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Thread: Sketchy things

  1. #51
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    Damion Shargath's Avatar

    Damion Shargath
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    5'9" / 165 pounds
    Infamous Tree-Hugger of the World's Ending

    Quote Originally Posted by Empyrean
    Yes, there is - I have the basic sketch for all the requests so far. Hopefully I can get out of this creative slump I've fallen into the last couple of weeks to finish up with the details. And then I'll get someone to make the avatar pretty for ya, Damion.

    Alright, sounds cool. I'm anxious to see the results.
    Resurrected for massive torture,
    he couldn't be further from the truce.
    A godslaughtering-murder-machine,
    walking to the symphony of the deceived.
    Loveless. Godless. Flawless.

    - Level 5 -
    - Gräuel -

    Hate, Congregate, Dominate, Eliminate

  2. #52
    Empyrean's Avatar

    Sanoë Teriades
    Hair Color
    Dark brown
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    5'6"/142 lbs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damion Shargath
    Alright, sounds cool. I'm anxious to see the results.
    And so you shall, this weekend.

    All art requests have been fnished. They just need a bit of editing, and will hopefully be posted this weekend.

    As for other creative things, I'm posting a couple of doodles. The second is of a monster-type thing from my sketchbook.
    The third is a doodle of Sanoë in the style of one of my favorite artists, which actually turned out quite nice, I think.
    The first is a character design of a character, named Ryan, from another RP I'm in.

    This RP is rather different from RP on Althanas. It's helped me get back into the RPing mood, both here and there. This one is done only with two of my best friends and is in a sort of script form. It's heavily influenced by fantasy anime like Slayers, but no worries, there's no annoying catgirls or sweatdrops and all that rot. It's mostly a lot of swearing and conversatios about sex. It's surprisingly raunchy.
    The three of us play mutiple characters, focusing on four main ones. I play Lissa, and my friends play the other three. I'm kind of lazy.

    If anyone's reading this, here's a bit of the RP for your enjoyment. And mine, of course, since this is the creative endeavors forum. Yay for taking up page space.

    Sloane: You've been pretty damn quiet all night. What crawled up your butt and died?
    Ryan: I just...I don't know? It's been a weird couple of days.Would it help if I said you're scum and I hate you?
    Sloane: Aw, that's just your way of saying you think I'm sexy and really want to get into my pants. So, yes, it does help.
    Trey: *has a laughing fit*
    Ryan: Will you stop saying that?? I am not attracted to you!!
    Lissa: *wants to laugh, but that would be shallow* Anything that wants to get in your pants, Sloane, must want to die.
    Sloane: *to Trey* She's obviously in denial.
    Trey: *still laughing* Oh, clearly!
    Lissa: You two are impossible.
    Sloane: I'm not impossible, dammit. Just difficult.
    Ryan: Do you think you could kill them and make it look like an accident?
    Lissa: I totally could.
    Ryan: I can definitely pay you.
    Lissa: No need, sister, this is a favor.
    Sloane: *to Trey* You know, I always figured the best way to die would be during sex. You'd die the happiest damn guy in the whole damn world.
    Lissa: Too bad that's not how you're going to die.
    Trey: And if you die in the middle, you don't have to deal with the awkward morning after. "Oh, yes, it was lovely dear" and all that.
    Sloane: I usually leave before she wakes up.
    Lissa: *to Ryan* How did we get stuck working with man sluts?
    Ryan: *to Sloane* You are such a bastard.
    Sloane: Thank you.
    Trey: I wish I could leave before they wake up...But I always feel bad!
    Sloane: See, your problem is you're too nice. You do that whole chivalry thing. Just throw your morales and your conscience out the window, and you're set for life.
    Trey: I could do that, but I'm so much better at the heroic thing.
    Lissa: Yeah, because forgetting whether or not you slept with someone and then lying about is definitely chivalric.
    Trey: I'm sure I enjoyed it very much, Lissa.
    Lissa: That's not the problem, Sword Boy, your problem is the forgetting and lying.
    Trey: *grins* Oh, you liked it too.
    Lissa: *blush* I'm not saying that!
    Ryan: There's really not much you can say to stop the humiliation, Lissa.
    Lissa: *very red* But - but - that wasn't the point..
    Ryan: *to Sloane* You know, I'm starting to think that maybe you're the one who is so damn attracted to me. Why else would you try and convince me that you're so irresistible?
    Sloane: Who in their right mind would be attracted to a scrawy little shit like you?
    Ryan: Lots of people!
    Sloane: Uh-huh. Like those rich fucking pansies from back then? They only made out with you because they had limited options.
    Ryan: I've never had any complaints before.
    Sloane: They weren't allowed to go after the cute tight-assed peasant girls, so they settled for you.
    Trey: I think short girls are cute. They're travel size!
    Lissa: You can't talk to her like that, Sloane. At least she gets offers. I don't see you making out with anyone.
    Sloane: I don't do it where everyone can see, Freckles. And I don't complain about it the next morning like you.
    Lissa: That is totally different.
    Sloane: I fail to see any difference.
    Lissa: Well, it was your brilliant fucking idea for us all to drink.
    Ryan: I still can't remember what happened...
    Trey: Bit of lightweight, huh?
    Sloane: I don't remember it being my idea. It was a general fucking consensus.
    Ryan: I think you started it.
    Lissa: He did start it.
    Sloane: No way. You don't remember shit from that night, anyway, so neither of you can talk.
    Lissa; That much I remember.
    Sloane: You just want me to feel guilty. But I don't.
    Lissa: Blaming Sloane is something that's hard to forget, so no.
    Trey: So, Sloane, does the bad boy thing work really well? I want to keep my options open.
    Sloane: Between you and me, the bad boy thing gets you the bad girls. They like to experiment, you know? Doesn't get boring, let me tell you.
    Trey: *perks up* Really?
    Sloane: Definitely.
    Trey: How does it work? Do you just insult them, and then you're in bed together?
    Lissa: I can't believe we have to listen to this shit...
    Ryan: Couple of princes, we've got here.
    Sloane: Nah, it's the suggestive dirty talk at the bar, mostly.
    Trey: Show me! I would love to watch you work.
    Sloane: *looks around the bar* It's no good, man. All the girls in here are the goody-two-shoes type. They don't go for the bad guys.
    Trey: What about Ryan?
    Sloane: She's too far below my standards.
    Ryan: You have standards?
    Lissa: *claps*
    Sloane: Yeah, they're ridiculously low. But they're there.
    Ryan: You mean, if it breathes, it's fair game?
    Sloane: Mostly. But I don't do the fat-n-ugly thing. So, it rules you out instantly.
    Ryan: Oh, you're one to talk about being ugly.
    Sloane: I keep telling ya, I'm the sexiest damn thing you're ever gonna see.
    Lissa: You keep telling her, she's never gonna listen.
    Ryan: I've been with boys who didn't know where to put anything, and even they are sexier than you.
    Sloane: Fuckit. There's no comparison. They were all the goody-goodies. You've never been with the bad guy type. It's a completely different experience entirely.
    Ryan: You're all the same in the dark.
    Lissa: *laughs into her hands*
    Trey: I resent that!
    Lissa: Hey, she's got a point.
    Sloane: No way! You've only been with prepubescent rich brats, so you don't know what a real man's like.
    Ryan: Oh, you have a real man to introduce me to? Where is he?
    Sloane: I'm fucking tired of you, you know that? Don't know a good thing when you see one. I'm the opporunity if your whole fucking life, and you don't give a shit.
    Ryan: Even if I was attracted to you, which I'm not, you have already made it perfectly clear that I am not worth the effort.
    Sloane: Damn straight you're not. Definitely not worth it.
    Ryan: Then what the fuck is your point? It's not like you're offering to sleep with me.
    Trey: *whispers to Lissa* They like each other a lot.
    Sloane: I'm not gonna go out of my way, but the offer's always open. For Freckles, too, but I think she'd kill me first.
    Lissa: *to Trey* It's so obvious, it's sad. And yes, I would.
    Sloane: See? My point exactly.
    Ryan: I can't believe you. You hate me, but you'd still sleep with me?
    Sloane: Hate your fucking guts. Never hated anyone more.
    Trey: You obviously find her a little attractive, man.
    Sloane: Well, she's got boobs. That means she's at least a little attractive. I mean, you know what a good rack does for an ugly face.
    Lissa: Can you say "Pig"?
    Ryan: Can we stop talking about my boobs, now?
    Last edited by Empyrean; 11-03-06 at 05:51 PM.
    "I must have 'roused the devil's wrath
    'Cause all my luck is bad
    I make a date for golf and you can bet your life it rains
    I try to give a party and the guy upstairs complains
    I guess I'll go through life just catchin' colds and missin' trains

    Everything happens to me
    I never miss a thing
    I've had the measels and the mumps
    And every time I play an ace
    My partner always trumps
    Guess I'm just a fool who never looks before she jumps"

    - Billie Holiday

  3. #53
    Non Timebo Mala
    EXP: 126,303, Level: 15
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    Letho's Avatar

    Letho Ravenheart
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    I love how you always get that Sanoe's half-bored, half-annoyed bitchy look come out perfect. Ryan's body is very nicely done, but I think the face needs a tiny retouch or something. The moster is wicked.
    "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity."

    William Butler Yeats - The Second Coming

  4. #54
    Empyrean's Avatar

    Sanoë Teriades
    Hair Color
    Dark brown
    Eye Color
    Light blue
    5'6"/142 lbs.

    Did you click on the little enlarge button thing in the corner? Then Ryan's face should look more normal. For some reason Photobucket minimizes the picture.

    Thanks. Making Sanoë look like that is turning into an art, because its so damn hard.
    "I must have 'roused the devil's wrath
    'Cause all my luck is bad
    I make a date for golf and you can bet your life it rains
    I try to give a party and the guy upstairs complains
    I guess I'll go through life just catchin' colds and missin' trains

    Everything happens to me
    I never miss a thing
    I've had the measels and the mumps
    And every time I play an ace
    My partner always trumps
    Guess I'm just a fool who never looks before she jumps"

    - Billie Holiday

  5. #55
    Gadgeteer Mikami's Avatar

    Reina Mikami
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    Uh oh. Tentacles... *shivers*

    Wow, those characters are so great! I don't know if Master Raven can compete with you when it comes to realizm. That and he is bad with minute details.
    "There's nothing too complex to figure out!" - Reina Mikami

  6. #56
    Empyrean's Avatar

    Sanoë Teriades
    Hair Color
    Dark brown
    Eye Color
    Light blue
    5'6"/142 lbs.

    Details are my thing, man.

    Since I'm obviously not gonna get to posting the requests before I leave for's some other stuff, not all by me.

    This is mostly stuff that's come out of that RP 'm doing with my two friends...yes, you have to enlarge the pictures.

    Here's one of them I drew as Peter Pan. Long story.
    Here's Sloane, Trey, and Lissa, the three other characters next to Ryan that we play. I didn't draw any of them, though I helped design Trey and Lissa. My genius friend Sarah drew them, but hey, as long as it entertains you guys.
    The redhead is Lissa, by the way, the one that I play. Yah, I'm biased.

    Okay, guys, requests should be up by this weekend. *hopes*
    "I must have 'roused the devil's wrath
    'Cause all my luck is bad
    I make a date for golf and you can bet your life it rains
    I try to give a party and the guy upstairs complains
    I guess I'll go through life just catchin' colds and missin' trains

    Everything happens to me
    I never miss a thing
    I've had the measels and the mumps
    And every time I play an ace
    My partner always trumps
    Guess I'm just a fool who never looks before she jumps"

    - Billie Holiday

  7. #57
    Rabhya's Avatar

    Rabhya Devangi
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    5'8, 151 lbs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Empyrean
    Okay, guys, requests should be up by this weekend. *hopes*

    I am such a liar sometimes. -__-

    Requests are still coming full force. That's not a lie.

    Anyhow, I did a variant cover for my friend Sarah's fan comic, so here it is. She did the coloring, though. Before she fixed it up, it looked pretty crappy. ^^;
    Second is my character, Lissa, in a rare dressed-up scene from my non-Althanas RP.
    "Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can - that is their secret."
    - Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse

    At anytime an invitation
    You can't decline
    Recommended at the price
    Insatiable an appetite
    Wanna try?

    Drop of a hat, she's as willing as
    Playful as a pussy cat
    Then momentarily out of action
    Temporarily out of gas
    To absolutely drive you wild
    She's out to get you

    'Killer Queen,' by Queen

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