“Perhaps you do, but you have to keep in mind that these event aren’t entirely our fault. Pode was acting outside of the interests of the group, and due to her leadership she had managed to suppress any suspicion on her. It is more that when we acted against these forces, centuries ago mind you, we were met with odds that were less than favorable. It is hard to come out on top when you’re throwing down with some of the most powerful evils this world may have ever known.” Vince drained his glass as he finished speaking and set it aside, leaning forward and folding his hand in his lap. His sapphire eyes were trained intensely on the man in front of him.

“While I gather you may have your reservations going into this, allow me to elaborate for a moment.” he frowned as his fingers absently tapped his legs. “From what I’ve gathered you’re a good man. No, not a good man, a great man. You have an outstanding sense of morality, and empathy for your fellow man. You don’t seem like the type of man who would simply turn away someone in need.” He paused, letting silence fill the room. “I’m not asking for you to commit your very life to the cause right now, that comes later, but at least give it a shot. We’re poised to do some really great things here, to reverse some mistakes that have caused suffering for millions of people for a countless amount of time. That should at least be worth a bit of your time, right?”

Artemis set his tea down before folding his hands beneath his chin, elbows on the table, and let his gaze fixate on Vince. The irises of his eyes shifted from their typical icy blue to a metallic gold. Though Vince could not know, the young man utilized an ability gifted by a golden dragon, Graxis, that let him see into the true nature of living beings. Through his eyes, as Artemis expected, Vince appeared mostly gray - expected because most people were not overtly good or evil but rather comfortably in the middle. However, Vince also clearly exuded a hue of blue, reflecting an overall nature of goodness. Artemis shifted his eyes back to icy blue, barely seconds after activating his ability. Seconds more passed before Artemis sat back, taking his tea with him, and taking a sip before finally responding.

“Ok, let’s give this the consideration it deserves. Tell me more about what it is you want or need from me exactly, and I’ll consider whether or not it is something that I can offer in the good faith that I will keep my word. But please, take into account that I am no hero, nor do I wish to be. On the contrary, it seems time and again I simply seek to find reprieve from the toxicity of most people only to find myself pulled into events of far greater consequence than I’d like to be involved with. I already have a feeling that this is more of the same, so if I’m going to go into this willingly, I need to know what it is that’s expected.” His eyes remained locked upon Vince’s own the entire time: sharp, focused, and attentive.

John lifted his bow, guiding a practiced, keen gaze along the length, searching for imperfections in his talymer. He spoke in the following silence, catching Artemis’ ear amidst the gentle popping of the fire.

“If you want nothing of consequence, then do not join.”

The half-giant put his bow down, and pulled his cigar from his mouth, fixing Artemis with a sober gaze. Well, more sober than his usual gaze, that is.

“But what we do is important, and it is good, and many people live and live better because of it,” a pause followed and his gaze softened, and he turned his head to the fire. Vincent, Jamie, and others had helped him live with his demons instead of constantly fighting them. Maybe Artemis didn’t have the same troubled past as he. Maybe he missed the profundity of what the Tarot was. He continued, still staring at the embers.

“Especially for me.”