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Thread: A Gross 'Misunderstanding' Rated M

  1. #11
    EXP: 2,895, Level: 2
    Level completed: 30%, EXP required for next level: 2,105
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    Aynur's Avatar

    Aynur Ziva
    Hair Color
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    Ice Blue - Blind
    158cm 52kg

    As the door clicked behind him the doctor clasped his hands together. “Let’s see what I’m working with here.” The doctor mused, pulling back the sheets. “Now, now, who did you piss off sweetheart?” He muttered in an amused tone, his calloused fingers grazed her skin. Aynur’s chest rose and fell rapidly. “Body’s going into shock.” He pushed her hair out of her face. “Barely responsive.”

    He wandered over to the chair. He dragged it unceremoniously to the bed. “Right.” He popped his own black leather bag on the chair and pried it open, pulling out a large pair of scissors. “First things first.” He carefully snipped the last remnants of her clothing away. “Such a shame.” He mused, briefly admiring her body. “You have such fair skin. It’s a shame it’ll be marred by scars and burns.” He placed the scissors on the side of the bed.

    He leaned in, his nose and lips brushing against her neck. He pressed his lips to the underside of her jaw, and could taste the salt from her tears. “Poor girl.”

    The doctor straightened then pulled out a jar of putrid smelling green slime, he slicked it onto her lesser burns. “That’ll ease the pain. Ahh, but what to do about this…” He glanced at a small hole on her chest, a few inches above her left breast. The skin around the hole was red and blistered. Yellowed pus was caked to dried blood. “Oh my…” His fingers trailed down, grazing her nipple before he cupped her full breast in his hand. He gave a disappointed grunt. “Little small..” He muttered.

    Aynur moaned a small groan of protest, her brows furrowing.

    “Shh, shhh…” The doctor pressed his finger to her lips. “I promised I’d help you. We need to get antiseptic on that wound.” He rummaged through his bag, pulling out other various instruments. He poured a clear solution onto clean cloth and dabbed at the burn. “This will leave a nasty, permanent scar.” Once he cleaned it to the best of his abilities he dressed the wound in clean bandages.

    The doctor turned her on her side, and grimaced. There was a deep laceration on her side. He cleaned the wound with antiseptic, and stitched it together. Every so often, Aynur would twitch from his touch. The doctor placed another bandage on that.

    “This is proving to be a lot more work than a few minor wounds.” He muttered, glancing at his dwindling supplies.

    Finally, was the wound on her upper thigh. “I’m beginning to think you’re into some odd kinks, Miss.” He gleamed - admiring the handiwork of whomever sliced a chunk of her skin off. He cleaned the wound with antiseptic and dressed it.

    “Best check if there are any more...wounds…” He said, carefully parting her legs. His fingers once again trailed along her skin. From her thigh to her hips, and down to her genitalia. He paused. “No wounds. Guess you’re all patched up.”

    He pressed his finger further and was met with resistance. “Oh?” his eyes flashed. “A virgin?” He shifted away from her and pulled out another two vials.

    “I’m going to administer two shots to you, Miss.” His eyes glanced toward the door. There was no sound.

    “The first, is adrenaline. You’ve lost a lot of blood, and will be quite anemic. Your body is shutting down, and this will help give you a good ol’ kick-start. The second - well, that’s a fun one. That one’s a good dose of aphrodisiac.” ” He laughed, waving the needle to and fro before stabbing it into her upper arm.

    Aynur jolted, finally coming to. She shot up with a startled yelp. Her breathing erratic. Her pupils dilated. Not that that could be seen beneath the enchanted blindfold she wore. She opened her mouth to question things, but she felt a warm hand clasp over it.

    “Shhh, I’m a doctor….”

    He pulled out the secondary needle, lying through his teeth. “I need you to calm down miss. This will alleviate the pain.”

    Aynur relaxed slightly. She could feel that her other wounds had been tended to, the smell of antiseptic was strong in the air.

    “Good girl.”

    The doctor pricked her skin with the needle, and began to inject her.

    “Soon you’ll forget all about that pain.”

    He leaned in, his lips grazing her neck once more. “Doesn’t that feel….better?”

  2. #12
    EXP: 3,500, Level: 2
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next level: 1,500
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    Lucifer's Avatar

    Castiel Lucifer
    Ar'Tuel; Human
    Hair Color
    Snow White
    Eye Color
    Blood Red
    6'2 / 184
    Order of the Dusk

    Lucifer felt a disturbance in the force… The doctor's feelings were not pure, and if fact were heavily leaning to lust. Lucifer bolted up the stairs and kicked down the door to find the doctor with his lips against her neck, her breasts were bare and Anyur looked dazed. Not fighting his advancement in the slightest. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, shitbag”

    Without looking back the doctor snickered. “My payment, obviously. She’s not adverse to it...are you dear?”

    Aynur’s head lolled forward, her words breathy, and dull. “I do not mind. He’s alleviating the pain.”

    Lucifer had a feeling that the doctor would pull a stunt like this. Human men in particular were absolute pigs, and that was an insult to the pigs. “You don’t mind?” Lucifer stared blankly at the two. “What did you do to her? She is not as vile as you scum” Lucifer snarled.

    “No.” The doctor replied. “She’s as pure as the day she was born, but she wants me to fix that. Don’t you, my dear?” His teeth sank lightly into her flesh and Aynur trembled, moaning lightly in response.

    Lucifer grimaced as he began to slowly step towards the two instinctively, “You should have kept your lewd feelings to yourself old man” Lucifer jumped at the cretin his hands outstretched placing his thumbs over the man's eyes, burning them into his sockets.

    The doctor let out a guttural scream, pulling the needle from Aynur and instinctively jamming it into Lucifer's chest. It being the only weapon he had on hand.

    Lucifer didn’t flinch as the needle was rammed into his chest, but pushed his thumbs deeper into the man's face until his thumbs cooked the insides of his head. Lucifers palms leaving physical burn marks on the side of the man's face until the man's head was nothing but an unrecognisable mess. Lucifer dropped him to the floor, his chest heaving in and out as he ripped the needle out of his chest, throwing it to the side. “Abhorrent creature”

    He glanced over at Aynur, who still sat in the bed. She swayed side to side. Her lips parted. Her breathing heavily. Sweat glistened her body. She was not in the right frame of mind to react. Lucifer wondered if she even realized he’d just killed the doctor.

    Lucifers heart beat heavily, and he felt himself growing hotter, yet he had no clue why. Lucifer closed the door behind him, unsure of what to do with the body. “Are you ok Aynur?” He pressed her gently back onto the bed, “You need to let your wounds heal n-now” His eyes fixated on her bare breast, what the hell was this feeling?

    “It is hot.” She breathed, her hands reaching out to clasp his forearms. “Am I ailed with fever?” She breathed. Her nails dug slightly into his skin. “I feel quite warm.”

    Lucifer rocked in place for a moment as he stared at the empty needle on the floor “I don’t think so, whatever that doctor stuck in us, is doing this” Lucifers body began to heat too.

    “Aphrodisiac. To alleviate the pain.” She said.

    “Alleviate pain?” He grabbed her hand to steady himself. “I don’t know.. I feel funny”

    “Lucifer…help.” She breathed his name, and it was like it had been lined with a sense of yearning. The way she whispered it sent shivers up his spine.

    Lucifer looked down at his white pants, a visible bulge had appeared, but was completely oblivious as to why. “How am I going to help..? I’m not a doctor..”

    Her hands found their way to his chest, her soft, delicate palms slid down his toned torso. Since when did a human’s hand feel so soft? Or their touch this good?

    “Please…” She insisted, trying to sit up.

    What was he supposed to do, she was asking for something he had no idea how to fix. Lucifers hand touched hers on his chest, his fingers brushing over her forearm. “I..” He fell forward, his body leaning over hers. His heart was racing, his mortal body giving into temptation. Her lips… looked so tender, so soft…

    His face inching closer to hers as his mind became fuzzy and clouded with thoughts of nothing but her lips. His hot breath over her skin, his lips touching hers. His whole body instantly began to burn up with a heat unlike anything he ever felt before. He didn’t want to stop.

    Her lips parted so willingly for his. Her baited breath, her tiny moans. The way her body began to writhe underneath him. Her hands found their way into his hair and pulled him closer into the kiss and he all too willingly accepted.

    Lucifers whole body tensed as his arms caressed the side of body, careful not to hurt her. HIs touch illicit another low moan from Aynur, and her hips bucked toward him. His lips were wrapped firmly to hers, unable to escape for a breath. His tried desperately to let go, but his body wouldn’t let him, their lips parted, and he caught hers with his teeth. His whole body was in agony but in agony from what? He felt her hips buckle beneath him and he couldn’t help but push back against them as he kissed her once again deeply. He had tasted but just the surface of the forbidden fruit.

    Aynur gasped for breath, tilting her head to the side. Lucifer shifted his lips to her neck. Tongue running up from her collarbone. She tasted salty, yet he found himself lapping at her skin. Aynur shivered beneath his weight and touch. One hand slid down his back and pressed him further into her lithe form.

    “More…” She pleaded, her uninjured leg rose to wrap around his waist. Even with the thin cloth pants he wore, he could feel an odd wetness from between her legs. *Sweat? Blood?

    Lucifer wanted more too, but there was something that felt wrong with this. “Aynur…” He groaned into her ear softly, his snow white hair brushing against her cheek as he bit into the crook of her neck, kissing it tenderly. “I…” His heart began to slow as his hand clasped her breast. “I…” His mind slowly started to clear, and he began to come back to his senses, smelling something like charred pork.

    He pulled away slowly, his hands darting back to himself. “What am I doing?” He blinked slowly as his bulge rested against her stomach. Aynur’s head tilted up toward him. Still blindfolded, her lips moist, and parted in heavy breaths.

    She tilted her head further up and reached out to him with shaking hands. Lucifer gently bat them away, but they just found their way to his hips. Her fingers hooking into the hem of his pants.

    Lucifer pulled back, sliding off the edge of the bed and falling back until he rested against the wall of the small room. He looked off to the side the body of the doctor slowly rotting as brain matter seeped from his eye sockets. “What am I doing..” Lucifer buried his face in his hands before rushing out of the room, realising he had left the bag outside.

    He could hear her pleas, as she called out to him. Begging him to return, wanton and breathless she insisted she needed him. Aynur crawled off the bed, with great effort, and made her way to the door.

    Lucifer returned to the room, and she pressed herself up against him. Forcing him against the door as the two slid to the floor. Aynur straddled him, her lips trying to press against his.

    Lucifer turned his head to the side,and placed his hand between their faces, gently pushing her off him. “Who do you think I am woman.” He growled, insanely frustrated at himself. He threw the bag onto the bed and checked the contents, breathing a sigh of relief to find that the orb was still safely placed inside.
    This world, is rotten.

  3. #13
    EXP: 2,895, Level: 2
    Level completed: 30%, EXP required for next level: 2,105
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    Aynur's Avatar

    Aynur Ziva
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Ice Blue - Blind
    158cm 52kg

    Aynur found herself feeling more and more frustrated. Her mind in an utter daze. His touch sent waves of pleasure up through her body, and she wanted more. Craved more. needed more.

    She had been hit with a higher dosage of the aphrodisiac and it was still pumping through her veins, she was already anemic from the lack of blood. The foreign toxin in her stream had no resistance.

    Aynur lavished every moment, every buck, every taste of his lips and every sensation that bubbled up from his touch. She was lost, enthralled by him.

    But, he had shifted away. Leaving her desires and needs unsated.

    Lucifer stood over the bed, glancing into the bag. Amari crawled over to him tugging at his loose pants. “Please…” Her head tilted up toward him, her eyes hidden by the purple blindfold she wore. “Please….take me…”She clambered to her feet. Her body ached and her breathing heavy.

    Aynur pressed herself tight to his semi-nude form. Her lips pressing against his chest.

    Lucifer’s blood red eyes fell onto her, as she clawed at him. His expression cold and unloving. “That’s enough Aynur, you were about to fucking die half an hour ago and now you’re throwing yourself at me?! You need bed rest, now.” His voice was stern and unkind as he pulled himself away from her once again and placed the bag under the bed. Finally, he pushed Aynur to the bed.

    Lucifer picked up the strands of loose fabric, the little that remained of her robe and tied it around her wrists. Then her wrists to the bed. “Stay the fuck there you filthy wench.” He muttered.

    Lucifer sat in the chair. Arms crossed, red eyes watching Aynur.

    Aynur bucked and writhed, her moans and pleas unrelenting. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she felt wave after wave of unabashed pleasure course through her frail being. It lasted for half an hour before the drug began to be flushed from her system.

    Now, Aynur was still. Nude, and very ashamed of herself. She whimpered.

    “The Oracle is supposed to keep herself pure….” She said in a pained whisper. “For the day Alkieh may return…”

    Lucifer’s head tilted, he looked unimpressed with her choice of words. “You’re fucking welcome. But what the fuck is that meant to mean?”

    Aynur wriggled, now she was no longer heated and filled with unyielding lust the pain from her wounds began to creep back. The doctor had one thing right, the second shot did indeed curb her pain, even if it were only replacing it with primal desire.

    “It’s said Master Alkieh, in all his divinity will one day make himself known again - to the oracle of his choosing, and have child with her.” She paused, brows crinkling as she tried to remember. Her mind still fuzzy. “I believe it was recorded that it has happened twice before. Once every century.”

    Aynur shifted uncomfortably again. Feeling the bite of the cold wind. Her cheeks reddened. “Forgive me for my sinful actions, Lucifer.”

  4. #14
    EXP: 3,500, Level: 2
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next level: 1,500
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    Lucifer's Avatar

    Castiel Lucifer
    Ar'Tuel; Human
    Hair Color
    Snow White
    Eye Color
    Blood Red
    6'2 / 184
    Order of the Dusk

    Lucifer sat silent as her words sunk in. He wasn’t sure as to any of these feelings, but for some reason there was an aching in his heart as if he had been betrayed by someone close, or pierced through with a branding iron.

    He hated this woman, with every fibre of his being. He despised her looks, her personality, her stupid accent. But he hated her most of all because he gave into her, he gave into the desires of a mortal body and he had no control at all. “I don’t forgive you” He shot at her, visibly upset.

    The look that fell across Aynur’s face was hurt, then a look of acceptance. “I understand. I shall pray that my sins have not hurt you, and that Alkieh will one day forgive my tainted soul.” Her voice was a whisper, and Lucifer couldn’t quite tell the emotion that hung off every word she uttered. It pissed him off more.

    Lucifer wasn’t going to hide the truth from her any longer. It sickened him that his own brother would mislead the blind and take them for his own twisted desires, he wondered exactly how it was he kept his soul uncorrupted whilst defiling numerous women. Though, the once a century condition probably had something to do with it.

    “I’m sure I’ve made this point blatantly aware by now, but Alkieh is my brother. He and I are ancient spirits who nurtured this Earth into a beautiful world for ingrates like you and this sicko of a doctor to live in. We’re known as Ar’Tuel. When we take mortal form, this mark is burnt into the body.” He pointed at the Ar’Tuel symbol imprinted on his chest.

    “Alkieh is the second born, and I am the fourth. The third born has lost her memories but she was In town not long ago, I’ve been trying to wake her up. The first born is the eldest, he is greater than Alkieh in terms of power of creation, one could argue that he himself is the creator of all. I was known by a different name back then.. Until they cast me out from the sanctum.”

    “I apologize, but I cannot see that mark without taking off my blindfold.” Aynur said, clear regret in her voice. “I find it difficult to find truth within your words, Lucifer. However, we have been taught that it is wrong to doubt. If what you say is true - than you are more hurt than one would first assume.” Still bound she tried to turn her form to him. Brown hair spilling over her shoulders and covering an exposed nipple.

    “Your very existence aches and burns with a sick darkness. Alkieh burns with a brightness that rivals that darkness.” She turned her face toward the ceiling. “Maybe he bought us together - perhaps he wishes you to heal?”

    Lucifer scoffed “You mock me woman. Amari was the only one who cared for me. Alkieh in particular always had it out for me. He was glad to see what I had become, It made him easier to get rid of me. He’s not the pure light you think he is, he’s a monster even worse than I. Remember what I said about lying monsters..? He’s one of them. I don’t lie, I never have, and I never will. I embrace what has become of me… I’ll do what’s right.. Even if it kills me”

    “It hurts to hear you speak such heresy against him. We have been guided by his kindness, and his teachings, his warmth, and his light for centuries. It has been 103 years since his last appearance. This may be a test of my will. Of my devout ways. I do not wish to cause you ire, but I cannot be swayed by the words of someone who bleeds hatred.” Her soft spoken words, the way she shook her head. It took every ounce of willpower not to drag her off the bed and slap sense into her, but he did get off his chair.

    Lucifers corrupted aura seeped from his being, filling the whole room with a heavy pressure forcing her back down onto the bed, paralysing her with fear. “You do not speak to me like that you filthy human. You’ve taken advantage of my grace for far too fucking long. You should have you killed you now here and fucking now do you understand me?” Lucifer walked over to her reaching under the bed and grabbing the bag. “We are not Gods, and you’re nothing more than a blind pawn in my brothers sick game. I won’t allow him to defile you.”

    Lucifer had enough. He took the bag with him and stormed out of the room, “I’m done. I gave you mortals more than enough chances to redeem yourselves. And I nearly fell for it too. But you’re all delusional. And you.. There’s no value in killing you, if you truly want to live in your delusions then face reality first, run, fight, and cling to your pathetic life.” With those last piercing words, Lucifer left, slamming the door behind him and taking his brother with him as if by the neck.
    This world, is rotten.

  5. #15
    Make It So
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    Rayleigh Aston
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    Thread: A Gross Misunderstanding
    Participants: Aynur & Lucifer
    Type: No Judgment


    Aynur receives 565 EXP and 80 GP.
    Lucifer receives 565 EXP and 80 GP.
    Althy's Judging Admin
    To try or not to try. To take a risk or play it safe.
    Your arguments have reminded me how precious the right to choose is.
    And because I've never been one to play it safe, I choose to try.

  6. #16
    Make It So
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    All rewards have been added!
    Althy's Judging Admin
    To try or not to try. To take a risk or play it safe.
    Your arguments have reminded me how precious the right to choose is.
    And because I've never been one to play it safe, I choose to try.

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