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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    Yvonne arose, allowing her skirt to flow where it may. As simple as that. Now she was welcome at the orphanage - and so the age-old riddle was answered. What happens when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object? They revealed their respect for each other - Yvonne and Matilda - and they each carried on unchanged, remaining themselves. Henry's escort continued to be undeniable and the lady of the house endured, unshakable. One would have her way one way or another - the other had everything the way she wanted it.

    Three children were hand-picked to help Adrianna - a young woman close to Henry and Yvonne's age - set the table and serve dinner. Every remaining child knew what time it was about to become, and more importantly the tasks they needed to complete before it did, without another word from Mother Matilda. Nothing further necessary. No stragglers. Such was her influence over them, her power and authority.

    Yvonne hoped beyond hope that, one day, she would wield the same unspoken, unthreatened sway over others. So much power that she needed not even exert it. Power enough that others merely did what they knew she needed done. No complaints. No questions asked. Her people would have an understanding. They would know she was doing what was right. They would realize she was a woman who could achieve the impossible. They would recognize they all had a vital role to play, to help her achieve a world free of suffering.

    It seemed a distant dream, knowing her place in society now. Considered an outcast in her own homeland, and - as Matilda put it so eloquently - a foreigner in this one. She was an outsider in every land she had ever set foot - from Alerar to Dheathain, from Fallien to Scara Brae. She cared for every nation but it didn't matter where she was, the people that lived there looked upon her with disdain. One day, she promised herself, one day that would all change. She would make it so.

    The diminutive drow gave Henry an affectionate smile. She laughed inwardly - though it touched her eyes - about his explanation of their meeting, its double-meaning. To be interpreted however one wished, and Yvonne knew by Matilda's snort which way she had leaned. They made their way into the dining hall, the heart of the house - a room that brought all-comers together in one place. She was moved by the matron's acceptance, to be welcomed into her home, to share a place among her family.

    Yvonne had not forgotten her manners, unlike Henry. She'd not approached the table without cleansing herself of unnecessary articles of clothing. "Thank ye dear. Yer very kind," she answered fondly. Hanging her goggles up made her nervous, as the lenses were glass and could easily be broken, especially when childlike hands became curious. Her scarf was a lesser concern. Drawing it out long from her neck, she pulled it one-handed, looping it over the same wall-hook her goggles dangled from much as Henry had done. The rest of her belongings, her backpack and herb kit in particular she had left behind, in her room at the inn.

    A familiar voice piped up beside her - a voice she was growing to love, a little more every time she listened to him - Theo, explaining where she was to sit and who to sit with. She was so impressed with his knowledge of protocol, with his willingness to give advice and share what he understood with people he barely knew. He was a remarkable little boy.

    "Those be excellent rules and I'll be sure ta follow them ta tha letter," Yvonne replied adoringly. She bent down to his level - it wasn't far - and whispered to him. "Don't tell Henry, but I get ta sit next ta me favourite tonight," she confessed to the young one, causing both of them to beam grins and extracting another secretive giggle from Theo, her eyes flicking to Henry whom had naturally overheard. She pulled out the chair for the little one and he leaped up onto it with his notable energy, staring at her appreciatively. Henry was already seated to her left and she raised an eyebrow at him, contemplating how he'd managed to acquire a nickname like Bubba from the darling to her left, Theo.

    Yvonne made certain that every adult, every boy and girl had taken their place at the dining table, and only then did she allow herself to sit. Her position at the table was a corner chair to Henry's right. The wandering minstrel was seated at the head of the table, while Matilda perched on the chair to Henry's left, across from Yvonne. The table positioning spoke volumes. The arrangement was telling, without words.

    Matilda and Yvonne, while they were each Henry's greatest supporters in their own way, sitting closest to him, would also be at odds with each other. The grey dwarf needed to be very careful not to offend the matron, or allow their supposed 'business' discussion after dinner to degrade into an argument. Letting that happen might damage Henry's support structure and both sides were important to him. Likewise Matilda had to allow Yvonne at least a fleeting chance, lest she offend the man of the house. They needed to co-operate. When all was said and done however he would have the final say - everyone would need to respect his decision.

    The dark-skinned dwarf kept her mouth closed. She would not even look at the food, not until her host bid her do so. I wonder whether they say grace here or not.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 04-30-2018 at 04:18 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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