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Thread: Entanglement

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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    "Hy-- brid?" Yvonne questioned, raising an eyebrow uncertainly as she sought confirmation. "I think I understand," she said, her understanding dubious at best. "I was only called a mongrel by tha dark elves and that was their way of being polite. Me fellow dwarves were more inclined ta be vulgar and liked to refer ta me as a shit-skin," she declared with a jovial grin and cheerful expression. If those names had affected her she concealed it masterfully.

    Felicity's map found its way into the half-dwarf's grabby hands, and she was more than willing to take it, though the confidence required for the exchange was not lost on her. The roll of parchment may have been the one object that would decidedly keep them from a grim end as they were currently disoriented in the jungle. Yvonne untied the string that kept it closed and unfurled the map before herself, holding it open while she scrutinized it intently.

    "In a round-a-bout way ye and I are tha same then, that what yer saying?" She didn't look up from the map, somewhat unconvinced by the possibility. She'd come to terms many years ago that there was nobody else like her. She'd never met another dark elven and dwarven mixed breed in all her time living in Kachuck, and no one had given her any indication that the accident she was had happened before or again. That naive hope had sputtered, flickered and died out.

    That wasn't what her warrior companion was suggesting though. Obviously Felicity wasn't a shit-skin, although rolling around in the mud as she was... she would have sufficed.

    "Yer getting right in tune with nature, ye are," the deep dwarf mumbled, focused more-so on the landmarks she'd come across of the area and attempting to pinpoint their location on the map. If she could achieve that they'd have a bearing and she could decide on a direction to take. "That'll mask tha smell very well, ye know," she teased, grinning mischievously. "We'll benefit by throwing tha predators off our tracks."

    The dusk dwarf believed she had the map more or less figured out. This brook was the landmark that they needed to find their way. The map didn't give a clear understanding of the jungle, as foot trails through it would sooner or later become overgrown and reclaimed by nature. They would have to cut a path through it seemed, to climb a hill, and from that hill-top they should be able to see Donnalaich in all of its ruined glory of yesteryear.

    "Mayhap I should join ye in that muddy slop," Yvonne suggested, though her lifted chin and - I'm too good for that - expression requested otherwise. I'd rather not muck about, thank ye. This be a favourite corset of mine.

    Yvonne was so caught up in studying the map and helping to get their bearings that she failed to notice Felicity's difficult-to-detect episode. It was the injured teen's hand spring from the creek side that collected her attention again, as well as her water purification idea.

    "That be a clever thought. Who knows what diseases and other assorted nasties be swimming alongside the creek fish," she wondered, eyeing Felicity's purification device. "How does that gadget clean tha water, exactly?" The pristine, icy mountain water that flowed through Kachuck's caverns wasn't much in need of a purifier, but Ettermire's polluted filth not so far away was something else. The miniature navigator pondered where Felicity might have bought the device, and whether it was Aleraran make.

    "Let's purify some water and go. I don't think these watering holes in tha wilderness are ever safe. All tha animals come here ta drink. Tha ones with pointy teeth too," Yvonne advised, carefully hopping from one stepping stone to another, hoping to cross the creek without getting too wet preferably. The half-dwarf didn't know how to swim, not that she would need to as the creek wasn't deep. She didn't know that for certain though and was unwilling to find out.

    Adjusting the lenses of her goggles she set off into the tropical rain forest once more, vanishing between the ferns on the other side of the babbling brook.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 03-13-2018 at 06:23 PM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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