I was writing an interaction between two characters and I found myself wanting to say something like "you goat head!" but with a more Althie twist. I realized I didn't have much to draw on. There is a Bestiary page in the wiki, but it is limited to more magical creatures. I asked myself what sort of sheep are raised in Corone and if these are different to Salavar. Are horses used in Salavar, or given how cold it is, would they use long haired horses, or even something like tibeten yaks?

Then I realised how much opportunity there was to add normal, mundane creatures with regional twists.

So, add your creatures here! I'm looking for a name, region and a few sentences description. If there is anything particularly useful about them (make good mounts, excellent pelts, taste good with Akashima bbq sauce) put that in as well. I'll do a quality check and add them to the wiki. Here are some to kick it off:

This lizard has been raised by Fallien herders for generation upon generation. The lizard grows thick hair from between it’s scales that reflects much of the desert’s intense heat. The domesticated variety grows hair year round that can be collected during the cooler months. Wild Dragballs can grow up to a meter long with lean bodies and small amounts of hair. Domesticated versions are much smaller and rounder and have far more hair. Their colours range from dark browns to earthy red. Both varieties are omnivores, but it should be noted the domestic variety are incredibly stupid.

‘Fly like a Puffal’ is a phrase heard throughout Corone when something goes wrong. These small flightless birds developed on an island off Corone in relative isolation from predators. Their wings are nearly useless, but make fantastic finger food. Puffals can grow to the size of a watermelon, making them a fantastic food source. They are generally dark brown, however since they started being bred across Corone, breeders have developed yellow and green varieties. Puffal pie and stew are staples in many inns.

These large hairy creatures are a close relative to cows. They have very long hair, running down their bodies and two large curved horns the run either size of their face. These creatures were originally limited to cold climates, but with the warmth being taken from Salavar they have become invaluable. Their size makes them good work animals and mounts, while their fur and milk can be collected. They are known for their stubbornness and strength.

Fallien Wasp:
This insect can grow up to five inches long. They create large hives that can range from half a dozen to several dozen wasps and sizes from a metre to a small house. They can be found attached to the side of rocky outcrops in the desert sheltered against direct sunlight. In some cases hives can grow to huge proportions. In these cases a very thick protective layer, or hardened hive wall, is excreted on the outside of the hive to shield it from heat. While very hard to secure, hardened hive walls are an extremely sought after building material. Fallien cities go to great lengths to destroy any hives they find within their walls. A single sting from one of these Wasps is painful, but not deadly for adults in good health. A swarm however can quickly kill. There is a black market selling stings and live wasps.