...I kinda want in on this, but I'm not sure Flint would actually get his own hands dirty. My current head-canon is that the Crimson Hands had something to do with Luned's death, and Flint is still a bit miffed about it. I'd like a chance to resolve that storyline in some way, but I don't feel like Lye and Flint have enough actual one-on-one antagonism to justify Flint being involved directly in his downfall.

Off the top of my head, if someone needs an excuse as to how they found out where Lye is, shout at me for a cameo or something. Not looking to make a crowded event any more crowded, just a little facetime. Flint has resources I could bend to justify some knowledge of where to find Lye. It'd be a favor to me, give me some tie-in.