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Thread: -Claws to fit a Devil-

  1. #1
    Hero of Eternium
    Seth_Rahl's Avatar

    Ifrit Obsidian
    105 years old, 22 in demon years
    Marquee Cambion (demon crossbreed between a royal/powerful demon and a female human)
    Hair Color
    Obsidian Black
    Eye Color
    Blood red
    Height: 5'11" Weight: 182 lbs
    Bounty Hunter/ Captain of the Seventh Company of the Bladewraiths

    -Claws to fit a Devil-

    This was the second time Ifrit Obsidian had been to the Bazaar, and it was as intimidating as ever. However, he was a changed being now, and did not let the fact that he was still a newcomer to these parts deter him from his goal:

    He had to find claws.

    It was silly, but Ifrit felt as if he needed them. He looked at his gloved hands in disgust. While the change in his body had eliminated the uncomfortable stares and stereotypes about his kind, he missed his old claws like they were old friends. They had been valuable weapons to him in the past, sometimes even more so than his beloved blade, and the loss of them had been mentally disturbing to the half breed.

    He had come to the Bazaar out of the hope that he might find something reasonable to work with. He had quite recently aquired some cash from a couple of jobs, and while he knew he shouldnt' spend it all he could not help but feel the full weight of the gold coins jingle in his small sack by his side. If any place had what he was looking for, it was here at the Bazaar.

    He had come expecting to look for a while, but after only ten minutes he found what he was looking for:

    If you cant find it anywhere else, look here!

    Well thats certainly one way to catch someone's attention. He thought to himself quietly and chuckled. The tent was brightly colored and very large, and beneath two flaps serving as an entrance he could see a variety of items, some of which the demon swore moved on their own when you looked at them through the corner of your eye. Again the demon chuckled. This looked like his kinda place. Without a second thought he strode inside, shouldering the flaps aside.

    Like the outside the inside of the tent was brightly colored, and rows upon rows of exotic and "different" weapons and armor lay lying everywhere. Ifrit saw a sword that that had two blades that crisscrossed to form some strange patter, and saw an armor that had a large, baleful looking eye staring out at the shop, constantly blinking and shifiting its eye furiously.

    However, Ifrit found what he was looking for almost immediately. Resting on a wooden table all by itself, an iron gauntlet that seemed to ride up to Ifrit's elbow caught his eye. It was white with several black outlinings to it, but really caught the demon''s attention was the five 6-inch long steel claws that elongated from the fingers of the gauntlet.

    They were perfect.

    Suddenly he noticed that the gauntlet had a note attached to it. Ifrit picked up the note, and read its contents.

    Dear buyer,

    This gauntlet was found somewhere within the former reigon of Haidia, by an explorer who happened upon it in his travels. I have heard it is part of a five-piece set of armor belonging to a demon warrior, but alas I only have this one gauntlet. Please, I wish to get rid of it ASAP, as it brings back bad memories of the explorer who found it.

    Please bring both this and the gauntlet up to the propetier at the front desk if you are interested in it. I believe he/she will tell you the appropriate price.

    The owner of this establishment,
    Mr. Aron

    Ifrit grinned, not as fearsome as he had been with his fangs, but it was a fearsome grin nontheless. An ancient armor that once belonged to a demon? Ah, fate must be on his side today. Now all he had to do was talk to the propetier.

    Without a second thought he swooped both the large gauntlet and note into his hands and, moving swiftly across the huge tent, set both down upon the wooden desk in front of the propetier. "How much is this." Ifrit asked abruptly.

  2. #2
    EXP: 17,590, Level: 5
    Level completed: 60%, EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Level completed: 60%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Moonlit Raven's Avatar

    Elena Alexi Nito
    half human / half vampire
    Hair Color
    black with bloodred highlights
    Eye Color
    Height- 5'1" / Slender

    Elena eyed the gauntlet that was laid on the counter before her with the letter. Skimming the letter over twice she frowned, unable to remember where or when this item arrived in her shop. I guess it must be one of Kale's first acquisitions. Elena picked up the gauntlet and inspected it. If he keeps bringing in pieces like this the store's profits will increase dramatically. Now, how in the nine levels do I price this thing?

    "150 gold for the gauntlet." Elena finally said after a few moments long of pondering.
    In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.

    F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940)

  3. #3
    Hero of Eternium
    Seth_Rahl's Avatar

    Ifrit Obsidian
    105 years old, 22 in demon years
    Marquee Cambion (demon crossbreed between a royal/powerful demon and a female human)
    Hair Color
    Obsidian Black
    Eye Color
    Blood red
    Height: 5'11" Weight: 182 lbs
    Bounty Hunter/ Captain of the Seventh Company of the Bladewraiths

    Ifrit smiled. He had thought the gauntlet would be expensive, at least 300 gold, and had been prepared to sell his dagger if necessary for extra gold, but at that price he could easily afford it.

    "Done. I'll take it." He said with finality, and counted 150 gold pieces from his purse and set them down in a smaller bag in front of the woman. He then slid the gauntlet onto his right arm, where it fit perfect. Manuvering the claws around a little, he quickly turned and drew Eternium Beowulf from the sheath on his back with his gauntleted hand and swung it above his head in an arc. The blade rang as it swept through the air, and Ifrit could feel a dormant power yawning within not only his blade but the gauntlet as well.

    However, it seemed that he must aqquire all five pieces of the puzzle before he could unlock that power. He turned to the woman and bowed his head in respect. "Thank you. Tell your boss that if he ever finds another of this kind of armor to give Ifrit Obsidian a call." He winked at the woman as he walked out of the strange tent. "I'll be waiting."

    ((Note: I'm titling the gauntlet simply as Devil Gauntlet.))
    Last edited by Seth_Rahl; 10-09-07 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #4
    EXP: 17,590, Level: 5
    Level completed: 60%, EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Level completed: 60%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,410
    Moonlit Raven's Avatar

    Elena Alexi Nito
    half human / half vampire
    Hair Color
    black with bloodred highlights
    Eye Color
    Height- 5'1" / Slender

    Elena slid the small bag containing the gold coins over the edge of the counter and into the lockable box containing a small portion of the store's gold. Elena hid a smirk at the thought of having a boss but nodded in agreement.

    As the man exited the tent Elena made a mental note for herself to triple the cost of any other pieces of armor that happened to find their way into her store. A full set of that armor would be dangerous for just one person to own. After all does the wearer use the armor or does the armor use it's wearer?

    Out of Character:
    Transaction complete. Seth_rahl loses 150 gold and gains 50 EXP.
    In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.

    F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940)

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