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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    Much like this man's spreading smile and the way she smiled at the sight of it, his laughter was humourous to be a part of. She couldn't help but laugh right along with him. Whether it was how his laugh was a full body experience that jostled the loaves in his arms or the realization she had been foolish after all, they were in stitches together. He laughed with such vigor tears trickled down his cheeks, his reaction authentic and wholesome. There was next to naught he could do to save himself, composure relinquished with an armload of baked goods. Trying to keep it together, wiping the tears he could reach on his shoulder - even that attempt at regaining himself was comical. His mirth warmed her to her soul.

    The human was kind enough to explain everything, once he could string sentences together again, filling in so many blanks and erasing her assumptions. Yvonne was thoughtful and fond while he spoke, the glint of her silver eyes inspired by his words. Not married, not a father. So, does this make ye available after all? Her thoughts reeled her in, back to the moment before she'd felt that subtle disappointment, to a moment of seemingly boundless possibilities. She chewed her lower lip gently, her coquettish smirk gradually developing into a grin. Aye, it does make ye available. Yer fair game mister!

    Having eyes and ears only for the man before her, Yvonne hadn't noticed the rush of three kids about to waylay him until they were upon him. The fact they shouted his name to the high heavens further on down the street came to her later, like a resurfacing memory coming to mind. Henry. A strong name with a tender flourish. Its meaning be fitting. She turned the name over in her mind, finally breaking eye contact with Henry and looking to the kids at his knees with a happy giggle. Rambunctious ye say? Ye can say that again! They looked a ragtag and bobtail bunch, dressed in hand-me-downs and covered in road-dust, but those things lent to their appeal. From the moment she laid eyes on them she felt compelled to take care of them.

    Yvonne remained quiet and tended to her over-loud thoughts, listening intently to the kids and their questions, flicking her gaze from one to the next and the one thereafter. She blushed at the words of the boy staring at her unabashed, although the colour would have gone unnoticed upon her black-skinned cheeks. Children knew how to skip past modesty with their honesty, getting to the point, ready or not here I come. The diminutive drow was nodding and smirking even as Henry was shaking his head, his expression telling her no, politely no you little rascals. They sprinted away, as quickly as they had come and she knew there was no keeping up to speed with that bunch.

    "That be quite alright, dear," she spoke at long last, after the kid-whirlwind had come and gone. Her eyes chased them into the distance, toward their orphanage where she imagined they would gossip with their improvised family about the news. Their big brother was on his way home right now and he had a girl with him. Yuck! Henry has a girlfriend? Girls have cooties! Yvonne giggled at her own forethought, preparing herself in advance for how it was going to be. She looked to Henry and that charming grin, twirling her skirt left and right and rocking on her heels softly.

    "Ye have a decision ta make mister," smirking and raising an eyebrow. "Be ye taking me home to meet yer mama? Or be ye planning ta disappoint those wee, little darlings?" She eyed him through her lashes, hoping to divert the embarrassment she was feeling in her chest onto him with her questions and manner. As far as she was concerned, he didn't stand a chance. His fate was already sealed.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 04-24-2018 at 08:52 PM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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