My tail flicked lazily side to side, I could smell it. It smelt good. The hot chocolate, it's sweetness wafted up into my nostrils and invited me into its warm embrace, it was like it was saying 'come to me Eteri, and I will make all your dreams come true'. I unwrapped myself from Venn's form as the lady came back with two large mugs, placing one in front of each of us. She gave us a warm smile (It wasn't as warm as the hot chocolate, but it certainly reminded me of it) before she wandered off to talk to some other customers, or do dishes, or whatever it was that people like that did. I didn't care.

I picked up the cup, and held it out to Venn, "Many Thank! Many cheering!" I said as I tapped it against his, milk sloshed out of my cup and onto the table. I bought it to my face and downed the entire thing in a long series of gulps. I slammed the cup on the table and beamed wide at Venn. "Is good!"

He stiffled a laugh as he picked up his own, pointing to my lips. "You got something there."

"Here?" I asked, pointing at my face."

He nodded with a grin, I didn't get it...I frowned. "Face?" He shook his head. "Nose? Hair? Mouth?" With each answer came another shake of his head. Finally, he reached out and wiped his thumb over the top of my lip and showed me. "You had milk over your face." He said with amusement as he stuck his thumb in his mouth, sucking off the excess.

"What!?!?" I exclaimed. Did he just...take part of my hot chocolate? Oh no he did not! "That Mine!" I made for his thumb, but he arched back, lifting his own cup high over his head. "No, this is mine. You've had yours. Don't be greedy!"

"Omph!" I fell forward into his lap. Just as I was fixing to right myself and push myself back up I felt something. "Eh!? EEHH??" What was he doing? Why was he doing that? And why did it feel so damn good? Venex was running his fingers through my hair, I gave a satisfied purr as I relaxed. This. This was okay. I was happy, so happy. So, so SO happy. How could I not be? I felt incredibly warm and content, and I was getting scratches.

"Eteri Like..." I mumbled.

"Good." He continued and I didn't complain. It made me feel almost sleepy, although that may be in part, the catnip. I wasn't entirely sure. At one point, I must have fallen asleep. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them things were noisier, the place had filled up with more patrons, and the sun was no longer streaming in through the large bay windows at the front. The air had a slight chill to it. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What?"

"You fell asleep."

"I did?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with a wide yawn. I stretched and arched my back wide. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I wonder how long it had been?

I shifted and noticed that Venn had ordered food for himself, next to our empty cups sat an empty plate. "Eteri sleep for long time?" I asked.

"Not really. It's not like I could move you even if I tried. You have the grip of a vice."

I nodded, still groggy. I reached out to pick up the empty cup. It felt like the moment was only minutes ago. I stared at the empty cup, a tiny ring of cocoa lined milk stained the off-white rim. I thought I felt warm, and happy, and why, suddenly, did I feel this strange uneasiness deep inside of me? My ears drooped and I fell silent. Brows furrowed. There was a light chatter from the other patrons, I could hear laughter, hear tones of familiarity, all stemming from earnest and pure emotions. My ears fell flat against the back of my head. I had collected a few fragments of souls lately, but had yet to sew them together. The only part of one that I had attached to me was that sparkly angry red one from that Madison person, and that was an accident. The moment I removed it from her it zip-zipped straight onto me.

It wasn't a full soul, just a tiny piece. I wanted to start sewing other parts to it, but I had yet to have the time.

"Hey...Venn..." I murmured as I turned the cup round and round in my hands. "What does having the soul feeling like?" I glanced side-ward at him. He quickly averted his gaze, scratching his chin in thought.

"What even is a soul? A magical force that takes us to another place when we die? An embodiment of our essence? Who can say. A soul is what you make of it. I don't really care what happens in the next life, only this one. If one can laugh and have fun, feel emotion, that is a soul, no matter what anyone else says."

His answer didn't help my feeling. "You're wrong." I huffed. "YOU has one. Eteri see it. Eteri don't Eteri feel empty here!" I pressed my palm to my chest. "No feel good! Eteri will make. Eteri know what soul is. Eteri will show you!"

"Hey, it's ok." Venn said, reaching out toward me, he started to gently run his fingers through my hair, scratching the back of my ears. "It not!" I hissed back. He continued his actions and I couldn't help but be coaxed back into his lap, I pressed my head into his legs, wrapping my body around his torso. "S'not...." I mumbled, my face muffled by his clothes. I couldn't stay mad, I wasn't that mad to begin with. I felt suddenly frustrated.

I closed my eyes and sighed, what was the point in being grouchy? I had good things. I had a belly full of warm hot chocolate, I had wonderful scratches, and an excellent pillow, I had exactly what I had set out to get today.

I gave another incoherent mumble as I dug my clawed hands into his top, cementing my position sprawled out over the man.