I'm not sure what you're referring to Amber Eyes. HQs have existed since the first iteration of PGs. I would know; I was the original moderator! There was a short time where we experimented with regional bonuses. This might have occurred when the IK was in its infancy, but I can't recall. In any event, I'm with FennWenn. If there is no incentive to join a PG, then why would anyone join a PG? If it were to write with others and give characters a reason to bond, then folks would already be doing it without a formal system.

That said, Lye. If PGs come back, they need to incentivize people to interact. In the past, Althanas was very battle heavy. Wars, along with a victor goes the spoils worked better back then. Now a days, folks largely prefer to quest. I'd look to combine the proposed regional perk or job system with the PG period I believe Amber Eyes is referring to and build from there.

My proposal is this. PG's must be registered. To register, PGs must have three people. The PG leader will then work with the moderator to come up with a balanced PG perk. If it is approved, the PG will be approved. PGs are capped at ten members. One account per PG. PG members get to use that perk. No attacks, only wars (meaning PG wars are all done with the advice and consent of their respective members). Competing in and/or winning Althanas content events (tournaments, guided quests, featured quests, etc.) gets all the members of the clan a small boost. No activity checks; limited moderation. I'll reopen the group function on the site for private chat. Groups can also be listed in the postbit so people can proudly display their clan name. That's what I'd like to see.