Sinovera didn't wake for three days, her body and mind completely overidden with the trauma of that horrid night. Her temporary coma didn't hold comfort for her for it held nothing but nightmares. As she slept all she saw was her mother and father being slain again and again; and when it wasn't their vacant faces, it was the dark man abusing her in terrible ways that she knew she shouldn't like, but she did.

When she finally started stirring from her extended sleep, she nearly didn't notice that she wasn't in her cozy and warm room, for she was laying in a comfortable bed, snuggled up in warm blankets. Her head was fuzzy from pain, and she turned over to attempt to find more comfort only to be hit with the rancid smell of death.

She shot upright in bed, groaning in pain as her vision bloomed with a blindingly white light. It took her a few moments to regain her vision. When she finally regained it she looked around herself to try and find the source of the smell, and she found that she was in an emaculate cage. Though she had comforts within her prison of iron. There was a comfortable bed in the middle of the cage, with a little stand on the side that had a change of clothes upon it.

Confusion seeped into her being at the comforts before she looked around, and what she saw nearly made her scream with horror. Along the walls there were chains and torture implements ranging from riding crops to iron spike fringed whips. The chains were not without occupents, however, and she looked at the emaciated, dead-eyed creatures that stared off into nothing. They ranged from many races, ages, and abused bodies.

These things seemed to have nothing to do with how they were treated, and her heart broke when she stared at the many children that were chained up, bruised and beaten. There were only a few that still held their minds, and those men and women stared at her with hatred in their gaze, and she couldn't blame them. She was given special treatment whilst they were stuck without any comfort.

She noticed that a few of the dead-gazed men and women were in fact perished, and they were what the rancid smell came from. They hadn't been collected for what seemed quite a few days, and their flesh had begun to peel from from them, revealing rancid muscle beneath. Soon she couldn't bare to look at them any longer and she hid her face away from them. She turned her back and stared at the gray brick wall that was just on the otherside of her cage.

Her head still swam with pain, and the smell from the bodies within the room weren't helping one tiny bit. She put a hand to her stomach and rubbed it, attempting to take away some of the nausea that had wracked her. No comfort came, however, and she simply just sat there, waiting to vomit out any food that was still in her system. Her eyes became clouded with tears, her stress finally welling up inside her, and she began to sob silently, holding the soft pillow they had given her to her chest. She hid her face within it, hoping that it would soak up all of her tears.

Her sobs were cut short as the horrific screeching sound echoed into the darkly-lit dungeon. She slowly looked towards the entrance to the room, but was greeted with nothing. The sound had come from a farther off door. She turned herself around, forcing herself to not cringe away from the hatred-filled gazes of the other captives. She didn't want to be caught crying, for fear of looking weak. She put her pillow down on the bed, but remained seated since she had no idea how her captor would react to her being anything more than a quiet little girl.

She kept her eyes locked on the door, and when it finally opened she was greeted with a side-view of an old man who's body had been worn beyond repair. His legs were bowed, and he used a cane to help him walk. In his other hand he carried a wicker basket filled with old and stale bread. His gaze didn't go to her as he walked into the room slowly with the assistance of his gnarled wood staff. When he stood just out of the reach of the prisoners he dropped his walking stick on the ground behind him, his shaking legs struggling to keep him upright.

The prisoners came alive, slobbering and clawing in the air as soon as they noticed that the person that fed them was in the room. He chuckled darkly as he grabbed piece after piece and simply threw them into the ground. That was when Sinovera noticed that their wounds didn't come from their captors, but from each other instead. Every time a loaf of bread landed within their numbers they claws, punched, and even bit each other so that they could get a piece.

The abuse continued until every single piece of bread was destroyed and stored away in gullets that needed more than bread to keep them alive. The old man let out a sigh and stood there for a few moments before he turned his head to finally take a look at Sinovera. When his full face was revealed to her she nearly gasped out in horror. Half of his face was mangled and contorted. She had never seen anything akin to his injuries. Though the thing that horrified her the most was the fact that one of his eyes seemed like it had been gouged out, leaving nothing but a bare, rancid hole.

“So, he found his new victim did he?” The maimed man said, his gaze contemplative as he gave her a once over. His tongue darted from his mouth to wet his lips as he walked towards her cage, giving no mind to his cane any longer.

“You certainly are prettier than the others,” he chuckled as he brought one of his crooked hands to his pants to readjust his meager manhood. He came to a stop just a foot or two away from the entrance to her cell and gave her another once over, a grin spreading acorss his face, pulling away and slightly tearing the burnt, tight skin.

“The master would like it if you changed into the change of clothes he laid out for you before he comes and sees you.” He made a gesture towards the clothing while he took his other one to wipe away the blood that was dripping down his chin. He made no move to walk out of the room and she stared at him coldly.

“Go on love, give us a show to warm our bed up with tonight.” His grin spread into a smile, tearing at his tight skin more. Her eyes went down to his mouth to find that most of his teeth were missing and the ones that were still within his head were quite rotten. Sinovera simply stared at him blankly with tear strained eyes, not moving from her seated position on her bed.

“How about you take your tiny little manhood and stick it into that disgusting eye of yours, because that's the only place it'll fit.” She said, her voice strained from lack of speaking.

“Now that's no way for a pretty little thing like you to talk.” He said, his eyes widening in surprise at her words. He stared at her like that for a few more moments before his hand went to a pocket in his tattered cloth pants and brought out a ring of keys.

“Someone should put your filthy Drow mouth back into its place.” He snarled as his face turned fierce. He quickly undid the lock and opened the door, stepping in. His eyes were filled with a mixture of hunger and anger. Sinovera didn't like either of the two very much.

“Don't touch me you filthy hobbled old man!” She tried to yell, but the strain on her throat turned it into more of a whisper.

“Shut up whore.” He snarled as he lunged forward. Sinovera tried to move, but he was surprisingly quick and he threw her against the bed and pinned her down. She struggled and kicked, nearly vomiting at the smell of his putrid eye, and rancid breath.

“Get off of me!” She tried to yell again, fear starting to catch ahold of her.

“I said shut your whore mouth!” He exclaimed at her as he brought a hand back and slapped it across her cheek, making lights dance into her vision. He then pinned her hands above her head with just one hand and with the other he began to explore her body in a truly invasive way. Tears sprung up in her eyes, and she did the only thing she could think to do. She pushed her head back into the bed before throwing it forward to headbutt him. The blow connected, making even brighter lights flash into her vision.

“You stupid bitch!” He cried at her as he viciously tore her nightgown apart. He grabbed one of her full breasts. Finally the strength came to her and she let out a loud scream of anguish and closed her eyes, hoping that he would be done soon.

Soon after her scream, however, she heard a startled cry come from the man and the pressure of his body on hers left her. She opened her eyes and sat up, her vision still swimming. Though from what she could make out, the hobbled man was being held in the air by the throat by the man that had ordered her parents excecution.

As her vision began to clear, and the ringing in her ears ceased, she could hear the difficulty the man was having to breathe, and the panic in his good eye. He was clawing at his master's hand, trying to get some sort of relief. When her eyes went to the dark man's she saw that his eyes were full-fledged green, and not brown like they previously were.

“So, Jenkins. You dared to defy me?” His voice was barely above a whispered growl, and the tension in his shoulders couldn't even be cut with a knife it seemed.

“Please master, she insulted me. I was simply trying to put her in her place!” He raspily said with the last of his breath. Then he couldn't so much as whimper because he couldn't breathe in any more air.

“It doesn't matter. I gave you strict orders to simply come in and feed the creatures. You were not even to look at her. Now I find that you, in fact, defied me and looked at her, and even touched her.” He snarled, the hold on the man's throat growing stronger.

“You even ripped her gown and revealed her when she did not wish to be revealed. I am left to wonder just how many women you have done that to.” He paused for a moment, shaking his head violently.

“Or what you have done to the creatures.” He began walking out of the cage with the man held up in the air effortlessly and walked towards the chained people.

“I think that maybe it's about time that they got revenge on you, you horrid little creature.” He snarled before tossing him into a group of the women that had been bruised and beaten. They came alive the second he was within their reach and they all snarled with glee as they began tearing him apart in any way they could. His ragged screams echoed throughout the dungeon.

His death was not slow, since the women didn't have anything but their own hands to tear him apart with. Sinovera didn't like the fact that she did, but she very much enjoyed hearing his screams. So much that she just closed her eyes as she sat exposed and reveled in his screams.

Once the screams became nothing but the sounds of squishing of organs and the sounds of bones cracking, it was only then she opened her eyes again. She looked to her captor and caught him staring at her, his eyes still as green as eyes could get, and there was a feral smile on his face. Though when he noticed that she had broken out of her daze he looked away for a moment, and she visibly say his eyes fade away into brown once again.

“Thank you.” Sinovera said in a moment of weakness. She was very much glad that he was dead, and would never gaze upon her again. Once she caught herself she bit her bottom lip hard enough to make herself bleed and looked away from him. They remained silent, and simply dealt with the other's compnay before the man spoke up.

“He was a horrid little wretch. I should have killed him long ago.” The man said, not an ounce of regret in his voice. Sinovera looked back to him, and simply nodded, not saying a word. As she stared at him, she saw his gaze flash downwards, then back up again. He took a few steps into the cage and grabbed the clothing that he had set out for her and held it out to her.

“You really should get dressed, little one.” Sinovera looked down at herself and realized that every single inch of her was bare to his eyes, and her cheeks darkened to black as blood rushed to her face. She quickly grabbed the clothing and got up. She turned her back on him and let the tattered remains of her nightgown fall from her curvy, lithe form. She had undergarments on, thankfully, so her rear end was still a mystery to him. She made quick work of putting on the leather pants and loose shirt that he had given her. The pants fit her well, but the shirst would be indecent until she could find something to wrap her breasts within.

“Why are you being so kind to me?” She asked as she turned to face him again. She was genuinely confused as to why this man would kill her family, and then just stuff her in a comfortably cage, and kill someone that had taken advantage of her.

He stayed quiet for a moment, his gaze turning contemplative. “You have a spark of something that I haven't quite seen before, and it intrigues me.” He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

Sinovera remained silent for a moment, anger starting to well up inside of her. This man had killed her parents, and he had the audacity to act like he had done nothing to her. “Is that why you killed my parents then, you bastard? Is that why you slit their throats? Just so you could abduct me and have your way with me?” She snarled at him, her hands balling up in fists. She dared not walk towards.

“I killed your parents because they aren't what you think they are. They might have seemed like peaceful farmers, but they were so much more.” He said matter-of-factly before he stepped out of the cage and slammed the door, locking it once again.

“What do you mean?” Sinovera asked, her anger faltering for a second.

“These poor people you see here? They were their victims.” He said, motioning towards the poor souls that were chained up.

“You're lying!” She sceamed at him, walking to the cell door and hitting one of the bars with a closed fist.

“They would never do something like this!” She grabbed the bars within her hands and started rattling the door in anger.

“I am not going to stand here and be insulted by you, little one. I have said all I need to say.” He said as he stepped away from the cage door and began walking towards the exit.

“I saved these people. I keep them chained up to protect them from themselves.” He stopped halfway to the door and turned around to face her.

Sinovera's anger faded away, and the tension in her shoulders disappeared. Her thoughts became filled with all the things she had thought were odd, but she paid no attention to. She now thought that perhaps she should have.

“Now you understand.” The man said as he watched Sinovera's change of posture. Sinovera didn't say anything as she stepped back from the door and sat on her bed, staring off into nothing, her mind wracked with the possibilities that her parents had done something.

“I will give you the night to contemplate, then in the morning you will have a decision to make.” He said as he stepped to the entrance of the exit.

“Wait!” Sinovera called after him, confusion on her face.

“What decision?”

He turned towards her, a slight smirk on his face. “The decision on whehter or not you want to end up like these poor creatures, or become a part of the Bloodmoon guild.” He said before he stepped out and closed the door. She tried to call out to him again, but he didn't return, and soon Sinovera was left alone with her thoughts once again.