Madison gave Scarlet a look as if she was arching her eyebrows, not that she had any, but be damned if it wasn't as obvious as a slap to the face. "Oh please Madison, don't give me that look." Her 'look' was nothing more than a tangle of briarknit plant tentacles. That's someone's kink, for sure. Still, Scarlet felt she noticed the nuanced scoff that barely came from the other woman. "You have a track record is all. I have no reason to mistrust you, but lets face it, every time I have placed it in someone it's ended less than favorable."

Madison shrugged in response. Damn straight woman. Even so, Scarlet sighed. She had a feeling that such a exchange would have upset her in the past, ahh, the subtle joys of not having such nuances to deal with. "I think the past me would be upset with...." Scarlet rolled her hand over and over, trying to find the right words to describe it. "This...scenario. So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're probably all out of whack with me threatening you, no?"

There was no response.

That meant Scarlet was right.

"It wasn't exactly a threat, It was saying that would be our ties cut. Although, I suppose you can't wait for that." Scarlet added as she handed Madison the rope that had been dragging an unconcious Eteri. Scarlet opened the cell door, it hadn't been locked. There was no need. "She is a battery, her life force is powering this device. You're not taking that, just her. This equipment is dodgy at best, and fuckin' expensive." Scarlet shifted to the side of the cylinder and pressed a few buttons in a quick sequence. The front of the capsule opened, and the clear liquid sloshed out, along with an unconscious Zavine.

Instead of Catching her, Scarlet stepped to the side, letting the white haired woman fall lifelessly to the floor. "She should be knocked out for a few good hours. Don't think there's a need to tie her up. She literally just goes along with anything, as long as it 'helps' someone." Scarlet shook her head. "Such a waste..."

Her eyes rose to meet Madisons as Madison again mentioned her status of 'ticking time bomb' and reversing the emotionless and dark state she was in. Did Madison actually care? Or was she just trying to bait Scarlet? "Might, who knows. Mysteries, fun stuff right?" She asked.

"So, are you going to stop for a pleasant cup of hot cocoa whilst the deaders are being loaded onto your cart, or are you just here for a quickie?"