Let's do this!

My main goal is to get back to practicing jiu-jitsu and MMA. I'd like to become the best student of martial arts I can, so that I can eventually become a teacher and a coach. My biggest barrier to this is my overall fitness. I am easily in the worst shape of my life, to the point where I wouldn't last through a warmup at my old gym. I'm not too concerned with my weight, but my body composition could definitely do with some changes and my endurance is virtually non-existent. I have a number of old injuries that I need to contend with, and be extra careful when working around. A lot of experts seem to agree that the best diet and exercise routines are the ones you can do consistently, so I'm planning on starting extremely slow and progressing even slower.

In keeping with that, I'm going to be setting myself a lot of easily attainable short term goals that will trend toward the long term goals mentioned above. If I do it right, it'll be pretty underwhelming.

Fitness Goals for This Weekend
-Go for a short walk (minimum 10 minutes) at least once a day after a meal
-Do at least one hill run prior to a meal
-Perform some resistance exercises prior to a meal

Diet Goals for this Weekend
-Stop eating refined sugar of any kind
-Only eat between 12pm and 10pm

The hardest part of my goals for this weekend will undoubtedly be cutting out sugar. I've been severely addicted to it recently. But I think mixing in a little more exercise will probably encourage me to eat a bit healthier.

Shin and I plan on helping each other stay true to our goals and pushing each other when the going gets tough. Anyone else who wants in on this, feel free to post your goals!