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Thread: Cain Jodin Level 3

  1. #1
    EXP: 16,344, Level: 5
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    Level completed: 40%,
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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    Merchant Sailor/ Privateer

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    Cain Jodin Level 3

    Modifications in blue...

    Name: Cain Jodin (Pronounced Yo-Den)

    Nickname/Alias: *

    Age: 27

    Race: Human

    Height: 5’11

    Weight : 185

    Occupation: Merchant Sailor and Privateer

    Personality: The right tool for the right could be the easiest way to describe Cains personality. For the most part he’s a pragmatist, he doesn’t have a fierce temper but when the need arises he will become angry. He does have things he enjoys, simple things mostly the taste of red wine and mead, the smell of the ocean spray, the feel of the warm sun, and the like. Most of all he enjoyed the freedom the sea gave him. He had his dislikes too.

    History: There is nothing special about Cain, he was not born under a special sign, nor was he cursed in any way shape or form. There is nothing special about him. He was born in a port city, he lived in a port city, and wouldn’t you know it when he was old enough to do so he entered into one of the three occupations that most people born in a port city. He became a deck hand on a whaling ship the pay was fare to middling, he didn’t have to degrade himself as the...companions inside the port and he wasn’t scraping for work like a dock worker. While as a deck hand he learned how to sail, when the ship had to repel pirates he learned how to fight, when on shore he stuck close to the boatswain and quartermasters and learned the value of things and how to sell them for a good price. And that’s how it went he caught on quick and rose through the ranks eventually becoming the ships boatswain and a harpooner.

    Things went well for quite some time until one unfortunate event at the end of a productive whaling season when the ship Cain was on was sunk. It was a risk of the job from time to time a whaling ship will harpoon a whale that far out classes the ship and the whale fights back smashing the ship to pieces. Luckily Cain was able to make it back to his home port of Radasanth. Once there he purchased a ship he could afford and highered a crew mostly made up of the surviving crew he served with.

    Things began to get real interesting when Cain began getting involved in the Corone Civil War on the side of the Corone Republic. With his ship being shallow in draught and incredibly fast he began blockade running through the various harbors of Corone. As time went on he was pursued by the Might of Corone. Through a series of capers, and a lot of luck Cain sunk the larger, faster and more powerful ship. This had the effect of the Admiralty writing a letter of Marque for Cain and his crew.

    His next major engagement was against a squadron of Imperial Frigates commanded by the tenacious Commodore Evans. Again Cain had luck and several merchant men ships on his side. He had won the day with his ship in a bad state; the merchant men being grateful for his work in defeating the Evans fleet refitted the Peregrine handsomely. And so things continued.

    Appearance: Cain stands at almost six feet tall, he has blonde hair and green eyes. He wears a white buttoned shirt with wooden toggles rolled up which shows off large ropy muscled arms, and tan pants with black boots. He has a few scars one over his right eyebrow when a splinter flew from the Peregrines rail, is missing a piece of his right ear where an allied pistol misfired and blew off a large portion of it.


    Appraisal: Cain understands the value of the mundane things of the world.

    Mercantile: Through his years of serving on ships which sell things Cain has became skilled at trading.

    Sailing: Cain is a skilled sailor he can use the wind to make his ship move faster in the water, he can tie all sorts of knots, and can use the currents of the water he is in and so on.

    Harpoon Combat: He can fight with a harpoon at a competent level.

    Cutlass: Cain has learned how to fight wit a cutlass, cavalry saber, tripolian scimitar, and other similar weapons. His not the consummate swords man but when he combines it with brawling, and use of his surroundings he can hold his own.

    Pistoleering: Cain is proficient at using black powder pistols. He can load and shoot them well enough to nail cards at thirty feet. But if the opposing force is too close to reload in time he can use the pistols as clubs and a parrying weapon.

    Two weapon fighting: Cain is able to fight with two weapons effectively
    Tactician: Cain through constant encounters with opposing forces and research on the matter has became quite the formidable tactician.


    A Crack Ship: Between Cains leadership and training the crew of Cains ship is efficient in maneuvers and exercising the great guns. In short Cains crew can maneuver his ship, and fire it's great guns twice as fast as an average ship. This is in comparison to a character who has enhanced reflexes.

    Speed: Cain can move three times faster than the average human.

    Command of the wind: Any ships captain worth his weight can harness the wind. Cain can do it better than most getting half again as much speed from the same airs as the average ships captain. His ship moves 1.5 times faster than average.

    Sight: Cain can see long distances. he has 20/5 vision. What normal people can see at 5 feet he can see at 20 feet.

    Extra Gold: On land it's called bounty money, at sea it's called prize money but no matter what it's called it's the same thing extra gold. Cain gets 10% extra gold from threads.

    Reputable Tradesman: Cain through his efforts at protecting his ship, shipping lanes, and merchantmen has earned a reputation and discount at the various shops at the Bazaar. Cain gets a 5% discount at the bazaar for tier 1 and 2 items.

    Harpoon: A standard harpoon it’s got a wooden haft about five feet long, with a two foot steel shaft topped off with a razor sharp head that’s designed to not easily be pulled out.

    Corvette: The Peregrine: The Peregrine is a slightly modified three masted, Alerarian corvette. From stem to stern the Peregrine is eighty feet long with the bowsprit being an extra forty feet long. Her main mast is one hundred thirty five feet tall, her mizen mast is one hundred feet tall and her fore mast is ninety five feet tall. She is armed with fourteen brass guns; twelve four pound “great guns” (if you can call four pounders great) and two six pound long guns. It has a cargo capacity of fifteen tons. It’s painted dark blue with holy stoned decks and accented with gold leaf on the taff rail. Its sails are primarily square rigged sails with jib sails flying fore and spanker sails aft. She is crewed by seventy five men the core crew are those that he had known from his first ship for quite some time.

    Miscellaneous charts , ledgers and logs

    Cavalry Saber: A curved single edged sword made of steel earned from which has been sharpened to where Cain could shave with it. here.

    Two Cap-lock Pistols: Two pistols earned from here.
    Last edited by jdd2035; 06-24-16 at 10:43 PM.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

  2. #2
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
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    Level completed: 78%,
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    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
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    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

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