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Thread: Cain Fenris Ulric

  1. #1
    Cain's Avatar

    Cain Fenris Ulric
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    6"3 ft / 210 Pounds

    Cain Fenris Ulric

    Name: Cain Fenris Ulric
    Age: 25
    Race: Lycanthrope (Human)
    Height: 6"3 Ft
    Weight: 210 Pounds
    Occupation: Vagabond

    Personality Cain is a very Apathetic person, he rarely cares for the affairs of people and the day to day squabble. He's a Vagabond who roams around a lot preferring his Lycan form to his regular human form. He's extremely in tune with his animalistic nature, and displays most qualities of the deadly sins, being lazy, greedy, wrathful, full of pride, and a sloth. He almost always acts on his urges and does what he pleases without much remorse tending to make him rather wayward. He doesn't have much of a soft spot either, only really helping people if there's something in it for him and even then he might decide he's too lazy to do anything about it anyway.

    History Cain was raised like a wolf, both his parents were werewolves who were cursed by other werewolves. His mother gave birth to twins, Cain and his brother Axel. Both Cain and Axel were born inherently with the ability to shift and were a lot more animalistic than regular children. Cain was always the more physically gifted while Axel was a lot smarter and faster. Their parents weren't exactly loving or caring and only really cared about their own interests. This didn't really bother Cain, but it tore up Axel who did anything to get their attention and approval.

    As a vagabond family, they travelled as a pack through many places until they reached Althanas a promising land for their kind. However upon the town of Corone discovering that they were werewolves, they hunted them down. His parents killed countless men before finally giving into death which bought Cain and Axel enough time to jump onto a ship sailing to Alerar. As it was just the two of them, they would have to learn how to navigate the lands themselves and fend for themselves, despite still being just kids. Not long after the two boys were picked up by a band of mercenaries which took them by force after tiering them out.

    These mercenaries treated them like the animals they were and often used them in 'dog fighting' matches where they would have to fight for survival against other beasts and monsters. The mercenaries gave Cain and Axel matching tattoos as to be apart of the show. The two eventually became used to this type of lifestyle and were dehumanised, talking in snarls and growls.

    The day came where they were becoming too old to be controlled and too predictable to be fun watching. As a final show the mercenaries decided to pit the brothers against each other. At first they were confused, but quickly grasped their situation. They looked for a way out, but it was hopeless. The only way out was to fight to the death. Cain and Axel fought ferociously against each other, Axel was quick and agile, but he was completely outmatched physically by his brother Cain. It wasn't too long before Cain had Axel pinned to the ground, where Cain ended the fight by biting into his bothers jugular and ripping it out. Cain was the victor and the Mercs had their fun. Now it was time to finish Cain and be done with their monsters.

    Or so they thought.

    Cain had a lot of fight left in him and no matter how many spears and arrows they stuck into Cain, he wouldn't stop killing. Each swipe was a shredded body, each bite was a crushed skull. The mercenaries were completely caught off guard, having assumed the fight against his brother would have slowed him down enough to kill him. Cain killed every last Mercenary in quick succession before they could run or gather the appropriate materials to fight him off. After that night Cain ended up living in the woods for a large portion of his life, a recluse that simply let his Lycan form take care of his needs during the night and lived a 'normal' life during the day.

    A lot of time passed as Cain went from hunting ground to hunting ground, learning from his surroundings during the day to set up for the perfect hunts during the night. Eventually he learnt basic human and tradespeak so he could get messages across to the few people he decided to talk to. Most of the time though, he keeps to himself and even refuses to talk much preferring to speak with his body language.

    Appearance Cain has wild black hair which has a 'tail' grown from the back and reaches to the mid of his back. He has hazel brown eyes which is normally hid behind a kitsune mask. He's rather tall and very heavy but is mostly all lean muscle. He doesn't bother wearing a shirt since he feels like they're a cage on him and they always rip off when he transforms. He wears baggy shorts which just fit on his transformed body and his belts stretch. He has tattoo's all over his body the main piece being the Chinese dragon tattooed onto his back. His body temperature is also much higher than normal, another reason he doesn't require a shirt.


    Hand to hand Expert: Cain learnt from a young age to defend himself and spent his whole life learning the martial arts of the world. While this is mostly useless in his Lycan state, it's most valuable in defending himself when he cannot shift.

    Hunting: He's very good at it given his abilities.

    Athletic: While very lazy he's naturally very fast and strong, at a peak performance for regular humans.


    Lycanthropy shift: As a human fully in tune with his animalistic nature, Cain is able to shift into his werewolf state on a regular basis (Once per thread) and stay in it as long as its dark out, shifting in daylight however shortens this to two hours (1-5 posts). In this state Cain is strong enough lift half a tonne and can run at speeds up to 65 Km/ph when in an all fours sprint. His movement is rather rigid however as his shift is mainly a muscular one. His claws can rip through everything short of iron with ease. In this form he also has a bite force of 1,400 PSI, allowing him to crush most things between his teeth apart from the majority metals. When it comes to physical endurance he's a big sponge in the sense that has lots of meat but little to no protection, mentally however he's not deterred by pain. Weaknesses include silver, wolfsbane, mistletoe, rye grains, and lunar eclipses.

    Equipment/Weapons: N/A
    Last edited by Cain; 01-18-17 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Deliver Us
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    Hi Cain! Welcome to Althanas!

    As it stands, sadly, I think you are a little bit too strong for level 1. To help you get this approved, I would recommend the following:

    - Reduce the ability to lift three tonnes to something much lower

    - Reduce the speed at which Cain can run in the werewolf form

    - Give a limitation as to what types of materials he can bite through. At this level, I don't think anything above steel would be allowed, but come back to me and let me know.

    Please also clarify if the form allows him an additional endurance buff, as this will have to be considered as well. Thank you! I'm looking forward to helping you get approved!

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

  3. #3
    Cain's Avatar

    Cain Fenris Ulric
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    Steel generally has a strength of 40,000 PSI so a bite force of 1,400 wont be enough to break steel, but most non metals short of something like rusty iron will be crushed. Realised I shot a bit high with his strength, lowered to half a tonne. Cheetahs can run at over 100 Km/PH so I went a bit under, though I'll lower it to something closer to what a regular wolf would have There is no actual endurance buff, but he shrugs off pain. I will be adding a real endurance buff as well as some regenerative abilities as he levels up.
    Last edited by Cain; 01-17-17 at 08:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Deliver Us
    EXP: 69,763, Level: 11
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    Level completed: 40%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    For the most part that looks fine. Please can you edit the ability to include that anything short of iron will be crushed so that we have a definitive limit on that, and please can you also change the wording slightly on endurance - though we have clarified its limitations, the wording in the actual ability is a bit ambiguous and could be misconstrued as a buff.

    Those final edits and you're good to start wrecking things

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

  5. #5
    Cain's Avatar

    Cain Fenris Ulric
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    6"3 ft / 210 Pounds

    I think that does it?

  6. #6
    Deliver Us
    EXP: 69,763, Level: 11
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    Level completed: 40%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    "Executor" (Leader) of the Brotherhood

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    Approved! Thanks for your patience.

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

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