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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Level completed: 24%,
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    My nose scrunched up in confusion as the conversation shifted from something I knew many things about to, well, things I knew nothing about. I shoved the tiny creature back into my bag. Nevin was making a big deal out of nothing. As I watched him start to prod the edge of the messed up part of the leg, one hand slowly following the bandages. I continued the previous conversation. “Lots people have things on their souls. Some leeches not bad just paras-paras…” I shook my head, giving up on trying to say it in Tradespeak. <”Parasitic but harmless.”>

    I switched back to Tradespeak, I very much doubted the elf man's ability to understand Akashiman. “Eteri see people with ones that are harmless on them. Is like…” I pointed to my eyelashes. “Is like everyone has tiny bugs in eye hairs.”

    Nevin blinked slowly and I saw him stand up right, one hand lifting up so his fingers could brush his eyelashes, obviously thinking about what I had said. Raevin was frowning a little but seemed to understand. I grinned as I approached the two men. I stood behind Nevin and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind as I pressed my lips to the underside of his jaw. He turned his face toward me to press his own against my cheek. “Eteri as much as I love that I can’t have you bump me right now.” Despite his words, I could feel him lean into my embrace, and one hand came up to hold my arms over his chest. I nuzzled my head into his hair. I loved everything about the man. I gave him one final kiss on the top of his forehead before looking up at Raevin who was eyeing the two of us with… now what was that look in his eyes? Caution? Concern?

    Did he want a hug too?

    “Hug too?” I asked, Raevin held up his hands and shook his head to deny, but it was too little too late. I shifted behind the man and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I pressed my head on top of his. “Better?” Behind me, I could hear Nevin cough, then laugh.

    Raevin scowled a little, uneasy at first but then it seemed to settle. He blinked, winces over his face as the pain passed over his face, then he grunted and seemed to ease into it. His eyes closed slightly and there was the smallest hint of the smile - when suddenly the door opened.

    Stare was there, a tray of tea perched on her waist, her eyes large and staring with disbelief at Raevin.

    “Uh … well I came in at the wrong time.”

    The elf’s eyes snapped open and he gasped. “Dammit, ow, ow,” he said as he tried to shift out of my hold. “Ow - crow stop looking at me like that.”

    “Stare!” I let go of Raevin and dusted off my hands. “Why is wrong time? What tea? Need help?” Last I saw her she was barely able to hold her own weight up, let alone the weight of a teetering tray of tea and cups. It took two quick, broad steps to reach her. I nearly toppled her over. Nearly I steadied myself and held out my hands so I could take the tray from her. “Is ok?”

    She shook her head to me, blinking as she did, almost blushing before she righted herself and moved to the side to take the tray to a table. “I am fine, it's 'are you okay’. I have just never seen anyone … hug the elf.”

    “Shut up, crow,” Raevin muttered, slumping back on the pillows.

    I was confused, to me hugs were fairly normal. I enjoyed the closeness and the warmth. “No?” I tuned back to look at Raevin, whom was doing his best to concentrate on anyone but the bird and the cat. “Why? Is easy.”

    “Hugs are not common in our community,” Raevin replied. “I'm a warrior, as well, cat. Hugs are not in my line of work.”

    “You not complain. You enjoy?” I asked him curiously. Nevin, having moved to the corner, was currently chuckling madly to himself, one hand clamped over his mouth. He cleared his throat when I said this, and was still grinning widely.

    “I'm certain he does, dear. But he's not used to it is all. Just like I wasn't when we met. Crimson, the first time Stare hugged me, I froze up.”

    “Nevin,” came the groan of the kenku, coupled with the gentle sound of flowing liquid as she poured tea. The redhead shot her a teasing smile.

    Raevin settled back into his pillows and pulled a blanket over his missing leg. He rested his head back as he smiled with amusement at Stare's back. His eyes flickered over to Eteri before he mouthed, “I dare you to try.”

    To try...and hug Stare? My ears straightened as my tail flicked feverishly from side to side. Yes. Yes this was a very, very good idea indeed. I had been wanting to hug Stare all day. She looked like she could really use one. Both Nevin and Raevin now were trying to hold in stifled laughter as I turned on my heel and headed toward Stare.

    One single step...quiet now...another… I rose my arms high above my head and extended them, fingers twitching in anticipation. I could almost feel those strange feathers against my skin. Just another step… I heard an inhaled breath.

    My arms wrapped around a warm body and the room suddenly grew very silent The air seemed to shimmer As my face was pressed into material. Hmm… My hands squeezed tightly. This did not feel like feathers. I ran my hands up and down the body.


    Fingers danced over the material. No… no this was definitely not feathers.

    I… I don’t think I was hugging Stare.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  2. #2

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    At the sound of the dead silence filling the air her brow furrowed. Slowly, finding the light sploshing of the tea too loud she stopped pouring and set the pot down. That was when she began to turn, her eyes twisting first to Raevin, and seeing a horrified expression. It was a brief view before she noticed the tall, dark shadow in her peripheral vision, basically standing just a few inches from her. Where moments before there had been nothing -

    In his casual attire of dark shirt, breeches and trousers. His arms were loose by his side, but she could see one hand clutched tight with agitation around his cane. And around him … well.

    Spare damn extra cup indeed.

    Vitruvion had clearly stepped into the room through one of his portals at exactly the wrong time. Just in the moment when Eteri of all people had been … apparently sneaking up on Stare to give her a hug. And instead the nekojin had got … well. The least amused person in the world.

    “Stare …” he said in a thick, slow voice. His eyes were pointed forwards, not daring to look at the cat still tightly wound around him. Stare. Kindly remove this.

    “Fuck,” she whispered, a feeling of dread in her. She stepped forwards a little, trying to find the best place to start trying to peek the latching Eteri off. Heart racing she threw Nevin a desperate, pleaful look as she began to nudge at Eteri's hand. “Eteri, that is not me …”

    “Eteri know. This feel warm and nice.” The obstinate catgirl purred. That was when Nevin stepped forward and gripped her shoulder tightly - and dragged her back, forcefully pulling her off of the agitated man in front of her. She was pulled back to his side - and the alchemist kept his hand firmly planted on her, holding her in place. Vitruvion was stiff, his jaw locked and his eyes slowly blinking.

    “Enough, dear. Greetings, Sir Elssmith. I wasn't aware you'd be joining us today.” The redhead sounded different now - wary, guarded.

    Vitruvion took in a long, slow breath, his eyes continuing to blink. By his side Stare was pausing, anxious and uncertain. A hug from nowhere. Nobody ever did that sort of thing to him. His eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the wall, before his head swivelled around to look at Raevin, ignoring Nevin completely. There, he focused, twisting his body around to join his head, before he took in another long breath. Raevin reacted by gasping and starting to push back his blankets to struggle out of bed.

    “Raevin. Do. Not. Move.” Crimson threads snagged the blanket and used it to pin the elf down. “You will only make things worse if you continue to try.”

    Raevin looked caught between a desperation to get out of the bed to salute his employer and being told by his healer not to. His breath seemed to accelerate, Stare could feel great empathy as she herself was caught in a whirlwind between being with friends and … him. She saw Vitruvion's brow rise at the sight of the crimson threads before he wordlessly held out his cane to her.

    Confused, but without hesitation she took it as Vitruvion stepped forwards to look at Raevin.

    “There is no need, Raevin,” he said in a low voice as his eyes began to work over his body. “You are no use to me worse. Causing injury to your recovery is no use …” he paused, before looking finally at Nevin. “The dead flesh still malingers. Two inches there,” he pointed to the leg, “Coming to halt an inch there,” he moved his hand to point at Raevin's arm. “In one place there is bone affected,” he nodded at Raevin's hip. “It … just touches. I can see it scraping the first layers of marrow. And please do not restrain him, alchemist, that fares no benefit currently.” The redhead raised one eyebrow but the coils of threads retreated from the blanket, releasing the Elf from the hold. The threads didn't retract though - they retreated to Nevin’s side, and curled around Eteri’s waist.

    “I cannot heal this, it is too … infected by its source,” Vitruvion said, with a note of displeasure in his voice. He straightened, his eyes swirling back to look at Eteri. “Stare, this is, I take it …”

    The kenku seemed quiet and subdued. She blinked a few times before nodding, her claws tight on the cane in her hands. “Yes, my -” she broke off, took a breath. “Yes. Eteri. Eteri … this is mine and Raevin's employer, Sir Elssmith. Vitruvion.”

    Eteri grumbled, fidgeting as she pulled on the threads around her waist. “Is good meeting-” She paused and her nose wrinkled as she tilted her head to the side, staring at Vitruvion. She turned her golden eyes toward Stare. “You not tell me your boss is god too.” She huffed. “Just cause god no mean to be rude.”

    “Half celestial,” Vitruvion snapped as fast as anyone could breathe. “Thank you. Common misconception.” Beside him Stare seemed to freeze. He ground his eyes into Eteri, settling on the red threads coiled around her waist. He pursed his lips before looking back to Nevin. “How long will it take to heal?”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
    Level completed: 65%, EXP required for next Level: 3,861
    Level completed: 65%,
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    “It depends on how the method Stare thought of, works.” He reached into his bag and pulled out the rather precious vial. “I can remove the infected material. Due to the source of the corruption, it has differentiated itself significantly from his natural flesh.” Nevin’s tone was calm, even, hard. “The healing process will then be able to be performed either off of this method - or off of other, more mundane ones. Do you agree to the usage of this particular blood, as I have no doubt you are in some way responsible for the effect?” Dark red eyes bore into Vitruvion’s. Around Eteri’s waist the threads shifted and rubbed back and forth, the only subtle display of irritation.

    The corner of Vitruvion's mouth twitched slightly, “I am partially responsible of what you are talking of, yes. But Stare's blood is hers to give as she pleases.” Slowly he raised a hand, bringing it to rest on the kenku's shoulder. She rolled her eyes and throwing an apologetic look at Nevin.

    Nevin could see the look of irritation and hurt on Eteri’s face, and he couldn’t blame her. She misread situations and he knew she felt dismissed and disregarded by the both of them. He did his best to hold her still but it did not hold her tongue.

    “Eteri not like being ignored!” She spat. “Eteri is Stare friend. Eteri is Nevin priestess and not like this.”

    Vitruvion's brows rose and he glanced to Stare. She pulled in her breath, before looking at Eteri. “Nobody is ignoring you, Eteri. Not deliberately. We're - they're trying to sort out Raevin as he is hurt.”

    “And once that is dealt with, we can all settle down for a drink and actually talk and find out what’s gone on in each other’s lives since we saw each other last. Now.” Nevin drew in a deep breath and squeezed Eteri tightly, with both threads and his arm, before he stepped away. He closed his eyes as he moved closer to the bed - and his head rotated towards Vitruvion. “I need you to back up.” Then he exhaled slowly, as his hands began to glow with a shimmering hue that seemed to warp and twist between colours.

    Vitruvion surprisingly did as Nevin said. He twisted around, pushing Stare back lightly before he moved a metre or so away, with him in front of her. The alchemist gave a slight nod, then with one coil of threads he jerked the blanket off of Raevin’s body, once again revealing the bandages. Beneath it the elf bared himself, eyes focused on Nevin. “Eteri, Stare. Please, look away.” The alchemist’s voice was steady, but it seemed talking strained him a bit to the ones used to hearing him speak. Whether they did or not, the alchemist swept one hand up along the length of Raevin’s side, and behind the shimmering hand the bandages twisted, warped and pulled away, collapsing into a small, dense ball, stripping away the coverings over the damaged parts of the Elf’s body. The ball was dropped by Nevin’s feet, and he rolled his shoulders.

    “Raevin. I’m sorry - this will hurt.” Raevin gave him a tight nod. And Nevin drove his fingers into the infected flesh, the strange shimmering around his digits spreading out. The corrupted flesh warmed and twisted, and there was an unpleasant, wet, sucking, tearing sound as it was pulled away from the healthy flesh. Thin tendrils of rotten material slid out from the sides, rapidly shrinking and coiling around Nevin’s hand, twisting and compacting as the man worked. Raevin’s face began to go red, and there was the noise of teeth cracking against each other. Blood started to pool into the raw, exposed gap - only to freeze in place as Nevin glared at it intently. The red blood thickened, clotting up against the injured parts of the healthy flesh, and Nevin began to move his other arm.

    The alchemist was working, and was starting to look a bit paler. This was taking time, and concentration, and sweat was trailing down his head, dampening his hair. He had experimented with transmutation alchemy in the past, but had always done it in short bursts, on simple objects and materials. The demonically corrupted flesh was actively fighting him in his work, trying to resist him, to further its spread throughout Raevin’s body. It had wormed its way in, and miniscule lines of the infection had spread out, small enough to have slipped by easy detection. But Nevin’s magic was thorough, if draining, so he kept going. His right hand was buried in the Elf’s side, while his left was moving back and forth over his right arm. As his right hand pulled corrupt flesh out, the left arm was gathering the infected material up, condensing and compacting it. The flesh was being smashed into a ball, and at this point it didn’t even look like meat at all - instead it was like a solid, smooth obsidian orb, shiny and black-red.

    He felt Eteri shift behind him, she gently wiped away the sweat from his brow and kissed the top of his head. Her hands rested gently on his shoulders and gave them a squeeze. At the same time Raevin's jaws ripped open and it was clear he had been holding in the pain for that long. A scream began to pierce the air, high and shrill.

    But the white-haired man was fast. Shoving Stare right behind him he swung around to the end of the bed and shoved a hand forwards. His fingers clasped around Raevin's still existing ankle.

    “Vitruvion - do not touch him!” Nevin’s voice came out in a loud hiss, and the control over the orb of corrupt flesh wavered, and spikes began to jut over it. “Your nature is causing the demonic material to go fucking nuts!” He had frozen, and the alchemist was visibly trembling as his right hand flattened onto Raevin’s side. His left was held up in a claw around the ‘orb’, and one of the spikes was nearly piercing his own skin.

    But Vitruvion did not let go, and did not say anything. Instead he closed his eyes. Raevin's scream suddenly cut off. His eyes went large, staring at Vitruvion who was suddenly still. He blinked a few times before looking at Nevin. “I don't feel a thing …” he whispered. The alchemist didn’t react - his eyes were locked on the flesh hanging by his hand. Slowly, slowly, the spike retracted - and the very end glistened red, matching a welling up on his palm. With a shudder that shook Eteri’s hands, Nevin managed to force the corrupt flesh to bend to his will, locking it back into the smooth orb.

    He let out an explosive breath. “I… will try to end this quickly.” The redhead’s voice came out in a bit of a croak. He had to - he already had an idea of where the pain had gone. And controlling the corrupted material was not an easy task at all, and was draining him even now, just holding it in abeyance. His right hand moved back up and off of Raevin’s torso, and he resumed drawing the infected material out. The process had been nearly done when the pain had become too much for the elf, but even with it nearly done, Nevin had to be sure that none of the corruption remained. If even a little was left behind, then this would have all been for nothing. And there were too many variables that had managed to go right for this to go anywhere near as smoothly if they had to do this again.

    With a heavy sigh, Nevin pulled the last of the main corruption out and away. His chest was heaving as he sucked in deep breaths - and his right hand began to sweep back and forth across Raevin’s body. In a few places, he paused, and thin, almost invisible, slivers of blackened flesh slipped from beneath the skin. The healer was visibly sagging when he finished, sweeping his hand along Raevin’s form one last time. “Done. None left. He - needs to drink the potion. You know the rest from there.” Nevin stumbled backwards, leaning heavily into Eteri’s hands, and both of his hands were held up, around the now solid black orb.

    Nevin’s body was shaking as he slumped downwards, and the only reason he was currently upright was the fact that his girlfriend was holding onto him. He gave her an exhausted smile. “Thank you, love.” His voice was thin and reedy.

    Eteri gripped him tightly and burried her face into his neck. “Is weak. How make better?” She mumbled into the sweaty flesh of his neck. He gave a low chuckle, that sounded more like a croak.

    “Rest. Fluids. The usual. Not for here. And it’s ‘you are weak, how can we/I make you better.” His right hand tossed the vial towards the bed, letting it land next to the now cleansed elf.

    He winced as he felt the nip of her teeth against his neck. She was irritated. “No. Now.” She hissed. Nevin tried to shake his head, but didn’t really have the energy for the action. His head slowly rolled in the direction of the bed.

    “The spare room is prepared,” a low voice growled from the corner of the room. Vitruvion was slowly curling out of his crouch, eyes still closed and rolling back his shoulders. “Out the door, second on the right.” His voice was thick and tense, as if he had just suffered a great ordeal. Near him Stare was standing, eyes like daggers and baring into him, but with the focus slightly off - a look Nevin recognised as a mental conversation between the two. Nevin managed a weak nod.

    “A bit of rest sounds like a fantastic idea. For you, too. I know what you did.” His right hand still a claw around the orb of corrupted flesh, Nevin slowly started making his way towards the door, or at least, trying to. Eteri was holding the most of his weight against her small form. Still grumbling as her hair bristled. The couple made it out of the room and to the nearby chamber, and the redhead collapsed onto the edge of the bed, his body trembling.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  4. #4
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 4,617
    Level completed: 24%,
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin

    “Love - do you have a glass jar? An - empty one?” Nevin’s voice was soft, barely audible.

    I fumbled around in my bag, still trying to hold him up. It was a great deal of effort. I shot a glare behind my back at the door where the man stood behind. I knew it wasn’t exactly his fault but his indifference pissed me off. I didn’t care if he was a god or a Celestial being or whatever. There was no reason for him to be so damn rude.

    I pulled out an empty vial and handed it to Nevin. The scowl turning into a look of concern. He never usually denied my help. Was it because of everyone in the room? “Nevin….” I whimpered, ears falling flat against my head as I pressed the vial into the palm of his hand. Unlike him, I didn’t care what they thought. “You should take Eteri blood. Make you feeling better.” His shaking hand popped the vial open - and he forced the strange ball into it, then closed it hard, sealing it. As soon as he had, his body relaxed, and the weird shimmer around his hands vanished. He sagged, and let the vial fall to the bed. His warm, dark red eyes locked onto mine, and he reached out and took my hand, pulling me down into his lap.

    “I’m sorry, dear.”

    “Am worried, please?” I insisted. Even against his clothing I could feel the short ragged breaths, feel the slick of his sweat on his clothes. I wasn’t sure what he did but I did know that that it took far too much out of him. “You did too much. Nevin...why?” I felt them - thin threads that wrapped around my arms, sliding up my neck, and then slid into me, piercing my skin and tapping the veins. I felt that familiar, warm pulling feeling, and almost tugging sensation. He wasn’t holding back this time.

    I mumbled and leaned into him. He was finally listening to me. I sighed and shut my eyes. “This day not fun.” He gave a weak laugh.

    “No, it isn’t. And - I did it because.. I owe them. Stare was the first person to accept me as not a monster for these, and my blood magic. And she helped me when I had to fight something that was trying to bring something very dark into this world. Helping to heal Raevin is - something I could do. So I did. Besides.” He gave a chuckle, and this one sounded healthier - as it should, since he was pulling heavily from me, and color was returning to his cheeks. “Aren’t even demi-gods or godlings meant to stop demons?”

    “Then boss man should do more.” I grumbled. “No think he or Stare like Eteri. Thought Stare was friend.” I pressed my head further into his neck and lifted heavy arms to wrap around his shoulders. I felt dizzy, but I wouldn’t let him know. If I could I’d give him everything I had. “Nevin make far better god.” He hugged me tightly.

    “Stare is... Polite. Formal. Very bad things happened to her, and she still has trouble being open. And she was raised that way too. As for Vitruvion - it seemed like that stuff was specifically created to react powerfully, and negatively, to his presence. Wai- Eteri?” Nevin’s voice shifted from amused, then thoughtful, to frightened and panicked. I felt his threads withdraw suddenly from my skin, and he grabbed me, turning my face to his. “Oh no, love, I took too much. Damn it I was too tired to stop myself. Damn, damn damn me for a crimson-tainted fool.” He chewed on his lip as he turned his head down to look along my body. “Thick flow I must have taken in well over a pint or two, damn it this is dangerous -” He was talking rapidly, to himself, and he seemed very worried.

    I blinked. Slowly. Had he? I felt a little dizzy and heavy but beyond that I felt fine. I shook my head and pressed my lips against his. “Can take more if need. Is ok…” My hands found his and squeezed them tightly. Such numbers meant nothing to me. I didn’t know how much or little that was. All I knew was that he needed it. He shook his head, his red, red hair dancing about us.

    “No, honey, no. I - you don’t look anemic?” He suddenly frowned and stared into my eyes, and he pressed his fingers against a spot under my jawline. His eyes closed, and he held his breath for nearly half a minute. “That’s… odd. You don’t seem to be suffering any adverse effects to the amount of blood drawn. You should be nearly passing out now - I’ve taken more now than I have since we used a blood stimulation pill.” He hummed in thought, and the frown eased into a look of confusion.

    “Am ok.” I squirmed in his lap trying to ease his thoughts. “See!” I held my arms up wide. “Fine.” He pressed down on my legs, making me stop squirming, and I could feel why as he chuckled.

    “Well. We will have to experiment with that later. At home. Not here.” He laid back, bringing me down with him, and he let out a deep breath, his arms curling around me. “We’ll rest for a bit. I .. even with you helping me - and dear, you were definitely a help there, I wouldn’t have been able to finish without you supporting me - I need some actual rest. We can lay for a bit, then see about heading back home to sleep.” His voice didn’t sound weak anymore, just tired.

    I ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly drifted off to sleep. I didn’t like this. I didn’t like that he felt he had to overwork himself for a stranger just for a few good deeds. I needed to talk to that man. Set him straight. I carefully pried Nevin’s hands away from me. They clutched desperately for something so I shoved a pillow into them.

    I leaned over his sleeping form and pressed my lips to his. “Will be back Nevin. Need chat to this man.” I whispered softly into his ear.

    “D-dont cause too much trouble…” He mumbled.

    I wouldn’t, at least. I wouldn’t do it on purpose. “I love you. Come back soon, ok?” His voice was soft as I moved away from him towards the door.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  5. #5

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Why are you here and what did you do? she demanded. Okay I get why you are here, but-

    “Stare, will you shut up and help me finish this, please?” his voice was odd, strained. Her brow furrowed low as she glared at him and saw the way his eyes were tightly closed, screwed up as if against a sudden wave of nausea. The emotions she was feeling from him through their mental bond was stress, strain and anxiety. But there was something more, something else ...

    Suddenly, his eyes snapped open, and she was shoved into the full glory of his icey blue irises. “The potion Nevin left needs to be used. If it comes from you, that means revival after death.”

    Death. Stare looked suddenly alarmed. Swinging her eyes around to Raevin she looked at the slowly breathing man who was simply lying still, his raw flesh savage for all to see. His hands were shaking, but aside from that he seemed to be aware of what was happening. The elf’s eyes moved from one to the other, then down to the vial of potion that sat on the table near his supported head. The kenku went still, eyes widening slightly.

    “I trust in your magic, sir,” Raevin said, entirely honestly. “And that of the alchemist. I trust that it will work, but I would ask one thing.”

    “Ask away,” Vitruvion nodded, his voice now more regulated, yet Stare could still feel the same strong emotions from him and see his hand beginning to shake. The last she had seen anything like that had been-

    “That you be the one to kill me, sir. I will not have it any other way.”

    “I see,” Vitruvion said quietly, observing Raevin with both eyes before he inclined his head. Raising a hand he settled it over Stare's shoulder before nudging her forwards. “I need to get past, my dear.”

    It was more of a link of words, for he was already gently guiding her direction. Instead of fully going the way he intended, however, she moved to the side, and then forwards, heading over to where the vial was, and picking it up. Pausing, as Vitruvion made his surprisingly slow pace to catch up with her - it was obvious he had done something when he had touched Raevin's ankle, but she had been too far away to hear the whispers from the elf - she uncorked the potion, before staring from its crimson depths to Raevin.

    “You sure about this, elf?” she asked.

    He hardly looked at her, leaning back as he was on the cushions as he held out his hand. Shrugging, she passed it to him, before stepping back and watching him down the contents. Savoring every last drop, he relaxed fully back as Vitruvion did his final approach to his head. Elf and god eyes locked, both chests rising and falling in slow synchronisation.

    “I expect it will not be too long,” Vitruvion said quietly. “Galatirion suggested that after the first time Stare suffered the hours between living and waking would go down.”

    Raevin nodded once and went still. “Thank you, sir. For coming and … taking-”

    Crack. The sound was ugly and brutal. Stare let out a loud gasp as she saw Vitruvion's hands move surprisingly fast, as if in a blur. From what she could discern they lifted Raevin's head on either side of the face, and with a practised, savage movement suddenly jerked the head to the side. Immediately, it broke the neck and gave instant, almost pain-free death.

    For a moment Vitruvion hovered over the body, before he grunted and moved back. Twisting around he settled his eyes on Stare as she continued to blink with alarm with what he had just done.

    “It was better it come unexpectedly,” he said quietly.

    Swallowing, she nodded. It was not like she had never see him kill before. Very far from that - she had seen him end many lives - but never so swift and sudden. Never to a friend.
    “Yeah …”

    A sigh came from between the divine lips. Then a quiet groan. They were usually the sort of sounds that Stare would be quickly alert to but … she could not seem to look away from the limp form of Raevin. She was still staring as the other man in the room moved to come behind her. Without any hesitation a strong arm moved around her waist before it hoisted her up in the air.

    “An’s balls, Vitruvion, what are you-”

    And he was slumping back in the lone armchair of the room, taking her with him. A breath wooshed from her lungs as she was forced down, right onto his lap, with legs dangling awkwardly over the arm of the chair. Rolling her eyes she placed her hands on his arm that stuck around her, pushing at it as he let out a sigh and smiled.

    “There,” he murmured softly. “I have you back.”

    Twisting her head around she glared at his face. His eyes were heavy lidded and there was the familiar twist of a grin on his face. She clack’ed her tongue loudly before answering. “I've been gone two weeks, Vitruvion,” she growled. “You can deal with that length of time.”

    “Yes two weeks of neither you nor Raevin,” he said quietly, “Zulon is, as you predicted, stepping up well, but gods, Mer …”

    “You were the one who hired her,” Stare shrugged, giving a last push at the arm. It was not moving. Giving up, she sighed and dropped her eyes before leaning against his shoulder. He went quiet, and she took time to think about how he was acting, and just what it had seemed had happened to Raevin when he had touched him. Her eyes lingered on the dead elf’s body as she thought. Then, suddenly it came to her in a rush of remembrance.

    Damn, Ansaldo's balls. The last time he had been like this was when she had grown her wings. Yes, he was just dimly shaking then, but there had been time between the pain she remembered and waking up. Lots of time. Like she had fallen unconscious with the pain, or it had simply gone away. Like -

    “Balls,” she whispered, stilling.

    So he could take pain for other people. The two people he would ever consider it for were the two currently in the room with him, but that meant little. He could actually take other people's pain and endure it himself. Hence the closed eyes, the stiff voice. She began to lean away from him to stare with disbelief at him - but he moved faster. He made his grip tighter on her, pulling her further towards him, before he relaxed with a sigh.

    “Indeed,” he said softly. “I do actually care about you Stare.”

    “Your pride is going to be the end of you some day,” she muttered as she forced herself to relax. It was obvious he was not going to let her go for a while. Probably to make up for the two weeks she had been away. And partly to say something now she had had her second sexual partner in her life.

    “And your stubbornness, yours, dearest,” he replied quickly, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. “Good thing we will live for eternity.”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  6. #6
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 4,617
    Level completed: 24%,
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    I burst through the door, kicking it and ignoring the loud bang as it bounced off its hinges. “Hey! Mister-” My voice and adamant attitude warbled and disappeared as I felt a heaviness in the air. Raevin was...err...dead in the corner. That was the first thing I noticed.

    “What!” I ran over to him and shook him. Nevin used all that work and energy to save him but now he lay there, dead. His soul still lingered close by but his body was...well. “Dead.” I repeated my thoughts aloud. Initial shock turned to concern then turned to anger. I turned on my heel and glared at the celestial-god-whatever who was practically man handling Stare. I pointed to the dead elf.

    “Why this! Nevin work hard to fix!” I pointed back at him as I closed the gap between us. “Stare no like hug! Get off!” I was close enough now to grab onto Stare, pulling her in the opposite direction of the man-god-celestial. “Leave Stare alone!”

    “Ow, Eteri, ow!” Stare wrenched herself away from my grasp. She threw me a warning look. Beneath her the still form of the man was lifting his head and peeking open a single eye, calmly looking at the two women.

    I paused. I slowly let go of her. Did I misread the situation? “You.. want this man to hug you?” I tilted my head, ears swivelling toward the two. I glanced curiously up at the man. Then back to Stare...come to think of it she looked rather relaxed in his grip compared to earlier when everyone was on edge. Rather...everyone seemed tense around the man. I didn’t get the big hooblah about it all. “Explain please?”

    Stare paused and angled her eyes up to the white-haired man, before a quiet, silent communication seemed to pass between them. After a moment he grunted and his arm slipped away, eyes sliding closed again.

    “Thank you,” she said quietly, as she moved onto the ground. She paused for a moment before nodding to a door on the other wall, that did not lead out to the corridor. “Let's … talk privately?”

    My gaze lingered on the man. I was still….frustrated with him but whatever anger I had bubbling up inside of me had dissipated. He looked tired. Just as tired as Nevin. “Mmmm….” I reluctantly agreed to Stare’s request giving her a nod. “Ok.” My eyes were still on the sleeping white haired man. “He is your boyfriend?”

    “No,” she said quietly, her eyes looking over him for a moment. “It's … complicated.” She pulled open the door, gesturing for me to go first. I went first into the next room. It was a plain living room. An extinguished fireplace sat on one side of the wall and two cushioned armchairs faced it. There was a writing desk pushed up against another wall and piles and piles of paper surrounding it.

    “Is ok if he is.” I continued the conversation. “Nevin is Eteri’s god and is also Eteri’s boyfriend.”

    Stare started speaking in Akashiman as she moved to an armchair. <“Raevin is dead because the potion we used was based on my blood. I …”> she paused, and spoke in a quiet, sad way, <“I heal when I die. Then I wake up, a few hours later, perfectly healthy. Raevin will do the same.”>

    <”Oh.”> I followed Stare and sat in the other armchair, sinking into it. My feet barely touched the ground. <”Is this what Nevin was referring to when he said that man did that to you? He made you uh… immortal?”> This intrigued me. From our past conversations that day I knew she was immortal and that she was unwillingly so, but I didn’t know it was the sickly man in the other room that had done it.

    <”I’ll punch him!”> I offered as I raised my fists. <”One in each eye, bam! Bam!”>

    The kenku smiled a little and shook her head. <“It's okay. It's done now and he's had enough from me complaining about it. I don't let him live it down, don't worry.”> She looked down. <“But he's not my boyfriend. Just … my employer. Complicated.”>

    I lowered my hands. It honestly sounded like they had something going on but it wasn’t really my business to know what. <”Can you reverse it? The immortality thing?”> I pushed myself out of the arm chair and shuffled so I was sitting at the edge of it, leaning forward toward Stare. Wide and yellowed eyes staring intently at her. <”Nevin wants me to be immortal too. I’ll do that for him. I think the difference is that I’m willing to do so. You never were willing, were you?”>

    Stare seemed to get a little sad. She looked down and shrugged. <“It's done now. It's not reversible. In fact there was an- ... a god involved with the whole thing and it got complicated. It is. My wings were a whole other surprise. But nobody made them. They just … happened.”> She looked up at me. <“I've dealt with worse.”>

    That’s it. If some creepy ass celestial white haired-whatever the fuck he was...was allowed to hug Stare then dang-nabit I was too. She looked so dejected. She sounded so sad. I personally would do anything to become immortal so I could stay by Nevin’s side but that was MY choice, and I did not like the fact that this man didn’t give her the option. It was downright rude.

    I pushed myself off the chair and practically lunged at the unsuspecting Kenku. My arms wrapped around her tiny shoulders as I pulled her into my grasp. “There!” I proclaimed as I struggled to keep us both balanced. <”You need a hug.”> I said again as I nestled my head next to her feathery one. <”And friends. Nevin and I are your friends. Even if you don’t think so.”>

    <“Fuuckk - Eteri!”> she gasped in surprise as she slipped. Underneath my arms hers flailed, and from her struggling we fell off her armchair onto the floor, with a loud thump. I refused to let her go. <“Ahh …”> She struggled a little more before she stopped, and sat there, still and dejectedly under my hug, her eyes tight shut.

    <”Even if you don’t like it.”> I added as I nuzzled my face into her plumage. Tail flicking leisurely at my victory. Eteri one, Stare zero.

    She let out a groan. <“Eteri, you're so like a cat that-”>

    “Oh. Right,” said a low, definitely male voice. State seemed to freeze.

    <”Mmm?”> I lifted my head to see the tall and looming figure of her boss standing in the doorway a bemused expression on his face. His hand tight around the wooden cane at his side. His body tense. I grimaced. “What? What want?”

    Stare sighed. <“I am not being attacked, no. And Eteri, he speaks Akashiman.”> The brow arched on his face as he relaxed a little.

    <”Good!”> I spat as I let her go and dusted myself off. I had a few things to say to the man. <”You!”> I said as I stepped over a very alarmed looking Stare and stood in front of the man.

    I jabbed a finger into his chest, over and over again with each word. <”You. Do. Not. Do. That.”> I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest staring up at the strange man. <“Who do you even think you are? You can’t go make someone immortal without their permission!”>

    Cold blue eyes looked down and ground into mine. The man stood, rigid, but the edges of his being tender. He stared at me with irritation before a lip curled upwards into a snarl before he turned to start leaving again. <“I'm going back to rest,”> he hissed low.

    <”Your selfishness upsets her!”> I shouted at his back. <”If you really cared about her you’d fix your stupid mistakes!”> I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I had more to say but I held my tongue. I was furious. I didn’t care if he was hurt. He had hurt a friend and he was all aloof and self centered. Not very ‘godlike’ material. <”Nevin is a far better god…”> I mumbled under my breath.

    The man slowed in his step. Behind me there was a small whimper. The sound seemed to catch his ear and he turned his head slightly to look back over my shoulder. He paused, and then his eyes stared at me.

    <“You do not know anything about me. Or how much I care about her.”> he said coldly. <“I have made mistakes with Stare but making her immortal was not one.> He looked to Stare, and continued in the common tongue. “I'm going back to Beinost. Alert me when Raevin is awake.”

    And with that he twisted around. The air shimmered a little as he took a step … and vanished.

    I sighed and turned back to Stare. She was curled up ball, her knees drawn up under her chin. I blinked. Did his presence bother her that much? What an asshat of the biggest proportions. <”Hey it’s ok, he’s gone now.”> I padded over to her and sat next to her. I reached over and offered a comforting pat around her shoulder. <”I will punch him if you want.”> I offered. Trying to make her feel better.

    She let me hug her, offering no resistance. <“He doesn't make me upset,”> she whispered. <“Just … his anger.”>

    I nodded. Not quite understanding her fear. <”If he gets angry around you. I will punch him. In his jingle jangly balls.”>
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  7. #7
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
    Level completed: 65%, EXP required for next Level: 3,861
    Level completed: 65%,
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    The redhead sat up abruptly - a weight had vanished from him, an odd, familiar yet unfamiliar weight. He frowned sharply and looked around. Nevin was alone, Eteri hadn't come back. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, then exhaled softly and steadily. This was one of those times he wished he was more of a real god then whatever fledgling thing he was; he couldn't feel normal people’s presences, only if they were bleeding. He shoved himself off the end of the bed, staggering a bit at the motion. His lips curled downwards in a frown. He couldn't feel normal people’s presences but he had found a knack for knowing when other deities were around.

    So why then, had Vitruvion left. He had been clearly invested in Raevin and his recovery. Nevin sighed and ran his hand through his hair, pushing some of the sleep-tousled strands out of his face. The alchemist had a feeling that if he found out where his girlfriend was, he'd probably find out the answer to that question too. He bent down and scooped up the vial that contained the demonically corrupted flesh, which was now far more quiescent than it had been, further confirming that its antagonist, Vitruvion, was gone.

    Nevin put the vial and its dark burden into a safe pouch, a hardened thing meant to protect his potion vials, and headed back towards Raevin’s room. He'd check on the recovery of the Elf, then look for his girlfriend and his friend. The room where Raevin was was curiously empty - aside from the dead man. Nevin frowned and headed over to check on the body - it was still warm, still fresh. Strangely he didn’t seem to be cooling down any - no rigidity had set in at all. The one problem was - the leg did not seem to be returning. The damage to the rest of his body was peculiarly healing up, regenerating, but not the actual lost limb. Nevin frowned and headed back out, to search the adjacent room to see if the others had gone there. If not, he’d head downstairs, maybe they had wanted more tea.

    He opened the door to the adjacent room- and froze, staring at the sight before him. It took him a long moment to process, during which nobody seemed to move. Eteri was currently sitting beside Stare, cat wrapped around bird, as the kenku shivered and stared ahead blankly. Nevin drew in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. He couldn't recall Stare ever looking like this, but he could only guess at one individual being responsible. Well - two. The alchemist lifted his hand and rubbed his forehead tiredly. He sighed. It was almost enough for him to turn around and just head back to his own house, and go to sleep and just ignore all of this. But - no. Instead he knelt down and tilted his head to the side.

    “<What happen?>” His voice was soft and steady as he spoke in their home language. He winced as he realized he’d gotten the tensing wrong, but he pushed that concern aside for the moment as he was more worried about seeing Stare like this. Just what had happened while he was recuperating?

    Stare was still for a moment longer before she shook her head and slid out of Eteri's hold. Tucking her legs beneath her she stood, her eyes still full of torment though, and avoidance. Her wings beneath the cloak flinched as she caught her balance. “Nothing happened. It's fine. How is Raevin?” Her tone was flat and dejected. Nevin stood up and gripped her shoulder, holding her in place as he studied her.

    “He’s still dead.” Nevin’s voice was even - but not like hers was. He continued to hold her gently as he looked to his girlfriend. “What happened, love?”

    Eteri’s ears perked up. “Eteri give old man lecture!” She jabbed her fingers in the air in sharp motions. “Like this! Told him he is mean and selfish. Made Stare sad.” She seemed proud of this accomplishment. “Will punch in jingle jangles if mean to Stare again!” Nevin’s eyes closed and he took in a deep breath.

    “Please don't do that,” Stare sighed quietly. Nevin gently pulled her into a hug and he exhaled slowly, his eyes on his girlfriend. It took a little doing to avoid hurting her with her new appendages, but Nevin managed.

    “I see. So, then, he left, and I would assume in a bit of a tiff didn’t he?” Nevin pulled back and raised an eyebrow at the bird woman.

    “He back down!” Dark red eyes turned to look at the blue-haired cat girl, and Nevin gave a quirked smile. He gave Stare’s shoulders a final squeeze and stepped back, letting her passed to the bed.

    “He'll be fine,” Stare whispered to herself. “He just needs time to-” she shook her head and started to walk back through to the room with Raevin. Her footsteps were small and she slid her arms around herself to hug herself as she went. Nevin drew in a deep breath, and let it out slowly, and held one arm up for Eteri to come hug him. This had become a rather different night than he had been expecting.

    Eteri slinked up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Her ears flat against her head as they watched Stare. “Did...Eteri do wrong?” He stroked her back with his hand as he thought about how to respond to that.

    “I… don’t think so, no. But I do think you need to be careful. That man is not nice, at all. He and Stare have a very different relationship than we do, love. He has hurt, and scared, Stare in the past. A lot. He has gotten better but - when he is angry, I think she remembers it.” He hugged her tight against his side. He sighed and shook his head. “We should go check on them, make sure that everything is moving along properly. Then, can head home and get some proper rest.” He gave her another squeeze then followed after the kenku, slowly.

    Stare had already made her way to Raevin's side. She was perched on the very edge of the bed, her wings slightly visible as they kept her balanced. Her eyes were staring at the dead man and she was completely silent. Nevin slipped into the room and crossed his arms over his chest. “The wounds are all closing up. There does not seem to be any trace of the corruption left within him.”

    “Nevin,” she said quietly, in a shaking voice. “I was killed by - by my brother.” Nevin’s eyes went wide, then narrowed. There was silence for a few heartbeats, as he heard Eteri enter the room behind him. That - Avis had told him, that her whole family had died. That she had been found and raised by a baker for a time. So…

    “So someone, or something brought him back.” His voice had gone flat. He already had a fair guess as to who.

    She swallowed and nodded, rocking back onto her behind so she sat there, curled. “Vitruvion tried to chase him down but - I was already dying. It's - he didn't even know who I was.” Nevin reached past her wing and placed one hand on her shoulder. He swallowed, and tried to sort out what he knew. There had been some work done on bringing the recently deceased - and that meant the very, very recently deceased - back to life through science, in Alerar. He was trying to think of what the medical newsletters he had seen about the topic had mentioned.

    “It is possible that.. Flirting with the veil of death has damaged his memory. If that is the case, it should restore itself in time.” Nevin tried to comfort her.

    “I finally get a piece of my family back for that single moment,” she hissed, as her eyes started to glisten. “And then it's - no, fuck you Stare, have another shit thing happen to your life. Balls, Vitruvion is a lot easier to deal with now but fucking hell…” she shoved her head into her hands. “Raevin better come back, Nevin.” The alchemist held his breath as his body sagged. He didn’t need her seeing how worn he was at that moment. He felt Eteri squeeze his arm tightly from behind.

    “He will. He’s stronger than the corruption, Stare. And the blood I pulled from you was potent, and different. It sang of life and rebirth. He will come back. And then, you will hunt down your brother and drag him back kicking and screaming. He’s being used as a weapon against you.” He shook his head softly. “When is... Vitruvion returning?” It would be a damn good idea for them to be gone before the hidden deity returned - Eteri would undoubtedly rile him up even more, and right now, that was not what Stare needed in her life.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  8. #8

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    She cast her mind outwards and felt his familiar presence. Sometimes he watched her in secret, but around half of the time now, unless he was having a private conversation, he let her have a vague understanding that he was there. He was currently sitting in an armchair, drinking heavily from a goblet. The image faded, then vanished as he realised she was watching and he cut it off, wordlessly. She paused and sighed.

    “He is … resting just now,” she sniffed a little. “Drinking wine. I'm to let him know when Raevin is back.” She huffed, then paused and looked at Nevin, her eyes wet but her voice more sober. “Why don't you and Eteri go? Get rest, do whatever. I can send someone for you when Raevin is back. It will probably be hours.”

    She saw Nevin draw in a deep breath, and his hand on her shoulder tightened a bit. “Alright. I- go sit down with one of the staff. I don’t think you should be alone in here right now.”

    “I'm fine, Nevin,” she told him quietly. “I've been through a lot worse than this. There's still things I haven't told you about-” she broke off. “Nothing. Just go and rest. Actually Eteri,” she looked around to the nekojin.

    “Can you make sure he gets rest?” Nevin blinked, and his right eyebrow rose. His posture straightened up and he narrowed his eyes.

    “I assure you I am -”

    Eteri gripped him tight and grinned. “Yes! Nevin can have all the blood and hugs till he is strong again.” The man looked like he wanted to protest at this, but Eteri just turned her eyes in his direction and gave him a wide grin. “If no listen Eteri will bite threads!” The alchemist curiously froze at that, and gave a slow nod.

    “I.. think I am beaten, here.” He gave a wry smile and shook his head. “Stare. Come to the shop if anything happens alright?” His dark red eyes bored into hers.

    The kenku quickly nodded. The alchemist blinked and tilted his head to the side and his eyebrow rose as he looked between the two women. “One question though. I know why refreshing myself with your blood will be helpful, love, but ah, why hugs? I do like them but…?’ He trailed off and a look of confusion was on his face.

    Stare said nothing, and shrugged. She looked to Eteri and listened as the cat girl spoke. “Eteri just like hugs.” For a moment Stare looked at the two of them before she found herself curious about something. She blinked as at Eteri spoke and switched into her Aura Sight. There, the two auras stood out - the dirt brown and the strange void - but Stare ignored these and went straight for the epicentre of their souls, that being their heart chakras. First she delved as she had accidentally done so with Galatirion first, right into Nevin's chakra, focusing closer with narrowed eyes. The tri-coloured lines of power separated at her will, swirling back to give her an image. One that began with the sound of running water, causing her to pause and frown. Then, as she got nearer she began to see red, blood red but still clear water as a river.

    And in the centre of that river, a large, obstructing rock. Stare blinked, quite surprised. The red River clearly symbolised blood, but the rock - well. It was firm and strong and unmoving. So Nevin considered himself an obstruction in the flow of his world, an unavoidable presence in what was becoming his own church. Her brows rose, but she said nothing as she moved over to look at Eteri. What she found there, surprised her though … a tree. Tall and spindly, but made of glass. Fragile, delicate, yet aiming to grow. Here stood before her two people - one a rock, the other a glass tree. Two people who strove to be more than life had given them. Stare room in a slow breath and moved back into the present.

    “I see you,” she smiled a little. Nevin blinked, those dark, dark red eyes shifting as he raised an eyebrow at her. The man tilted his head to one side and looked to the catgirl, then back to the birdgirl.

    “Well, yes, the lights haven't exactly gone out.” There was a tone of confusion in his voice as he tried to figure out what she was talking about. His arm had wrapped around Eteri’s shoulders as she gripped him tight, but it looked like he had given up arguing that he needed rest.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  9. #9
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Thread Title: Don't Hug the Kenku
    Type: Basic Rewards

    Nevin receives:1040 EXP and 78 GP

    Eteri receives: 780 EXP and 78 GP

    Stare receives: 988 EXP and 78 GP

    "The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble.
    For the world did not turn when Am'aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek."

  10. #10
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Rewards added.

    Stare reaches level 10!
    "The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble.
    For the world did not turn when Am'aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek."

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