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Thread: An Unholy Alliance

  1. #1
    EXP: 49,568, Level: 9
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next level: 4,432
    Level completed: 56%,
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    Abomination's Avatar

    Draug Remi
    Hair Color
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    Bright yellow surrounded by black
    6'3 / Muscular

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    An Unholy Alliance

    He had been wandering the city for a while. At first, he was very tense and thought that he could be attacked by any of these people at any moment, but most of them ignored him, and the ones that payed any attention only shared a passing glance. Apparently, men in rags were a common sight here. The first few people he saw who he had reacted very strongly to thought he was a bum and walked off. He had not seen so many people before, and yet he felt that they were all the same. The kind of feelings that the demon girl projected were not replicated among these beings. They lacked power, or so he thought. He thought about his purpose and what he was looking for. It still took several hours for him to not nervously follow everybody that passed near him with his eyes.

    Previously, he had woken up in the forest after escaping Demonica. The feeling of hunger was still prevalent, but it had taken the backseat to more important thoughts. His encounter with her changed him, and he knew that there were many in this world that would be strong like her, and non-hesitant to kill him. His survival was his top priority, and for what he needed to be stronger. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to become stronger, so he figured he should find someone that is stronger. He wasn't quite sure where he was going with this thought, but he was sure that there was a process to getting stronger and someone knew it. From his experience with the demon girl, there was a way to find out what he needed to know through talking, but what to say and how to say it were a mystery to him. He could barely form complete sentences without stuttering. Stopping to look around, he overheard a conversation between two men.

    "Listen," one of them said, "You wait here while I go inside and get something to protect myself. It's dangerous to go anywhere naked these days."

    "Yeah, get a short sword or something too," replied the other one.

    Such a conversation piqued the Homunculus' interest. While naked was used figuratively, he took it quite literally as his body was just barely covered by rags. Ah, the man must've been referring to Clothes! While he was used to it, walking on the ground barefoot was taxing and the shoes he had on earlier did not fit. The building that man walked into must be some sort of place to retrieve clothing. The Homunculus followed, entering the establishment with his recently-found skill of opening doors. As he stepped inside, he saw a transaction take place. The man had put several coins on the table in front of another person, and an exchange took place. Those coins looked familiar. He stared suspiciously at the Homunculus before walking out with his new armor and weapon. Feeling he had a grasp on what just happened, The Homunculus tried to imitate him.

    As he walked over to the counter, amidst the strange looks of the other patrons, he reached into his pocket. The jingling sound from before was the same as the coins the man had put down, and from the pocket stolen from a corpse, he retrieved a handful of coins and plopped them onto the table. Also, the bottom half of his worn shirt which he found off a corpse ripped off completely. The rest of his clothes would be soon to follow. Pleased with his action, he found himself at a loss. He came into the transaction late, and didn't know exactly what the man had purchased.

    "C, clothes..." he stammered out, a bit confused.

    He tried to look around the store to try to visualize what he needed, but all he could look at was a display of a mannequin wearing black boots, cotton pants, a white t-shirt, and a long, unzipped blue coat with a closed collar whose sides extended down to the knees.

    There was something else, "...Short Sword."

    He didn't really know exactly what he was looking at or how it was called, so he still had a bewildered look on his face. It would be convenient if the shopkeeper could read his mind or something.

  2. #2
    EXP: 17,590, Level: 5
    Level completed: 60%, EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Level completed: 60%,
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    Moonlit Raven's Avatar

    Elena Alexi Nito
    half human / half vampire
    Hair Color
    black with bloodred highlights
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    Height- 5'1" / Slender

    Such a busy day. Smiling, Erin looked up as the chime above the door sounded. She had to catch her smile and pull back into place as she studied the man. Poor man Just as he reached the counter she nudged the cookies she always had for her customers just a bit further towards where a customer would stand.

    "'Afternoon dearie. Name's Erin."

    Ignoring the clink of gold hitting her counter she listened to the man's stuttered words and paused for a moment to study him.

    "Clothes and a short sword? That's right easy enough to get. Less see, you'll need a sturdy pair of boots, pants and a shirt. Of course a coat for chilly days. Now you have a cookie or three and I'll be right back with a few things for you to pick from." Giving the man one last look over for measurements Erin bustled away. Her matronly figure easily avoiding her other customers.

    Several minutes later Erin walked back up to the counter, her arms filled with clothing. Tripping over a dropped boot, she stumbled with a small cry of surprise. Dropping the clothing on counter she brushed back her rumpled hair.

    "I am so clumsy, it a wonder I haven't broken my neck tripping over nothing but air." Erin flushed and grinned at her own joke.

    "Now you go ahead and pick out what you like. Shirts in vlince are 50, I have plain cotton shirts in there those are 30. Same prices and types apply to the pants. A decent pair of boots are 75 gold, and a coat will be 100 gold. Try on what you will, the dressing room is off to the right, you can't miss it." Erin flapped her hands at him like one would when shooing a chicken away.
    In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.

    F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940)

  3. #3
    EXP: 49,568, Level: 9
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next level: 4,432
    Level completed: 56%,
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    Abomination's Avatar

    Draug Remi
    Hair Color
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    Bright yellow surrounded by black
    6'3 / Muscular

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    Even though his expression remained unchanged, he felt somewhat relieved that things were going his way. The woman treated him as if he was a child, it was like she was reading his mind. She left, offering him something called a cookie. What was a cookie? He did not understand. His eyes wandered and he observed people enter a strange room and come out wearing different clothes.

    She came back, dropped the pile of clothes onto the counter, and directed him towards something called a 'dressing room'. It was the same location where people had been coming in and out of. Taking a final glance at the woman, he scooped up the clothes and walked into the changing room, leaving the gold on the table. It took a little while, but he finally managed to get it all on. It felt oddly like his body was adjusting to the clothes, or the clothes were adjusting to his body, as by the time he was done they were a perfect fit. He walked back to the counter, as he wasn't done yet. After all, he was still 'naked' without that short sword, according to the two men outside.

    When he left the dressing room, the air in the store changed. All the eyes that were on him were now gone, it felt like he had blended into his surroundings without those accusing eyes everywhere. He walked back to the woman. He did not know what she was talking about in regards to the numbers and the names. He put the coins down, what more did she want of him? He did not understand.

    Once more he repeated himself, "Short sword."

    He was vaguely aware of the uses of such a weapon. He didn't know how much anything cost. All his remaining money (275 GP) would be used on this sword, so presumably the clerk would give him one of equivalent quality. Perhaps some of it would be spent on a sheath he could attach to his belt.

  4. #4
    EXP: 17,590, Level: 5
    Level completed: 60%, EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Level completed: 60%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Moonlit Raven's Avatar

    Elena Alexi Nito
    half human / half vampire
    Hair Color
    black with bloodred highlights
    Eye Color
    Height- 5'1" / Slender

    Nibbling on a cookie Erin waited for the man to return. Once he emerged she nodded approvingly.

    "Much better! Oh, you look wonderful now. When you first walked in I thought you were one of those that occasionally come in half dead. Such a sad sight those people are. Tch, there I go jabbering on and most likely boring you to death." Erin chuckled and hurried around the counter towards the weapons display.

    "You wanted a short sword. Good choice, short enough to be moderately useful in close quarters yet it will give you enough reach to keep most other back." Erin paused in her aimless talking as she picked up one short sword and studied it. She laid it aside while muttering to herself about giving John a good talking to over the wrapping on the hilts. After discarding three swords Erin finally found a sword that stood up to her scrutinize.

    "Here we are. A lovely steel sword, very well balanced. The hilt is wrapped with un-dyed rawhide to keep your grip from slipping. A belt with an hard leather sheathe come with it. Two hundred gold" Erin finally touched the gold the man had laid down in the counter. Quickly she counted out the appropriate price and pushed the remaining gold back towards him.

    Out of Character:
    Transaction complete. Homunculus loses 500 gold and gains 100 EXP.
    Last edited by Moonlit Raven; 09-05-07 at 12:13 AM.
    In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.

    F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940)

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