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Thread: Darkness Encroaches. Tobias 9

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    Darkness Encroaches. Tobias 9

    Tobias Stalt
    29 years of age
    Human, Dehlosian (originally)
    Tanned Caucasian


    Walking Armory: Tobias has mastered the art of carrying all his weapons and learned to bear their weight without excessive burden. As a result, they do not hinder his normal walking speed, and he appears unburdened to the naked eye.

    Saint of the Sword: Unparalleled by most men, Tobias' skills with the blade are on par with Althanian legend. Though he is quietly confident in his ability, the mercenary challenges masters of swordsmanship to hone his skill.

    Merciless: He will kill anyone, given the inclination. Even former friends. Pity is not in his skillset. Time has eroded what empathy he had, and weariness of life has rendered him disinterested in former bonds. While there was a time when Tobias lobbied for redemption, he has since learned it is not realistic.

    Master of the Killing Arts: Whether discreet or direct, Tobias knows how to make people die. He is adept at striking from concealment, a distance, and in combat.

    Dark Master: In the two years since he went into reclusion, the mercenary learned more about his power and subsequently understood that it was not natural. Once he accepted that truth, Tobias decided that he would become the monster the Ethereal Sway warned he would inevitably be without their guidance. As a force of nature, not a man, Tobias decided to be the Reckoning that was long overdue across Althanas. Whether good or evil, the man who once believed in honor and doing the right thing no longer sees in black and white.


    His enemies are villainous ideals. Whether they be well-intended or damning, his time on Althanas has taught Stalt this above all else- if left to their own devices, humans are dangerous creatures. Any attempt to guide them or control them leads to revolution and chaos. Magic was only ever an enabling poison; the real enemy is the nature of men's hearts. This realization broke him and changed him forever.

    His return to Althanas begins with dark clouds on the horizon, and a storm that promises great devastation.

    Along with his familiar Namerokth, a jet black raven, Tobias resolves to scour the four corners of Raiaera, Salvar, Alerar, and Corone for the vile and the righteous alike, and to free the common man from their machinations.

    The Black Blade of Adremas: During his travels across Kebiras, Tobias entered the fallen kingdom of Adremas. The story goes that the King became so twisted by his power that the other Ancient Kings conspired and called down the wrath of the Old Gods on him. The kingdom was broken and lost- forever covered by an electrical storm, it takes a man of considerable skill or many hours and proper equipment to tread those lands.

    The King sat his throne for two hundred years, defiant of all that he lost and driven mad. During that time, he plotted revenge and forged a weapon in the hellfires of Adremas' great forge that would one day bring vengeance to those who wronged him. Tobias found that cursed blade there, but the seal on it has yet to break and he cannot yet draw the weapon.


    Namerokth: The Raven is nearly a foot and a half in length, and when not circling overhead he perches on Tobias' shoulder. When he cackles, Tobias alone understands. He is able to see through mystic wards and travel great distances all while Tobias watches through his eyes. To do this, Tobias must sacrifice his own vision for the duration and maintain concentration on Namerokth.

    The raven has talons for taking his foes, which can cut through steel easily. If he dies, he will slowly disperse and reform.

    Dauntless: Tobias has transcended pain. Through flame and whip, knife and nail, his body has been punished beyond breaking. Each time, the broken man stood once more. Tobias can continue to fight even with normally incapacitating wounds. Broken bones will slow him, but not stop. He will endure through the loss of limbs or critical wounds until his body is unable to function.

    Lightning Reflexes: Tobias can move at breakneck speeds on a whim; though his running speed is nothing special, his reaction time is incredible. Quicker than most men blink, he can move faster than a "shot from the hip". (Can't dodge a bullet, but is incredibly hard to aim at if he knows he's being fired on) At close range, his hands can move faster than the eye can follow. He can stab with a blade 10 times in the time it takes most men to do so once.

    Hatemark: Unlike before, Tobias' ability to damn an opponent with a breath now extends to up to four targets simultaneously. Whereas it once matched the strength of a foe and allowed him to act as their equal, it now quashes their resolve and breaks them down with constant feelings of doubt and hopelessness. As long as they are close to him, the feelings of inadequacy and depression intensify until it becomes unbearable. He must have a visual on them to mark them, but once they are marked they remain so until he wills the mark away. Additionally, he is aware of their presence regardless of invisibility or attempts to mask their presence, and if he concentrates on them he can track them over great distances. If Tobias thinks about someone who is marked, they feel the chill of death down their spine.

    Slayer: Tobias' strikes are honed over years of training and combat. His brutal finesse makes armor less effective against his blows. His strikes (of moderate strength) with a blade pierce Mithril grade metal and less (if they strike head on).

    Unmake: Trained in the secret arts of the Order of the All-Seeing Eye, Tobias has learned to break down magic spells with his own mana. This powerful fluctuation of magic power breaks down and scatters a spell to the winds. This can be use six times per day.

    Terror: Once he has marked an enemy with his Hatemark, Tobias can actively "infect" them with his Mana. By flooding the marked target with his essence, Tobias can shatter an enemy's resolve and force them into a state of primal fear. This makes it nearly impossible for them to concentrate, though it does not inhibit their movements. While afflicted, the victim hallucinates, which causes them to see either their greatest fear or to relive the most tragic event they have experienced. This effect lasts for three posts or seven minutes. (Usable 3 times/thread)

    Scour: With a subtle incursion of his power, Tobias afflicts a sickness on his foe that remains dormant until they channel magic. This "trap" causes what begins as a "mild ailment." As the target begins to draw on magic power, it erupts into a crippling fit of vomiting and shivers. If the target continues to use magic, the condition can progress into plaguelike symptoms and ultimately organ failure. (Usable twice per thread, lasts 3 posts)

    Stillness: Forcefully unloading energies onto a foe, Tobias can cause their body to atrophy, which makes their movements become labored and difficult. Their movement speed and reaction time are halved while in the effective range of ten feet while he is maintaining this power. As victims are subjected to this, their tissue begins to weaken. It will slowly return to normal over the course of several minutes once the victim leaves the affected area or the effect ends, but while weakened, it is more susceptible to damage. (For example, bones become more brittle, which makes them much easier to break, muscles tear more easily from exertion, etc.)(Lasts for 5 posts or 10 minutes, usable 2 times/thread)

    Black Mana: Tobias draws on the volatile energies and manifests them on the Althanian plane. Anything close by feels uneasy when he does this, like the power itself is a perversion of magic and reality. Anything the spell strikes rapidly begins to break down at the molecular level, but the attack halts immediately upon impact. (It stops at armor, but the armor begins to deteriorate. The effect does not spread to anything the armor protected, i.e. flesh, cloth, etc.) The effected area pulsates with a sensation of great loss, like it had been stripped bare and everything that once existed simply ceased to do so. This can be used two times in a thread

    Withering Touch: Tobias can alter the energies within a body and cause it to warp. Because of the nature of his own power, this causes vicious damage to cells (not unlike cancer, on a localized level). He can do this four times per thread. This can only be used by touching the target, and only extends out a foot from the touched area in all directions. The longer he maintains contact, the worse the effects.

    If contact only lasts for a second or less, the effect is akin to lancing pain and mild bruising. For two to five seconds, the skin warps and knits together just around the immediate area, and pain like fire remains for several hours. Six to ten seconds, the effect begins to spread around the area, and the skin directly touched becomes necrotic. That area remains numb, but the area around it still sends pain signals to the brain. For any more than ten seconds, the area and everything within a foot begins to writhe and "boil," coalescing together and remaining in that condition. Internal damage from this is akin to rot: bones decay, organs shrivel and start to lose function.

    If Tobias were to grab someone by the wrist and hold for ten seconds, their hand and forearm would become useless.
    Last edited by Tobias Stalt; 06-03-16 at 01:19 AM.
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