dead or alive.

"Hm.. reckon this is the place..," Caleb said as he walked towards the building in front of him.

A lead he had on Izzy lead Caleb towards a workshop that just looked like a garage. Reaching down at the handle to open the large door, Caleb threw it open enough for him to duck under and enter through, letting it fall back down behind him. He held the tip of his dagger between his thumb and the knuckle of his index finger, ready to throw it at anyone who seemed a threat to him. As his pale blue eyes scanned the workshop, past the various tools, boxes, and unfinished projects, Caleb looked for any sight of his bounty.