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Thread: [Closed to JDD] The building in Serenti and it's secrets.

  1. #21
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
    Saenorakym Prime
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    5'11"/200 lbs

    Almost immediately, it was chaos.

    Sabatykos hadn't seen much violence in that pub before, it was why he'd picked it. And there he lay, on the ground injured and bleeding. Two of his fellow engineers were immediately upon him.

    One of them called out for help and the other protected Saba whilst the fighting started.

    A moment later, it happened.

    There was a massive amount of screaming outside as spell bolts were launched in various directions slaying all they could find. A group of about twenty or so ruffians armed with sorcery and other implements of disaster stormed the previously calm Serenti docks area. Then, a leader arrived for the group of brigands. He was a very powerful sorcerer, and floated down from some previously hidden location. The leader looked at his cohorts. They understood what their plan was.

    There was still a war raging in Corone and people had to pick sides.

    You were Imperial or not, but you had to pick a side.

    The leader didn't bare any markings from the Empire, but clearly meant business.

    The instigator in the pub was not acting alone.

    Minion: One of the leader's minions moved towards the leader when the fighting started. "Are you sure it's here?"

    Leader: "Our source claims it moved through the usual cargo load. They didn't know what it was." The leader said confidently. "I am certain it's here and my contractors have paid a lot of money to secure it."

    Minion: "I can't believe it was under their noses the whole time." The cohort said calmly as the violence began in earnest.

    Leader: "How could they? The Demon War happened thousands of years ago, only learned scholars even remember it anymore."

    Minion: "Did you really see him? That Prophet of Apocalypse?" The minion asked, his job was to protect the leader.

    Leader: "The Prophet, Nenkulor Shima." The mysterious leader appeared to be more well informed that most of the time period. "He manipulates things behind the scenes...quite a crafty fellow if you ask me. But none the less we are here for the shard." The leader wore a mask, and his outfit did not reveal anything of what race he might belong to, or what faction. He merely spoke to his minions as they attacked Serenti.

    The Serenti guards moved towards the leader and his cohorts.

    Leader: "This is where the test begins. Gentlemen. Locate the Shard and burn everything you see."

    The dock area's Guard Captain readied his fellow to the last man.

    Soldier: "Captain! We got a serious problem tonight. People are getting killed left and right, and there are several squads of the invaders." A soldier told his leader.

    Captain Lukas Durant looked at his gathered men as they prepared the counter defensive.

    Lukas Durant: "Do they wear any Imperial colours?"

    Soldier: "None, but that doesn't mean they aren't with the Empire."

    Lukas Durant: "For them to attack out of the blue like this...they must be after something very important." Captain Lukas considered the various shipments that had made their way through here. One in particular concerned him greatly.

    Soldier: "Captain! You don't mean that shard thing?" The soldier asked.

    Lukas Durant: "'Tis a relic of the Thayne Codex." Lukas Durant was versed in the Thayne Codex, and he had used it's knowledge on many missions. To his knowledge, the relic was a shard constructed by the very hands of Hromagh The Strong. One of the Greater Thayne that walked Althanas to that very day. "We have to protect it at all costs. You three, follow me to it's current location. We must insure that the enemy does not get their hands on it."

    Another soldier looked at the Captain with a confused expression on his face.

    Soldier: "Captain, what about the civilians?" The soldier asked.

    Lukas Durant: He suddenly got a cold expression on his face. "Fuck them." The Captain said. "The relic is what is important, the rest of you are to return to the rest of the guard outposts here in Serenti and rally as many of our soldiers as you can. You will make a stand against the enemy at the central location of the dock. Do not spare any resources to protect civi's. Do you hear me? We got a greater crisis on our hands." Captain Lukas Durant gathered his men and they moved to the relic's current location.


    Some time had passed and the fighting had intensified.

    A couple of healers who happened to be present when Sabatykos Maelstrom was stabbed, worked them healing arts on his injury. Though still recovering, Saba felt a lot better. The fighting inside the pub had settled down and had become a sort of place of sanctuary where people gathered. Sabatykos had become aware of the situation at hand. The dock was sieged by a large and previously unknown force. Anybody who got in their way was killed. Saba was sitting up and could hear the distant fighting in the city.

    Healer: "Rest easy Sabatykos. The injury was not serious, and we got to you in time. But many more are suffering right now outside."

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Where are the soldiers that were supposed to protect us?" Saba had never sided with a political body before that night...but it seemed the choices were being made for him.

    Civilian: "They've not responded to the attack. It seems they have moved elsewhere in the city..." A learned aristocrat said.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "We've been abandoned." Sabatykos was a clever individual, who thought beyond the scope of what most were capable of. He turned to look at Cain, they'd subdued the ruffians there in the pubs hours earlier.

    Healer: "It's too early to assume that." The healer said quietly. The fighting was getting intense outside of the pub, but it was also moving further away from them.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "They are after something. I have a hunch about that." Saba had not seen outside yet, but he could imagine how bad it currently was. He looked at his friend, Cain. "We need to gather what folks we can and move them to a safer location."

    Healer: "What about the injured...?" She asked.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "We got to help who we can." Saba stood up and looked at the gathered, they needed leadership. Saba reminded himself why he hated politics in general...war...violence...suffering...he hated them all.

    Civilian: "They are heading over towards where precious cargo are stored." Someone came said, that just entered the pub. "Anybody who approaches them is immediately killed. It's madness outside!"

    Sabatykos felt fire in his stomach, and his face became extremely serious.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Those of you who can't fight...stay here. I will need a group of volunteers to come with me and search for any survivors, we'll bring them here. Let the military deal with it's own problems. If we are left's probably for the best. up for hazard pay my friend? We got to pull extra duty tonight." Saba was looked at Cain for a long moment and waiting for the man's response.

  2. #22
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    Cain was presently busy as Mr. Agon his Tifling midshipman was slipping back into the tavern from a darkened window. "Sir, report on the situation. The invading force is presently searching for something not sure what at this time. The guards how ever are leading the invading force right to what ever they're looking for as they abandon their post and reconnoiter at this wear house..." Mr. Agon took a piece of charcoal and drew a quick map of the dock and harbor area.

    "The invading force has searched passed where we're at but have left a few guards patrolling the area." Mr Agon continued drawing where the tavern was.

    Cain nodded and asked "What's the status of the Peregrine?"

    Mr. Agon replied "She's set to rights and here main mast is swayed up, shrouded and stayed but not her top or royal nor her spars and sails."

    Again Cain nodded and thought a moment and the strategy came to him. "Mr. Agon return to the Peregrine and have her towed by jolly boats to the the harbor. Have her luffed up and her broadside pointed toward landward and her cannons loaded with grape shot. Hoist our colors on top of the Republic Ensign letting every one know who's side we're on. When the invaders cross this line..." Cain marked a spot where the Peregrine could get several shots off from the harbor in between the tavern and warehouse. "Let them have all the grape you can give them."

    Mr. Agon nodded and was off to the Peregrine. Cain then turned to Mr. Grimand "Find our vanguard, and start pressing against the rear of the invaders line and catching them between two fires."

    Mr. Grimand nodded and was out of the door while Cain tied a red bandanna to his left arm he turned to the two dark elves who were doing the same thing with red bandanna's "Mr. Raigari, Mr. Rizland, Find who you can of the Peregrines on liberty and start taking up the stragglers and leading the wounded here. Kill any enemy patrols you encounter."

    Finally turning to other remaining captains with in the tavern ""I suggest you have your ships and crews do the same." One of the other captains began to protest "Why should we list...."

    Cain snapped back "there's not time for a committee either do it or don't."

    If Cain did have time to discuss the matter he would have explained that helping the city win this fight was a good thing. The citizens, government and military would all appreciate it meaning better contracts for cargo hauling, better taxes and cheaper weaponry and supplies. Not to mention that protecting the docks and the harbor was essential to their trade.

    Finally he returned to his friend "In approximately fifteen minutes the fighting will start in earnest." Can handed Sabatykos a red bandanna "Tie that to your left arm so my men don't confuse you with the enemy." Taking a moment Cain nodded "Hazard pay, yes I will appreciate the extra pay. If you will please have any of your people tie a bandanna to their arms too it'll save a lot of confusion." Cain was positively glowing having a large grin on his face and in fact it seamed in a certain light to have grown in size.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  3. #23
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
    Saenorakym Prime
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    5'11"/200 lbs

    Sabatykos took care of the deed and made certain that the survivors all had their red bandannas visible.

    It was a start of a very bad situation...there was no telling what was the target of the invaders at all.

    Can't really involve myself in military problems when there are people's lives in danger... Sabatykos frowned and nodded towards Cain.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Make sure you lot have the red bandannas around your arm to discern us from the enemy." Sabatykos felt nervous. He wasn't sure entirely why he did, only that he did. Something about the event didn't sit well with him at all...They are after something, that's what my gut tells me. Maybe something important... He shook his head, he lacked the skill to really involve himself in any concrete way. Sabatykos continued to look at Cain. "Either way, let's get going."

    Several of the volunteers joined Sabatykos and Cain.

    Saba stepped outside, and was appalled at what he saw. There was chaos everywhere, the enemy invaders were already gone from the area, having moved further ahead on the docks. But Saba could still hear the fighting up and ahead and the sounds of death. His eyes narrowed as he saw arcane energies rippling through the air. There were thunder bolts, and other types of spells being launched at something further ahead. Sabatykos had to squint to be able to see exactly what was going on. He could hear screams everywhere, and there were bodies mutilated. Mostly militia folks and civilians. Sabatykos carefully made his way across the street and saw that there were minor fires all over the place. In the confusion, Serenti had been caught entirely off guard by the superior force. His eyes were narrowed at that point.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "What could be so valuable that they have done us...?" Saba felt an ice-cold sensation in his stomach. He wanted to throw up, but fought the urge to do so. Saba saw the store front owners up ahead, they were dying from serious injuries. There were bodies everywhere, of the fallen. Sabatykos knelt down towards the male owner of the store that was already looted. He sighed. The man had serious injuries and was not going to make it. Saba wrapped his arms around the man, Jacob had been a friend. Saba felt a dread in his heart. "Why have they done this?"

    Jacob: "'s hard to see." Jacob was coughing up blood already. "Don't know what they are and your friends should seek out Vendryth. He is in charged of the payloads and cargo that come through these docks. If anybody could tell you why this is happening...and make some sense of this...its him." Jacob said. "They did...horrible things to us...never even asked us questions. This is not military related..." Jacob couldn't finish what he was saying and coughed up a massive amount of blood, sputtered, then died in Saba's arms.

    Saba closed the man's eyes.

    Sabaytkos Maelstrom: "This will not go unanswered...I swear to The All Thayne." Saba wanted to cry. But...he felt too much rage in his heart...then a thought occurred to him. Jillian...! Saba turned to his companions, Cain, the engineers who'd joined them, and the members of Cain's crew. "I have to take care of something...will you all accompany me? I do not wish to do this alone. Especially if the worse comes to pass." Saba asked of Cain and the rest of the gathered.

    One of the Engineers saw the expression on Saba's face.

    Engineer: "You're gonna go get Jillian aren't you?" The Engineer asked.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: He nodded at the question, they deserved to know why. "There are things I have to tell her and her family. They live in this area, nearby. Plus, I have to make sure if there are survivors there. They will need our help." Saba knew his reasoning was just a little bit selfish, but he didn't care. He was sick of the smell of blood and death in the air already and needed to help...somebody. So what if it's her? It's not like... Saba shook his head.

    Like it or not, his fate was tied to that of Jillian Cruz.

    The woman he'd saved...

  4. #24
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    ~BOOM~ The sound came from the harbor an instant later the docks adjacent to the harbor ripped apart as grape shot tore through crates and opposing forces. A few moments later ~BOOM, BOOM~ "That's my girl!" Cain exclaimed as the Peregrine slowly moved through the harbor. The first gun had went off again followed by the forth in an erratic rhythm. "Even for a skeleton crew, she's in fine shape. No where near the two shots in a minute forty five they can do but for a skeleton crew not bad." Cain was smiling from ear to ear, his cavalry saber was bloody and still sharp enough to split a hair into four and he was just about to charge into the fray when Sabatykos spoke.

    Cain nodded "Mr. Grimand you get to lead the vanguard." Turning back to Sabatykos "Where ever you need to go." At this point some sort of shimmering barrier was erected between the attacking group and the harbor and it flickered blue, yellow, and red and all the colors in between. The shots from the Peregrine were either slowed down, disintegrated or deflected by what ever barrier was being erected by the mages. Cain respected magic it was a neutral thing not good nor bad but it frustrated the hell out of him when ever it was used against him. "Bloody hell, if nothing else the Peregrine will keep them distracted long enough for my men and the city guard to pinch them. It'll be a hell of an action" Cain mentioned following the action.

    There was a distinct change to the rate of fire as the boat crews were hauled in and they took their places at the great guns. Cain smiled even more as he began to follow Sabatykos along with a small group of engineers and crew men. As enemy combatants closed in Cain and his crew were the first to act charging into what little vignettes that might appear.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  5. #25
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
    Saenorakym Prime
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    5'11"/200 lbs

    It was pure chaos outside.

    With his friends dead and dying...Sabatykos had very few things to cling to.

    He was trying really hard not to fall apart for the people that needed him.

    Other men would have cried for vengeance...would have sang revenge songs left and right. Spilling endless seas of blood...and for what? I will have none of it! Sabatykos immediately knew what sort of man he wanted to become. One day, Sabatykos would raise a family. One day he would train them in the ways of both of his people. But first...he had to be certain he could save those that mattered. War begot violence and more war. Sabatykos knew, he wasn't a push over...but he was tired of constant fighting and constant violence. The Civil War in Corone had taken it's toll on all their lives. It had broken a once noble folks. Sabatykos turned his attention towards Cain as they moved. He nodded, then the explosions happened. The ships! No! Sabatykos understood just what happened, friend and foe would be bombarded by the sea. It was getting more and more hopeless.

    The scene was looking much darker with every passing moments. Screams pierced the night as Sabatykos ran through the streets, knowing the others would do their best to keep up. At that point, Saba snapped. Tears flowed freely for the lives lost that night. Tears. And a broken heart...Corone's broken heart. Saba tried to ignore the dead and dying as he ran past them, only one person on his mind. Well two...Jacob's dying face...and the face of Jillian Cruz. The woman he'd saved. The woman whose destiny he'd irrevocably altered. Saba could hear his own breathing as he came to the block where they lived at. Jillian, and so many others. The people Corone had built her entire society on. The people whose backs were broken to lay brick and mortar on the pavement. Sabatykos saw it up ahead. Could I be already too late?! He clenched his teeth tightly. Then called out to his friends.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: He saw the two robed figures, similar to the ones that initially invaded Serenti. They were killing freely anybody who stood in their way. The previously injured...Saba could not save. But there were survivors calling out for help, and one voice was the only voice that currently mattered to him. "Get away from here!" And Saba acted with all his might.


    Saba saw the first sorcerer attack turn slowly towards him.

    Robed Figure Number One: The stranger began to call forth arcane energy. "What's this...looks like we have an outside element here."

    Robed Figure Number Two: The second figure, stopped what he was doing and turned slowly as Saba arrived. "He...does not smell natural."

    Robed Figure Number One: The stranger called his power, but did not release it just yet. "Who are you to interfere in our great work? What is the name of the would-be Hero to interfere in this grand play?"

    Robed Figure Number Two: They were both looking at Saba at that point, but they were hesitating. "His is strange. It reads of a secret yet revealed."

    Robed Figure Number One: "So what are you here to do, Hero? You think you can stop what is already in play?" The stranger asked. "Do you even know what brought this event to your footstep?"

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "I...I want you to stop what you're doing. I'm not here to prevent anything or fight anybody. I just have come to save my friends. I don't want to see anymore bloodshed tonight." Sabatykos said. He was standing a few paces away from the pair.

    Robed Figure Number One: "The Relic has been acquired." The robed figure looked off in the distance and saw that there was a glowing light, a signal, further off in Serenti. "My people have already won this night. But there is the question" The first robed figure said.

    Saba could feel the man's power fading off into the ether.

    The second man spoke.

    Robed Figure Number Two: "The Great Prophet...Nenkulor has foreseen this." The man was looking right at Sabatykos, as if searching deep into his soul. "We are Heralds of the Apocalypse. Nenkulor is our...leader if you could all it that. This though...was not foreseen. You do not wish to interfere with us...but you are changing things." The second figure walked closer towards Sabatykos...uncomfortably close.

    Robed Figure Number One: "Do you know of The Thayne Codex, Hero?" The first man asked.

    Sounds of fighting were slowly fading off into the distant parts of Serenti.

    Sabatykos could only shake his head in the negative. He was a student of science...not religion.

    Robed Figure Number Two: "He will become an enemy." The second figure said. "But not right this night. Eventually...his heroism will cross us again."

    Robed Figure Number One: The first stranger was looking at his companion then at Saba. "We shall leave you with a parting gift, Hero. We hope someday you will repay the favour to us." The fist strange walked over towards Sabatykos and suddenly placed his hand on Saba's forehead, it happened so suddenly that...

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "Arrrrgh!!!" He yelled as a suddenly swelling of memories and visions came to his surface of his brain, the memories were violently pulled from his mind, and transferred to the first stranger.

    Robed Figure Number One: He felt tremendous pain as he peered deep into Sabatykos's mind. "The Prophet would be pleased." The man suddenly said. He released Saba from the painful grip. "You are not a native of Althanas...but you have the power to change things. Remember that. We will meet again...young Hero. And the next time...circumstances will be different." The man bowed towards Sabatykos and his friends and the remainder of the people who had survived the horrid event. The two suddenly summoned their power, and slowly walked away from Saba, Cain, and his friends. The two faded into the ether, and went off to another, unknown location.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: Tears flowed freely as he sat against the grounds. He somehow...knew what had happened. Followers of The Thayne Codex had stolen an object of great importance from Serenti. That's when Saba, shaken with fear and stress from the pain of being mind raped...heard her voice. She'd survived! "Jillian..." Saba managed. That was all that he could manage. He somehow managed not to pass out as the small group survivors from the attack exited their houses to walk towards Sabatykos and his friends.

    Ma Cruz: Jillian's Mother ran towards Saba and hugged him. "Jillian! Your friend is hurt!"

    She walked slowly toward Saba, her eyes swelled from the tears.

    Jillian Cruz: "They horribly tortured several of us before you arrived. They did things to them..." Jillian also knelt down and put her hand on Saba's shoulder. "Why is this happening to us?"

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: "I...saw into his mind. Learned things. Things I didn't want to see...what they are here for. It''s a relic from Hromagh The Strong. They are hunting relics from The Thaynehood..."

    Ma Cruz: "Saba...who are they?"

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: His face became very serious. "I saw what he wanted me to see. They are Sons of the Apocalypse. Their leader...Nenkulor Shima...has done this sort of thing before. But not here in Corone...shit my head hurts like hell." Saba said as Jillian and her mother held him close.

    It was at that point that the others arrived. It was quite a distance that Saba had run, forgetting his own natural speed.

    Survivor: "Saba...oh man. You're a wreck." The survivor walked over towards Saba and everybody else who was present. "What did they do to him?" He was looking at Jillian and her Mother. He wanted answers.

    Jillian Cruz: "This man is a Hero. This is the second time he has saved me...the second time..."

    And Saba merely held himself, sitting on the ground, rocking from side to side. He kept mutter...the name of the enemy over and over.

    Nenkulor Shima.

    Fate was indeed a cruel mistress...

  6. #26
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    Captain Cain Jodin
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    The roar of the Peregrines canons had ceased and the general clamor of the area had dwindled. What Sabatykos may have seen the situation as chaotic but there was an order and even a rhythm that Cain could feel. From the docks Cain could hear the cheering of his vanguards men and the men of the other ships that had followed suit. Cain took a moment to clean his cavalry saber and sheath it and also to look around there was most certainly carnage with in the streets but the opposing force seemed to have vanished.

    While Sabatykos was tending to his friend Mr. Grimand showed up and saluted Cain "Sir, the opposition is in retreat, while there was some cloateral damage to the buildings most of the merchants and other civilians look to have survived all be it with injuries."

    Cain nodded and asked "can you give me the details? "

    Mr. Grimand nodded "As soon as the enemy crossed into the Peregrines line of fire she opened up on the just as pretty as you please. Our first broadside hammered them something fierce. Then all of a sudden the fancier looking ones among 'em stepped forwarded waved their hands and this...wall came up blocking the Peregrines fire. I aint seen any thing like that before. Any way eve with all their hand waving and chanting the Peregrine looked to be giving them fits. And that's when the city guards made their move. They charged into the enemy. Well as soon as every one was well distracted that's when I lead the vanguard and the rest of the Peregrines into the fight. Well I tell you what they didn't know what to do having it coming from both ends. We gave them what fore and then they I mean the enemy began something of a retreat. The guards and vanguard both gave chase but they disappeared in a haze. I believe the city guard is happy with us."

    Cain nodded and replied "Very good, very warm bit of action. Who did we lose?"

    Mr. Grimand cantered his head one way or the other "We lost a hand full of landsmen is all though I may say one or two looked promising. But I am sue the Peregrine will gain what ever was lost."

    Cain nodded once again "I suppose so. I will see to writing their families and packaging their belongings. For now let us see about setting the Peregrine to rights completely this time."

    Mr. Grimand nodded and made his way back towards the docks.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  7. #27
    EXP: 4,205, Level: 2
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom's Avatar

    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    Thoughts flowed in his mind.

    Thoughts that were not his own, it was if something was transferred back into his head just as it was taken out...

    The wizard wanted me to see something...but why... Sabatykos tried to stand. It was a slow process, remembering how to do something so basic after such a traumatic event. His head felt like it was going to explode. All he'd wanted was to save Jillian Cruz and his friends. His eyes darted around as he searched for something in the dark. Memories were swirling in his head, memories that were not his own. Sabatykos growled with agony as he clutched the sides of his head. He'd never felt so much pain...all at his life. He noticed several people around him, figures in the dark. Only one of them had a familiar air about them. A woman...the woman named Jillian Cruz. I risked everything to save you...twice... Sabaytkos did not understand what was happening. Only that he felt an instinctive compulsion to save that woman.

    His eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

    And then it dawned on him.

    He remembered something his Father told him. I am a Hybrid. One half of my family comes from beyond the star ocean. The canopy of heavens...they hail from a distant world...distant stars. Is this why I am feeling this way towards her? Sabaytkos looked up towards Jillian Cruz. I risked everything for her...why...I don't understand...

    Jillian suddenly hugged Sabatykos closely, and held him close.

    Jillian Cruz: "Sabatykos. What you've done for us was more than us. Nobody has stuck their neck out for us like that before..." She continued. "Is there anything I can do for you to repay you and your friends?"

    Why...? Sabaytkos thought it over and over.

    And finally...after about ten minutes it dawned on him...the single truth of the matter at hand.

    It was clear as day to him and made sense for the first time in his life.

    Why did I never see it before...?

    Sabatykos began to cry openly and freely as he looked at Jillian. I may never get another chance at this... He said the single thing that would change his life forever.

    Sabatykos Maelstrom: With tears flowing freely he reached out gently towards Jillian Cruz. He leaned against her to catch his balance. And he spoke what needed to be said in front of all of his gathered friends. It was the single bravest thing he'd ever done in his life. "Jillian...I love you. I always have." He said confidently despite the pain and torment in his mind. He smiled at her, and then...he passed out where he stood. The pressure on his brain having been too much for him to handle...

  8. #28
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    This was not Cain's place, not now at any rate and thus after all the fighting he and his crew departed back to the ship or their liberty. Cain himself made his way back to the docks tavern where he made an even larger order than before and his crew joined in. Bottles of wine, food of every kind spread on the table.

    Mr. Agon taking charge of the Peregrine had it returned to the dockyard where its repairs began once again; the rhythmic sounds of hammers, chain pumps, and holy stones all working at the ship in the familiar cadence. Each of the ships masts began to be stayed and shrouded with the railing and decks finally taking shape with little accents of brass and silver here and there with a new silver watch bell for the watch glass.

    As the lower masts were shrouded and stayed the subsequent top masts and royals were swayed up and the process was began all over again with shrouds and ratlines were weaved together and stay lines began to take shape. It would not be too terribly long before provisions and the rest of the cannons would have to be loaded and the yards swayed up to their cross tee's.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  9. #29
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    Sabatykos Maelstrom
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    The manual labor was indeed under way.

    After the object was stolen from Serenti, a palpable calm hunt in the air.

    There was also a tension between the military elements of Serenti and the civilian population who'd been virtually abandoned.

    Repairs on The Peregrine went on as planned, with Sabaytkos, his crew of engineers and The Peregrine's own workers moving in tandem with one another.

    Sabatykos spoke very little.

    His mind had been torn asunder by the power of Nenkulor's followers.

    There was very little to say...there was a job that needed doing.

    Sabatykos himself oversaw his engineers from the shop.

    A capable team was working on the ship that Cain and his crew called home.

    Sabatykos himself got his hands dirty and worked alongside Jillian Cruz and several others of the shop's survivors.

    Many people had died in Serenti the night of the raid.

    Sabatykos's mind was scorched from the fires of wars, and he did not know what to do.

    The dead were buried at sea as was the tradition of Serenti during times of warfare.

    Something that Sabatykos saw in the mind of Nenkulor's follower did not sit well with him.

    They are planning more attacks...around Althanas. I cannot ignore this threat. Sabatykos had long decided to become an educated craftster folk. A hard working man of great ingenuity. He knew he had to talk to someone about the things that troubled his tortured mind. When the shift was over, Sabatykos went over towards Cain and thanked him for the opportunity to work. Cain was a good man. He has a great destiny ahead of him...mine, however... What was Hero worth those days anyway? Sabatykos and his companions went back to Fargon's Shop and began to discuss the future. Sabatykos, however, could only look on ahead.

    Something did not sit well with the young Hero, and there was a monster in the darkness that needed to be confronted.

    A monster named Nenkulor...


  10. #30
    Make It So
    EXP: 23,137, Level: 6
    Level completed: 45%, EXP required for next level: 3,863
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    Thread: The building in Serenti and it's secrets.
    Participants: jdd2035 & Sabatykos Maelstrom
    Type: No Judgment


    jdd2035 receives:
    1150 EXP
    160 GP

    Sabatykos Maelstrom receives:
    1350 EXP
    175 GP
    Althy's Judging Admin
    To try or not to try. To take a risk or play it safe.
    Your arguments have reminded me how precious the right to choose is.
    And because I've never been one to play it safe, I choose to try.

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