Philomel smiled over the rim of her own tankard, right back at Storm, her plump lips curving luciously. Eyebrows rose as she watched him staring at her, his eyes filled with desire and temptation.

Of course, he wanted more. Together, had they been once before. In another pub, in another time, but not so long ago that he had forgotten what she could give. Somehow again both of them had ended up in a strange city, in another strange street and another strange inn, sitting across from each other. Storm had some history in Alerar, she knew, but she did not. In fact, she had only been to the country once - in order to destroy a being messed around by science, which she deemed evil. Then she had met, and kidnapped, a man whose existence and powers had been defined by science, the same man who had changed her opinion to consider that indeed this industry could have its benefits despite what her entire life had taught her ...

But here she was again, in an alien world that was not fond of fauns, or priestesses of earth goddesses. Sitting across from a man who was as beautiful as her breasts were big. Slowly, not for the first time, she winked at him, words still not passing beyond her lips at this glorious happenstance of seeing him here. Watching in glee she saw how his body trembled with want for her smooth touch.

Somewhere else in the shadows a being lurked. Not of goat, or of human or dark elf, but of fox. He sniffed the air, raising his white snout high and tilted his head as he watched several small-bodied reptilian creatures lurk in. They bore (like most of the beings here) weaponry of some description, and some had it raised. The first, however, who was a rich emerald in colour and more a snout like a crocodile, lowered his cutlass as he walked in, eyes flashing a fiery gold.

"What do you serve?" the creature - a kobold - croaked. The fox, who himself was called Veridian and so happened to be Philomel's soul companion (quite literally) frowned a little before nudging his face forwards. A black nose pushing from under a bench.

The other lizard-like beasts queued into the bar, eyes flickering around and some tongues darting to taste the air. There was maybe five of them, but from the way they held themselves stiffly and seemed to stare around, Veridian considered they were part of a larger group. Plus one neared the emerald one and hissed, "Mister Gru'Hal, sir ... is this ... are we starting the invasion here?"