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Thread: Mine Folly

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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

    View Profile
    Sunrays beamed through the split of almost-closed curtains, illuminating a room kept dim, brightening wooden floorboards and banishing shadows to darker corners. The sun was setting for the day, its warm glow intense before fading into the black of night. The intensity stirred a napping woman from her slumber, her black eyelids barely slitting open a hair's breadth. Mm, nope. She turned away from the light source, bringing the blanket with her shoulder, burying half of her face in the yielding pillow.

    The dozing woman stole another minute of rest. There was nothing for it though - she was awake and, try as she might to pretend it wasn't the case, her dream-state was a memory. The dream was approaching a good part and its loss left her mildly frustrated. Thinking about it wasn't going to bring it back into her mind's fold. She flung the blanket from herself, a slight chill quickly creeping into her ebony skin.

    Yvonne's subtle feet pressed to the warming floorboards once she'd slid off the bed's edge, scantily clothed - little more than a negligee to shroud her curves. She slipped free of it, the immaterial material spilling into a creased circle around her ankles.

    A dainty woman, dwarven height with redeeming dark elven features - though she had a different opinion - pulled over a black dress which cut above the knee and pulled up stockings that reached her thighs. She stepped into heeled boots and began the rigorous preparation of fastening a white corset about her middle, with its many straps - to give her darkness some contrast and naturally to appear thinner than she was. Tucking the last strap into its buckle and tugging it tightly, the hybrid collected a small coin pouch and placed it between her breasts, stepping out of her rented room at the Graceful Bark inn.

    Yvonne walked down the stairs from the upper level, still groggy, passing a table of giant rodents (with whom she was on good terms). The half-dwarf was careful to avoid surprising them with her greeting - they could be very jumpy - Yvonne herself making some very ratty sniffs. They each sniffed the air near her also, acquiring her scent and essentially greeting her in return. Moving on she was about to tend to her bed hair, a messy ponytail with plenty of stray black hairs about the right side when she noticed.

    The realization stopped her dead in her tracks.

    There was a dark elf here in the inn. They were a young adult as she was, a woman, here. Here in Stonevale? That not be possible. Well, anything be possible, but it be unlikely at best. She can't be here. What she be doing here? I've been enjoying me time being free from their scrutiny. Was the pureblood on some kind of mission to bring her back home? Was someone from her homeland looking to get in contact with her and had sent a messenger? Had something happened to her mother? What was going on?

    Yvonne retraced a few of her steps, hesitation drawing her away from this situation. Mayhap she should return to her room, crawl back under the covers and wait until the starkly white-haired Aleran had gone from this place. That way she could go on spending her quiet time in this quiet village, playing with those darling children at the local orphanage and taking pleasure in the companionship of a minstrel she'd bumped into.

    The drow-dwarf mongrel had turned away entirely, closing her silver eyes in consternation. She was filled with dread and dismay, feelings she'd learned to clear aside like a sweeping backhand clearing a table of cups, cutlery and plates. What be ye doing? This, this not be ye. Yer so much braver than this. Get over there and at least speak ta tha poor lass. She came a long way ta be here. Ye could be overthinking things.

    Yvonne faced her fear. She quietly walked over to the dark elf's table, situating herself in the chair opposite her like she owned the place. The hybrid rested her left forearm upon the table, drumming her fingertips once - her right elbow and palm propping up her chin. Her glinting silver eyes looked into those eyes of faded blue, giving her the most convincing amiable smile she could feign.

    "Yer a long way from our home, dear," Yvonne began, choosing intimate words. "What brings ye ta these distant shores? ... It not be anything ta do with me, I presume?"
    Last edited by Yvonne; 05-02-2018 at 09:45 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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