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Thread: The Gathering

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  1. #1
    Innocence & Instincts

    EXP: 29,359, Level: 7
    Level completed: 30%, EXP required for next Level: 5,641
    Level completed: 30%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,641

    Black Shadow's Avatar


    Black Shadow
    Time evolved into an illusion upon the open ocean. Black Shadow felt an utter blissfulness known to him only upon rare occasions. as the high sun of the day slowly set. What felt like mere minutes turned into hours. The sun which previously hung high above the ship now rested along the horizon. The blazing orange sun cast the most beautiful streak of fire across the shimmering surface of the waters. Sunsets like these captivated Black Shadow in a way only he understood. Nothing would ever compare to the multitude of colors spread across the sky. From red and orange, to yellow and even purple, Black Shadow would never forget this sunset.

    Black Shadow refused to tear his eyes from the sight before him. The pure beauty captivated him, clearing his mind and focusing him on the moment. He hadn’t thought of the mission yet to come or what they may face - just this single moment that he could tell his daughter about when he returned home.

    He already missed his daughter. Despite her size and age, Espoir hunted exceptionally well, and she understood how to barter with traders for supplies. Black Shadow trusted Maverick with her life, but a part of him always worried for her. He still did not know her lineage other than that she was elvish, but Black Shadow hoped to change that with this trip.

    Black Shadow closed his eyes, drew a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then released it. This slow breathing calmed Black Shadow’s mind, a luxury he had not known in months. After a moment, he opened his eyes. A shadowy figure now encompassed the center of the blazing sun. Black Shadow focused his sight, looking far into the horizon to make out the shape. What appeared to be a large warship headed straight for them, dwarfing the R.S. Eluriand.

    Black Shadow quickly snatched a telescope from a passing sailor’s belt. He extended the telescope and looked through it at the ship headed their way. The forty cannon ship was preparing for battle. The ship’s gold trim gleamed brightly against the dull black of the hull while the black sails furled in the wind. A large black dragon skull painted the sails, and the same dragon figurehead glard off the bow with the mouth open.

    Without a moment’s hesitation, Black Shadow turned and ran for the captain’s quarters. The R.S. Eluriand was a mere ant in comparison to the titanic pirate ship, but Black Shadow refused to give in without a fight. Two men blocked the door to the captain’s quarters..

    “You there, Captain Callahan wants to be left alone right now.” One of the men said, raising a sword.

    “Come back in the morning. He’s… busy.” The other man said, shooing Black Shadow away.

    Black Shadow shook his head in annoyance and tossed the telescope at the larger man, pointing towards the horizon. The guardsman raised the telescope and looked towards the horizon

    “We see tons of ships out on the ocean every year, this one is not different.” He scoffed.

    I don’t have time for this, we have less than an hour before that ship intercepts us. Black Shadow thought to himself. He attempted to push forward, forcing his way into the captain’s room.

    “Where do you think you’re going?” the one man asked, grabbing Black Shadow’s shoulder.

    In an instant, Black Shadow pushed the guard’s arm up, twisting it over, and shoved the man’s face into the deck. The other guard swung his sword at Black Shadow, but Black Shadow saw it coming. He kicked the second guard’s chest with his left foot. The smaller guard stumbled backwards into a barrel, breaking it into pieces and struggling to remain on his feet. In one more swift motion, Black Shadow kicked the door open, half disgusted by the sight of the captain in his bed with two women, both wearing only their undergarments.

    “What is the meaning of this?!” Callahan asked in anger. “I thought I said I did not want to be disturbed.”

    “I’m sorry boss, he just forced his way in.” one of the guards started to say as he lunged at Black Shadow.

    Black Shadow ducked and took a quick step to his left, sending the man into one of the women. He then picked up the telescope from the ground again and tossed it at the captain, pointing towards the horizon.

    Captain Callahan pulled the telescope to his eye and looked towards the ship. His anger suddenly faded away as he saw the black sails of the pirate ship.

    “All hands on deck!” Callahan shouted as he jumped out of bed and rushed to his wardrobe. “Man your battle stations!” He said, pulling an old war uniform from his wardrobe.
    Last edited by Black Shadow; 04-29-2020 at 04:16 PM.

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