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Thread: The Gathering

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  1. #1
    Innocence & Instincts

    EXP: 29,359, Level: 7
    Level completed: 30%, EXP required for next Level: 5,641
    Level completed: 30%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,641

    Black Shadow's Avatar


    Black Shadow
    Throughout his life in exile, Dead Man's Drink made itself a special place to Black Shadow. In this bar he received his first lead starting a long chain of assassination missions. Here, he was forced into a bar fight nearly killing thirteen people. And here, he would once again meet his friend, Gavner. He learned of important information for his friend to know, and a mission for him to partake in.

    Black Shadow entered into the tavern, music softly playing over the sounds of drunk men shouting at each other over their latest murders. The place was just as it had been Black Shadow's previous encounters with Gavner. Dead bodies scattered the floor while the notorious "Dead Man's Drink" claimed another victim as he took a sip. The ale was crafted to be so strong that few men could take more than one shot, and those that did took their last breath.

    Poor fools. Why must you do this to yourself? Black Shadow thought to himself as he scanned the bar for Gavner. It took time, but Black Shadow’s eyes finally met his friend’s. Gavner sat alone in a booth at the far corner or the tavern, fast asleep, his eyes wide open. The dark archer made his way through the crowded bar to his friend and took a seat. He stared at the hooded vampire intensely, waiting patiently for him to awaken.

    Gavner was a heavy sleeper. As time passed, the already loud bar echoed louder with angry voices and laughter at the spoils from the day. None of the extra noise stirred Gavner from his slumber. Black Shadow reached over and grabbed the vampire’s mug to see how much he had to drink. Half the mug was downed, and Black Shadow suspected Gavner would not awaken for some time.

    Another hour passed by, Black Shadow not taking his eyes off his friend. He learned patience at a young age, and that came in handy in times like this. He continued to watch the vampire closely as the sun set and the tavern darkened. The bartender walked the tavern lighting candles and lanterns, illuminating the bar with a dim orange light. As the sun set entirely, Black Shadow saw the vampire stirred and came to his senses

    “I see you have found me,” Gavner chuckled. “Thank you for watching my back while I slept. The journey was a long one”

    Black Shadow and Gavner stared at each other for a moment, each eyeing and studying the other. Black Shadow and Gavner both moved at the same time. The bowl resting on the hard wood table flew across the room, smashing against the wall on the other side of the bar. The two moved so fast they were but a blur to anyone around them. The skirmish was short, but ended with Black Shadow on his back, Gavner on top of him. The Vampire’s dark nails pressed against Black Shadow’s throat, and Black Shadow’s small dagger poked Gavner’s chest.

    “Black Shadow!” Gavner exclaimed as he embraced the dark archer. The two greeted each other properly, then apologized to the owner for the damage they caused. They ordered their dinner, Gavner ordering a nearly raw, bloody slab of venison, and Black Shadow having his medium rare.

    “It is nice to see you again my friend.” Gavner said. “Please tell me, to what utmost urgency do I owe the pleasure?"

    Black Shadow had a difficult time believing what he had learned the past few months. He paused for a moment, trying to find a way to tell Gavner. He lowered his head and took a deep breath.

    “Shadow, is everything alright?” Gavner asked with a concerned look on his face.

    Black Shadow had taught Gavner sign language throughout their friendship, the best way for the two to communicate. Black Shadow lifted his hands and began to sign.

    “I believe Espoir’s family may still be alive.” Black Shadow said, in regards to his daughter. Gavner’s eyes widened and he stared back in disbelief.

    “That is impossible, they died on that ship!” Gavner exclaimed.

    “I thought so too, but I had to look into it. The ship we commandeered to speak with Clan Haldritar arrived into port three weeks ago. I snuck aboard after sunset and took a look at the manifest. Espoir was on the manifest as a child, and the one she was with…”

    “The one we killed?” Gavner interrupted.

    “Yes, the one we killed… She was a caregiver. I believe her parents may be alive.”

    Gavner gave a blank stare, trying to process what he had just heard. “Are you sure about this?” He asked, still in disbelief.

    “I am not sure, no. I did some digging, found the caregiver’s place of origin. She is an elf from one of the kingdom’s in Dhethain.”

    “Dhethain? That forsaken land is an impending death sentence.” Gavner said, leaning back in his chair.

    “I know… But I have to know, Gavner.”

    Gavner gave a long sigh and rubbed his chin. “'very well, when do we leave?"
    Last edited by Black Shadow; 04-29-2020 at 12:07 AM.

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