The jokes jabbing at her trip in the mud irked her, just a bit. One of her many weaknesses, a quickness to anger, was always threatening to take over. She gripped the water purification device, eyes narrowed in uncalled for aggression. For as tired as she was, her words were only a low whisper, “I’m just so used to cooler climates…”

She had to shove that eternally smoldering, dark orb in her chest down even further. By the sounds of it, Yvonne was not treated fairly in her youth. It was something the mistreated and abused Felicity could direly relate to. It was an overflowing reason for saving grace. Any hurt feelings were pushed back, shoved into the black voids of her subconscious. A matter-of-fact like persona took over. It was ice chilled and contained. She proceeded to fill their water supply, explaining each and every step of purification and safety protocol.

After they took care of their water supply, they pressed of. Felicity had to muster all her strength to place those heavy packs upon her shaking back again. As the jungle teemed with the excitement of daily animal life, Felicity treaded right through the river. It was while they went up the hill that she was relieved – Yvonne’s moss to boot trick really worked! The padding made walking easier, although slimy and uncomfortable. It was still better than the pain. In this thick rain forest, in survival situations, beggars could not be choosers. Thus, the redhead sucked it up and pressed forward.

As Yvonne led the way, they made it up a hill. The climb was steep and severe. Even someone as tough as Rhyolite had to grab any stones or trees in her path to support herself and her bags. Her alchemy kit rattled as she slowly breathed in and out, heavily. Felicity was pretty sure this was her worst traveling experience ever. The humidity was tainting her at this point, pushing her to the brink. I can handle climbing snowy mountains, navigating deserts, and walking through pine forests, but this- Sheer anger gave her the boost of energy to make it to the top.

What she saw reminded her how worth it the effort was…

It was beautiful. Through the remaining palm trees and shrubs, from the hill, it shone like a diamond. Donnalaich. It was a series of magnificent, white walls and buildings. Built before modern time, they were overgrown with trees and bushes, coated with vines. The mixtures of greens and greys gave it a fresh and exotic feel. She had seen ruins before, in Raiaera, yet this blew everything she saw there out of the water. They were only on top of a slope overlooking the place, yet now… the humidity actually did not feel half bad anymore. Well, it was still pretty horrible…

Felicity’s features were lifted from cranky to excited. While still exhausted, her stomach begging for nourishment in its relentless gurgles, Felicity was overcome with awe and joy. The teen let out a joyous, free spirited laugh.

“C’mon!” Felicity rapidly motioned Yvonne to follow. Having received her second wind, Felicity started to trek downhill.