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Thread: Ryujin, the Wandering Monk

  1. #1
    Ryujin's Avatar

    Appears mid-20s.
    Human / Reincarnated Dragon God
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    5'10" / 160 lbs.
    Wandering Monk

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    Ryujin, the Wandering Monk

    Name: Ryujin.
    Age: Appears mid-to-late 20s.
    Race: Human / Reincarnated Dragon God.
    Hair Color: Black.
    Eye Color: Gold.
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 160 lbs

    Occupation (Optional):
    Wandering Monk. Self-proclaimed Brewmaster. (He's terrible.)

    Personality (Optional):
    Ryujin is the complete opposite of what you'd expect a guy who has died a hundred times would act like. Each life lived is more precious to him than the last and he strives to live each one to its fullest. He feels the most alive when testing his mettle against another opponent in combat and thus will never turn down a proper fight. Aside from that, it isn't all that uncommon to see him among the locals at the tavern of whatever given town he's wandering through.

    Appearances mean very little to a man who's worn countless faces. His current form stands a couple inches less than six feet and is usually swallowed in a sea of robes or free-flowing garments which do well to hide his well-toned body. Ryujin spent many lifetimes keeping his head as clean shaven as any other monk would but as of late, he has lacked the discipline to keep up the regular maintenance which has left him with a head full of shoulder-length black hair that is usually seen pulled back in a ponytail. The only thing remotely off-putting about him is the unnatural color of his eyes. One might expect him to have dark brown or black eyes that are characteristic of his ancestry but instead, his irises remain a prominent gold.

    He once was a God. Gods, if one wanted to be more specific. Long, long ago, in a time that has nearly been forgotten, four Dragon Gods existed as the patrons of those who walked the world below. The four that existed were: Ryusui, The Dragon God of the Seas; Ryufu, the Dragon God of the Sky; Ryuchi, the Dragon God of the Earth; and Ryuka, the Dragon God of the Spirit.

    From the waters beyond the oceans, Ryusui, earnest and wise, calmed waves that threatened seaside villages, provided favorable rains to thirsty crops, and ended crippling droughts on a fairly regular basis. From the winds beyond the sky, Ryufu, gentle and caring, silenced turbulent winds, quieted thunderous storms, and blew gentle breezes to supplement fertilization and growth. From the ground beneath the earth, Ryuchi, strong and resilient, nurtured the soils for proper vegetation and held the world together so it would not split apart. With all the earthly desires of their flock tended to by his brothers, Ryuka, fiery and spirited, was left with the task of dealing with those who would bring harm to their protected people. He was the fire, he was the vengeance, and he was war incarnate.

    The brothers thrived for many prosperous years.

    Eventually, the times changed; civilizations rose and advances in rudimentary technology allowed the men who walked the earth to rely less and less on their celestial patrons. Borders opened and negotiations of peace were prevalent throughout the lands. No longer did they kneel before their emblazoned altars and pray for their favors. No longer did their names leave the tongues of those they once nurtured. Eventually, they ceased to be thought of at all and as a result, one by one, the brothers weakened and their power waned to a point they were threatened by nonexistence.

    As a final act of self-preservation, Ryusui proposed the idea that the four of them become one to retain whatever strength they had left. As sad as they were to agree with the proposition, they knew the alternative would be far worse. Ryuka was the most hesitant as he enjoyed his individuality the most and believed that he could survive on his spirit alone. However, even he, too, submitted to the idea of losing his consciousness among his brothers.

    When the act was done, the being that came into existence was all of the brothers as one, yet none of the brothers at the same time. He took the name Ryujin to serve as a reminder of his heritage when he descended to Earth to take his place among the men and women he once watched over.

    • Hand to hand combat – Master – Ryujin has spent many revisited lifetimes as a warrior monk and, no matter what form he takes, continues to train and hone his expertise as a master of martial arts. Make no doubt, if you engage him in unarmed combat, you’re going to get punched in the face – and it’s going to hurt.
    • Bojutsu - Adept – This is Ryujin’s weapon of choice if he must take up arms against an opponent. He has spent inconsiderable time working toward mastery of all stave like weapons.
    • Swordsmanship – Intermediate – Ryujin can handle a sword when he needs to and does so in a more defensive manner than offensive one. He would much prefer to use his hands, though.
    • Brewing – Novice – Ryujin strives to create the best alcohol the world has ever imbibed but he’s not quite there yet. By “not quite there,” please understand, there’s been a handful of times he’s almost killed someone with the atrocities that he calls “acceptable accidents.”

    Dragon Souls: Ryujin inherently can control the elements that the Dragon Gods' previously embodied. He has spent a long time ignoring them to the point they have almost completed faded but lately he’s felt the voices of his celestial identities calling to him.
    • Sui (Water) – If a source of water is present, Ryujin can control the element and bend it to his will. Currently, that amounts to the strength of spraying someone with a garden hose. (Can be used 3 times per thread/day.)
    • Fu (Wind) – Ryujin can control the air around him. Currently, that control can only benefit his own personal movements and not be used against someone else in any physical manner. Controlled winds can increase the speed of his movements beyond that of a human in peak physical condition. (1.2x speed; Can be used 3 times per thread/day, lasts for 2 min/3 posts.)
    • Ka (Fire) – Ryujin can manipulate energy to manifest fire. Currently, his level of fire mastery allows him to small bursts of flame that could serve as a neat parlor trick or aid in lighting a candle/starting a fire. (Can be used 3 times per thread/day.)

    Formal robes, basic leather underarmor, hand-carved hardwood bo staff, Traveler's brew jug.

    (This is Sorin's alt.)
    Last edited by Ryujin; 02-17-17 at 09:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Deliver Us
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    Hey there Ryujin / Sorin!

    Looks pretty good to me, although I'd just like to know how many times Ryujin can use each ability?

    Once we know that I think we're good to go!

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

  3. #3
    Ryujin's Avatar

    Appears mid-20s.
    Human / Reincarnated Dragon God
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    5'10" / 160 lbs.
    Wandering Monk

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    Hmm. At their current level they are all pretty trivial, more writing flair than effective. I'm not really sure on the standards of these things so if you wouldn't mind, I would like to rely on you guys for input.

  4. #4
    Ryujin's Avatar

    Appears mid-20s.
    Human / Reincarnated Dragon God
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    5'10" / 160 lbs.
    Wandering Monk

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    After conferring with some other players, 3x per thread/ day with Wind lasting 2 min/3 posts per?

  5. #5
    Deliver Us
    EXP: 69,763, Level: 11
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    Level completed: 40%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    Perfect. You are approved.

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

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