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  1. #3

    EXP: 1,754, Level: 1
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 246
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 246

    Vixen Crowsfoot's Avatar


    Vixen Crowsfoot Quansaldo
    Around 3500
    Half-goddess, half-uniano
    Vixen stood stunned for a moment as the man addressed her directly. At her side hung the small satchel that was her bag and the only previsions she had - and planned - to take with her. It seemed that when you lived with nothing for a lengthy period of time, possessions became meaningless. All Vixen knew that she needed was a change of clothes, some provisions, and a weapon. With the carapace knife at her belt that she had made herself from creature she had killed with her (or, rather, Unicorn's) hooves, she was satisfied that she was prepared. What she wanted was to live and survive, and find out more of the whereabouts of her kenkus. She did not want any material things - aside from those barely essentials. That did include a fine dress, but then she was forced right now to make part of her living from soliciting.

    That was something she could live with. Else, things like rubies, paintings, flowers were unnecessary.

    Or, so she thought now. Three thousand years old, and most of her life spent in the cellars of one of the grandest cities.

    The man before her spoke with an unusually pleasant tone, and used prolific words that others might call unnecessary. Especially for a man with a work as simple and straight-forward as he had. Being a caravaner was, as far as Vixen knew, rather a general one, that required little skill but to lead horses. And perhaps be nice to people, which was what he was simply doing perhaps. Doing his job. Being himself.

    "I am looking to get Akashima," she said quickly, her pink eyes meeting with the man's and gazing intently at them. For that moment she ignored all else and pretended they did not exist - the horses nibbling at the hay on the dirty ground, the groomsman hitching the horses, the guards of the caravan murmuring to one another, the strong-arms lifting up trunks into the higher places of the four carts that were being prepared.

    "I know it is some distance, but if you are going north at least ..." she paused. "I asked before at the inn," her hand vaguely gestured at an inn attached to the stables that the horses were being escorted from. "And they said that someone was heading northwards ...?"

    Her words tailed off as she hoped that she was in the right place, and waited for an answer. Around her the whinnies, coughs and grunts, mixed in with the other chaosi of life echoed, but she continued to do her best to let it not effect her.
    Last edited by Vixen Crowsfoot; 03-10-2018 at 08:12 AM.

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