The Desires of Hodekin


In the deepest bowels of the Ankhas, the world's largest known library sitting within Ettermire, Alerar, are papers conspiring a legend. A story of many eons passed, when a great race roamed the lands of the great Althanas continent, from a time before elves where ever dark or old. Humanoid in stature and appearance, they were bold, reptilian creatures that made their place as one of the mighty armies of the world, but as time went on and civilisations progressed, when the age of enlightenment came, these creatures became nothing more than a joke. Ridiculed, and considered little more than pests similar to rats, this fiendish but strong species vanished to where it was considered they belong - the sewers and the deeper parts of the earth.

Now, millennia have passed, and the strange reptile humanoids have become nothing but whispers in the shadows. Sometimes a few are seen, lurking in the dark corners of pubs and making mischief, but they are considered to be mere oddities of nature, living in their small communities, unknowing of their true heritage. What they were and could be - not what their rare ancestors were, the ones who hid rather than escape to the Underbelly of the ground. That Underbelly, where a king sits on a throne and declares that finally his race will claim to the land once more.


Kobolds have started appearing within Alerar, coming into the back streets in far larger numbers than they have ever seen before. If caught, or asked, they will say that their king, Hodekin, of the Underbelly (their realm that lies beneath Alerar) has declared war on the 'Abovelands' to claim back part of it for his people. They come in swarms, and can mainly be seen in cities, including Etterermire, Kachuk and Courva. The reports say that they make groups of around 50, come up through the sewers, cause havoc and burn things to the ground.

Appearance wise, they sit between 3 and a half foot to 5 foot. They are reptilian humanoids, with two arms and legs, and the head similar to a crocodile or for some more dragon-like. They are scaly either all over or just on their back and have long alligator-like tails that help to balance. They come in a variety of colours, though browns and greens are more common and have simple weapons such as staves, spears, bows and swords. Every so often there is a sorcerer.

During this month you will receive 1.5x rewards (for EXP and Gold) if you start and complete a quest during the month of April. The quest must include something about the kobold invasion, whether it be killing them, experiencing them coming from the sewers or playing gin rummy with them at the pub. You could even research them in the library. You are free to make NPC kobolds as you wish. The main setting is Alerar but you are able to go outwith this area, if you give a reason why the kobolds are invading elsewhere.

The event will start as soon as you see this post and end 30th April midnight EST for all you Americans.


At the end of the month, if there is still interest in it, I will be running a moderated quest to work out the fate of the dealings with Hodekin. Around 6 people will be able to take part, and the choice of whether to attack or to find a diplomatic resolution will be decided by vote by those 6 people. Please see this thread for signing up.


Please post below after the 15th April if you are interested in the moderated quest, which will take place from the 20th April, until it is done. If we finish it in April then we will get the 1.5 rewards.