Day 1 (April 2):
Weight (6 AM): 193.1 lbs

HOLY SHIT you fat idiot, I said to myself, considering my sins yesterday. For the last three years I've had a somewhat healthy, sort-of-lazy diet that allowed me to cheat as desired while I mostly kept myself full by gorging on fruit like a zoo-kept sea mammal. I also run really frequently, averaging in the ballpark of 30 miles / week. I'm reasonably quick for an older guy, over the weekend I did a "long" run (8.00 miles at 7:35/mile) and a "short" one (4.6 miles at 7:28/mile) which were both very respectable.

Since I already exercise and eat reasonably well, it's tougher for me to fix things, so I need to be very careful if I'm going to be in shape. I've decided to try the Ketosis Diet, which basically starves the body of ALL carbohydrates (including fruit-borne ones!), and allows you to suck down fats at will.

Now, my weight is a little misleading. On Saturday, I finished my long run and weighed just over 186; this was dehydrated. Yesterday, I did to sugar what a bachelor does with strippers, and went WAY crazier than I normally would.

In reality, my starting weight is probably closer to 191, and my goal is to get to about 175. I'm only committing to 30 days on this diet, so it will take pretty rapid weight loss to succeed. After a month, we'll see where I'm at.

Day 1, I am feeling very motivated, and my blood sugar is still almost certainly high as a residue from yesterday's nonsense. I have bought supplements of magnesium/potassium/sodium, will be eating loads of extra spinach and mushrooms to offset these electrolytes. I have a tough job and work weird/late hours, so total lethargy could be a major problem.