She was a tenacious human, this Felicity Rhyolite. Yvonne had snapped the warrior's ankle back into its appropriate socket, and even for many dwarves that would have been something to howl in pain about. Not this one - she hissed, yes, the sound of repressing the agony through force of will. It was as though she acknowledged the pain and decided to crush it, like a candle aflame extinguished between finger and thumb.

Yvonne couldn't decide whether to be inspired or concerned. On the one hand, wow, that was incredible, and on the other hand, yeesh, that can't be healthy.

"Yer welcome. Teach me ta do that sometime," Yvonne joked, inspiration winning the day.

The grey dwarf was cautioned with a hand gesture, and instinctively she snatched up her crossbow once again, ready to defend herself if necessary. There were far too many meat-eaters in this jungle for her liking. You couldn't rest on your laurels if you had survived one measly murder-blossom - there were always more threats, skulking around every shrub. Yvonne watched Felicity tensely as she rushed toward her backpack, prepared to give her some crossbow cover-fire as soon as the predator revealed itself.

Turned out it was Dheathain rats. False alarm! The crossbow-woman pulled back her weapon, resting it against her shoulder. Rodents. Interesting. Don't they like to congregate around civilization? We might not be so far from Donnalaich after all.

Yvonne caught on to the fact that Felicity was analyzing her, studying her, the focus of her emerald eyes upon her sable skin and elven ears. Not much escaped the deep dwarf's notice. She returned her gandering with a goggle-eyed stare of her own, pulling a face for amusement's sake. "I can see ya might have a question or two about me," she asserted, smirking. "I have a few of my own for ye. I be willing ta trade our questions for answers, if ye be."

The deep dwarf continued, "Yer right though. We should keep moving or we'll not make it ta Donnalaich before our food and water runs out." Yvonne was rather surprised to learn that Felicity had a map of the local area. She had tried to garner some basic directions from some folk back in Talmhaidh, but all she'd received was a piece of paper with some child-level scrawl on it. The red-headed heroine had a genuine map? What were they waiting for? This would be a cinch! Mayhap. No, probably not.

"C'mon, I think I could hear a river or a creek in this direction. We might be able to cool off some or have a drink." Yvonne closed her eyes and wiped the dripping sweat from beneath her head-towel, the sweat-beads bothering her enough to risk the light for a moment. Happy with that, she took off at a steady fast-walking pace, unwilling to run with Felicity's most likely bruising, still-injured ankle.