“Vitruvion! And your … well Stare. How are you?”

The girl behind him lifted her eyes that had previously been latched on the ground and came to gaze at the kenku with wonder. She was not one that Stare recognised, which made her think that this one was new, and heard of the rumour that was the 'guest’ of the Hollow who had escaped that cruel fate and made her way to be one of the most recognised individuals in the city. Either the girl had heard about her in Beinost itself, or the murmurings of the community of the girls here had spread to ensure everyone who was knew heard of the legend that was the kenku Stare.

Vitruvion drew himself slightly straighter as Frendir came to stand near them, smoothing down his clothes for the sense of a decorum. He nudged Stare surreptitiously in the back and she rolled her eyes a little, but took up a more respectful pose, loosening her arms and instead cupping her hands before her. Despite being angry at the god beside her she responded to habit and stepped to the side so that Vitruvion could proclaim himself forwards.

“Well, Frendir, I am well. Stare of course is fine. And yourself.”

Not that she could not speak for herself. But Stare knew far better than to try to argue with Vitruvion in front of his colleagues. His reputation as a good employer, as a gentleman, as a noble in the courts of Raiaera mattered to him so deeply that Stare had never even dared imagine to shame him in any way. There was also the issue of the fact she did not want to - not now. There was more hope in her than ever that he would become a worthy god for her to worship.

Thus she remained stoic, her eyes flickering to glance at the gawking girl, and giving her a small nod before switching her gaze back to Frendir.

“Glad to hear it,” Frendir beamed, then he paused and waved behind him. “Ah yes this is [I]Humility[I]. She'll be around somewhat.”

“Unfortunately I will not be,” Vitruvion said with a fading smile.

At that Stare's breath caught in her chest. With confusion she took a small step back and looked up at him, her beak opening. Frendir looked just as surprised. But he remained silent long enough for her to gather her thoughts.

“You-” she broke off, pausing for a moment to begin again. “My lord, you said nothing about this,” she said low.

“No I did not, my dear, but let us not bore Frendir that boring conversation, hmm?” He smirked a little and did not look at her.

Frendir as his usual character remained none the wiser and kept smiling. “Well, I think … in that case I shall be off. Come dear one,” he waved to Humility. The girl did not move. It took one of her guards to shove her gently forwards and she let out a quiet, surprised shout before Frendir grabbed her hand. Stare breathed in slowly, gripping her hands together to stop herself from screaming at them all.

The brother bowed his head, before swinging around and pulling the girl with him. She gave Stare one last desperate gaze as she was forced down the hall. The kenku had to force herself to look away, swinging her eyes to glare at Vitruvion and throw all her frustration into him.

“You’re going away?” she hissed.

He grabbed her shoulder quickly and began to push her down the halls, opposite direction from Frendir. At first she resisted, but he shoved harder and hissed in her mind.

She drew in a long breath and let him guide her with his strength, showing her the way towards the door near the end of the corridor. The slope went up from here, towards the base of the underground and the door that led to the room, which led to the stairs that led eventually out to the wide bright world. The first door obstructing their path came into view, but Vitruvion pushed her around to avoid it.