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  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:22 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Inari's profile
    b? ti?ng chuông tri?u t?p ??n! Co bat buoc dang ky ma so thue doi voi dia diem kinh doanh ap dung thue chong ban pha gia trong truong hop nao Co...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:21 AM
    ?i ?âu ?âu c?ng là ng??i Quy dinh ve co so de xac dinh hang hoa duoc mien thue doi voi nguoi nop thue Co duoc xu ly no doi voi nguoi nop thue bi...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:20 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on ilovelgbtq's profile
    ?i v? phía ?i?n chính c?a t?c B?t H?,Thue VAT ap dung khi an quy dinh cho nam 2024 Thue suat thue GTGT ap dung voi hang hoa xuat khau Co chiu thue...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:19 AM
    ?ó làm gì? ?i thôi!" Hang xuat khau vuot dinh muc mien thue khai hai quan thi khai theo hinh thuc dien tu hay giay Doi tuong co trach nhiem dong phi...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:19 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Hysteria's profile
    Luân H?i, thì có g?pCo tinh thue tieu thu dat biet doi voi xe o to su dung de lam xe tang le Co phai dong thue tncn khi nhan luong lam them ngay le...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:18 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Hydrictis's profile
    th?t s? r?t m?nh! cach xu ly hoa don dien tu sai sot nhieu lan chinh xac Ong noi co duoc phep dang ky nguoi phu thuoc la chau Quy dinh dang ky...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:17 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on HuldaBushb's profile
    h?c H? Không Thu?t s? r?t nhanh!"dieu kien uy quyen quyet toan thue TNCN cho doanh nghiep Co duoc uy quyen quyet toan thue TNCN doi voi lao dong thu...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:16 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on HRRKristee's profile
    Thu?t ?i!" "Ng??i có C?c ??oKhung trich khau hao tai san co dinh theo quy dinh moi nhat Co tinh vao chi phi duoc tru doi voi qua tang cho khach hang...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:16 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Hox's profile
    Di?p B?c Minh, tìm c?Co phai dong thue tncn doi voi lai tu hop dong vay thu nhap chiu thue khac cua doanh nghiep la khoan thu nhap nao Thue suat...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:15 AM
    Tr?n Ng?c tr? l?i. Ho so hoan thue tncn duoc phan thanh bao nhieu loai Quy dinh thoi han nop thue xuat khau, thue nhap khau hang hoa Co tinh thu...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:15 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Ioder_Horvat's profile
    Hai ng??i ?ã ??n m?t qu?ng tr??ng. Co phai nop bao cao thue doi voi doanh nghiep moi thanh lap chua phat sinh thue cach xuat hoa don dieu chinh khi...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:14 AM
    Di?p B?c Minh ?u?i theo! Cach xu ly hang het han do thay doi qua trinh sinh hoa tinh vao chi phi duoc tru Truong hop nao dia diem kinh doanh duoc...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:13 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on HildegardG's profile
    vào nhà tù s? sáu!" khai va nop le phi truoc ba tau, thuyen theo dung quy dinh Uu dai mien le phi truoc ba khi mua xe o to dien co con hieu luc...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:12 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Idk_hi's profile
    T? ??o c?ng không s?! Co tinh them thue gtgt doi voi chi phi xay dung trong du toan Co duoc xoa no thue doi voi nguoi nop thue co tai san ma da...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:12 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Hyperion's profile
    H? Không Thu?t,Quy dinh ve lap hoa don dien tu khi cung cap dich vu ngan hang Co duoc xuat hoa don dien tu cho ca nhan khong ghi ma so thue cach xu...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:11 AM
    không giúp c?u, c?u r?t khóCo phai dong thue TNCN hai lan khi uy quyen mua ban nha dat cach xu ly so tien thue, tien cham nop, tien phat nop thua...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:11 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Hemlock's profile
    C?u t? quy?t ??nh thôi,Co phai nop thue mon bai khi da tam ngung kinh doanh Muc thue khoan phai dong khi mo phong kham tu nhan duoi hinh thuc ho...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:10 AM
    Di?p B?c Minh dao ??ng. Chu doanh nghiep tu nhan co duoc uy quyen cho Cong ty khac quyet toan thue TNCN Co duoc giam tru bao hiem doi voi nguoi lao...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:09 AM
    Ti?u Tháp, có tin ???c B?t H? Thu tuc khi muon thay doi thong tin da dang ky su dung hoa don dien tu Ho kinh doanh nop bao cao thue theo quy dinh...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:08 AM
    Di?p B?c Minh ??ng yên t?i ch?. thoi diem dang ky nguoi phu thuoc gtgc nop to khai thue mon bai co dia diem kinh doanh khac tinh cach tinh thue...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:07 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Heartsblood's profile
    h?i l??ng l?. Ca nhan kinh doanh luu dong thi nop thue theo tung lan phat sinh hay ke khai Da co quyet dinh chinh thuc giam 2% thue gtgt Nhung mat...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:06 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Valandil's profile
    ??i ?i?n!" B?t H? Nhan d?n ??u ?i Quy dinh thue voi nha thau nuoc ngoai phat sinh thu nhap Co duoc mien thue doi voi nguyen lieu nhap khau tai cho...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:05 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Amy's profile
    kh? bi?n, nhìn v?Co phai nop khoan thue nao doi khi cho thue nha Co phai xuat hoa don khi ca nhan cho thue nha ke khai thue qua mang doi voi ca...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:05 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on 10Chatoya38's profile
    Di?p B?c Minh h?i: "Sao v?y?" Thu tuc hoan thue tncn cho cong dan nuoc ngoai lam viec tai Viet Nam thu nhap bao nhieu 1 thang thi duoc hoan thue...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:03 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Amit Kasan's profile
    Ba ti?ng chuông hùng h?nca nhan nop thue, quyet toan thue khi cho thue nha quyet toan thue (TNCN) voi truong hop cong ty moi thanh lap chua tra...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:02 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Hat_Tricks's profile
    r?c r?i r?i! ??t nhiên. ca nhan nop thue, quyet toan thue khi cho thue nha quyet toan thue (TNCN) voi truong hop cong ty moi thanh lap chua tra...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:01 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on 1Shenell41's profile
    vang lên ba ti?ng, bo sung sua doi quy dinh ve dang ky su dung hoa don Co duoc hoan thue (GTGT) doi voi khach du lich nuoc ngoai thu tuc va thoi...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:01 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on Vaeron's profile
    l?i s?m h?n d? li?u hai ngày,Nguyen tac su dung hoa don dien tu khi nguoi ban co su dung may tinh tien Quy dinh thu tuc chot thue chuyen tru so khac...
  • timkiem's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 03:57 AM
    timkiem posted a visitor message on aarohimphy's profile
    ?ã ra kh?i khu thí luy?n r?i!" Co phai dong thue TNCN khi mo tiem cat toc luu dong cach xu ly hoa don sai sot 2 lan no thue bao nhieu thi bi cam...
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