
Type: Posts; User: Aldritch

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  1. Replies

    The Inn, if you could really call it that, was...

    The Inn, if you could really call it that, was far more crowded than I would have expected. Relative to the outpost, I would have thought it much sparser than the almost-mob that resided within....
  2. Replies

    It worked. I didn't waste too much time being...

    It worked.

    I didn't waste too much time being pleased with myself. Not that I could have said anything smug in my moment of mini-triumph. Well, I could have, but that would have complicated...
  3. Replies

    I had the canvas flaps thrown wide, praying for a...

    I had the canvas flaps thrown wide, praying for a breath out of the east. There was hardly enough wind to stir the trees. The wagon rattling over a rough road was nearly enough to shake my teeth out...
  4. I've made some adjustments which I'll list below....

    I've made some adjustments which I'll list below.

    I cut the magical aberrations down to blaspheming and bodily harm.

    Added a limitation based on how far the sound of speech travels, with...
  5. Aldritch of Pale, Bearer of the Black Tongue

    “Part of winning is a deep certainty that, no matter how bad things look, a road to victory will open.”...
Results 1 to 5 of 5