Vindrexis calmly nodded, and I saw a glint in his eye. Carefully I watched as he let go of McKinley's fingers, his touch lingering on them gently as if he was stroking them. My eyes blinked and I was curious by the gentleness of his actions, for he was never usually that kind. Not even to Sabazios I thought.

But I said nothing, hoping this was actually a good sign. Slowly my master stepped back and spread out an arm to gesture to the doorway.

“Come and meet my associate, Sabazios,” he said in a tender voice that I knew as one which had a multitude of meanings. My brow furrowed with confusion but I looked at McKinley, wondering what she was going to do. Certainly this was unusual behaviour, but it was good, I thought. Normal, really. More normal than his intrigue of killing me. I mean, it was his right as my creator and master to do with me what he would, but incapacitation was so bloody painful.

And the emotions … gah. I rolled back my shoulders and waited for my new friend to respond.

I could tell she was a bit nervous but obeyed my Masters request with a small nod. Every now and again as we walked the long path to the end of the temple, I would watch her glance at her healed hands in wonder. Coming to her side I strode with my hand on my katana, having left the spear in my room.

“They look better,” I murmured, looking at them with intrigue. They were fleshy, very different to my own gnarly white flesh. Ugly bleached flesh that was putrid and disgusting. Why Vindrexis saw me as beautiful I will never understand.

She gave me a full dazzling smile that lit up her face and crinkled the edges around her eyes. “Yes I am in debt to your Master. I can now play you more music Avin.” Her voice brimming with happiness.

Music. I almost smiled with the concept. That would be very good. The idea of her staying for a few days struck me, and I felt mildly satisfied that I had achieved in my task of showing her that my masters were good.

“Sabazios, this is … McKinley. Avin's … acquaintance. She is to join us for dinner.”

Green eyes, like a grassy field, looked from the round face. Slowly the demon, who looked more human than anything, stood up from his stone throne and began to walk, eyes fixed on her. Vindrexis was beaming at him, eyes shining. There was silence as the fat demon moved forwards, until he was two feet away. He blinked, then nodded.

“Well. Then I guess welcome is in order.”

I nodded a little, only thinking that this could go well. It was not common that I myself joined them at dinner, after all, I was just a warrior and needed no sustenance anyway. But as they were extending this courtesy to McKinley I felt that only good feelings could come to pass.

McKinley dipped her head towards the demon in a quick bow. “Lovely to meet you Lord Sabazios.” Her voice was soft but it bounced off the stone walls.

Sabazios paused for a moment, then grunted before twisting away. He started away from them all, heading deeper into the shadows beyond the pillars of the room. Vindrexis shot McKinley a smile that looked odd, before he followed after. I frowned for a moment as I saw the smile, but kept my thoughts to myself. Encouragingly I nodded at McKinley as we followed my two masters. We walked beyond the pillars and towards … a doorway of bright light.

Light that was dim, but with each step grew more and more glorious and larger. It was unnatural how it did it, but I had seen this before. I nodded encouragingly to McKinley as we strode from the temple hall, into a bright other room, crossing a threshold that did not quite exist. One moment we were in the dim temple, the next we were in a huge feasting hall.

A massive table was central. On it was piles of dishes - bread, pies and all sorts. Jugs of drinks and whole roast animals were there, along with fruit bowls that overflowed. All was in brass, silver or other bright metals, with great drapery hanging on the walls. Around the table were cushions, but it was very clear that only a few of these would be taken. There was far too much food for even twenty.

Sabazios seemed to brighten. Which was normal because he liked his food, this was one of the first things I learnt about him. Moving to the head of the table he sat himself down before immediately grabbing a entire roast pig. Vindrexis was more genteel. He looked to McKinley and elegantly gestured to a cushion. “My dear …”

Her bright gaze casted towards me before she nodded slowly and took the cushion Vindrexis gestured to. “Thank you,” she murmured softly.

I did not sit down. Food, after all, was not what I needed and so I had never joined my lords at dinner. Vindrexis had explained it to me one of the very first meals. Though I was something more than the mages and warriors, and could be afforded trust, I was still not their equal. That, coupled with the fact that I did not need to eat meant that there was no possibility and no need for me to sit at the table. Instead I moved to the wall behind Sabazios where I usually loitered and stood there, eyes on McKinley.

Vindrexis paused before explaining it to her. “Avin does not eat. He prefers to stand. There. Do you not?”

I blinked. “Yes, my lord.”