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Thread: Scylla, Horror of the Oceans

  1. #1
    Scylla's Avatar

    Scylla tou Messina
    Looks 14-16, counted up to 8
    Siren (adopted; true species unknown)
    Hair Color
    Dark brown
    Eye Color
    Dark gray-blue
    5'3'' / 110 lbs

    Scylla, Horror of the Oceans

    Name: Scylla tou Messina
    Scylla seems to be a young-looking 16 year old (almost 14?), but she counts her age as 8 -- eight years since she joined Siren society
    Siren (adopted; true species unknown)
    5'3'' (on land); 15'3'' (length of tentacles)
    110lbs (on land); 710lbs (at sea)
    Occupation: "Sea wreck victim"

    Despite an outward innocence from her gentle features, Scylla harbors a dark, malicious soul. She is a spoiled brat, to say the least. Almost permanently trapped in a child-like body, she has always been treated like a child, and knows that it can be used her advantage. She is impatient, proud, and violent when scorned. She lacks the temperance to calm herself, which, if she had, would make her a skilled puppetmaster. Her limited conversations with people does not assist her either; even though she thinks herself a master of manipulation, she always tried to get one thing from her victims: food. Currently, she is more considerate of the abilities of land-creatures, but her pride still remainds.

    She views all land peoples as merely prey, but has only been exposed to a small percentage of the vast amount of species living on land. She is aware of humans, dwarves, elves, and orcs, but would be caught off guard by a fae or Dheathian human. She knows tradespeak and a few human sailing songs, but little else about land culture; she thought herself above it, until now.

    Scylla spoils the four tentacles, as they are separate conciousnesses from her own, only connected to her by a mental link that governs their actions. They all have their own personalities and names, but she has not said these out loud to land-creatures:

    Lethe ("female"): Not exactly "dumb", but isn't the smartest of the four. Very forgetful with a limited attention span.
    Polyxo ("male"): Watchful, observant, and very suspicious of strangers. Seems to sense things long before Scylla does.
    Salmacis ("female"): Has a strange obsession with the male form that has little to do with food.
    Busiris ("male"): Obsessed with collecting bones and corpses.

    Scylla has no knowledge of her childhood; where she came from or who she was born to, or, more likely, she has simply not revealed it. She arrived in the company of sirens at a young age. Where others had fish bottoms, Scylla's bottom half was more like an octopus: she has six tentacles: four bearing wolf-like heads at the end, and two "normal" ones. Despite this oddity, Scylla was relatively accepted by Siren society, nutured by the matriachical group until she set out three years ago, establishing herself in a strait between the cliffside and a sentient whirlpool known as Charybdis.

    She remained the undisputed ruler of that strait for three years until a brave warrior came to defeat her and make the strait (somewhat) safer for travelling ships. While she, at first, mocked the warrior (having seen such "bravery" before), the long and bloody battle broke what pride she had. Soon, Scylla was thrown into the whirlpool, mercilessly being "devoured" by it until...

    She found herself thrown ashore in an unfamiliar place, with legs in place of her normal tentacles, weakened.

    On land, Scylla has the appearance of a young girl of early teenage years whose "baby-face" still lingers, giving her an even more youthful and innocent appearance. She is fair-skinned with no blemishes to speak of. Her hair, reaching past her shoulders to her upper back, is dark brown and seems to always be damp, clinging to the side of her face or her shoulders. Her eyes have been described as sea-colored: dark gray-blue. They are large and sad, adding to her innocent look. Her lips are small, plump, and pink. The rest of her body is waifish; slender and graceful. On the small of her back is a blue-ink tattoo of four serpent-like figures intertwining; they all have the heads of wolves.

    ​In the sea, her upper torso remains largely the same, though webbing grows between her fingers and around her neck, her fingernails grow long and sharp into claws, her teeth sharpening like razors. Her legs disappear and are replaced with six tentacles, four of which are ten feet long, three feet thick and scaled, ending in a wolf-like head. Each head has a mind of its own, with some distinct traits, but to the average onlooker, they all are the same, bearing glowing gray-blue eyes like their owner. The remaining two tentacles are similar to that of an octopus': having suction cups for grabbing and manipulating. They are half the size of the wolf-tentacles.

    Singing -- Having been brought up Sirens, Scylla has a talent for singing that rivals some trained singers on land. It lacks the hypnotizing quality Sirens are known for, but it is pleasant enought to hear.
    Wayfaring -- As a former resident of the ocean, she has extensive knowledge of how to navigate the ocean, though it is not location specific.
    Fishing -- While not a master at fishing, she has an advantage over most with her knowledge of fish behavior and tendencies.
    Communication -- Scylla can communicate with sealife, but seeing as most aquatic animals avoided her at all costs, this is a limited skill.

    Transform --
    When her legs are fully submerged in salt water, they revert back to their "natural" state -- tentacles. This does not happen in freshwater, nor does it occur if her feet are merely in water. Scylla cannot control this.
    Summon -- On land, Scylla can summon her wolf-tentacles. When summoning one, she can repeat this ability four times a day (one for each "head"). If she summons two, she can do it twice. Summoning three or all four can only be performed once a day. They seem to appear from the tattoo on her back, which can either be hidden under a skirt, or tear through whatever clothing she is using, depending on what she intends. This ability is null if the Transform ability is used
    Crashing Waves -- Scylla summons the strength of crashing waves for a brief amount of time. While before she could easily break through the mast of a ship, now she can only leave a deep dent in steel armor. This ability lasts for one minute, but decreases by 10 seconds for every 100 meters she walks away from the sea.
    Maelstrom -- Scylla summons the sudden speed of a storm at sea. Before her ill-fated battle this ability could allow her to move 100 meters in 5 seconds. However, she now finds that she can only move that same length in 10 seconds. This ability lasts 30 seconds but decreases by 5 seconds for every 200 meters she walks away from the sea.

    As of right now Scylla is only wearing a makeshift tunic of sailcloth and rope.
    Last edited by Scylla; 02-06-17 at 06:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Deliver Us
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    Hi Scylla. Thanks for waiting!

    Please can you clarify Malestrom (Maelstrom?) a bit. Firstly, I am assuming the ability is supposed to increase her speed. Secondly, it seems the ability (the way it is worded) suggests that you actually slow down (100 meters in five seconds turns to 100 meters in ten seconds). Please can you clarify the above?

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

  3. #3
    Scylla's Avatar

    Scylla tou Messina
    Looks 14-16, counted up to 8
    Siren (adopted; true species unknown)
    Hair Color
    Dark brown
    Eye Color
    Dark gray-blue
    5'3'' / 110 lbs

    Done (I did spell Maelstrom wrong, oh dear)!

  4. #4
    Deliver Us
    EXP: 69,763, Level: 11
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next level: 7,237
    Level completed: 40%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris
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    6'0", 155lbs
    "Executor" (Leader) of the Brotherhood

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    Thank you! Approved!

    Althanas Operations Administrator

    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

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