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Thread: Mine Folly

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    Lilly Svalesin
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    As Yvonne talked about Alerar the full blooded dark elf felt a sense of sadness overwhelm her. Lilly was unsure if she’d ever get to return there. For now she just had the memories of great feats of engineering, magnificently crafted zeppelins, and the indescribable familiarity of ‘home.’ As the memories of Alerar spun through her mind they formed a singularity too great to be kept confined in her head, letting slip, “I wouldn’t worry... I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to return home.” Lilly’s eyes were off far away. Lost in memory.

    Somehow speaking the words into existence cemented their reality though. Her words confirmed the worries she had. Lillian Svalesin may get to walk the streets in disguise. Lilthis Shadefell would never be welcomed. Her ideas, likewise, would never be welcomed. Not in her lifetime.

    Luckily, the smaller elf showed genuine interest in Lilly’s work. And she’d much rather discuss that. It was a happier subject. As the dirt path crunched under the duo’s boots the young woman formulated how best to answer Yvonne’s curiosity.

    “For most spells science can already explain the what,” Lilly looked up at the stars, drawing out the explanation a bit, “but it cannot explain the how. The machinations of it all. How the puzzle pieces intertwine together to form a coherent image.” She wished to zero in a bit closer to home. Yvonne was bright but most people tended to have more of an interest in something once it related to them.

    “Stone skin is a fairly common spell. Part of the school of abjuration, a school of protective magics. But it can take on many forms,” Lilly adjusted a gear or two on her gauntlet, still a bit nervous that her words may be judged, “my working theory is that the spell was created by early Magi as part of an instinctive survival mechanism. It would make sense, your life is in danger and you stiff up, trigger something deep within to protect yourself.”

    The dark elf was unsure about commenting on Yvonne’s claim to be capable of soothing minds. Her new associate was a self-proclaimed novice who had shown masterful displays of diplomacy in the tavern. Lilly had a theory that sometimes mages could assert their mystic arts unwittingly, especially the uninitiated. Granted, this theory was untested but what if Lilly was so trusting of the smaller elf due to a spell? What if the orc had so easily complied because the smaller elf put his mind at ease?

    Best not share those thoughts just yet... they may prove to insult or scare her.

    Instead the dark elf offered, “ah, but to go back to what you said earlier, I feel it is a true shame that you do not feel as if you can share who you are.” Trying to choose her words carefully, precisely, she pressed on, “you have something wonderful that our brethren do not understand. And I can assure you that is exactly why most sel darthirii despise magic.” Lilly was completely immersed now, fully tinkering with the nozzles and gears of her gauntlet. “They cannot understand it currently, therefore it is beyond their control,” she reasoned.

    “Neither of us can ever be ourselves. You for your wondrous abilities and me for my research,” was her next statement. Neglecting to include Yvonne’s dwarfism, Lilly’s shaded past, or the fact that the two weren’t really comparable. Quickly Lilly corrected herself, “I’m sorry. It is not fair to compare us. You were born with magic and I chose this burden. I cannot understand what your dilemma must feel like,” Lilly sounded a bit less sure of herself as she continued, “maybe at some point you’ll get to show me your talents, but only if you feel comfortable doing so.”

    As the two continued down the dirt path the mine became visible off a detour to their right. Down a further sloping hill the mine’s gray cobblestone protruded from the ground. It looked rather small but Lilly reasoned to herself that it must descend quite deep, it was once a very prosperous mine in it’s hay day. At their current pace they would reach the mine in only a few more moments. The dark elf hoped it was warmer inside the mine than it was out in the dead of night.

  2. #2
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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
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    “Chin up dear. Anything be possible, especially with me about,” Yvonne crowed, her voice accompanied by bravado, and yet there was a sincere note to those shimmering silver eyes. “Although, thinking about it, while yer slouching miserably like that yer making me look taller. As ye were! Carry on,” the little teaser pointed out while she scouted, surveying the surrounds around the mine entrance. In places such as this you could never be too careful. If something happened to either of them the location was remote enough, at the edge of town, that crying out for help wouldn’t be much use. The town’s inhabitants may not hear them at all at this distance.

    “Hmm, even scientists don’t fully understand how magic happens? Ye can gather details on tha results I bet, but it be tha process yer missing?” Yvonne clarified, thinking out loud. “Tha whole experience of casting a spell be so frightening ta me I wouldn’t know where ta start on explaining what be happening. If a lifetime of sel darthirii indoctrination wasn’t hanging over me head I might be able ta help ye. Sorry I be of little use,” Yvonne apologized. She chewed her lower lip nervously, memories of a certain magical act coming to mind that didn’t sit well with her.

    “I understand what yer up ta,” the drow-dwarf mixed breed affirmed, nodding thoughtfully. She had subconsciously brought the conversation back to the realm of theories and philosophies. Relating to the topic at hand wasn’t good for her nerves or the racing of her heart. By creating distance between magic and herself she could speculate about it, like it was some mysterious enigma that couldn’t affect her from afar. If she pretended this had nothing to do with her she could keep her phobia in check, she hoped.

    “If ye could explain how a wizard gathers energies ta him, bends those energies into a new form and compels tha form ta achieve his whim, ye could make a machine do tha same, that be right? Machines do tha bidding of tha dark elves, be under their control and might be more accepted into our culture,” Yvonne theorized. “It be quite tha dream ye have in mind. Who knows? Ye might affect change on a vast scale, cause an evolution of our nation. Never stop chasing yer dream just because it seems too far off in tha distance, too far away. Someone else might achieve it before ye and I’d rather it was a likeable dark elf with a conscience.”

    The Alerian apprentice stared back at Lilly from the threshold of the mine entrance, a small smirk on her face and a confident eyebrow raised. She considered the last of her words before stepping into the darkness.

    “Yer wrong there, sweetheart. We be ourselves this very moment, doing what we do best right now. In spite of all of them telling us no, stay away from magic here we be. Yer getting yerself into magic-trouble and I be making sure yer well taken care of,” she posited, giggling to herself as she turned and made her way into the mine shaft. The opening was a fairly easy hole for Yvonne to pass through - for Lilly it would be a snug squeeze. The little one waited on the inside to help her companion in, lending a hand to pull her through if necessary. Only her blinking silver eyes were visible. All else was black.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

  3. #3

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    Lilly Svalesin
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    ”Stop it, you’ve been far more helpful than I could have expected from someone that was a stranger mere hours ago,” Lilly insisted. As the taller dark elf followed Yvonne’s lead she felt the need to reassure her new guide, “I’m very lucky that you came over to speak with me in the tavern. I was having second thoughts about coming here on my own.” Snapping a small piece of brass out of place and then back into place on her glove finally bored the elf.
    As the pair continued down the dirt road and Yvonne followed Lilly’s logic the young Alerian woman furthered, “correct… I can explain magic’s effect on nature but not how an individual can conjure that effect to occur. If I could then yes, I would be able to achieve my ultimate goal of mimicking magic itself via sel darthirii innovations.” Blushing a bit Lilly added one more addendum to her smaller friend, “thank you for your kind words… I’ve never had someone really encourage me on this pursuit. It… really does mean a lot…”

    As the shorter half elf turned smirking Lilly met her face with an equally happy one. Considering how fortunate she had been on this day.

    “Right, well, we are both in this now I suppose,” were the final words from Lilly as the smaller elf descended into the darkness effortlessly. Lilly paused for just a brief second before lowering her back. She could see the small hand of her companion reaching out and the full elf took advantage of her assistance. The squeeze was tight so having a bit of guidance was certainly welcome.

    Inside the mine Lilly took a chance to place her fingertips to her eyelids, rubbing the pupils of her pale blue eyes in a futile attempt to adjust her vision to the darkness. But the only light present on this eve was the one from Lilly’s gauntleted stone.

    The mine’s entrance was about what you would expect from an abandoned shaft. Gravel underfoot, desolate rail tracks that lead to caved-in entrances, and the echoing sounds of water deep within the mine. As Lilthis took a three-hundred-sixty degree look around the lobby of the cave she realized that there were no visible pathways forward. Three caved-in entrances that were likely once used by the miners to get deep within the earth to harvest salt or whatever else they could uncover. The western wall of the mine was smooth and close to the pair. In the furthest corner of the mine Lilly could make out markings. In actuality it had been the acute eyesight of the half elf that recognized them first but as Lilly made her way over she could tell that the markings were quite fresh. Likely only as old as the rumors themselves.

    As she began to examine the markings in detail her heart sank in her chest. It was Alerian, the people of Stonevale must have interpreted the unfamiliar language as arcane. The message itself was really what bothered Lilly though, it simply read, “Graceful Bark has the best drinks in Stonevale!”

    All bets were off. As she realized that this was most likely a hoax the dark elf woman threw her civil etiquette out the window. In a flurry of curses and insults she began to throw rock and stone indiscriminately. Trying to remain calm she said in a heightened voice to Yvonne, “you read Alerian right!? It’s an advertisement! How dumb are the inhabitants of Stonevale!?” Lilly’s face was flushed in crimson from her on-going rage.

  4. #4
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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
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    “I be glad ye stayed. This be exciting in a scare me senseless sort of way,” Yvonne admitted, quietly cackling over a hint of hysteria. “I’d only be pouring drinks and cleaning tha kitchen if ye never showed.” She assisted Lilly through the opening, pulling her through once she had aligned herself to fit the gap.

    With both of them inside the petite woman investigated why the entrance was so difficult to pass through. There had been another collapse here as well as the adjoining tunnels, large boulders resting together in a triangular formation. Still enough room to squeak through thankfully, for Lilly, Yvonne and the miners that worked the mine before it was abandoned. If these boulders had fallen together into a neater arrangement there would likely be skeletons resting here now, as these stones would be impossible to lift, push or budge.

    I wonder what happened ta cause so many collapses. An earthquake? An explosion? Overambitious digging? Three tunnels no longer accessible, no way ta explore further. No wonder every other avaricious adventurer turned back from here with nothing. There be nothing, unless we want ta put in tha effort ta clear one of these passages. That could take a week with tha amount of rubble in tha way.

    Yvonne had discovered the markings from a distance, scrawled on the deepest corner wall in the chamber, though Lilly was brandishing her light gem again and she averted her silver eyes because of it. The mine shaft was incredibly dark and the contrast between the darkness and light was harsh to witness.

    The little drow explored the other corners of the man-made cavern instead, preferring to avoid another stint of blindness. In spite of her incredible vision and patient inspection there wasn’t a great deal to be found - the tinkling drips of water elsewhere, an empty mine cart askew of the tracks and a great deal of rubble in every direction. This place was so abandoned even a spider had left its web behind, to collect dust particles.

    It wasn’t long before Lillian’s frustration had begun to get the better of her, taking it out on the inanimate objects about her person. Yvonne had never seen this side of the normally calm, collected pureblood and her efforts to maintain her composure were - dare she think it - very amusing. The grey dwarf’s mouth gaped from the surprise of it all, Lilly’s tantrum taking her aback while she stifled her laughter as best she could.

    “Sounds like I be having an adoring fan,” she suggested, tittering behind a hand, “that enjoys me cocktails. Necromancer or no, he be one with good taste.”
    Last edited by Yvonne; 05-15-2018 at 08:41 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

  5. #5

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    Lilly Svalesin
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    Lilly’s rampage persisted despite the shock of her small witness. This was her first time trying to follow a lead and the venture had made a fool out of the dark elf. This was supposed to be her chance to prove she didn’t need her old compatriots. Instead it now seemed to be proof positive that she wasn’t cut out for exploration.

    Additional stones and gravel were tossed at the cave markings in anger. The sound of rock colliding against the cave wall echoed throughout the chamber that housed the dark skinned duo. It’s cacophony was a soothing music for Lilly who wanted nothing more then to make the cave, and Yvonne, know her frustration. Once the message had been clearly delivered the young woman took a step back and swallowed a giant dose of oxygen.

    Yvonne had kept her cool, even cracking a joke and praising her bar tending prowess. Lilly was still angry but the comment cut deep enough to cause a chuckle from the taller Alerian. “I guess I’ll have to get you to show me more than just your magical talents after such a glowing review,” she sarcastically offered. At the very least Lilly had met a new friend. Plus the inventor sorely needed to learn that it was okay to be wrong, okay to laugh at yourself from time to time.

    Leaning against the wall Lilly suggested, “perhaps we should head back, sorry to have wasted your time but I appreci-,” she was interrupted by the very wall she reclined upon. It shifted backwards, made loose from her earlier rampage.

    A slab of the wall descended, nearly taking Lilly with it had she not caught herself. With a loud splash the chunk of cave wall exploded into a river of cave water, exposing a pathway overtaken by the flood water. This must’ve been what evicted the miners years ago.

    This new path was completely submerged in a water blackened from the removal of light. A few tan colored stalactites dripped out from the ceiling of the cave into the lake. The water shifted around from the impact of the chunk of wall but it appeared to be calm, a few ripples here and there, but otherwise calm. Lilly couldn’t see too well into the path but her gut told her they should continue. The staff had to be beyond this trench of cave water.

    Excitement overwhelmed the girl’s face as she turned to look at Yvonne. This was why they had come here. All it took to show them the way was an adult woman throwing a childish tantrum. Lilly had felt a bit of embarrassment over her actions but this turn of events surely justified her outburst.

    “Up for a swim?” Lilly was clearly intent on pressing further into the mine.

  6. #6
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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
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    Yvonne approached the suddenly revealed secret passageway at a crawling pace, cautiously checking for any new dangers to be detected. She shuffled in next to Lilly where the wall had fallen from the floor - where the pureblood had almost performed a reverse dive, complete with arm careening and the magnificent technique of back-flopping. She hadn’t been close enough to reach out and grab Lilly - too busy inspecting the rest of the chamber - but this turn of events reminded her they needed to stick together, even if it meant constantly shielding her eyes from the light gem.

    The wary scout peered into newfound darkness, checking further down the corridor for threats of any kind, her silver eyes challenging the water in their way. It appeared to be reasonably safe. A smattering of sharp edges were there to be aware of - the stalactites above - but for the most part the tunnel was human design and free of dangers. Yvonne’s darkvision allowed her to discover everything they needed to know about their next course of action, as though the sun was beaming in from on high and illuminating every last wisplike shadow that concealed their way ahead. There was only the one tiny, itty bitty issue to deal with.

    “I can’t swim,” Yvonne blanched, flinching away from the edge at the mere mention of doing so. The half-drow, half-dwarf was a cave dwelling creature to be sure, so you would think she’d be in her element here in a mine shaft. She wasn’t entirely adverse to moving around and through water - an underground river flowed through the heart of Kachuck after all, from which she had collected drinking water and water for her concoctions many times in the past. Swimming in it though was something else. That wasn’t safe in a roaring current and she had always kept relatively out of Kachuck’s subterranean river. She left contact with water to the water wheels and watermills which converted the river’s energy for ore crushing, machinery, papermaking and cloth manufacturing.

    This tunnel was essentially a long pond, not at all what Yvonne was familiar with. The depth was enough to completely submerge her three feet nine inches and then some, but Lilly would find she was tall enough to keep her head above water. The dark elf could make reasonably short work of the flooded cavern alone, wading through to dry rock on the other side, but she would have to leave her friend behind if she still wanted to continue the search for the necromantic staff. The hybrid reasoned she could wait here, stand guard and watch the entrance - make sure no other opportunistic adventurers came by to steal their loot.

    “It looks cold and wet,” Yvonne complained, pulling a face. She decided she needed to convince her companion to leave her here, for dignity’s sake. She’d look the part of a drowned rat if she had to get in that water. What would she do with her hair!? She already had bed hair, she didn’t want to make it any worse. This was definitely a bad idea after all, coming all the way out here. Pouring drinks for boring people in a warm, cozy tavern sounded so much better than it had seemed earlier. Maybe she would go and help Dorothy with the cleaning up after all.

    “Ye would need ta carry me on yer back ta get us through there. I bet ye don’t want ta suffer tha indignity, so I can stay here. It be okay. I’ll be fine! Ye go on ahead and fetch yer death stick,” Yvonne reasoned, experiencing another facet of feeling uncomfortable.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

  7. #7

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    Lilly Svalesin
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    For the first time in their relationship Lilly was amused at Yvonne’s expense. From their short experiences together Lilly had surmised that Yvonne was a beacon of confidence who showed little weakness aside from her magic phobia. Now, she was presented with a bit of water and she was prepared to surrender! Always clever the smaller elf tried to hide her concern by presuming that the full blooded sel darthirii would refuse to carry her. Lilly was intent to prove her wrong.

    The taller Alerian giggled and took a long look at the water before looking back at her smaller friend. “I don’t mind carrying you,” she grinned. The dark elf approached the smaller halfling and flung her atop her shoulders, “see, this way you won’t have to get cold or wet!” Then, before her smaller companion could protest, the focused dark elf began her wade through the cave pond.

    Sloshing noises echoed off the chamber walls as Lilly carefully stepped around crevices, the dimmed light made it difficult to navigate between the various stalactites and stalagmites that had called the abandoned path their home. Fortunately, the petite elf who rode atop her shoulders didn’t squirm... much.

    Lilthis took a look upwards towards her unwitting passenger and offered, “you doing ok up there? Not too bumpy I hope.” For the first time in awhile Lilly was happy, she felt like she belonged to something. Even if it was just being a ferry for a half breed who wanted nothing to do with a necromantic staff. But hey, Lilly was forcing the smaller sel darthirii to face a fear! That was worth something.

    As the pair rounded a corner the water became a tad more shallow. Yvonne’s dark vision alerted the two that there was a clearing up ahead. With her half elf compass the S.S. Lillian navigated the duo up onto dry land. The chamber they emerged into was rectangular and rather cramped. Lilly had to let Yvonne down on the dry land before proceeding.

    As the full blooded elf ducked into the room she noticed a man in robes sleeping in the far corner. Lilly turned to her partner and issued a warning, “shh, that must be the necromancer sleeping. And that must be,”

    The staff.

    It was a pure jet black gemstone attached to a long curved oak staff. The wood was bubbled and cracked, showing signs of its age. The rumors had proven true. The deathly gemstone swirled into a perfect center that seemed to drain joy itself from the cave. Lilly was fixed on the gemstone, edging closer and trying to observe any patterns it gave away.

    She whispered back to Yvonne, “aren’t you glad you came? I’ll just go retrieve the staff and we can return it to town. It will be easier to study it in the peace of central Stonevale.”

    Lilly could not contain her curiosity as she stared deeply into the dark stone.

  8. #8
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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
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    Yvonne’s metallic eyes bulged out of her head, so wide they could have popped out of their sockets. The ground fell away from the hybrid’s heels and her stomach dropped as she found herself lifted abruptly, heaved high over the dark elf’s stark white hair and plopped down behind it upon Lilly’s shoulders. The little one felt immediately out of place. The only moments when she had experienced such loftiness before was in the saddle, riding on the back of her chestnut palfrey Mead.

    To think she had it all sorted out in her head, what was going to happen next. Reality could often prove altogether different, pitching a curve ball to be evaded or caught. The hysteria in her voice peaked as she tenuously found her balance, wobbling to and fro even as Lilly plunged into the water without warning.

    “Ahhh! No-no-no! Put me down, put me-- whoa, whoa oh nooo! Hold me up, hold me up!” Yvonne expressed through panic. “Oh me gosh, what be yer thinking!? What we be doing!? We’ll just jump right in will we!? Ye be one crazy goose me dear,” she disputed, confronting her carrier by focusing on the top of Lillian’s head. She didn’t have much to hang onto, unlike in the saddle where there were reins available at the very least. The hybrid gently stroked through the dark elf’s alluring white hair and wrapped a crown-like gesture around her temples, holding behind her long ears to stabilize herself.

    Yvonne had shut her black eyelids tightly, trying to block out the incident - to avoid her memory committing it - but water splashed at Lilly’s chest height and that reassuring, soothing voice snaked its tendrils into her consciousness regardless. She couldn’t ignore what was happening to her. As Lilly checked up on her Yvonne began to settle down and the grey dwarf sensed a lump in her throat, feeling a bit choked up. The only indication of this which escaped her composure was a quiet sniffle.

    You see, Yvonne had spent her first decade enduring ridicule and shame. She’d been berated, beaten and bullied. She’d been stoned with (approximately) thirty seven rocks at the tender age of eight years old, three boys taking turns pelting her with twelve stones each and one more for good measure; battered and broken within an inch of her life. She considered herself lucky to be alive. From that time onward she had promised herself, somehow she would turn it all around. Clawing herself out of blood-spattered mud and never mind shattered fingernails, Yvonne stood upright despite broken bones and damaged ribs, in spite of a fractured eye socket and bruised eye, in spite of a dislocated knee… she walked home.

    Ever since that life-changing day the young mongrel had stood up for herself, cast off the hatred and shame that her peers dumped over her little frame like black tar. Yvonne had made it a rule, to project who she was and amplify her personality to awe and inspire others. Nobody would look down on her and get away with it. No one would make her feel small or leave her feeling crushed. She had spent the rest of her life picking herself up, stepping up to the plate, puffing her chest out and conveying who she was, with the most powerful voice she could muster.

    To falter, to flinch away from a situation she wasn’t comfortable with was disheartening. To have someone liberate her of the problems she was faced with, even for a little while was renewing. To have a friend pick her up without asking, to carry her weight and bear her burden, hold her up and lift her above the problem like she was some kind of important figure who deserved elevation; why it brought tears to her welling eyes. She fell very silent and tried so hard not to cry. There was no time for weakness in this life. Only the strong survived. The remorseful were stoned.

    Yvonne’s feet finally touched down, her moment of Queen for a day coming to an end. The mixed breed made certain Lilly had climbed out of the cold water safely, that she wasn’t freezing and shivering. No, only drenched. She looked up to the dark elf, genuinely appreciating what she had done, keeping her completely dry while wading between stalagmites and through the liquid misery of the tunnel. Few people had ever helped her with her issues and those that had, she considered each of them her closest friends.

    “Ye be too good ta me,” Yvonne said softly, wiping the tears from her eyes. Lifting her on high left her humbled and quiet.

    Scarcely using her voice allowed focus on her senses, sight, hearing, and smell. The awful, pungent smell of this stuffy room knocked her for six, nearly bowled her right over. Yvonne pinched her nose in an attempt to keep the scent of death out, her eyes watering from a new reason. There was a third dark elf in the underground hollow, this one adorned with black, hooded robes but he lay still, motionless, lifeless. The unlikely mage assumed Lilly understood the necromancer was dead. The smell was unmistakable but she seemed eager to approach the source.

    The staff, cradling its light and euphoria-diminishing gem in its oaken grasp was the lure. Lillian couldn’t help herself and Yvonne was eager to leave. Magical objects drew Lilly toward them and scared Yvy away witless. She wanted nothing to do with this room, nothing to do with the staff and nothing to do with an ironically dead necromancer.

    It was toward the end of an adventure, when feet were weary and packs were heavy - when the time was late and thoughts drifted to warm beds - that adventurers often let their guard down. Lilly approached the necromantic staff. Yvonne let her take what she had come here to take, so they could then swiftly leave - the objective so near and her awareness of traps so far from her mind.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 05-16-2018 at 01:54 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

  9. #9

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    Lilly Svalesin
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    Moisture accumulated on the ceiling of the cave, forming into droplets that became too heavy to sustain their suspension they fell. Colliding into the cave pond they passed their voice throughout the chamber. It was the only sound Lilly could hear after she smiled at Yvonne and then noticed the treasure in front of them.

    Reaching out to her, beckoning her with its onyx crystalline surface. She had been right all along and the numerous naysayers who insisted she was being foolish or chasing after a lie were all proven wrong in this one glorious moment. Indeed, her triumph was so great that she managed to almost ignore the smells of what she assumed to be sulphur deep within the mine. As she approached the necromantic rod her heart pounded out of her chest as she wished to savor her victory.

    Captivated, the dark elf stood over the staff, crouching a bit and leaning over to grasp the wood of the staff in her right hand. As she brought the oaken rod upwards the gem stone was nestled just below her eye level. Aloud the tinkerer stated, “amazing how it swirls and twists.” The inner workings of the crystal fascinated the quizzical elf, smoky contrails spun to an exact center churning a sinister power beyond Lilly’s expectations.

    How do you work? What sort of mechanism can re-animate the dead?

    Curiosity overcame the girl as she could no longer resist the call of the mythic object. Grasping the wooden staff in her right hand she reached out with her left to touch the face of the gem. Lilly held her breath as her fingertips were placed on the black surface of the stone. The smoke within the gem ceased its swirl, immediately directing its attention to the contact of life. Flooding straight towards her fingers the smoke pooled at the edge where the young woman had dared to touch. Enveloping her fingers the smoke appeared only unto the dark elf and seemed to cross the physical barrier of the gem and intertwined with her own body.

    Lilly could tell something was wrong. Something felt off. The air around her went cold as her ears started ringing and her hearing became muffled. Her vision started to blur as her legs became weak. The dark elf youth dropped the staff suddenly and it rolled towards the back wall away from her. Her knees buckled, her back slumped, and like an unnatural doll she crashed suddenly into the cavern floor. Laying on the ground she was completely motionless.

    What’s happening, were the words her tongue tried to form but even speech was failing her. As the muscles of her mouth opened a guttural sound of half-words was espoused in anguish. The ringing in her ears grew louder, drowning out all other sound. Vision completely ceased but she was certain her eyes remained open... she struggled to breath. Heaving in a last gulp of air proved fruitless as her throat refused to accept it. She tried to scream, tried to stand, tried to do anything, but every joint in her body was unresponsive.

    Finally it dawned on her. Too late did she realize that the necromancer wasn’t sleeping, he had been the black gemstone’s first victim. She was quickly joining him in the same slumber of death.

    The once proud, inventive, and beautiful dark elf would have cried had she been able to. As the light of life began to fade out her heart slowed, her senses were lost, she tried to take in another breath, not like this. She was cold. She saw nothing. She wanted to cry for help. A few slow beats of her heart echoed through her dying body. Then consciousness ceased, reality faded away. There was nothing. She was becoming nothing as she sailed from the shores of the living into the abyss of death.

    The staff wasn’t designed to bring the dead back to the realm of the living. It was a tool intended to bolster the ranks of the dead.

  10. #10
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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    Shock and denial. Yvonne couldn’t believe her gaping eyes. She wouldn’t believe them. There was no way that this was happening. Not a chance. One moment Lilly had been examining the necromancer’s staff, that sinister object which had drawn the dark elven inventor here and Yvonne along with her. The next moment Lilly was laying upon the stone, prone. Her new friend had withered before her silver eyes while clutching the spell focus, letting it fall where it may and collapsing to the ground thereafter. She was hurt. It was bad. She wasn’t dead though, right? She couldn’t be dead.

    Yvonne hurried to her side the second the shock of it all had begun to break. She tossed off her backpack with a thud, ripped it open and rummaged through it, looking - finding her herb kit. The grey dwarf seized it with both of her hands and searched through it, looking, looking - trying to think of which herb would be most beneficial for mending death.

    No! She not be dead. She be sleeping. I need a herb ta wake her. I need something ta rouse her awake. No, lavender and passionflower be for a sleeping tonic. Valerian sprigs and verdant root too! No! No, where it be? It be here somewhere. I know it is. I know it. I-- yes! This be it! Bridewort! It be having a very strong, sweet smell. It might work! It might save her! Try it! Try!

    The apothecary brought the creamy white flowers close to the dead woman’s nose, held them beneath her nostrils thinking she might react to her sense of smell. When it didn’t immediately have an effect she began to wave the herb back and forth to stimulate movement of the scent. It wasn’t working. Yvonne crumpled the petals inside her trembling fist, reopened her hand to a burst of fragrance that escaped into the air. Even she woke up over it. The herbalist woke up to the fact that Lillian Svalesin was, in fact, deceased. One last attempt with the crushed flowers, rubbing them against her nostrils to be sure. It still wasn’t working so she threw them in disgust.

    Pain and guilt. Yvonne suddenly felt like she’d been bludgeoned with a war hammer. The pain wracked her middle, deep in her chest and she keeled over Lilly’s corpse, shaking her softly to rouse her back to life. Softly because she didn’t wish to hurt her, having so much respect for her friend. Her heart felt like it had ruptured in her breast. The little one cried out in suffering, tears pooling in her eyes and spilling down her black cheeks, spattering upon her dead companion below her.

    “We never should have come here. I never-- never should have agreed ta this. I-- I shouldn’t have encouraged ye,” Yvonne admitted with a trembling voice. “Why did that death-stick need ta be so important ta ye? Why didn’t I tell ye no, we not be pursuing that wild goose chase rumour? I tell everyone else what ta do! Why didn’t I tell ye what ta do! We could have easily avoided this if we stayed inside tha Graceful Bark. I should have shouted ye another drink and gotten ta know ye better. Now I’ll never get tha chance.”

    Anger and bargaining. Eyes of silver drifted toward the necromantic staff resting in the back of the hollow. Yvonne’s gaze leveled on the source of Lillian’s death and all the pain and misery she was suffering. It was a weapon designed for nothing more than killing and murder.

    She did not remember walking toward the staff. She simply found herself standing over it, looking down at it. Her black fingers curled around the oaken shaft and clenched, squeezed it with all of her might with the hope the oak would shatter. Yvonne stared into the swirling smoke of darkness that whispered through the gem though she dare not touch it herself. Instead she looked upon it with such… such hatred. Never before had she hated something as much as this black gem.

    “YE GIVE HER BACK TA ME! YE HEAR ME!? HOW DARE YE SNATCH AWAY HER SOUL!? BY WHAT RIGHT DO YE TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME! GIVE HER BACK TA ME! GIVE HER BACK! I WON’T LET YE KEEP HER IN YER SOUL PRISON! YE WILL RELEASE HER BACK TA ME OR I’LL BREAK YE INTO A THOUSAND PIECES AND LET HER OUT MYSELF! I’LL BREAK YE! I’LL DO IT,” Yvonne raged at the top of her lungs, screaming every word and still managing to emphasize appropriately. If the black gem had been a person they’d have let Lilly’s soul go. If there was anything an inanimate jewel could do about a dead person it would have done it. Alas, the gem was not a person. The jewel did nothing.

    “Please send her back to me,” Yvonne whispered, and once more, “please.”

    Loneliness and reflection. Yvonne breathed heavily, so worked up with fury she didn’t know what to do with it all. Her voice wouldn’t help her here. Her screaming wouldn’t help Lilly. The gem wouldn’t listen. There was no response. There was no reply. Her yelling ceased and there was nothing but deathly silence - not one but two corpses for company and neither of them had anything to say on the matter. The silence was overwhelming. She sank into it herself, tears still flowing freely though she couldn’t feel them any longer. She never destroyed the gem after all.

    What have I done? How did I let this happen? Why didn’t I do something ta protect ye? Yer life it be! Yer life in me hands and I did nothing but stand here and watch ye die. What kind of a friend does that? Ye helped me with me fears, put me above yerself and I let ye fall. I be so ashamed. I be so sorry. If there be something I can do, anything, I will do it ta save ye. Please, tell me what I be supposed ta do. Please, give me some kind of sign. I’ll do anything for ye.

    Yvonne closed her eyes, tears falling once more.

    The upward turn. When she opened them again her mind’s eye opened as well. The darkness of the hollow grave was illuminated. Dim, but floating through the darkness were strands of brightening colour. Particles with shimmering tails defied gravity, gradually drifting through the air around her. They were like the glow worms inhabiting home, deep in the depths of her home caves. They were like glow bugs hovering over a swampy marshland in the middle of a peaceful night. Greens, browns and blues which the black void of the mine shaft receded from.

    They were surreal. What were they?

    Reconstruction and pushing through. Yvonne saw herself step out of herself. She was looking at the back of her own head, upon her straight black strands of hair and ashen-skinned shoulders. If she was before herself then who was she now? What was this out of body experience? What did it mean?

    Yvonne watched herself raise her arms and extend her fingers out to the glow worms. She beckoned them to herself, brought them near. Greens and browns, earth and life; they were ushered toward Lillian’s body. They settled upon her corpse and planted themselves like seeds, brightening vividly and fading again as they entered her flesh. Blues trailed along behind them, healing water from the tunnel pond. They fell upon Lilly like rain drops, pitter pattering over her dark as night skin.

    Her consciousness observed herself turn toward Lilly for one final act. As she turned she witnessed the glint in her own silver eyes, her own ghostly face in front of her. The silhouette raised one arm this time, her hand bringing together thumb and pointer finger in a picking, plucking motion - taking a single ember firefly from the light of Lilly’s light gem, a single spark. Her ghost cradled the ember in her hands and eventually brought it to the dark elf at her feet. She dispersed her hands over the resting place of Lilly’s heart, the firefly descending down and dancing like a candle flame over her chest. It slowly lost its light, the flame enfeebling as it too seared through her flesh... and then it was no more.

    Acceptance and hope. Yvonne truly opened her eyes and could see all as it had been before. The lights had gone out save the light from Lilly’s gauntlet. Darkness had returned to the hollow grave. Two corpses - one of a stranger and one of a friend - and a wicked magical object held so tightly in her hands her knuckles were pale with lack of blood flow. Realizing she’d been gripping the death-stick tightly this entire time she let it clatter to the stone floor.

    Nothing had changed. Everything was as it had been. She couldn’t explain what she had seen herself do. It didn’t make any sense to her. It didn’t really matter in the end, did it? It didn’t make a difference. Her friend Lillian Svalesin was still dead. Her mental lapse hadn’t helped her. The dark elf was still motionless, lifeless, a rag doll abandoned - her white hair strewn across her empty face. There had been such potential in this one, such promise, so much to look forward to throughout her unfolding story - but the story had been closed far too soon, the book of her life had been snapped shut…


    …or had it?

    Lilly gasped for air. The breath scared the living daylights out of Yvonne who jumped back-- and fell in the pond! The drow-dwarf mixed breed let out a squeal and caused a loud splash.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 05-17-2018 at 10:28 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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