Other Important Notes

Social Structure and Etiquette

Akashima is a nation of peaceful coexistence and tradition, rooted in respect for nature and other living beings. The citizens are well known for their hospitality and welcoming smiles, reflected in their simplistic fashion and lifestyle. Some are better behaved than others, however, so there is always a Lawkeeper around to help keep the peace.

Akashiman Social Structure is not entirely complex, composing of the Commoners, the Artisan and the Royalty. Recently, with the examples set forward by the noteworthy clocksmith Hajime, there is a new class arising in Akashima known as the Engineers. They are still relatively unheard of by most.

Racial Note: the Nekojin

No one knew for how long had the Nekojin first been seen among the humans, but one can attest to their sense of pride and unity within their relatively small community. These feline-like humans have furry cat ears, tails and eyes though other features are distinctly human. They have coexisted within the human population with little problem at all.

Small communities of the Nekos are spread out in the Akashiman towns and one can easily distinguish the feline citizen from the humans – they found hiding their identity an unneeded chore and the human neighbors did not mind having them around anyway.

Regional Layout

The Capital

Centered at the very core of Akashima society is the Royal Family, the location of Capital City reflecting this belief into concrete form. Much of the area is made up of luxuriously-decorated homes and shops, the architecture being a unique blend of Radasanthian and Traditional Akashiman style. The streets are rather well-kept and paved with cobblestone, well-mapped and outlined to provide order and simplicity for travelling. Capital City is where the Crystal Spires stand, along with the Royal Palace and the Cadet Recruiment Center for Akashiman soldiers. The Duke of the Capital oversees the safety of this area.

The North

To the North of Capital City is a small stretch of farmland and forest before rising gently into the Shirayama slopes. This is also where Ninyama village is located, quite well-hidden among the trees a good ways up the slopes where snow occasionally touches the tips of grass. The towns in this area are fairly well-developed and easy to navigate. The path to Ninyama Village, however, is an entirely different story. Asided from Ninyama Village, the North is also well-known for its warm hotsprings and delicious fruit harvest, the best place to find strawberries and cherries of the highest quality. The largest population of Nekojin seemed to have made their homes here as well along the western outskirts of the city. The Duke of the North oversees protection of this area.

The West

This was the site the Snow Heron tribe once made their village long before the Demon Invasion, the defiled woodland now converted to massive oats and rice plantations to feed the growing population and support the entire kingdom. Beyond the fields lay the fringes of Concordia Forest, a short ways before reaching the main road linking Underwood to Radasanth. Much of the homes in this area has still retained their usual traditional ways, saved for the Estate which was modeled in the new Akashiman style. Also, the late swordsmith Kashihiro Murakama was said to have his home here, though it would now be difficult to find. The Duke of the West oversees the defense of this area, though it is now skeptical whether it is truly as safe as it appears with the recent death of Duke Hiroi Yamihara. The next in line to inherit the position is none other than the eldest of the Yamihara sisters, Asuka.

The South

To the south lies several rock quarries and a few well-placed fortresses built soon after victory over the Demon Invasion. This area is known for refined architecture and hardy men well-trained for defense of their homeland. As it is known in Akashima, no man is more devoted to his land than the Southern Akashiman soldier. It is here that the main training ground of the Akashiman Royal Army. Utilizing the limited stretch of open land to conduct drills and standard training, the Concordian forestland beyond the boundary is used as testing ground for all new recruits. The city is well-built and nearly half of the outer buildings are made from solid granite blocks, all lined up to resemble a gigantic wall in preparation for combat. Not surprisingly, the Smith Rikishi lives here and makes his rounds every morning to check on his grand masterwork for cracks and holes to fill. The Duke of the South overlooks the welfare of this area to make sure nothing sneaks in on his watch.

The East

To the East of Capital City, the nearly endless shoreline offers the Akashiman respite from the usual sight of green and brown. Though not quite beautiful enough to be called a vacation spot, the sea is filled with ocean harvest and Yambo Harbor is making every effort to bring in enough for the people while not destroying the fertile stock. It is also here that the gigantic Battle Arks are anchored, ready to defend the sea whenever threats come their way. It is also here that Higurashi Hajime's shop once stood, now only an empty shop remained in its place with the faint, eerie ticking of a clock heard in the darkness. Some say it is haunted, but others are quick to dismiss it. The Duke of the East manages the ocean harvest here and sends it to the Capital to be distributed to other areas, assuring that there will always be enough to eat for everyone.