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Max Dirks
04-07-10, 05:50 PM
Want to talk smack, make predictions or generally comment about the Cell? Well this is your invitation to do so. Seriously, what good is a tournament that we don't get hyped up about.

A few things from me: we have 5 open spots left, so join! If the tournament fills up before Monday, I'll probably get things cracking a bit early. Also, just because I'm feeling generous, here (http://web.archive.org/web/20040113035257/www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3478&perpage=15&pagenumber=1) is a link to the Sione Chamber of old (the last time I ran the Cell) to give you fools an idea of what you're getting into.

So, is anyone going to take some potshots at Dirks?

04-07-10, 05:56 PM
4 spaces left!


Yes, no doubt, if I get to you alive after taking out some pain clauses on several other individuals first :P

04-07-10, 06:24 PM

*passes left*

04-07-10, 07:29 PM
Tony I'm only joining to give YOU a hard time in the battle. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Max Dirks
04-07-10, 07:41 PM
I want you guys to know that I am not restricted by the 24 hour rule, only you. Though I will do my best to post frequently, I'm really just there to remove inactive players (and I'm judging). Keep that in mind before you end up relying on a response from me that never comes. That's why I used the term potshot as opposed to attack.

04-07-10, 07:41 PM
I'm terrified, and I've already joined, does that count?

04-07-10, 07:54 PM
Ah, fair enough Max.

How isthis judged, out of interest? If it is a way to 'gain massive experience quicker than normal' as you say, how does it work?

Max Dirks
04-07-10, 08:05 PM
Because since it's not a traditional battle with a defined winning score and a defined losing score, the EXP amounts are largely arbitrary. I happen to be rather liberal with my distribution curve as to reward those who stuck with it. It's hard work posting every day when you have to read one post. Reading through (ideally) 12 posts, taking note of every detail and replying is tough work. Where I come from folks get rewarded for tough work.

04-07-10, 08:22 PM
Mwhahah! My ability to chat shit and speed post is finally rewarded!

(Watches as his internet dies at an akward moment mid-round one, you watch ... )

04-07-10, 10:11 PM
This seems like fun to me, I just hope I can keep up with it :D *speed reading powers ACTIVATE!!*

Ah yes, I forgot to tell you all, I am, in fact, a superhero. :cool:

04-08-10, 12:28 AM
This seems like fun to me, I just hope I can keep up with it :D *speed reading powers ACTIVATE!!*

Ah yes, I forgot to tell you all, I am, in fact, a superhero. :cool:

Lookie here boys, got ourselves a genuine hero.

Here in Althanas, we don't praise our heros...

Them's good eats....

04-08-10, 12:58 AM
I'm gonna go easy on y'all in the first round. I'm not even going to bring my gunblade. :cool:

04-08-10, 01:06 AM
Keep yucking it up and I'll sign up just to personally pop a cap in your ass.

Tainted Bushido
04-08-10, 01:57 AM
I'm gonna go easy on y'all in the first round. I'm not even going to bring my gunblade. :cool:

That is, until Seth rearranges that pretty boy face. JUST because I'm a nice guy, do you want your face above or below your ass when I'm done with it?

Chosen of the Gods
04-08-10, 02:08 AM
Fear the power of the gods

04-08-10, 02:28 AM
That is, until Seth rearranges that pretty boy face.Seth and which army exactly?:rolleyes:

04-08-10, 02:38 AM
Seth and which army exactly?:rolleyes:

Don't need an army. Just get you in arms reach...

04-08-10, 05:54 AM
Posting problems aside, how the heck is a level 0 going to survive these guys?

I feel like Duffy is going to have a similar problem...

04-08-10, 05:59 AM
Posting problems aside, how the heck is a level 0 going to survive these guys?

I feel like Duffy is going to have a similar problem...

Well, its simple. While their busy killing each other, I'm going to be busy killing you and all the other low levels. Then, when there's just me and one of them left, I'm going to kill them when they least expect it and win.






Then I'm going to wake up from that pleasant dream and face the horrors of reality.

04-08-10, 06:06 AM
Posting problems aside, how the heck is a level 0 going to survive these guys?

I feel like Duffy is going to have a similar problem...You can always try to ally yourself with someone. If you were a hot redhead, for example, Letho would totally help you out. ;)

Tainted Bushido
04-08-10, 06:59 AM
You can always try to ally yourself with someone. If you were a hot redhead, for example, Letho would totally help you out. ;)

That is, if the hot red head hes supposedly marrying doesn't bean him over the head for choosing favorites.

04-08-10, 08:09 AM
Hey, what happens in the Cell, stays in the Cell.

So, with only three spots left, we're getting a pretty good idea who our potential enemies are. Any favorites, everybody? Anyone in specific you (don't) want in your cell?

I think that, with the 1post/24h rule, activity more than anything will determine the winners in this tournament. There are a lot of great writers on the list, people like Christoph and Bloodrose and The Numbers Guy (yes, I still refuse to type those random fucking numbers), but right now I'm just not certain whether they'll be able to keep up the pace, whether because of time constrains or lack of inspiration. Hell, I'm not certain I'll be able to keep up the pace. So this Cell really is anyone's game. But people who are crazy active like Duffy and who can speedpost like Pat, I think they'll have the advantage here.

04-08-10, 08:12 AM
I don't want to be in a Cell with Letho, Bushido, Lorenor, Ulysses or Dissinger...

Anyone else? You're all MINE! Mwhahaha!

(Can we wait 3 days for me to level though plox? A needz ma nu toyz!)

04-08-10, 08:19 AM
I don't want to be in a Cell with Letho, Bushido, Lorenor, Ulysses or Dissinger...

Anyone else? You're all MINE! Mwhahaha!

(Can we wait 3 days for me to level though plox? A needz ma nu toyz!)

Coincidentally, those are exactly the people I want to be in a cell with. I'm disappointed Godhand hasn't joined yet.

Tainted Bushido
04-08-10, 08:23 AM
I don't want to be in a Cell with Letho, Bushido, Lorenor, Ulysses or Dissinger...

Anyone else? You're all MINE! Mwhahaha!

(Can we wait 3 days for me to level though plox? A needz ma nu toyz!)

Don't worry Duffy chances of encountering me are low. I don't want to have two characters in this shindig, so its just good old Diss you gotta worry about ;)

In case you hadn't heard, that would be me, good ole reliable Dissinger...

And Letho, I'm hurt. After all we've been through, do we have to hash out our dirty laundry in front of the crowds AGAIN?

04-08-10, 08:28 AM

What an epic brainfart.

I'm going to hide now and only come out when it starts and pretend this just never happened, alrighty?

04-08-10, 08:35 AM

What an epic brainfart.

I'm going to hide now and only come out when it starts and pretend this just never happened, alrighty?

Silly limey. :p

Anyway, forgive me if I just missed this somehow, but are Cell selections random or are they going to be sorted by level or experience or something?

Alis Grave Nil
04-08-10, 08:55 AM
I know for certain that I am afraid, very much afraid....

think i will just round one hide in a corner and poke people with a 50 feet poking stick...
I can see how it will be difficult to hold the 24 hour post rate considering most people have busy lifes and how i work just about 12 of those 24 hours 6 days a week, but hey, i can just bring paper and a pen and write down things on the buss or something.

>_< though we all know i will get creamed by more than half the players that joined...
but watch it, i might just jump up and bite you all in the knee...

04-08-10, 09:02 AM
I know for certain that I am afraid, very much afraid....

Afraid? Why? Your participating in an event with some of the best writers this site has. If anything, that alone is reason enough to get excited. There is no better chance to get better as a writer, or improve upon your character, than now, when you have a chance to match wits with the best.

Sure, you might not win, or place very high, but the best lessons can only be found in defeat, and not victory. So take heart, you can only come out of this a better writer, with perhaps a bit more depth to your character than you had going in.

It is for those two reasons alone, that I'm excited enough to have difficulty sleeping.

04-08-10, 09:05 AM
Yeah, echoing what Esmerelda said, no need to worry about losing or winning, that isn't the point! The point is to have fun and become a better writer. :)

I'm awfully excited too, I think this is going to be enormous fun.

P.S. When's the gambling going to start?

Amaril Torrun
04-08-10, 12:48 PM
I'll be avoiding Dissinger, simply because I couldn't stomach him killing off another character of mine.

Max Dirks
04-08-10, 03:06 PM
P.S. When's the gambling going to start?When we know exactly who's going to be in the tournament and I have a bit of free time to make score spreads!

The Black Waltz Project
04-08-10, 04:44 PM
The clear cut tactic is everybody needs to just gang up on one big guy, then everybody needs to gang up on the other and so forth until there is one person left. Then, like any good wrestling show, the inevitable betrayals will be played out well enough!

Tainted Bushido
04-08-10, 05:14 PM
The clear cut tactic is everybody needs to just gang up on one big guy, then everybody needs to gang up on the other and so forth until there is one person left. Then, like any good wrestling show, the inevitable betrayals will be played out well enough!


04-08-10, 05:27 PM
Can we not just hide and pop out at the last minute? :D

Tainted Bushido
04-08-10, 06:00 PM
Can we not just hide and pop out at the last minute? :D

If one is going to partake in the Royal Rumble, then one must use the tried and true royal rumble tactics.

Also hiding is a good way to get Dirks to take pot shots at you.

Max Dirks
04-08-10, 06:05 PM
Tentative pairings are up (I say that in case someone comes in late).


Chosen of the Gods
04-08-10, 06:15 PM
well, this is going to blow chunks...I got paired with Diss and Christoph, and Bloodrose. That's some heavy hitters coming my way...yeesh.

So seriously, who's up for teaming up on the strongest guy and working our way around until there are like, four left for the inevitable betrayal?

04-08-10, 06:49 PM
It's really down to posting ability I'd say, I dont' speak like that because I can post often, it's going to be a problem if something important comes up, that, and I'm going clubbing Monday so spell-checker better save me Tuesday Morning :o

04-08-10, 07:04 PM
well, this is going to blow chunks...I got paired with Diss and Christoph, and Bloodrose. That's some heavy hitters coming my way...yeesh.

So seriously, who's up for teaming up on the strongest guy and working our way around until there are like, four left for the inevitable betrayal?

The problem with this whole strategy is that these guys are pretty much strong enough to put the 'Cell' in Cell and go DBZ on your ass.

Chosen of the Gods
04-08-10, 07:11 PM
Is there sunlight inside the cell?

04-08-10, 07:20 PM
I'm gonna go easy on y'all in the first round.:

I won't. Once Eli gets bored, he'll start turning everyone nearby into sticky red mist. XD

04-08-10, 07:22 PM
You'll have to find me first!


ETA for Start Date Max?

04-08-10, 07:24 PM
In order to properly maintain character, I can't do anything but act along the lines of cold mechanical efficiency.

Tainted Bushido
04-08-10, 08:06 PM

Next round Letho...Next Round...

04-09-10, 01:02 AM
It's better this way. We'll meet in the finals, all fucked up and tired.

Of course, we need to get to the finals first. Man, I knew I'll get stuck with The Numbers Guy. Given his abilities, he can be like a bad rash that just won't go away.

04-09-10, 03:36 AM
Forwarding the motion we all kill Duffy. As much as possible.

04-09-10, 06:15 AM
I'll second that motion. I'll bring a nice long spear, so we can stick him at the end of it and use him to mop the floor. Because floors of the Cell do get awfully dirty.

04-09-10, 06:32 AM
*Fuels up his flamethrowers.*

04-09-10, 08:57 AM
*Drinks Duffy's Gas, then eats the flamethrowers for dessert*

Thank you sir for nourishing my Swarm.

04-09-10, 09:52 AM
I am so doomed, haha.

Alis Grave Nil
04-09-10, 11:08 AM
i have the feeling i will be running around in circles screaming like a little girl XD

anyways, now that the que is all full and good to go, estimated time we can exspect my character to get awfully mutilated?

04-09-10, 11:11 AM
i have the feeling i will be running around in circles screaming like a little girl XD

Excuse me, was that an insult to little girls? :P

Chosen of the Gods
04-09-10, 11:14 AM
No seriously, is there sunlight in the cell? Or is it in a dank dungeon like place? This is actually important for Ahk'Ran.

Max Dirks
04-09-10, 11:21 AM
No seriously, is there sunlight in the cell? Or is it in a dank dungeon like place? This is actually important for Ahk'Ran.I haven't decided yet. If I use the Mistician Arena then it will be outdoors, but I'm not 100&#37; on that location yet. I'll decide the weather later.

The tournament will begin shortly. Keep your eyes posted for news updates.

Alis Grave Nil
04-09-10, 12:20 PM
no not really an insult, cause my character probobly be way below the line of little scared girls :P

oh yea and about the weather, if its sunny hot weather then i can se how that alone can defeat my character >_<

Tainted Bushido
04-09-10, 03:46 PM
no not really an insult, cause my character probobly be way below the line of little scared girls :P

oh yea and about the weather, if its sunny hot weather then i can se how that alone can defeat my character >_<

Its also that Ahk'ran has a large disadvantage when not in sunlight. He's kinda the opposite of you.

Silence Sei
04-09-10, 03:50 PM
See, here's where the 'gang up on big guy' strategy fails.

Lets say Letho can take out 6 people alone.

There are 12 people in the cell, Letho is 1, that makes it 11 who can attack him.

Letho taking out 6 makes 5 people left.

A person around half of Letho's level can say, take out 3 people alone. He's distracted with said three which takes four people out of the fight against Letho.

Leaving only one difference maker.

However if that mid and Letho join forces for some reason, the other ten combatants are totally screwed.

In other words.... let me look up Letho's profile and see if Sei would actually ally with him XD.

Tainted Bushido
04-09-10, 03:54 PM
I can see it now. Seth makes it to the final cage, only to join Sei and Letho.

Chaos ensues as they go about moping up the other contestants, then turn their gaze to the true villain.

Max Dirks....we're coming for YOU!

Silence Sei
04-09-10, 03:56 PM
I like it. Since Dirks is one of Sei's primary reasons for joining :P.

And after words, Sei can pick up Duffy's body and talk woith him about joining The Nine XD

04-09-10, 05:27 PM
Man, I wish it were that easy. If that was the case, I'd ally myself with two other people and use Letho's ability to heal by touch every time they got seriously hurt (not to mention, keep them fresh for the final cage). However, since the best writers shall progress, here's my prediction of who'll get through from each group. Keep in mind, I'm terrible at predictions.

Cell 1

Duffy Bracken - I haven't seen his level of activity since Shyam, and activity is what you need in the Cell. On top of that, he's a very good writer, so I think he easily goes through, regardless of his character level. I might actually put some money on him, maybe even to take the whole thing.

Silence Sei - Granted, I'm not very familiar with his writing, but he's been very active since he's come back. And he's old school. Shit, I remember him judging one of my quests while I was still like level zero. O_o

Ataraxis - We all know he can write some pretty amazing stuff. But can he keep up the pace? I think so.

? - Yes, I'm still undecided on the fourth spot. Could be the Numbers Dude, though he's so fresh out of inactivity that his keyboard probably creaks every time he pushes a button. Could be Task, since he can bring it if he feels inspired enough. Could be one of the Wild Cards, like that Amen fellow who seems like a solid writer. Could be myself if I manage to push myself to post every day.

Cell 2

Dissinger - You know he can post every day. Actually, he can probably finish the entire battle in a day. If he keeps his eye on the ball, he's in the finals for certain.

Ulysses - Never you mind she's level zero. She's active on like three accounts that I know of and will definitely put up a fight. This entire shindig might end up being decided between her and Duffy. They're part of the new wave. Beware.

Christoph - He's definitely good enough to win this thing, but is he stubborn enough to last to the very end? Maybe so, unless he gets bored. :P

? - If this was like a year ago, I'd go with Bloodrose without thinking about it. But right now, he's in the same basket as the Random Numbers. Might do awesome, might get shot in the head by Dirks. Atzar Kellon is also good, and he's been active lately, but active enough? We'll have to see. Chosen of the Gods and Riftslayer both have a chance as well, regardless of the fact that they're level zero.

04-09-10, 05:35 PM
Flattery will get you...

Everywhere! :p

Kade Underbough
04-09-10, 05:42 PM
According to the bracket on the sign up page, I get a free ride until the very end. We should use that.

04-09-10, 05:45 PM
According to that bracket, I get to fight Dirks. So technically, if I get to him in time and knock him out, we can all take it easy and post whenever we want because there will be nobody to shoot us in the face if we don't post within 24h. :P

04-09-10, 05:48 PM
Liquid time and shiny name so no-no.

(I vote we kick him in the balls instead?)

Kade Underbough
04-09-10, 05:51 PM
Next tournament: Who can take the most kicks in the balls?

Chosen of the Gods
04-09-10, 05:53 PM
Hmm, same cell as Dissinger and possibly no sun...gotta use my dirt then...Any ideas on the time? Or what?


Christoph, Dissinger, Duffy, Ataraxis for sure. They can post consistently. Numbers and Bloodrose are going to rock the house and really get in a few good death scenes based off them, but as Letho said they may not be able to post because of...ya know...life.

Sorry Letho, but I just don't see you moving on

The Trap Master
04-09-10, 06:38 PM
Duffy, Diss, Ata, Letho, Christoph and probably the numbers guy are my top ones to take it to the finals.

Which is okay, as long as Sei and Duffy establish what they need to in order to have Duffy join The Nine.

On a totally somehwhat related note, which characters abilities/magics do you think will hold the biggest advantage in The Cell? I'd like to hear some opinions.

Sei only has two actual spells, but if he pulls them both off at the right time they could be outright devastating.

Tainted Bushido
04-09-10, 06:59 PM
In terms of Dissinger;

Malice is a waste, he has to REALLY hate someone to have that do anything beyond tickle.

Pain has already caused havoc in one Cell.

Sowing Salt rarely gets used, since he got Ebony and Ivory back and they're permanently enchanted with it.

Slow will come in handy if he starts getting overwhelmed.

Stop though, is just too situational. Requires there to be only one person left other than him.

Seven Deaths could be fun. I almost got Shadar to die from it.

Sin Harvest though, I doubt I'll have the chance to use it.

04-09-10, 07:00 PM
I have some predictions based mostly on writing quality. Granted, actual writing quality matters less in the Cell than any other kind of tournament (between the time constraints on posts and the fact that the judgments will be likely at least somewhat arbitrary given the number of participants per battle), so I may be way off.

Cell One:

Ataraxis: No question here. He'll probably dominate the battle, writing-wise.

Letho: Unless he defaults or really drops the ball on his writing, he'll probably move on.

Numbers: Same as Letho.

Taskmeinster: He's not the best in Cell One, but if he sticks with it he should be able to squeeze by round one.

Cell Two:

Christoph: That's me, of course. I have enough free time and stubbornness to stick it out. I've never defaulted in a tournament before, and I don't plan on starting now.

Bloodrose: He's my most even match on the site, I'd say (our Magus Cup battle was extremely close), so he'll definitely go through as long as he gets enough posts in.

Atzar: He himself will admit to not being the world's greatest writer, but he's active lately and competent enough to make it.

Dissinger, Arsene, or Ulysses: Arsene is a good writer when he tries, but him trying seems unlikely. I'm leaning toward Dissinger because of his experience, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Ulysses come out ahead.


As for abilities: Elijah's magic can quite easily lay waste to basically everything he sees. Like I said in a previous post, if he got too bored, he would be very capable of turning all the lower-level characters into red mist. The likes of Bloodrose would give him a hard time, though. Probably not Dissinger though, because I seem to remember him being very vulnerable to fire.

04-09-10, 07:28 PM
Dissinger, Arsene, or Ulysses: Arsene is a fan-fucking-tastic writer when? Always. But him being sexy is likely.

When I see a typo, I need to fix it.

I also like mad-libs.

04-09-10, 07:28 PM
Seth's Gift of the Magi can be a pain in the neck (and I would know this from all the times I fought him). Just when you think you finally took care of him, wham! he's fully healed. And you have to do it all over again. Add the fact that he feels no pain, and you've got one annoying son of a bitch that takes the hits and keeps on coming. :P

Bloodrose looks like trouble. That fucker is fast and agile, everything that Letho's not. If we ever get to clash, it would be a battle of two completely different melee philosophies.

The Numbers Guy is virtually indestructible. I think his muscles are like titanium or something and his skeleton also some other metal or something. On top of that, he has a gun and some armor piercing bullets. And he can make a pretzel out of you if you get too close.

I'm not very familiar with Ataraxis' form of magic, but I guess it has something to do with like threads and weaving and other freaky shit, and you can always be creative with that.

04-09-10, 07:29 PM
All I've got is sheer dexterity and agility (to run away, I wasn't joking you know!) a magic dagger which won't be updated in time, the ability to sing songs from other planets oh, oh, oh!


04-09-10, 07:51 PM
All I've got is sheer dexterity and agility (to run away, I wasn't joking you know!) a magic dagger which won't be updated in time, the ability to sing songs from other planets oh, oh, oh!




sidenote: Aresene's above post made me lol.

Silence Sei
04-09-10, 07:56 PM
I should probably update Sei a little before we actually begin so I can state that he has this level in this and whatnot.

I miss the old days when Level 5 just meant it was hard to beat em and you didn't have to use such specifics.

Tainted Bushido
04-09-10, 08:04 PM
Seth's Gift of the Magi can be a pain in the neck (and I would know this from all the times I fought him). Just when you think you finally took care of him, wham! he's fully healed. And you have to do it all over again. Add the fact that he feels no pain, and you've got one annoying son of a bitch that takes the hits and keeps on coming. :P



Those are trade secrets!

04-09-10, 08:18 PM
I'm like, the most disadvantaged person in either Cell. I have no skill, which isn't in some fashion out done by someone else.

Even Esmerelda, the only thing she has going for her that no one else can match, is the fact that she can completly dissassemble herself. I'm betting I last, three posts/days.

04-09-10, 08:20 PM
I'm like, the most disadvantaged person in either Cell. I have no skill, which isn't in some fashion out done by someone else.

Even Esmerelda, the only thing she has going for her that no one else can match, is the fact that she can completly dissassemble herself. I'm betting I last, three posts/days.

I'm in a similar position. What the heck are you supposed to do if you meet an inevitable doom a fourth of the way through the Cell?

04-09-10, 08:23 PM
I play the violin.

Do we really want an e-penis measuring contest of how comabt weak we are? Because I win in that impotency.

Chosen of the Gods
04-09-10, 08:24 PM
Stop your whining. You entered into this tournament knowing full well you were probably going to die. Big whoop. If we have no sunlight my character get's ZERO of his abilities. So either form up into a team and pray to win, or let the big dogs fight while the puppies play in a corner, or just..ya know, whine and bitch and die.


04-09-10, 08:54 PM
Fair enough :p

04-10-10, 02:01 AM
necks will be tied in knots...

Tainted Bushido
04-10-10, 03:07 AM
Tie mine in knots all you want... ;)

04-10-10, 12:34 PM
*ties vigorously for a few moments*

a poodle.

Chosen of the Gods
04-10-10, 03:04 PM
*clap clap clap* AGAIN!

04-10-10, 08:34 PM
Predictions? Who needs 'em...

Spells and Power? Who needs 'em...

I have a cheesy avatar, that's all I need!

04-10-10, 08:49 PM
The smart money is always on Goku, 'cause you know the Cell has always been Althanas' best reenactment of that DBZ fight right before and after the year and a half of filler.

04-11-10, 09:15 PM
I have only just started thinking about making my character able to kill other ones. I never planned for him to actually fight other PCs and I think the skills to fight against other PCs are far different to those quest specific ones.

Normally feedback, healing and defensive spells seem the most effective in PC battles.

Alis Grave Nil
04-12-10, 02:31 PM
Id say the ability to reflect the damage caused to you back to the one who hurt you as well as steal their endurance and life would be neat things for the likes of pvp

Amaril Torrun
04-12-10, 03:39 PM
Powergame one of the legendary characters to death on the first day. You'll get disqualified, but they'll be dead and won't be able to post each day, thus getting disqualified as well.


04-12-10, 04:53 PM
Powergame one of the legendary characters to death on the first day. You'll get disqualified, but they'll be dead and won't be able to post each day, thus getting disqualified as well.

This man is a genius.

04-12-10, 04:56 PM
Many lulz will be had, I predict.

04-12-10, 05:25 PM
many lulz will be had, i predict.


04-12-10, 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by teabagger

I c wut u did thar

04-12-10, 08:00 PM
I think the fact that Godhand's in the cell now is rather exciting.

04-12-10, 10:35 PM
I find it less exciting.

You see, with Letho, you never really know what's going to happen.

But with Godhand, you've got a guarantee of douchebaggery.

04-12-10, 11:20 PM
I find it less exciting.

You see, with Letho, you never really know what's going to happen.

But with Godhand, you've got a guarantee of douchebaggery.

Says the walking, talking Canadian superman. All my money is on Godhand tearing your scrotum through your teeth after you get exhausted from flexing your titaniumesque biceps to the crowd.

"Big girls don't cry!"

04-12-10, 11:37 PM
I wasn't speaking to you, nuthugger. Really, have things gotten so bad around here that Godhand actually has fanboys?

04-12-10, 11:42 PM
I wasn't speaking to you, nuthugger. Really, have things gotten so bad around here that Godhand actually has fanboys?

We formed a club. We meet on tuesdays and thursdays...


04-13-10, 12:07 AM
I find it less exciting.

You see, with Letho, you never really know what's going to happen.

But with Godhand, you've got a guarantee of douchebaggery.

Look at you. I'm surprised you found the time to sign up, what with being so busy giving your alts 'religious experiences' with your mary sue main while simultaneously jacking it, JACKING IT RAW, to your own ill-conceived sex scenes.

Wait, what am I doing? Here, let me just copy-paste your appearance from your profile. It's so fucking telling that it blows any insult I could throw at you out of the water forever.

Joshua Cronen is a magnificent physical specimen. Although he weighs over two hundred and fifty pounds due to the density of his body, he looks like a man of one hundred and eighty five pounds. He has a fine golden-brown tan and a healthy pallor even when under extreme stress or pain, and muscle definition to match the ancient Greek gods. His hair is kept close cropped despite the rough stubble on his chin. He is broad shouldered, with long limbs and large hands and feet, a powerful man in every respect. When open his eyes frequently radiate an unnervingly wise calm.

This shit goes on for like three more paragraphs. Seriously, go check it out. It's fucking sublime.

04-13-10, 01:02 AM
Standing ovation.

Tainted Bushido
04-13-10, 01:53 AM
Nice to see the dick measuring never goes out of style...

Requiem of Insanity
04-13-10, 02:44 AM
And this, this single handedly made my entire fucking day.

Bravo to you all. Bravo

04-13-10, 05:28 AM
Rofl, Godhand, you little devil you.

I didn't think DYING could keep you away :p

04-13-10, 07:35 AM
Surely 90&#37; of RPG characters are Mary Sues.... when was the last time a character was plagued with self-doubt?

Visla Eraclaire
04-13-10, 08:22 AM
Surely 90&#37; of RPG characters are Mary Sues.... when was the last time a character was plagued with self-doubt?

Mary Sues are actually not terribly common in recent times, as far as I've seen. Older more powerful characters from early Althanas have more of a tendency to be such, since they weren't surrounded by giants.

Characters these days tend to be more modest. For example, Visla is a fairly unlikable tragedy protagonist, even after she gained all her levels, powerless to change a world that is totally indifferent to her.

Congrast Godhand, who is Andres if he had superpowers and didn't live in a third world country.

Max Dirks
04-13-10, 03:08 PM
Don't worry, numbers. Apparently Godhand "oozes...charm..." See for yourself:
When wearing a business suit however, he oozes a peculiar charm no doubt acquired during his tenure a Mafia soldier.

04-13-10, 03:26 PM
Thanks Max... I was feeling so bad about myself because of these interweb bullies!

04-13-10, 03:36 PM
I'm gonna go easy on y'all in the first round. I'm not even going to bring my gunblade.

That is, until Seth rearranges that pretty boy face. JUST because I'm a nice guy, do you want your face above or below your ass when I'm done with it?

I won't. Once Eli gets bored, he'll start turning everyone nearby into sticky red mist. XD

necks will be tied in knots...

Nice to see the dick measuring never goes out of style...

It never does.

Thanks Max... I was feeling so bad about myself because of these interweb bullies!

When all else fails, you can always fall back on being canadian and a part of a cult. That always works wonders for the ol'e self-esteem.

04-13-10, 03:48 PM
Are you calling Althanas a cult??

04-13-10, 03:54 PM
Are you calling Althanas a cult??


Visla Eraclaire
04-13-10, 04:10 PM
I guess Saxon was too subtle. Jesus...

04-13-10, 05:09 PM
And...we're back to normal...

Chosen of the Gods
04-13-10, 08:28 PM
I wish to pull out of the cell. I have come to the realization that life is far to demanding at this point than for me to pretend that in this stupid competition I had a chance anyway. Honestly, with all this cult stuff I just don't feel safe in the cell.

Oh and I'm not joking on the first part. I do wish to pull out.

04-13-10, 09:01 PM
Mary Sues are actually not terribly common in recent times, as far as I've seen. Older more powerful characters from early Althanas have more of a tendency to be such, since they weren't surrounded by giants.

Characters these days tend to be more modest. For example, Visla is a fairly unlikable tragedy protagonist, even after she gained all her levels, powerless to change a world that is totally indifferent to her.

And my own character who fucks up all the time.

But that said, he is, regardless of if I want him to be, a projection of myself... just not completely awesome. That said, there are probably lots of definitions of what constitutes a Mary Sue character. I would say that it is a description of what the writer wants to be, and the more perfect that character, the more they are a truer reflection of their wants. They can also embody feelings, such as the want to be different, feeling they haven't got what they deserve, etc.

All that said, I don't think a Mary Sue automatically means they are badly written or thought out, so I hope no one quoted below gets cut.

Anyway, to prove my point, the four most recent approved characters:

Oden proved himself to be quiet, private, and deviously intelligent. He delighted in philosophical debates with visiting nobles, and it was no secret that he took joy in outsmarting the servants and townspeople, though never to anyone’s detriment.


Tobias enrolled his son [Oden] in the university in the city of Scara Brae under the pretense of fostering Oden’s powers. In fact, he was sending the boy away in the hopes that the controversy would die down, and the smear on the Steel legacy might be forgotten.


Perhaps as a result of his unknown lineage, Oden is naturally a strong and physically fit man, despite an easy life. He can lift and carry 1.5 times his weight, but he is unaccustomed to and disinclined toward hard labor and will tire quickly, if he chooses to exert himself at all.

Oden’s threshold for pain is exceptionally high for a human being, and he can endure a great deal of punishment before succumbing to pain, exhaustion, or unconsciousness.

Intellegent, Tall, Good Looking, natural at magic, problems at home, mystery in his past, etc.

Silmeria grew up in the order and has been raised and trained in its ways since she was very young. .... dawn the robes and play it out as a ‘priestess’ most of that was a matter of convince.

long auburn hair .... Human through and through the only odd out of the ordinary fact is her eye color a stark unnatural red .... she’s quiet and calm until she finds herself under the attention of others or under scrutiny in which that sharp wit and over thinking generally gets her in trouble

Raised in an order, but does her own thing (ie, too cool 4 school). Odd eye color, calm and quiet, yet with a sharp wit. I would bet that she is able to get out of that trouble she gets in pretty easily.

Vadeo trusts no one, and he probably never will after what happen to him. He is always emotionless unless the situation calls for emotions. He has enough experience to know when he is being lied too, and he hates liers and cheaters. He is a very confident, and determined person, so if he wants something, he's going to get it.

A very handsome drow. He has chiseled features, and he has the looks of a noble about him. He does look rough as of right now because of him living off wild. He is tall and lithe with muscles all over his body from his many years in the armed forces.


Vadeo had everything. As a child, his father rose in prominence among the aristocracy of Alerar, and made himself a powerful name .... He was cherished by his father and mother .... Some of the more powerful sorcerers, and the higher ranking generals saw him to be a threat. So, naturally, they destroyed his family with nothing short of a army of socerers and soldiers and then stripped Vadeo of his rank, his money, and his powers as a sorcerer.

Strong, knows whats going on around him, physically amazing and terribly wronged.

Coel is handsome with well defined cheeks and a chiseled chin. His muscles are well toned. His hair is ear length and combed back into a wave. He has a perfect smile and a deep voice. In short, there is an air of royalty above him.

Also is a rightful air to a throne, blessed by a god, physically handsome, etc.

04-13-10, 10:10 PM
Rofl, Godhand, you little devil you.

I didn't think DYING could keep you away :p

Liquid time. I'll figure something out.

Congrast Godhand, who is Andres if he had superpowers and didn't live in a third world country.

I get this a lot for some reason. People seem to think I'm sort of paranoid-psychotic low rent hitman in real life.

Don't worry, numbers. Apparently Godhand "oozes...charm..." See for yourself:

You fail to grasp the difference between patting yourself on the back and full blown public masturbation.

Thanks Max... I was feeling so bad about myself because of these interweb bullies!

It's cool, dude. I'm sure in if this was real life you'd kick my ass with McGuyver karate after turning a rolled up magazine into a makeshift machete and then ride off on the back of your motorcycle while having sex with fifty supermodels and giving every female passerby an orgasm by flexing your oiled up pecs.

Oh, and your eyes would be radiating an unnervingly wise calm.

But enough of I-can't-believe-it's-not-Bourne; it seems Chosen of the Gods has pulled out. If you want Letho back, now's the time to say so. Post in this thread, send him private messages, whatever you need to do. Feel free to spoil FFXIII for him since that's what he's ditching us for.

04-14-10, 12:04 AM
I want Letho back since Chosen's backed out.

04-14-10, 01:03 AM
Oh, you goddamn bitches. This is definitely going to slow down my playthrough. And just for that, I'm bringing in the "Lawmaker".

Tainted Bushido
04-14-10, 01:23 AM
Hey Letho...

We're in the same Cell...

You know what that means!

04-14-10, 02:01 AM
Alright, I posted and left it open.

I want you guys to know, limited bunnying of my character is OK.

Trading a few swings with me, okay...

Having me rip your head off or you mine, not okay. If you want me to kill you, or vice versa, we'll work together to make it awesome. We also need to make it logical...

04-14-10, 02:57 AM
One dodgy post up.

Yeah, I've got the worst hangover ever after a mate's 21st and I'm about to go to work, then a research seminar, then food shopping, then back to work and hopefully collapse about 8pm tonight (at which point I will probably have to post again...)

Don't worry though, it won't all be in verse :p (As badly written verse as it may be...ughhh, Alabama Slammer's arn't a good idea!)

04-14-10, 03:00 AM

04-14-10, 03:00 AM

I can barely see straight, nevermind work behind a till for 4 hours!


Tainted Bushido
04-14-10, 03:05 AM
Vogon Poetry is described as "the third worst poetry in the Universe". The main example used in the story is a short piece composed by Jeltz, which roughly emulates nonsense verse in style (example below). The story relates that listening to it is an experience similar to torture as demonstrated when Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect are forced to listen to the poetry (and say how much they liked it) prior to being thrown out of an airlock.

I believe that Duffy is in the running for first or second ;)

Visla Eraclaire
04-14-10, 06:52 AM
I judged his poetry and I can confirm this.

I think you may be in the running for most smarmy comment though, Pat. Originally it was a runaway for Numbers, but after discussing the terms on which people will have the privilege of being killed by you, it's actually getting interesting.

Tainted Bushido
04-14-10, 07:11 AM
I'm nothing if not adaptive.

04-14-10, 08:54 AM

You spoiled my plan Bushido (no, seriously, the above excerpt is precisely what I was aiming for!)

Visla Eraclaire
04-14-10, 09:15 AM
This excuse reminds me of a comic (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1656#comic).

04-14-10, 09:18 AM
That 500 gold is going back to the Banker Visla, I assure you ;)

04-14-10, 09:19 AM
I love how everyone seems to agree with me that I write better than a 58...

Visla Eraclaire
04-14-10, 09:21 AM
The only way I will lose my Under bet on Duffy is if he disqualifies, and I have extreme confidence in his ability to shovel out a post worth of garbage once a day, at the very least.

Also, I'm using my bets largely as social commentary since GP is still useless.

04-14-10, 09:23 AM
I'm going to wait until just before I go to bed to post, if that makes sense, although I already wrote one about an hour ago. I figure that if I post in the evenings, it gives me all day to come up with another post before my 24 hours is up...yeah? Less stress/pressure that way.

I dunno, that's my strategy anyway.

ANYWAY I'm super excited about this now. *takes off sunglasses in a dramatic fashion* Let's do this.

Sidenote: Pretty sure that my score range is waaaay overprojected, haha. I'm flattered but I don't think there's any way I'm going to get over a 65 on this. I'll be glad if I get over a 50. Hell, I'll be glad if I just finish.

04-14-10, 09:30 AM
Fuck the scores, Ulysses. It doesn't matter if we get 45, 12, 65 or 90+, just have fun. It's not like I need to tell you that though, am I right?

04-14-10, 09:33 AM
Fuck the scores, Ulysses. It doesn't matter if we get 45, 12, 65 or 90+, just have fun. It's not like I need to tell you that though, am I right?

*high five*
*spins around on the way back to give a low five* :cool:

That is the absolute truth! ^^

04-14-10, 10:24 AM
I'm going to wait until just before I go to bed to post, if that makes sense, although I already wrote one about an hour ago. I figure that if I post in the evenings, it gives me all day to come up with another post before my 24 hours is up...yeah? Less stress/pressure that way.

I dunno, that's my strategy anyway.That's more or less what I'll do as well, but mostly because I work from 8am to 4pm and can't normally post during that time. Today I was able to write a post at work, but if I had posted it when it was finished, I'd have to pressure myself to write at work every single day, and two weeks is a long time. So I'm going to wait a bit more, just to give myself more wiggle room.

Sidenote: Pretty sure that my score range is waaaay overprojected, haha. I'm flattered but I don't think there's any way I'm going to get over a 65 on this. I'll be glad if I get over a 50. Hell, I'll be glad if I just finish.Hey, hey, what kind of attitude is that? You need to make me some money. :cool:

In all truth, lower level characters do have one thing going for them, and that's dying early. Technically, you can wrap everything up in a week, together with a pretty effective death scene and get a better score because of the conclusion, whereas the stronger character have to keep it up for the full duration of the round. And more posts means more chances to screw something up, and not to mention get disqualified because of the post/24h rule. Just a thought.

Tainted Bushido
04-14-10, 10:25 AM
Glad to see someone is on the right track. My comment on scoring was more for the gambling thread than this one, but meh.

I'm more pissed that the Treslizn Chamber doesn't have any more posts yet...

And Duffy I finally figured out that crappy poetry post, its a post buffer ain't it? Padding the count to get to 5 faster? ;)

(J/K though it is a plausible way out)

04-14-10, 10:30 AM
In the immortal words of a certain Slug Moustached World War 2 soldier...

"I have a cunning plan."

Tainted Bushido
04-14-10, 10:33 AM
Ha ha ha, take a hit in your score to get to five? That sounds like bad tech..

(Oh dear gods I've been on dustloop too long if I'm calling posting habits "tech")

04-14-10, 10:36 AM
What's this about getting post count to 5?

I hope to last a little longer than that dear :p

04-14-10, 10:42 AM
That's more or less what I'll do as well, but mostly because I work from 8am to 4pm and can't normally post during that time. Today I was able to write a post at work, but if I had posted it when it was finished, I'd have to pressure myself to write at work every single day, and two weeks is a long time. So I'm going to wait a bit more, just to give myself more wiggle room.

I'm exactly the same way. I can post at school, at least today, but if I do I'll have to post at school every day. So...that would suck. Haha. No way that'd work out. So waiting to post until the evening is definitely better.

In all truth, lower level characters do have one thing going for them, and that's dying early. Technically, you can wrap everything up in a week, together with a pretty effective death scene and get a better score because of the conclusion, whereas the stronger character have to keep it up for the full duration of the round. And more posts means more chances to screw something up, and not to mention get disqualified because of the post/24h rule. Just a thought.

Hmmm that's an interesting point I hadn't thought of. I'm going to try and stick it out for as long as I can, but eventually a level 0 character continuing to survive is just unbelievable. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

Hey, hey, what kind of attitude is that? You need to make me some money.

Good luck with that :p

Also, I'm wondering why Treslizn has so few posts so far? It's awfuuuuul quiet in there, haha. Maybe we're just wiser and taking longer to do a good job with our intros. :cool:

Tainted Bushido
04-14-10, 10:45 AM
Also, I'm wondering why Treslizn has so few posts so far? It's awfuuuuul quiet in there, haha. Maybe we're just wiser and taking longer to do a good job with our intros. :cool:

I'm more worried that everyone basically is waiting to get home to post and I win by default because you're all DQed for not posting before the first 24 hours are up...

04-14-10, 10:48 AM
I'm more worried that everyone basically is waiting to get home to post and I win by default because you're all DQed for not posting before the first 24 hours are up...

Haha, I ought to be home before 1AM, unless something extremely unforeseen occurs.

So it'll be us two. :p

04-14-10, 10:49 AM
I'm more worried that everyone basically is waiting to get home to post and I win by default because you're all DQed for not posting before the first 24 hours are up...

You wish it was going to be that easy :p

04-14-10, 12:02 PM
I love how everyone seems to agree with me that I write better than a 58...

Not if Dirks judges...

04-14-10, 05:23 PM

Let's Tango :D

Rayse Valentino
04-14-10, 06:46 PM
Can I switch out my alt for my main for this? Not really feelin' it on an alt.

Kade Underbough
04-14-10, 06:49 PM
Imaginary Option 4 for Cell Gambling:

Who dies first?

I wouldn't have picked Lorenor at the opening of the round. Then the silly mutant went and attacked a Dahlios...

04-14-10, 08:19 PM
Aw man, I get home and no additional people have posted in Treslizn? For shame...

Edit: Wow, I take a shower and come back and everyone posted! Er. Nevermind that!

Rayse Valentino
04-14-10, 08:39 PM
Yo I only got like 3 hours left. I don't really feel like being involved on a shitty alt, I made a big mistake registering on him. Am I gonna drop out or is y'all gonna let me post on my main?

04-14-10, 08:56 PM
The only way I will lose my Under bet on Duffy is if he disqualifies, and I have extreme confidence in his ability to shovel out a post worth of garbage once a day, at the very least.

Stay classy, dude.

Visla Eraclaire
04-14-10, 09:01 PM
Stay classy, dude.

You know all about class.

Duffy should know by know that I'm just busting his balls. It's for his own good.

04-14-10, 09:35 PM
You know all about class.

Duffy should know by know that I'm just busting his balls. It's for his own good.

Sort of like a "Trolled Straight" program?

Rayse Valentino
04-14-10, 10:17 PM
Actually, I see nothing even remotely contentious with switching out an alt for a main. Granted it's a bit late, but given that most people will drop out due to the 24hr rule, at least I can guarantee keeping up.

Max Dirks
04-14-10, 11:06 PM
Actually, I see nothing even remotely contentious with switching out an alt for a main. Granted it's a bit late, but given that most people will drop out due to the 24hr rule, at least I can guarantee keeping up. Unfortunately, the tournament has already begun and registration is closed.

You'll either have to post as your alternative character or be disqualified per the tournament rules. You had ample time to come to me before the start of the tournament to discuss your status following the Magus Cup but you failed to do so. So, I'm sorry, but in fairness to others and in the interest of creating and maintaining a permanent tournament structure, I won't allow the character switch.

Edit: However, I will allow Neville to be an alias of Rayse if doing so does not require a profile edit.

04-14-10, 11:56 PM
As unusual as it is for me to stick up for Rayse, who would letting him switch hurt? Nobody.

04-15-10, 04:26 AM
Continuity should be back to normal now, Ataraxis. Easy enough mistake, bard and pink in the same sentence and bam, conclusions jumped to!

Pausing just long enough for Duffy to take a handle on his door situation, Sei's eyes met with Lillian Sesthal.

I lolled at this Sei, lolled indeed :D


I can only assume that The Daredevil and Task will be disqualified?

04-15-10, 05:42 AM
Imaginary Option 4 for Cell Gambling:

Who dies first?

I wouldn't have picked Lorenor at the opening of the round. Then the silly mutant went and attacked a Dahlios...

Hahahah. I figure, if I'm going out in a tournament, I'm going out with style damn it. :) But yeah, Pat's awesome to work with so it will be a fun battle regardless.

04-15-10, 08:40 AM
I can only assume that The Daredevil and Task will be disqualified?

Posting once a day is actually much harder than I would have figured.... before this i've only RPed in time events in one on ones where the time starts after your opponent posts.

Alis Grave Nil
04-15-10, 08:53 AM
are we allowed to edit our posts at later dates in order to fix spelling, add more details and such, as long as the content of what happens dosnt change?

04-15-10, 09:22 AM
Yes, you may, although it's generally polite to not edit the content of a post after someone else has posted after you. However, if it's spelling/grammar, and nothing major, feel free to do so. Content of post edits can be checked (prior drafts) so if you feel anything is amiss, it can be brought up.

I find it easier to proof read once it's 'live' so to speak.

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 09:26 AM
I lolled at this Sei, lolled indeed :D

I was hoping somebody would. Score!

Rayse Valentino
04-15-10, 10:10 AM
Unfortunately, the tournament has already begun and registration is closed.

You'll either have to post as your alternative character or be disqualified per the tournament rules. You had ample time to come to me before the start of the tournament to discuss your status following the Magus Cup but you failed to do so. So, I'm sorry, but in fairness to others and in the interest of creating and maintaining a permanent tournament structure, I won't allow the character switch.

Edit: However, I will allow Neville to be an alias of Rayse if doing so does not require a profile edit.

Permanent tournament structure? You switched Letho out for Godhand, then put Letho back in for someone else!

If you asked anybody at all, they will tell you that you made a big deal over nothing. Nobody is trying to subvert your fucking authority, you blew something small way out of proportion and everyone knows it.

I won't change your mind since by some roundabout way you let me back in, but I hope you're aware of his frivolous this all was.

04-15-10, 12:43 PM
Nobody is trying to subvert your fucking authority, you blew something small way out of proportion and everyone knows it.

What else is new.

Logic/Common Sense/Reason < Max Dirks

He'd make George Bush flinch.

04-15-10, 12:44 PM
Your repetition drone Saxon, that's what :p

(Just kidding).

Come on people, get posting!

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 12:58 PM
Hey hey hey, let's everyone calm down.

Don't make me call mothers....*resists urge to say '...again....'*

Max Dirks
04-15-10, 01:31 PM
Logic/Common Sense/Reason < Max DirksWhat's funny is that today in Remedies class we read Walker v. City of Birmingham. It's the case that put Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. into jail for contempt. Basically the Court decided that even though the injunction Dr. King violated was subject to a substantial constitutional question (i.e. was probably unconstitutional), his contempt was upheld to maintain the integrity of the court's injunction power. To allow Dr. King to violate the injunction would make it inherently worthless. In other words, sometimes what is logical isn't always what's best.

For the record, I've been very flexible with this situation: 1) I allowed Rayse to participate in the tournament though he was supposed to be banned from it following his actions in the Magus Cup; and 2) I Helped Rayse find a work around my own rules (akin to Sorjax and Mist in the LCC) so that he could still participate as his desired character and I could uphold the integrity of the tournament. Furthermore, what many of you don't know is that I expressly told Rayse he could not swap his character, but he went ahead and did it anyway. He then took a minor issue and turned it into a public spectacle to get what he wanted (for what I suspect was to have a stronger character against some of the big wigs that joined the tournament). His inability to choose a character for the tournament is not my problem despite his attempts to make it such.

Rules are rules.

04-15-10, 02:05 PM
For the record, I've been very flexible with this situation: 1) I allowed Rayse to participate in the tournament though he was supposed to be banned from it following his actions in the Magus Cup;

Undermining the ruling of a previous Administrator always reinforces your authority in a position.

2) I Helped Rayse find a work around my own rules (akin to Sorjax and Mist in the LCC) so that he could still participate as his desired character and I could uphold the integrity of the tournament.

Max Dirks. Law.

Max Law.

Phoenix Wright better file a civil suit before he lets this one get away!

Furthermore, what many of you don't know is that I expressly told Rayse he could not swap his character, but he went ahead and did it anyway. He then took a minor issue and turned it into a public spectacle to get what he wanted (for what I suspect was to have a stronger character against some of the big wigs that joined the tournament). That sort of insubordination is simply unacceptable on the site.

And since when has Rayse ever shown the integrity necessary to do him any favors? You let go of the wolf's ears and he turned around and bit you. What do you expect?

In fact, he did the same exact thing when he didn't get what he wanted with the Cell as he did with the last tournament he was in with Task, and another administrator had to deal with it. This honestly shouldn't come as any surprise to you.

for what I suspect was to have a stronger character against some of the big wigs that joined the tournament).

And? In order to be judged adequetely, you need to have an arbitrary number attached to your username. Especially in tournaments. A level 7 has a much better fucking chance then a level 2.

Rules are rules.

Unless an administrator disagrees with them.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:08 PM
This is an extremely stupid thing to argue about. Rayse thinks he's special. Dirks makes unpopular decisions. None of this is news.

For the record, even with what a contrarian I am, I think Dirks has the better argument, but it really doesn't matter either way.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:16 PM
So, according to your analogy, you admit the rule was stupid but decided to enforce it anyway to maintain the integrity of the tournament?

Do you realize how silly that sounds? A writing message board on the fucking internet has integrity? If I insult it will you challenge me to pistols at dawn?

By the way, these rules you speak of consist of anything that comes out of your mouth. When you say something, it doesn't have to be written, it's already law. No matter how ridiculous or pointless they are, you treat them as if you say them and then immediately find an ancient tablet with the exact same thing written on them. You're so much like Santh it's scary. Insubordination; Holy Shit.

I can't stop laughing at your analogy. Dr. King? Does the irony not slap you in the face?

You lost 3 people on the first fucking day. One of which is an administrator. What fucking integrity?

Explain to me how drawing parallels between a writing forum tournament's roster and Constitutional Law is not blowing this insanely out of proportion. I'd really like to hear it.

edit: Holy moly @ Saxon/Visla. You guys must really have it out for me. Suddenly this topic is Not Worth Discussing, especially considering the pointless topics you wrote essays about not long ago.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:17 PM
So, according to your analogy, you admit the rule was stupid but decided to enforce it anyway to maintain the integrity of the tournament?

Do you realize how silly that sounds? A writing message board on the fucking internet has integrity? If I insult it will you challenge me to pistols at dawn?

By the way, these rules you speak of consist of anything that comes out of your mouth. When you say something, it doesn't have to be written, it already law. No matter how ridiculous or pointless they are, you treat them as if you say them and then immediately find an ancient tablet with the exact same thing written on them. You're so much like Santh it's scary. Insubordination; Holy Shit.

I can't stop laughing at your analogy. Dr. King? Does the irony not slap you in the face?

You lost 3 people on the first fucking day. One of which is an administrator. What fucking integrity?

Explain to me how drawing parallels between a writing forum tournament's roster and Constitutional Law is not blowing this insanely out of proportion. I'd really like to hear it.

To quote Godhand, the grapes are SO SOUR.

I cannot even perceive your post as words, just a long "BAWWWWWWWW" noise.

To make a different legal analogy, Rayse was a tenant at sufferance in this tournament, having no rights to it whatsoever based on past misconduct. That he was permitted at all is a mere gratuity and no cause of action can arise for its modification or retraction. Maybe if he had stuck around long enough, he could have adversely possessed his position, but as soon as he became open and notorious about it, Max evicted him.

Case dismissed. Plaintiff fails to state a claim on which relief can be granted.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:21 PM
It's hard to imagine you any madder right now.

04-15-10, 02:22 PM
Madder isn't a word, dumbass.

^-- Troll bait ---^

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:23 PM
What! My English teacher lied to me!

04-15-10, 02:24 PM
What! My English teacher lied to me!

I know. You should file a lawsuit.

I think I know of a lawyer.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:26 PM
You think I'm mad because someone I dislike was disqualified from a tournament I think is ill-concieved, and which I am not a participant in?

Ehhhh no. Indifference with just a hint of amusement.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:29 PM
You think I'm mad because someone I dislike was disqualified from a tournament I think is ill-concieved, and which I am not a participant in?

Ehhhh no. Indifference with just a hint of amusement.

I cannot even perceive your post as words, just a long "BAWWWWWWWW" noise.

04-15-10, 02:29 PM
edit: Holy moly @ Saxon/Visla. You guys must really have it out for me. Suddenly this topic is Not Worth Discussing, especially considering the pointless topics you wrote essays about not long ago.

Me? Have it out for you? Why, that would just be incredibly petty and weird.

-Insert dissertation here-

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:31 PM
I cannot even perceive your post as words, just a long "BAWWWWWWWW" noise.

That's such a great joke, where did you hear it? You're ten times the troll I ever will be, it's a shame your choice of targets is so hilariously poor.

I recommend Duffy, his ego is very fragile. Max is immune to criticism and trolling a troll like me or Saxon takes a lot more work than I think you're willing to put in.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:34 PM
Me? Have it out for you? Why, that would just be incredibly petty and weird.

I agree with Godhand. Things should be made easier for newer members to give them more incentive to stay. It'd boost activity and you'd probably get more members who are willing to stay here long term when they have a bit more lee way instead of trying to write to the standard. Level zeroes have the hardest time as a member on this site when they have little lee way in what they can do and older members treat them like shit because they're new. They should be the target audience here when it comes to boosting activity since the overwhelming majority of the Althanian populace are level zeroes. Most of the new folks won't stick around to put up with this bullshit when they can go elsewhere to get what they want with far less hassle. Which they do and will continue to do until a change is made.

I think the problem with this issue stems from a lot of people being full of themselves after hearing from so many people that this site is the best around. If it ain't broke, why fix it, right? Then why is activity at an all time low and thread submissions not quite as high as they once were? Why are there far less new people willing to become regulars here then there were a couple of years ago? Why are there so many people unwilling to stay?

This is a website that prides itself on being a writing community and a game, and in order to keep up with the times you need to be able to sell yourself. But, if any of you are unwilling to bend or accept that fact, then Althanas will go the way of the dinosaurs. Unless of course someone keeps footing the bill to keep this site going past it's expiration date. (See; Now.)

What's the argument for not doing this? Not wanting a more active Althanas? Not try to get members here to stay and become regulars? If you honestly want to stick to putting up the tough front for easing some of the restrictions for level zeroes while you're scrounging for activity and then end up scratching your heads as to why people are leaving in droves, then go for it.

But, in the end, I completely endorse people who want to put their heads in the sand to keep doing it. Maybe you'll suffocate and make way for more rational and reasonable people who are willing to admit what is being done is probably wrong and a change is needed in order to find a fix to Althanas's erosion.

I'm having a go at this editing quotes thing, how am I doing?

04-15-10, 02:36 PM
I'm having a go at this editing quotes thing, how am I doing?

Bold your edits to make them obvious to readers. Don't assume the intelligence of anybody on this site.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:36 PM
Tl;dr, needs more vulgarity. Suggest that you might rape someone, it worked great for Godhand.

04-15-10, 02:36 PM
Oh, you guys. You so crazy. I really don't care enough to argue in detail over this stupid issue. I will just say that I wouldn't have cared in the slightest if Rayse had been allowed to switch to his main. He hadn't posted yet, and it won't give him any unfair advantage over the other players. Nobody would be hurt. Personally, I would appreciate that safety net in case I ever decided to enter a tournament under a different character, only to get inspiration-raped at the last minute. Were I in Max's shoes, I would prefer more, better activity from the player to upholding arbitrary rules.

But hey, administration incompetence and e-peen waving is hardly new. It's like a dead animal on the side of a busy highway. I'm surprised people even notice anymore.

Also, madder (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/madder) is a word. English 1, Saxon 0.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:36 PM
Wait, I got one: I'd call you guys trolls but then I'd be insulting the integrity of trolling.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:38 PM
Swing and a miss. I'm an amateur troll. Save that for the pros, they'd take more offense.

Also, I love that Christoph picked up the bait even when it was marked. It's like a pile of food with a TRAP sign and he just started scarfing it down. OM NOM NOM NOM, Christoph!

04-15-10, 02:39 PM
You're in the tournament, Rayse, get on with it. If you can't perceive a way to defeat the higher level opponents then frankly, you won't succeed with Neville or your main. It's not that much about what Max does or doesn't say (and you were banned, remember that).

Make an alliance, be a tricksy dick, run and hide, bring your game. Fight in the Cell and stop running into Visla and Saxon's caltrops, it ain't pretty.

04-15-10, 02:39 PM
Wait, I got one: I'd call you guys trolls but then I'd be insulting the integrity of trolling.

And you're bad it. But since you're following orders indirectly from Troll Control, keep posting.

Kade Underbough
04-15-10, 02:41 PM
This is just a quick clarification for people in my cell. Kade now has short, cropped hair as opposed to the long hair he had at the creation of his profile. Something akin to any typical military style.

Oh, and the above discussion looks like it should take place in the Rules discussion thread.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:41 PM
Don't be dense, Duffy. Rayse isn't really a combat character, so I couldn't think of a way to justify him being there, so I just threw my alt in. Later I realized I could just liquid time Rayse there using some plot device and it would all work out conceptually.

Actually, no, let's go with the previous notion of me being terrified by the big mean higher-level players.

04-15-10, 02:41 PM
Swing and a miss. I'm an amateur troll. Save that for the pros, they'd take more offense.

Also, I love that Christoph picked up the bait even when it was marked. It's like a pile of food with a TRAP sign and he just started scarfing it down. OM NOM NOM NOM, Christoph!

What? I was hungry.

04-15-10, 02:41 PM
This is just a quick clarification for people in my cell. Kade now has short, cropped hair as opposed to the long hair he had at the creation of his profile. Something akin to any typical military style.

Fade or jarhead?

Its relevant.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:42 PM
Do you sometimes lick the screen, forgetting that your avatar isn't a real piece of jellied toast?

Rayse should be terrified. With all the prickwaving going on in the cell, the odds of someone being thrust up in you are pretty good.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:44 PM
I'm not following how your method of trolling works. So you just reply to my posts? I'm replying to your posts too, though, am I trolling you back? Is the object of trolling to create 20-page threads with people doing nothing but saying 'no u' to each other repeatedly?

04-15-10, 02:44 PM
Do you sometimes lick the screen, forgetting that your avatar isn't a real piece of jellied toast?

I lol'd.

I'm not following how your method of trolling works. So you just reply to my posts? I'm replying to your posts too, though, am I trolling you back? Is the object of trolling to create 20-page threads with people doing nothing but saying 'no u' to each other repeatedly?

Yes, that's the goal. It wasn't like it was a fucking state secret or anything.

04-15-10, 02:44 PM
When you stop taking people personally the internet becomes epic win, and this thread is making me giggle!

And Rayse, you could hardly call Duffy a combat character; my earlier comment about me being able to 'Tap Dance and sing you a song' was pretty much a summation of Duffy's potential. So, I really would be terrified of the big scary high level characters.

There is no way to kill them, so work around it, make an alliance, die so epically people pee their pants.

Or find a David Vs. Goliath moment?

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 02:45 PM
I'm not following how your method of trolling works. So you just reply to my posts? I'm replying to your posts too, though, am I trolling you back? Is the object of trolling to create 20-page threads with people doing nothing but saying 'no u' to each other repeatedly?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, retard.

Saxon is going to have to keep the ball rolling on this one though, I am a half-assed troll and sometimes stand up from my computer to do other stuff even when SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET IS WRONG!

04-15-10, 02:47 PM
When you stop taking people personally the internet becomes epic win, and this thread is making me giggle!

I see that clinical therapy you took after becoming Head Judge 4 times in the space of a couple weeks.. or days.. is really improving your mental health.

Good job.

Or find a David Vs. Goliath moment?

If you score higher then Letho, I will give you $20.

I'm not lying.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 02:54 PM
Duffy, the difference is playing a character I want to play instead of a character I don't want to play. If you can't understand that then I don't know why you're still talking.

You're starting to catch on. PRO TIP: The victim isn't you or us.

I don't know, quitting the staff and then immediately chain-posting criticisms does carry the scent of bitterness. An actual troll would likely do it for the sake of it, not some sort of twisted revenge.

Personally? I'm bitter because they keep nerfing zerg in Starcraft 2.

edit: It's hard to keep up with all this mass editing going on. Oh god, I just did it too.

edit2: I still don't understand how making me play my main on my alt is better than just letting me play on my main.

04-15-10, 02:54 PM
If you score higher then Letho, I will give you $20.

I'm not lying.

Now he'll PM Letho and offer to split the money in exchange for Letho writing shitty posts from now on. He'd probably skill score higher, though.

04-15-10, 02:56 PM
Personally? I'm bitter because they keep nerfing zerg in Starcraft 2.

Diablo III needs to come out now.

Now he'll PM Letho and offer to split the money in exchange for Letho writing shitty posts from now on. He'd probably skill score higher, though.

*stuffs toast in his mouth and breathes in his ear* SHHHHHHHHHHHH! You're giving away too many secrets!<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 02:56 PM
Diablo III needs to come out now.


04-15-10, 03:16 PM
*stuffs toast in his mouth and breathes in his ear* SHHHHHHHHHHHH! You're giving away too many secrets!<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Mfffmm. Mmmm... toast. And the question, of course, is whether Letho's pride is worth $10. I'd sell my e-pride for less than that. Toast costs money, you know.

04-15-10, 03:24 PM
Mfffmm. Mmmm... toast. And the question, of course, is whether Letho's pride is worth $10. I'd sell my e-pride for less than that. Toast costs money, you know.

I heard Croatians work for boot laces.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 03:24 PM
I'm really disappointed at how little posting was done while I was out. Saxon's right though, whatever Duffy's therapist did for him is doing wonders. I'm sure he still cries himself to sleep some nights, but at least his tears don't stain the board.

And Rayse, you gotta keep up. Trolls can't dwell on the past, it really compromises our ability to be hypocritical. And always edit your post if you think of something better to say, even moreso if you can do it within the timer for the forum not to show it as an edit. Then everyone who quotes you looks stupid and people get confused.

It's win-win, in the sense that I win twice.

04-15-10, 03:46 PM
I'm really disappointed at how little posting was done while I was out.

Went to go work on finances for next year. Plus, Chris gave me that dumb nickname he and I both knew wasn't catchy. Auto Private is still better.


Taxes are dumb when you have college to consider.

04-15-10, 03:53 PM
I don't need to bribe Letho.

I'll just let Dissinger do all the dirty work and saddle in for round two with a cherry picked cast to do an acapella rendition of Bad Romance.

You knows it.

(For the record, my Therapist is called Mr. G. Tonic).

04-15-10, 04:03 PM
I don't need to bribe Letho.

He won't take the money, anyway. He's honorable. Plus the only currency he recognizes is in redheads and bootlaces.

But if you're redheaded and wear wolverine steel toed boots, you might be able to cut a deal with him. But, I think the only one in that deal that'll end up getting the shaft is you.

I'll just let Dissinger do all the dirty work and saddle in for round two with a cherry picked cast to do an acapella rendition of Bad Romance.

Sometimes I wonder if you just let the words fall out of your mouth and they miraculously fall into place (At least by the way you imagine it).. or if you're still under the assumption that using big words you probably don't know the meaning of consecutively in a sentence makes you seem educated.

It doesn't.

.. And..

You knows it.

(For the record, my Therapist is called Mr. G. Tonic).

Doesn't surprise me. If I habitually got my ass whipped in something I took seriously, I'd drink too. Keep it up and I'll make it my personal mission to make you switch to hard liquor.


@Rayse: Take notes.

04-15-10, 04:08 PM
You're wasted in the army Saxon, you really are.

04-15-10, 04:09 PM
You're wasted in the army Saxon, you really are.

Only on tuesdays.

04-15-10, 04:11 PM
Making fun of a gay ENGLISH (not British) with gay and English jokes is a little, you know, low-brow, don't you think? I deserve something more virile, I dare you!

Why can't you be like Visla and use wit and intellect in a clever and well presented manner? He's modest, too, I mean, he thinks he's amateur!

04-15-10, 04:13 PM
Making fun of a gay ENGLISH (not British) with gay and English jokes is a little, you know, low-brow, don't you think? I deserve something more virile, I dare you!

Why can't you be like Visla and use wit and intellect in a clever and well presented manner? He's modest, too, I mean, he thinks he's amateur!

Because they're obvious and everyone will get them. Plus I have more respect for you then to kick you in the teeth over your dreams of joining the RAF.

...And I don't judge anymore so I stopped reading your writing 10 seconds before you even joined the site. Guaranteed 40s or below, be glad Visla did a lot of it instead of me.

English. British. I expect the jolly old empire to rise again... as a communist satellite of China.

04-15-10, 04:16 PM
Much better, :D

And I DO want to join the RAF!

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 04:24 PM
Don't expect me to start defending you just because you say one likely-sarcastic nice thing about me. That's Godhand's job. He still yells at me when I make fun of you because he thinks you're his gay fanboy or something.

This is not a joke. This is dead serious. Well, ok, it's as seriously as I take anything here.

04-15-10, 04:26 PM
He still yells at me when I make fun of you because he thinks you're his gay fanboy or something.

I think he's still under the impression that he needs a fanboy of every demographic. Super troll status.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 04:28 PM
How specific are these demographics because he's already got Cory for the gay category! Then again, with his recent alleged "interest in women" who knows what the future has in store for the Godhand Fanclub.

Obviously it will all depend on the outcome of THE CELL, which he is participating in [/strained attempt to give the appearance of being on topic]

04-15-10, 04:31 PM
Trolled Straight works.

Cory proved it.

Max Dirks
04-15-10, 04:37 PM
Anyway, back on topic or this thread will be closed.

04-15-10, 04:45 PM
/on topic

Do you think that it might be a good idea to create separate discussion threads for each of the different chambers, restricted to only people participating in that specific Cell? One "Treslizn Chamber Discussion" and one "Aequitas Chamber Discussion" or somesuch.

For one, stuff that is important and on topic seems to be getting lost in here under all the muck, especially questions from new members that actually need to be answered. For another, it would do wonders to keep on the topic of the Cell. As it is, if I want to communicate with the other members of Treslizn to organize stuff, I have no idea what to do. Send out a group PM? I doubt many of them are wading through pages and pages of nonsense to find the occasional relevant post.

Just a thought...

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 04:49 PM
The Cell is an endurance test. If you can't page through 22 pages of trolling, e-peen measuring, and rules arguing, you're not man enough to win or even comment about winning!

More seriously: Two threads would just be two places to check. There's a significant cooldown on my Ruin Thread ability. I'll be powerless for a few days.

04-15-10, 05:02 PM
I won't. Unlike Visla, I've the endurance of a bull elephant in heat. I could go for weeks.

04-15-10, 05:10 PM
I myself have read every post in this thread. I'm only concerned about newer members with a lower tolerance for this sort of thing, who might potentially have valid questions and might end up scared away (potentially even from the site) by all this nonsense. Plus older members who might actually want to, shockingly, talk about the Cell.

I'd also suggest that if two new threads are made, people who aren't even participating in the Cell be barred from posting in them.

04-15-10, 05:11 PM
Hasn't stopped people like us before. OOC chat rules are like high bars. They're just begging to be jumped.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 05:20 PM
The opinions presented by Saxon do not necessarily represent the opinions of Visla, her affiliates, or her author.

I think threads where you can post questions and clarifications and ONLY questions and clarifications are fine. But you probably only need one because it's going to be dead quiet.

So, several people are inactived out of the tournament already. Who wants to bet on the Killed : DQed from Inactivity ratio? I'd say somewhere inbetween 1:1 and 1:2...

04-15-10, 05:31 PM
Not just questions and clarifications, I was thinking just more like...actually talking about the Cell. But if this thread is going to get on topic that works too.

As for getting DQed, I might be in danger of that considering that I'm sleeping over at a friend's house tomorrow night. Somehow I'll have to work out the scheduling...

04-15-10, 06:03 PM
I just hope Amen posts soon so I can continue with my inadequacy; mainly because I'm about to go to sleep and won't be disqualified for dreaming about Genie.

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 06:46 PM
So Duffy....what the hell does 'a tale of greed, like Sei' mean, exactly?

04-15-10, 06:51 PM
A hero born not of greed like Sei, or arrogance like Striker...

It means Duffy's heard of your exploits to know that he is amongst the mighty 'heroes' that he plays on stage. It's his opportunity to show you all what altruism and indeed, heroism is really about.

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 06:55 PM
Ok. Just making sure. I took it the wrong way at first.

I thought you were saying my Lil Orlouge was a greedy mo fo.

Ppreciate the compliment.

04-15-10, 06:58 PM
Heh, I meant greed in the sense that a hero often doesn't relinquish his place,, gets hungry for more recognition and starts doing more and more good things just to satisfy his greed. More of a 'right sort of guy' but 'wrong reasons' thing.

Think Peter from Heroes in Season 4 and woop woop!

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 07:12 PM
Well, I'll let that slide, but Sei -doesn't- relish being the Hero of Radasanth. He's just kind of had to accept it over the years.

And I could never watch Heroes. So your reference falls on deaf ears.

04-15-10, 07:13 PM
Duffy just craves the acceptance you have, so twists it to suit his own vision of the world. There are countless people all across Althanas who do the same thing, but never get a scrap of bread for it.

(If that works better than crappy addictive American drama series?)

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 07:17 PM
If my TV doesn't have 'Simpsons', 'Glee', 'American Teenager', 'Make it or break it', 'Family Guy' and most importantly 'Cleveland Show' in it, chances are I don't watch it.

And maybe when Duffy joins The Nine he'll have all the dang recognition he wants. Hell, Sei will let him have -all- of his XD.

04-15-10, 07:21 PM
Heh, sounds good.


Kade Underbough
04-15-10, 07:47 PM
As for getting DQed, I might be in danger of that considering that I'm sleeping over at a friend's house tomorrow night. Somehow I'll have to work out the scheduling...

If you want, Kade could kill you off. Entirely by accident. Tripping into you and pushing you onto Letho's sword seems like a fitting end. :D

04-15-10, 07:53 PM
If you want, Kade could kill you off. Entirely by accident. Tripping into you and pushing you onto Letho's sword seems like a fitting end.

Thanks but no thanks. :P I'll manage.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 07:56 PM
I also offer to kill anyone and everyone. *leaves card*

04-15-10, 08:43 PM
Just to check about the 1 post every 24 hours, will the time be set from your last post?


If this is true, does this mean Treslizn lost both Diss and Lorenor a couple of hours ago? Diss last posted April 14th, 2010, 06:28 PM, and Lorenor April 14th, 2010, 07:12 PM.

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of surprised.

EDIT: Also kind of "Diss"-appointed. I wanted to fight the Hex mage at some point.

DOUBLE-EDIT: Bad pun is really, truly bad.

Visla Eraclaire
04-15-10, 08:47 PM
I may need to re-adjust my Death to Disqualification Ratio if such serious people can be so careless....

Too late to do now, but perhaps future timed tournaments might want to include a one time grace of a few hours, or a pool of "over-time" that you can spread across your posts as needed. If you're off by an hour four times, or off by four once, or some such.

04-15-10, 08:53 PM
EDIT: Also kind of "Diss"-appointed. I wanted to fight the Hex mage at some point.

Oh BOO! BOO. That was a dreadful pun.

*cough* However, Bloodrose is right, I guess Diss and Lorenor are both out. Jeez. I wasn't expecting that at all...I think a lot of people just lost some money from gambling on Diss, heh.

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 09:03 PM
And just like that, Diss and Lorenor are gone, eh?

This tournament looks like it has a few surprises.

I actually thought I was DQed yesterday, as my wife was saying my first post was registering at 3 am when I actually posted it at 6 30 before work, but she must have been looking at Duffy.

I thought those two still maybe had a chance due to a time glitch but I guess not.

04-15-10, 09:20 PM
Honestly, setting it 24 hours after your last post is silly. Just have 24-hour periods that begin when the tournament begins, and require participants to post at least once during each of those allotments. That way, you don't risk getting screwed by making your first post too early, or because you're waiting for a specific opponent to post.

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 09:26 PM
In all reality, christoph, it'd be rather easy for certain characters to just say 'you know what, I'm bored with you, let me pick on this guy' as far as the whole waiting on someone to post thing goes.

When I participated in The Cell as Steppenwolf Orlouge I don't believe there was a time limit, and as a result the whole thing was two weeks long of people just filling the pages with fodder.

04-15-10, 09:30 PM
Sure, you could just shift attention to someone else, but 90&#37; of the time, that would be very silly ICly. Also, I wasn't arguing for no time limits at all, merely for rational ones.

Tainted Bushido
04-15-10, 09:48 PM
If this is true, does this mean Treslizn lost both Diss and Lorenor a couple of hours ago? Diss last posted April 14th, 2010, 06:28 PM, and Lorenor April 14th, 2010, 07:12 PM.

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of surprised.

EDIT: Also kind of "Diss"-appointed. I wanted to fight the Hex mage at some point.

DOUBLE-EDIT: Bad pun is really, truly bad.

I just got home, knew this was going to be a killer weekend, and sure enough, it was.

Neville Longinus
04-15-10, 10:03 PM
Make it 28 hour periods. That way you can have flexibility in your schedule and don't have to post earlier and earlier every day.

04-15-10, 10:08 PM
I just got home, knew this was going to be a killer weekend, and sure enough, it was.

I think that, come Monday, this statement may ring very true for a lot of people. I know for a fact that there are a couple of days fast approaching where I may be scrambling to make my deadline.

@Nayeli - I apologize. Please don't let my dreadful pun color your opinion of me (if you have one).

04-15-10, 10:13 PM
The easiest way to avoid this issue is to never sleep. Seriously, it works.

04-15-10, 10:16 PM
As for getting DQed, I might be in danger of that considering that I'm sleeping over at a friend's house tomorrow night. Somehow I'll have to work out the scheduling...

I'd probably trade this tourney for a night with a 'friend' too.

I think the easiest thing to do is to post twice in 24hours.

04-15-10, 10:53 PM

It'd be helpful (to me, and probably others) if you specified the approximate height at which those chakrams are flying around.

Kade Underbough
04-15-10, 10:55 PM
I swear I saw a blurry version of my immediate future. I wrote a scrappy, craptacular frame of a post at work and PMed it to myself, figuring It'd help me in case something unusual delayed me getting home. Naturally a flat tire later, I've got a little over an hour to fix things up and put a bow on it. Lucky, eh?

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 11:03 PM
Edited, sorry about that. I already had to edit the post once, and just forced that attack out of my head. Three feet off the ground in case you don't want to search for it.