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Thread: Re-registering

  1. #1
    Uukan Kimari's Avatar

    Uukan Kimari
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    ((I had 1900 exp and around 100 gold)

    Uukan kimari.

    The only thing that knows of his family, and there whereabouts are unknown to him. The family that adopted him called Uukan, Uukeni since they did not like Uukan. His little sister that he grew up with called him Uukan-san.


    He was born to a human family living in the dark ages of Corone still.

    He was born year 698 several years before the change to the new calendar. The current year is 0019 in his original city where he was born. He fought in the rebellion war of 0015 a year after he joined the capital's ranks, and survived two years of constant bloodshed.

    Silver, and gray tinted.

    His graying, silver hair held in a band with a symbol in his native language. The mark of his clan and a symbol of his rank were written across the center of the band. His hair normally long and straight was held back by the band's strap.

    Light blue.

    His eyes were always a light shade of blue. However, his complexion seems to contrast his eyes.

    200 pounds.

    Uukan weighs 200 pounds from his muscles, though he does not look 200 pounds. From his constant fighting, he has gain lots of stamina, and he is used to running long distances. He may be slow in battle; where he makes up for it in strength, and the skill of using swords quite well.


    His height gives him an advantage in battle, and his reach makes him great in close combat, and climbing into a tree.

    In between Good, and Evil.

    After getting materials to fix his sword, a blacksmith that he has to create his sword imbued Uukan's sword with a curse that slowly possessed Uukan over the years. The blade of the sword began to grow the more Uukan used it, and the hilt began to morph into another shape.

    Former Soldier.

    After the rebellion war Uukan found out he had a brother, and quit the military to find him. In his condition of slowly losing his sanity, Uukan searched for his brother Yomato. He gave up his military position, and escaped.

    Cursed Japanese Sword:

    The blade of his first sword broke in the second large battle Uukan took place in at the time. The rebels placed a spy within the ranks of the Uukan's forces. The young general was tricked when he went to the rebel blacksmith who had malice intent. After getting the materials to fix Uukan's sword the blacksmith had an extra material that was imbued with dark energy, from hell itself. It was made material that was mostly made of steel, and was laced with a stone of darkness after it was fixed.

    Steel Shoto:

    After losing his sword, he brought new one after he was challenged to a battle.

    Steel Dagger:

    A knife I brought from the Baazar with matching belt sheath that goes over the shoulder


    After the war, Uukan wears no armor. To make up his weight difference he wears light clothing, and carries little on long journeys.

    Dark Magic.

    Dark Eclipse:
    Eternal darkness covers the field making Uukan's strength increase depending on how much he waits. The amount of darkness emitted can work to Uukan advantage, or disadvantage. The darkness will spread till there is no light left will absorb weak light spells if used during the night time, and lasting three turns. Learned

    Sword Transformations:

    His sword is able to transform at different stages as time goes by.

    Uukan's Story.

    Uukan at the age of one is separates from his family; while they were traveling through the country. A young couple found a youth, and placed him into an orphanage. He meets many new people when he could finally talk, and walk. The kids were friendly, and finally a year and a half later a rice plantation owner adopts him. The local doctor found that the man's wife could not give him an heir to his riches. He lived for another year before the wife of the plantation owner bore him a sister. Uukan had a sister, and they grew up like friends until Uukan joined the military. He was a quick learner, rose in the ranks quickly, made many friends as they share sake, and learned to fight. When he reaches the rank of general war broke out between the rebels, and the Capital. Uukan leads his forces and friends to two victories by outsmarting his opponents. His forces grew, and the rebels plan for his destruction. After the second battle, Uukan had broken his favorite sword, and the third battle was beginning. Uukan set out for a blacksmith with the right materials. The rebels had a spy who sent the information back to their command, where they were planning to kill Uukan with a curse that absorbed his strength. They gained the need ingredients plus more. They found an ancient material that is metal, and was cursed by a dark spirit and evil that had fallen the planet into darkness centuries ago. The rebel blacksmith ground a strange mixture into dust, and smeared it into the rest of the materials. That day was the first day Uukan lost himself. "Yes we were looking for a blacksmith loyal to the Capital." The general spoke with a monotone voice. The blacksmith showed the man the goods, which were a hammer, and metal of capital's design and the general begins to nod with a pleased grin across his face. "You may enter our camp." The general's voice spoke with gratefulness. Later that day the blacksmith entered the camp thinking it was too easy. He walks into a tent made of paper, and inside are materials useable for making weapons. The general follows the blacksmith. "Yes, so can you make my sword like new?" Uukan still was happy and gingerly walked over to the fireplace for the mending. The blacksmith nods and goes to work, and begins to spread the material around once the general left the tent.

    This will be the victory of the rebel forces finally, when all of their leaders are gone. Several days later, exodus of the souls begins.

    A man older than 16 enters the tent, and found the blacksmith gone. On the oak table lays a sword, the same sword he wants repaired. It was restored to one hundred percent perfection, even better then before. The general's eyes gaze at the sword, and in his mind, all of his confidence returns. The man wrapped his index finger around his sword, followed by the other digits. His hand tightly gripped around the hilt, and with a flick of his wrist, he begins to practice. His mind fluttered with happy thoughts about victory. He traces the blade with his left index finger feeling the sharpness of the blade; it is the same, and yet a new sword.

    After the sixth large battle, Ascension of mind, and souls started.

    "Uukan, general of the Capital's third army on the front line crushed the last four rebel attacks in the last two months. There have been no sightings of how these victories happen, since a strange appearance of dark fog blocks any view of the battles thus far, and no deaths on his force's side. We have never seen anything like this before, by Sagi Tuski." Can be read on a newspaper lying lifeless in a mud puddle. Soldiers march into battle, crushing the paper, and splashes mud all over the place. Uukan walked to the front of his forces, tossed his arm downward, and watched the rebel forces amass at the border he protected with his forces. The blade of Uukan's sword had changed over the months it was longer, and the hilt looks like the hide of a dragon. Uukan emits a dark light that covered the battlefield. Who is this? I sense someone similar to me.

    A year later, after his escape from the army's search parties Uukan realizes the trouble he is in when he woke up surrounded by the army's forces. His eye refocuses from his nap, and in his young mind, he feels the presence of at least two squads. Half dressed with his cloths all over the place, he reveals his sword and it was covered in dark energy he could only see. In a circular motion, his blade slashed through the walls of the Inn he had been staying at where a large wave of darkness sliced through the halls, and nearly destroyed the whole building in one blow. The soldiers are sent in waves as Uukan fends them off one at time. Before he can escape, a stray arrow hit his leg; the boy has to fend off the search party weapon less. He losses the sword he once honed in a stream; it floats to its new home, waiting to be free.

    Several days later in a home of a villager Uukan had awakens from a dreamlike state. What happened? Uukan groans when he realizes he is not in a room he had seen before.

    His eyes focused on a picture of lady he had never seen before. His arms tired, and half of his mid-section seems to feel numb. Before he looks down his fingers run across bandages covering his entire stomach. After tugging on them to see what causes him to need the bandages an old lady briskly walks in holding a bag full of ingredients for soup, and more bandages. What? What happened to me? Uukan stuttered as his voice seemed worm out like he was yelling ages. The woman put down her goods, and told Uukan, You must rest, you can tell me everything later.

    Several weeks later after recovering from his wounds, he was almost ready to leave.

    After saying his farewells Uukan walks off to search for his brother; whose name still escapes his memory. He looked over in a mirror, and noticed how his body looked. The man's scared body he dreamt up looks as if a blade of an enemy weapon never had cut it. The dark ellipses encircle his eyelids in his reflection; for he had not gotten much sleep after awaking from the nightmare; that he had dreamt while unconscious. Before nightfall all Uukan wanted was the sword, and his body reminds him by sending a sharp pain down his spine. His mind once more fills with the presence of a dark force; that he feels while using his new powers. After becoming extremely weak, he suddenly felt his sword was not too far off. Uukan follows its will, and the path opens up to a dense forest that enclaves the current path he transverses upon. The leaves, and upper canopy blocks out the sunrays of light the man's eyes rely on to see. While his eyes closed, he felt the direction he needs to find the sword he lost, as it pulls his body toward the place where it is sleeps. After an hour of walking, Uukan knocks several branches out of his way with the back of his beaten and bloody fist; a small lake enters his view first, and in the middle rests his sword. The sword sticks up from the ground's surface; it was to encase the blade, and the hilt, which is left untouched by the black-like substance that is cradling the steel blade of the sword. The young man that stands before the sword's resting place wraps his finger around the hilt tightly, with the flick of his wrist Uukan shifted his body weight; he tugs on the hilt as the molding left its gripe go on the blade. Darkness emits from the blade's reflection as his mind awakened from the horrible mind numbing pain. He watched himself fend off twenty men and five rabid dogs off. Each man held a single mythril sword, and wore steel armour. He relives the event that injured him so badly, for without the sword, his body weakened, and memories faded from within his mind.

    *at level up history and items will be added
    Last edited by Uukan Kimari; 04-13-06 at 08:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Redeemer's Avatar

    Nathaniel Sierra
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    5'4" / 107 lbs.

    You haven't made a single edit, and you were told to do so. I was nothing but nice beforehand, but now I'm telling you, "Edit your profile the way I said before or you will not be approved." I do not care if it was approved before. Alot of profiles were approved before. The mods looked at them again, and tried to make them better.

    Also, this is the RoG, you will tell no one whether or not they can approve.

    I am sorry if I sound harsh, but I'm here to make things clear and fair to all, and one of those things is to mark out what you are capable of. If you have ANY complaints, then talk with me on AIM. But you will not get special treatment from Santhalas.
    Hey god, why are you doing this to me?
    Am I not living up to what I’m supposed to be?
    Why am I seething with this animosity?
    Hey god, I think you owe me a great big apology

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Hey god, I really don’t know what you mean.
    Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.
    I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
    Hey god, can this world really be as sad as it seems
    - Terrible Lie Nine Inch Nails

  3. #3
    Redeemer's Avatar

    Nathaniel Sierra
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    5'4" / 107 lbs.

    Edit: I should warn you, I should keep this unapproved, but under the advise of Max Driks, I'm going to leave this open until you make the edits. This is not for ego, this is not because I am a prick, this is to be fair to the whole of Althanas.

    Make the edits, and I will approve you.
    Last edited by Redeemer; 04-13-06 at 07:58 PM.
    Hey god, why are you doing this to me?
    Am I not living up to what I’m supposed to be?
    Why am I seething with this animosity?
    Hey god, I think you owe me a great big apology

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Hey god, I really don’t know what you mean.
    Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.
    I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
    Hey god, can this world really be as sad as it seems
    - Terrible Lie Nine Inch Nails

  4. #4
    Uukan Kimari's Avatar

    Uukan Kimari
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    I calmed down and decided that Althanas isn't worth losing or Max is one damn convincing person. I removed them. I am sorry for insulting you, Redeemer. I can't control how I feel sometimes. That is what I get for being born into a family with mental disorders. I hope we can be friends in the future.

  5. #5
    Redeemer's Avatar

    Nathaniel Sierra
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    5'4" / 107 lbs.

    And I hope so too. I'm sorry if I offended you, somehow. And, although I'm incredibly angry, that'll go away when I eat candy. So...

    Approved. Go register for the LCC.
    Hey god, why are you doing this to me?
    Am I not living up to what I’m supposed to be?
    Why am I seething with this animosity?
    Hey god, I think you owe me a great big apology

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Hey god, I really don’t know what you mean.
    Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.
    I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
    Hey god, can this world really be as sad as it seems
    - Terrible Lie Nine Inch Nails

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