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    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
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    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    set just after the whole McKinley and Stare adventures.
    Part One

    She let out a light gasp as they came to be once more within the confines of a brightly lit corridor. White stone walls and the long, seemingly endless slope of slow descent told Stare with a while glance where she was. With a gentle shove she pushed herself away from the man who had grabbed her and pulled her into the portal that was slowly pulsating closed behind them. She did not want to look at him, or this place or any of it. All she was concerned about right now was her newest friend McKinley, whom they had just left to her own devices.

    When enemies such as Stare’s undead brother were out hunting her.

    “She made her own decision, Stare,” Vitruvion spoke low behind her. “She knows the danger she faces.”

    “You should never have left her in the first place,” Stare growled back at him, brushing her feathers down where his grip had upset them. “She could have avoided being attacked by him at all!”

    “I left her a protection,” he replied, “which she used, and this time she wants to be left alone. Something that you ignored. Like you entirely ignored my order.”

    “You only mean it to be an order when you use the word,” Stare finally glared back at him, with her black eyes that could kill. He stood facing her, his white hair framing his face, leaning slightly on one foot, but head held high showing to the world just what sort of lord he was.

    “I would actually hope that you take everything I say that even hints at a command as an order, Stare,” there was a note of disappointment in his voice. She folded her arms, glaring at him, and he raised his brows. “But as usual, you are going to argue. Now, I'm ordering you to stay here, as apparently you cannot keep yourself safe in Radasanth. Until I figure out precisely what is going on-”

    Stare looked at him as if he was mad. “Wait - no. You have to be joking. I am not staying confined here. You-”

    He suddenly darted forwards, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back towards him. Her words were cut off as she saw him looking up the corridor, an alarming wide smile on his face. As she shrugged out of his grasp she turned to see what he was looking at - the Brother Frendir striding up the corridor with three guards and a young woman, mostly unbound but with a large red wine stain taking up the side of her face. He threw Vitruvion back a smile.
    Last edited by Stare; 06-26-2018 at 09:07 AM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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