Update: Still no job but about a half dozen interviews when we get in on Monday.

I did receive a much needed call from the realtor in Bend, and she is extending to us a pre-occupancy agreement. Meaning, we can move into the home right away but have to pay rent. That's completely acceptable for us and much needed considering the slew of alternative we needed to arrange once we got there. On top of that, the seller is willing to extend our close to whatever date necessary to help us facilitate our loan's needs once we get jobs. Meaning, we have the option of more time to get a job if we're unsuccessful the two weeks before the original close date. There also was an offer that came in after she accepted ours that was better, but she declined it and is willing to work with us to get the house. A total blessing.

So we're not completely out of the woods, but at least we have a candle in the darkness. There's still a lot to arrange with packing, cleaning, moving, etc, but the fear of being homeless is not as prevalent.