"Only a little closer?" Her eyebrow twitched slightly, rising to gaze at him with stern regard. "You mean that this fight, that may well end in one of our deaths, is only for a little closer understanding?"

Her voice was rich with disappointment, and the way she casually held the blade against her shoulder showed a similar lack of regard for him ... though reality was somehat different. With hooves evenly balanced and body tense, Philomel kept ready for any sudden and swift attack. Her careful vision kept note of the way he moved, acted and spoke. Sword hanging by his side he kept up appearance of nonchalance, but it might have been as much of a ruse as hers. Chin perking up a little she kept on with her words, not allowing him to answer.

After all, he had already stated he wanted to wait for her companions to turn up. To continue idle chatter before their swords truly crossed in a matter of importance. Maybe it was for some higher purpose - to distract her, tire her out, cause her to be weary or even rile up her temper and thus cause a myriad of different options to take advantage of - or maybe it was merely to get her to provide more information. More details, perhaps, about the Gilded Lily and what threats it might hold against the Brotherhood.

Furthermore, that was her previous experience with the old mighty guild that was the Crimson Hand. Those assassins who had first invited her as part of them when she had begun her journey to legend.

Opening her mouth, she began to give rambling chatter, throwing accusations and questions at his face. "Why would a man who seems singularly capable of holding his own throw in his lot with an ages old, rejuvinated guild. Wht interests do you have? Do you mean to use my ladies for their own will or even try to best me for their loyalty? Because they are one thing you shall not get from me. Their loyalty lies not just in me, but themselves as individuals, as sole fighters, business women, sailors, robbers. They are ..."

Something flickered at the corner of her eye. Philomel paused, but only briefly as she saw an invisible doorway open onto the green of the field that stretched to the horizon beyond Shinsou's back. Then the thin dark shape disappeared back into the landscape, and there was no more door. Only a skulking red-tinged shape that crept amongst the grass, and made it silently swish and swim. Lips parting slightly she realised that finally one of her soul-dear friends was coming to the fight, and this would allow things to begin.

Begin ... though perhaps Shinsou did not need to know it was about to. An ambush was perfect.

Therefore, Philomel continued, after locking brief eye contact with Veridian's golden eyes. Then she looked back up to the Telgradian and made her stance even more casual. Her words went on:

"They are special to each and, I warn you, not likely to go back to their previous lives. Many have tried to pull them back under the power of pimps, but I will not let anyone try to steal back their freedom. Never." Darkly, her eyes flashed. Somewhere in the near distance Veridian paused, eyeing up Shinsou's back. His jaws began to open and his muscles tensed, readying himself for the leap. "Never will I let them go," she explained, "And never will anyone ever hold me back."

The attack was soundless. It was rapid. The fox-form earth spirit ran at the Telgradian's back, and then leapt high. His jaws agape, he aimed for the upper arm as Philomel dug down her awareness to the ground. Down she explored, down she delved, finding the sense of the deep-dwelling dragon who curled beneath them all, and called him into battle.